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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in answer, repeating characters in answer (117): Word to describe a group of people helping each other based on kinship by Isabel Rugar on english.SE
@Cerberus It is. It's a weapon of war, not of sport or hunting or anything else. It should not be in the hands of private citizens.
@Cerberus: I'm thinking of switching from browser Gmail to a dedicated app for that. Do you know any good ones? Thunderbird looks interesting.
@Robusto Android or Windows?
I use Fairmail on Android, which is pretty great.
I use webmail in Windows.
@Cerberus Windows.
I only know about Thunderbird, for Windows.
Yeah, I was looking at that. But you still use a browser for email?
Windows probably also has a built-in e-mail programme, nowadays?
Yes, I do.
It's easy and reliable.
Meh. I hate Windows email solutions. They never used to play nice with other things.
Outlook always gives me grief, when I need to help my mother.
Yeah, I use the browser too, but I was wondering if a dedicated app would be better.
@Cerberus Yeah, Outlook sucks. Always did.
What things are you hoping for?
Notifications or something?
I wonder how many standalone programmes provide all the functions that Gmail does, like snooze and send later.
I don't know.
Just got the "I wonder if ..." bug.
I know the feeling.
Thunderbird is the only other one I know about.
It should be decent.
But the last time I used it was probably ten years ago, I think because I wanted to make a back-up of all e-mails in my old Hotmail account.
Yeah. I've used various things in the past and been pretty much underwhelmed by any of them. I suppose the browser is the way to go. I do use the Gmail app on my phone, though.
Even that has had its issues.
'Scuse me... I've used Thunderbird in the last years on and off. Since I'm not an expert, it felt a bit like I was killing a gnat with a baseball bat.
Sounds good.
You never know when you need more power.
I was always confused because I don't properly understand the imap either.
@Robusto What issues?
I am happy to be using one fewer programme made by Google on my phone.
I wish I'd never opened a a Gmail account, I wish I had an organisation I trust handle my e-mail.
@Cerberus It had some issues where I couldn't see the last email in a chain. I guess that's been fixed, but it certainly was annoying. Also, I'm never sure which view I'm in without checking. It should be obvious at a glance.
What do you mean by view?
@Cerberus Yeah, I hear ya.
Every time I install Thunderbird, I inadvertently create several duplicate folders in my Gmail account.
@Cerberus Well, am I looking at primary and then I switch to all inboxes the primary messages are no longer visible. Which seems like not what it should do.
@Robusto I don't know what primary is.
Maybe you have different settings.
> Just wondering

What chord does C Eb and G make
At last. A sensible question that can actually be answered.
@RegDwigнt Then, quick, close it, just like on ELU.
@Robusto as Joel predicted in his How Microsoft lost the API war essay, "The new API is HTML, and the new winners in the application development marketplace will be the people who can make HTML sing."
2004. Jesus Christ.
I don't really use email at all anymore, but when I do it's Gmail.
And at work it's Zimbra.
Using desktop apps for email feels like using a Blackberry for email.
If you've never see that, watch it.
They have their charme, but other than that, they have nothing.
Watch it even if you have.
That's an unfortunate tween, have to reword :-D
> Sinds de Europese Commissie eind januari scherper zicht houdt op de uitvoer, werden meer dan 40 miljoen vaccins naar 33 landen verscheept. In tegengestelde richting kwam er niets, en slechts één exportverzoek werd geweigerd: voor de uitvoer van 250.000 doses naar Australië.

„We kunnen onze burgers niet meer uitleggen dat Europese farmaceuten aan de hele wereld leveren, en wij voortdurend met leveringsproblemen kampen”, verklaarde voorzitter van de Europese Commissie Ursula von der Leyen vorige week. En dus kwam Brussel woensdag met een aanscherping: bij de beoordeling van een exportverzo
So before late January, an unknown number of vaccines were exported from Europe.
Since late January, 40 million doses have been exported.
And nothing at all was allowed by other countries to be exported to Europe.
Now Brussels will no longer allow all exports, but will judge each export request based on mutuality: has the target countries allowed any vaccines to be exported to Europe?
Britain received 10 million does from Europe, over the past couple of weeks.
Countries like Britain, America, and Israël have imported large amounts, but do not allow exports at all.
This is what NRC Handelsblad has found out. Some figures at least.
At the same time, it seems that those other countries may have give more money to big pharma and been involved in production more directly, which explains part of why big pharma is giving Europe the short end of the stick.
Big pharma is going to get a lot richer from this pandemic.
::checks stock prices::
1 hour later…
Glossematics is a structuralist linguistic theory proposed by Louis Hjelmslev and Hans Jørgen Uldall although the two ultimately went separate ways each with their own approach. Hjelmslev’s theory, most notably, is an early mathematical methodology for the analysis of language which was subsequently incorporated into the analytical foundation of current models of functional—structural grammar such as Danish Functional Grammar, Functional Discourse Grammar and Systemic Functional Linguistics. Hjelmslev’s theory likewise remains fundamental for modern semiotics. == Meaning == Glossematics defines...
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark, what is the meaning of this quote?This was used by our finance minister while presenting the budget there are many resources for getting the explanation but I want a quality explanation in detail.
have you ever tried asking politely?
" I want a quality explanation in detail. "
if not
" there are many resources for getting the explanation"
@user85795 It would be extremely good if someone explains this to me..
you never get a second chance at making a first impression
Yes true but I am sorry
so am i
@user85795 Nice.
thanks pal
Oh no! I'll get banned for speaking Filipino!
Welp, you got me. \_(ツ)_/
@M.A.R. Dutch should be somewhere in between yellow and dark blue.
Flamands and educated Dutchmen in writing do show quite a bit of feminine-masculine distinction, in possessive and personal pronouns.
The map does show how odd Basque is.
@MarkGiraffe Haha yeah . . . shots fired
@user85795 That was pretty expected, no?
A global event that will emphasize how important doctors and good healthcare is and how wrong people were for shitting on them will end up benefiting the healthcare industry.
Sounds like a truism.
It shouldn't mean they're off the hook for whatever shady thing they're up to right now but I think I can get behind them reaping some short- and long-term benefits from this
It's funny how big pharma is always under scrutiny, even by brainwashed Trumpsters, while other extremely successful industries like the weapons industry aren't so universally suspicious
@RajorshiKoyal "Having faith is a poetic thing to do and it might even tell you the future"
@RajorshiKoyal A phrase used by a politician? Oh, then it means "I have no idea WTF I'm doing, please don't criticize me and here's a good quote about blind belief in change when the power structure of the country is corrupt and against the people".
@Cerberus Are they recent inventions or has Dutch/Flemish literature always had this extra precision?
@M.A.R. dies
@MarkGiraffe hears "What is wrong with you?! What is the fucking matter with you? Are you stupid or what? I was kidding with you. Are you a sick maniac?"
Says "How do I know you're kidding?"
@M.A.R. My soul: I only spoke a language then you fucking kill me. I thought I was only getting banned, not get fire ranged. What the hell?
@MarkGiraffe Good shot, I'm a good shot. You've got a problem with what I did?
@M.A.R. My soul: Wait, are you talking to my dead body? Yeah, you're weird.
@M.A.R. Next time, I speak Spanish, then I bring a weapon/shield.
@MarkGiraffe Not the first hole I dug. Where are the shovels?
To conclude my essay, here's a picture
@M.A.R. revives ¡Hey hombre! ¡Pensé que me prohibirían, no morir!
brings out Pistol
@MarkGiraffe no ur morir
shoots @M.A.R. anyway 2 times, 1 at the head, 1 at the leg
@MarkGiraffe No I wouldn't ever give up, you know that Sully. You're like a son to me
@M.A.R. another 3 at the chest
Spits out a whole lot of blood
Shoots anyway
You know, this is WAY too much!
We continue here:
Was supposed to set it to English SE, not Arqade.
You can still change the parent site I think
I gotta go for a morningTM run though
Okay, bye.
@M.A.R. You are right but would be great if you explain the meaning of the quote
@RajorshiKoyal Birds start waking up and chirping usually a little while before the sunrise. Darkness is bad in poetry (duh) and light is good. You could say birds don't consciously do this, it's by instinct and not much thought goes into it, yet birds kinda know there's going to be light (a symbol for progress, freedom, stuff like that) by "having faith" in it, before there is any light.
In the context of the propaganda the politician is spreading, they're saying "these are dark times and you're poor, but if you have faith in what I'm going to do you'll all be stinking rich and there will be light and you'll love it and stuff. Birds just have faith and don't give much thought to there being a sunrise in the near future, so you should stop thinking about what I'm doing and what it might do you and just believe there's going to be sunrise".
I don't think there's much to explain after that.
@M.A.R. Thanks a lot.. Now I really do understand why the quote really personified bird...
2 hours later…
Any of you are familiar with Wren and Martin ?
If yes please suggest me some tougher books of English Grammar in that pattern
@RajorshiKoyal A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language by Quirk et al., published in 1985
A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language is a descriptive grammar of English written by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik. It was first published by Longman in 1985. In 1991 it was called "The greatest of contemporary grammars, because it is the most thorough and detailed we have," and "It is a grammar that transcends national boundaries."The book relies on elicitation experiments as well as three corpora: a corpus from the Survey of English Usage, the Lancaster-Oslo-Bergen Corpus (UK English), and the Brown Corpus (US English). == Reviews == Aarts, F. G...
The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (CGEL) is a descriptive grammar of the English language. Its primary authors are Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum. Huddleston was the only author to work on every chapter. It was published by Cambridge University Press in 2002 and has been cited almost 7,000 times. == History == Huddleston published a very critical review of A comprehensive grammar of the English language in 1988. In his review, he wrote,there are some respects in which it is seriously flawed and disappointing. A number of quite basic categories and concepts do not seem to have...
@CowperKettle Have you noticed any response to Biden calling Putin a killer?
Putin was apparently annoyed.
”It takes one to know one” is not a great response on Putin’s part.
@CowperKettle Sir one personal question have you followed Wren and Martin ?
Hey, I made your header!
does someone know if there is a difference between competitory and competitive?

my goal is to explain that my previous job was too much competitive for me, but just because it was competitive in a toxic way, not because I am scared of competition in itself.
In my mind competitory should do the job. But does it really?
@RajorshiKoyal Yes, and I'm not too fond of that book
@shamalaia Replacing a common adjective for one that's not common at all (but I guess is correct and essentially the same) does not bode well for almost any type of discourse
@M.A.R. Thank you. I agree. I will go for a paraphrasis.
@Xanne No, I haven't noticed anything dramatic. Putin haha, used a kindergarten byword "Кто обзывается, тот так и называется" (Who calls people names, is himself that name)
As long as the majority of Russians condone state oppression, leaders like Putin will appear again and again.
> "It is not correct, and if I said so, I was not correct – I cannot recall if I said it, but I did not say, or if I did, I did not mean to say it – that these issues could not be dealt with until the end of the Mahon Tribunal."
@RajorshiKoyal No, I don't recall reading them.
I haven't read grammar books for a long time.
I just remember that these two are great, especially Quirk et al.
Quirk and which one?
Which two..
Oh sorry I saw the other one later...
Yes, Quirk et al., 1985. A great book. It helped me to improve my understanding of English articles.
@CowperKettle Sir could you suggest a good source of vocabulary?
If yes it would be very helpful for me.
@RajorshiKoyal Sadly, no. I just used to read a lot of printed books and write down all words into copy-books and spend 20 minutes a day repeating the words, for many years O_O
The untitled fourth Matrix film (also known as The Matrix 4) is an upcoming American science fiction action film and the fourth installment in The Matrix franchise. The film is produced, co-written and directed by Lana Wachowski, who co-directed and co-wrote the three previous films with their sibling Lilly. Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss, Jada Pinkett Smith, Lambert Wilson and Daniel Bernhardt reprise their roles from previous films in the series. The film will be a joint production by Village Roadshow Pictures, Wachowskis Productions and Silver Pictures and is scheduled to be released by Warner...
Oh. No. They should have stopped with the first film.
Thanks a lot for suggesting me @CowperKettle
The Sea Dragon was a 1962 conceptualized design study for a two-stage sea-launched orbital super heavy-lift launch vehicle. The project was led by Robert Truax while working at Aerojet, one of a number of designs he created that were to be launched by floating the rocket in the ocean. Although there was some interest at both NASA and Todd Shipyards, the project was not implemented. With dimensions of 150 m (490 ft) long and 23 m (75 ft) in diameter, Sea Dragon would have been the largest rocket ever built. As of 2018, among rockets that have been fully conceived, it is by far the largest ever...
Amazing project
@RajorshiKoyal You are welcome!
It is plus 2C, and there are puddles everywhere
@CowperKettle The book is phenomenal but I do not find exercises in google preview.
@user85795 You never get a second chance at a final impression either
@Cerberus Each one of the many ways is a distinct problem. Also, that there are many ways is an additional problem.
OK Here's just one to start. The skin is questionably edible. It adds nothing to any dish if you leave it in and is a little annoying but not awful.
Here's another. It tastes OK (I can understand not liking it but really get over yourself). But it has very little in nutritional value. All it does is fill you up, but it is low protein low carbs low fat. Why bother? At least donuts make you feel great.
Word of the day: penis fencing
@CowperKettle they do that because they've been led to believe that is the only possible form of government for them. What activists can do is educating people. Once you educate people, you can get the ball for change rolling
@CowperKettle um
Well, as they say on internet forums, now I need unsee juice
@RajorshiKoyal English literature
I don't know if "504 Essential Words" can be useful to you. If it is, check it out. The 504 words are truly essential
@CowperKettle So essentially "no u" heh
Is this the book?
There are many books with similar title. Can you share with me the book you refer to as 504 essential words?
@RajorshiKoyal I think so
@RajorshiKoyal None containing 504 essential words
In Russia, we have books sold with "2000 most oftenly used English words".
explaining the saturn 5 rocket using only the 1000 most used English words
Saturn 5 (left) and Sea Dragon (right) to scale
@user85795 Interesting that she has "a news" for us.
A scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy. Any assets that could be used by the enemy may be targeted, which usually includes obvious weapons, transport vehicles, communication sites, and industrial resources. However, anything useful to the advancing enemy may be targeted, including food stores and agricultural areas, water sources, and even the local people themselves, though the last has been banned under the 1977 Geneva Conventions.The practice can be carried out by the military in enemy territory or in its own home territory...
Why should war rules invoke religion? Such practices, while obviously advantageous from a military point of view, are simply inhuman.
It's complicated, I guess that it's because humans are so often religious.
Russia today started the production of its third vaccine, CoviVac ria.ru/20210325/kovivak-1602773076.html
Sadly, only about 10 million doses are slated for production till year-end.
Which means that we will be lucky to see 5 million doses produced.
The officials love to brag.
They promised to supply South America with over 25 million doses by now, and have only managed to send 2.5 million doses of Sputnik V.
I hope they are already working on retooling the vaccine to make it work against the newer strains.
@M.A.R. Yes. I guess in every culture there is a set of kindergarten rhymed sayings. The kind only said by small children or, if by adults, only in jest. That's what Putin said. He is not very much annoyed. I think he is amused and feels scorn towards foreign leaders.
The people he must be on the lookout against are Russian oligarchs, people in Russian security services
Russia has nukes, and he has nothing to fear from the West unless he suddenly becomes very, very unpopular with the people of Russia.
Retro-style tram manufactured in Yekaterinburg
@CowperKettle There are no exercises as such in the book which I may solve..
I am speaking in particular about the to books you suggested.
@RajorshiKoyal Yes, they are advanced books explaining the details of grammar. For exercises, there must be other textbooks
@RajorshiKoyal If I recall correctly, several years ago I used this book, it seems to have exercises:
English Grammar in Use is a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate to advanced students of English. The book was written by Raymond Murphy and published by Cambridge University Press. == Book editions == The earliest edition as seen on Google books was released in 1985. This release contained 379 pages and had an ISBN of 9780521287234. A well-known edition of the book is the second edition, which was released in 1991 and had an ISBN of 9780521336833. Most recently the fourth edition was released. Many other reprints of these three main editions have been published. There's also...
Russians for some reason love this book.
It's a huge and tragic misapprehension by the West that Putin can be annoyed or intimidated by their actions. They fully condone the use of tax havens, dirty complicated schemes for siphoning money to the West. Until they stop that.. but they won't. It brings them money.
@CowperKettle Thanks a lot.
The Russian state TV was recently airing a report from a street in London on some topic. And what do you know? A guy accused of embezzling millions of Russian taxpayers' money was walking buy, and caught on camera, and many TV viewers recognized him.
London is a haven for Russian officials who stole millions or billions and live in luxury there. It's a travesty to impose sanctions on the Russian people and close eyes on a nest of thieves right in the middle of London, in luxury mansions.
@RajorshiKoyal You're welcome! I hope it helps!
I sent you a friend request on Facebook, though I rarely communicate there
That is so kind of you..
@CowperKettle I send you a couple of messages on fb.It would be great if you would have a look.
@Mitch The skin adds flavour!
And the whole fruit has an incredibly velvety taste, when properly soft and browned.
It is essential, though, that it should be thoroughly cooked: it must be all soft inside.
Otherwise, it's like terrible pieces of rubber of varying consistency.
Rubber of doom.
@CowperKettle Agreed. And many other uncouth richmen from all over the world.
@M.A.R. Dutch has been in the slow process of losing the distinction between masculine and feminine for a long time, let's say the past millennium.
The same applies to cases.
But some aspects still cling on.
@Cerberus Any book you would like to add to the list
Book for practising english grammar I mean higher tier books of Wren and Martin..
Have you heard the name of the book?
No, sorry.
@RajorshiKoyal I think if you want to speak "higher tier" English, extra hard grammar analyses are not what you're looking for.
(And yes, you wouldn't benefit much from CamGEL either, or if you do, it'd not be because of all the labels you would learn)
@M.A.R. Yeah, most definitely. It's like studying torsion mechanics to improve your basketball playing. Get out on the floor and play the fucking game.
> Jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny said on Thursday that being woken up by a guard every hour during the night amounted to torture and that his appeal for treatment for acute back and leg pain had been refused in a deliberate attempt to run him down.
> Bill Gates wants to spray millions of tonnes of chalk into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight and slow global warming
Let's chalk it up to his philantropizing streak.
> There’s a new disorder going around that causes you to forget certain 80s bands.
There’s no cure.
@CowperKettle Yeah, how could that go wrong?
@CowperKettle Good.
@Cerberus I think you're making my point for me. Rubber of doom with extra taste? I think I'd want -less- of that.
@Robusto Pfft
I mean that literally
All that dust, I'd be constantly trying to blow it off my lips/
@Mitch Then it sounds as though you have always eaten undercooked aubergine.
And/or non-roasted.
The trick is to let it swim in oil and put it in the oven or pan until it's fully soft, and browned on the outside.
Then it becomes an entirely different thing.
1 hour later…
@Cerberus Yeah, it becomes eggplant.
@Robusto It does taste better if you call it aubergine.
Not a fan in either language.
gravier concassé à la mode de motte des terre
much tastier than
crushed gravel with dirt clods
Calling a snail escargot doesn't make me want it more.
@Robusto de gustibus something something aubergine
@Robusto That reminds me of a joke
@Mitch De gustibus non disputandam, iirc.
There's no 'iirc' in Latin
if I recall
Yeah that iircs me a lot.
But @Cerberus will immediately respond that 'oh yes there is, you just spell it differently'
vestis virum reddit and all that
I'll just cut to the punchline and you can figure out all the rest because frankly it is pretty convoluted and transparent...
"Look at that S-car go!"
You see, there was this
No you're right
that's awful
There was a time in New York when I thought S-car-go for lunch was cool.
I am very sleepy.
would you like to meet?
I think you have no motivation to meet.
but only talking online doesn't feel like a real world
so nowadays classmates don't meet physically
we only meet doctors
@Bohemianrelativist Is your school all remote learning now?
That’s hard.
Somebody’s got to get that container ship out of the Suez Canal, but there seems to be a way.
@user85795 I'm not really back. Well, I could be. But not consistently
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "China" in Lego blocks? Really?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 OK. You're not here. We never saw you.

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