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@Cerberus Which only suits me fine, since that's precisely the theory I'm spinning.
@Cerberus You have slutty tots in Dutchland? I'm not surprised.
1 min ago, by RegDwight АΑA
So it's either old as hell going back to Proto-Germanic, or an (old as hell) calque.
De sleutel tot x sounds literary. In metaphors, you must use tot. In daily speech, it would be van I'd say.
@RegDwightАΑA What is old actually?
The preposition itself?
This usage?
I think @tchrist can be part of our mutant army. His name will be The Character, and he has the power to kill people with codepoints.
@Cerberus Using to there. Or zu, or tot, or what have you.
With key specifically?
Of course. That's the question, after all.
All right.
I am not trying to answer all questions at once, you know. Not today, anyway.
It is the same tot as in toegang tot x.
@Robusto hey this is Slack Exchange.
It can only be tot there.
@Robusto I demand his name be The Pink Character, or Mr Character Pink. Something with pink. Yes, that would be nice.
Wow. Dutch totally killed a preposition. Der ist ganz tot, mausetot.
It's like punk, except different.
Ah, I see.
I was distracted.
See, if you had a TV set you could just take the letters T and V and turn them around and at one point you'd come rather close to building something resembling the word pun. Then you'd still not understand, but at least you'd have killed some time.
You knew it was coming.
I didn't not unknow it was coming that slowly.
Kill some time, check. Fail to understand, check.
TV, no check.
@RegDwightАΑA Had to find the exact cue.
No effort left unwasted.
No pun left undeedished.
Ah, me missus is home. Cyaz later.
And that's just two great government programs. Stay tuned for more.
By the way, have you been to Trier?
Many times of course.
My wife even had an excursion once, with her German-learning group.
I think she can't see it anymore.
Did you like it?
Basically whenever we head north by train, that's the first major stop.
I have heard good things about it, and it looks really cool.
I only know Porta Nigra.
@Cerberus yes, that thing.
It actually is black.
Someone fcked up the contrast.
Really black, or just dark grey?
Nah, black. Like if there was a fire or something.
But yeah, they have a nice Altstadt, and some park with a manor or a castle or whatever but there's no point in living there really.
It's rather provincial.
I read it was bombed.
Everything was carpet bombed here.
But the Altstadt still looks nice?
From my wife's photos, yes.
I last explored it some 18 years ago, don't remember a thing.
But again, it's not huge or anything. There are entire cities that have survived the last 500 years unchanged.
So if you're into that kind of thing, there are other destinations to recommend.
@RegDwightАΑA Wow, you married 18 years ago? Amazing!
I never said or did any such thing.
@Robusto ☢ 🛂 🛃 💉 👎 💩 🚨 🚔 👿 👽 👾 😨 💢 💣 ⧖ 😱 💥 😷 💀 👻
Ah yes. Tchrist with his empty lines again.
@tchrist I can only see the first one.
\x{2622} \x{1F6C2} \x{1F6C3} \x{1F489} \x{1F44E} \x{1F4A9} \x{1F6A8} \x{1F694} \x{1F47F} \x{1F47D} \x{1F47E} \x{1F628} \x{1F4A2} \x{1F4A3} \x{29D6} \x{1F631} \x{1F4A5} \x{1F637} \x{1F480} \x{1F47B}

@tchrist What should I install to see all of them?
@RegDwightАΑA Like which?
@JasperLoy install_font(NAME => "Symbola", AUTHOR => "George Douros", URL => "http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/") || die;
I must say I always liked tchrists dedication to making this room even more incomprehensible, but I fear people are getting used to it. Perhaps posting that stuff backwards, or transliterating it in hanzi, will help.
@tchrist I have Symbola, and yet I can only see a few of those faces.
@RegDwightАΑA hanzi, not kanji?
@RegDwightАΑA Hanzi?
Is that Han Chinese?
@Cerberus Yes!
Ah OK.
@Cerberus oh crap. Now you're asking me things. Baden has a couple. We have a place or two round here, but they are tiny. (Though still, preserved in their entirety.)
@JasperLoy what did I say?
Apr 13 '11 at 13:19, by RegDwight
Lots of echo in here.
@RegDwightАΑA We went to Wasserburg a few years ago, quite nice.
Not sure that one rings a bell with me.
In southern Bavaria.
Oh, then it probably doesn't.
Still nothing?
@Cerberus That photo is so clear that it looks fake.
@Cerberus Probably you have the idioF’ngotic Microsoft UCS-2 ᴀᴋᴀ No-Astral-Plane Bug: read those code point numbers. Notice only two alone are in the Basic Multilingual Plane by virtue of their four–hex-digit numeric values.
@Cerberus YANETUT
@Cerberus I've seen the usual suspects. Munich, Nuremberg, Würzburg, Deggendorf, Erlangen, Neuschwanstein, Linderhof, Garmisch, stuff like that.
@JasperLoy There's Dutch food for you!
@tchrist nods Yes, yes, of course.
pretends to take notes
@Cerberus Thanks, but I prefer Germany. I would like to be reborn there my next life.
@RegDwightАΑA Cool. I've only been to Nuremberg and Erlangen.
Oh, and Straubing. That one deserves a mention I guess.
@JasperLoy We could have been part of Germany. We used to be.
Before the War.
contents himself for having his expectations met
The Eighty-Years War, of course.
@Cerberus Ah, my knowledge of European history is at zero Kelvins.
My thirdmost favorite war!
Speaking of which, does the War Nerd still post?
@RegDwightАΑA The favourite one must be the ELU war.
@tchrist I prefer with.
With is just a misspelling of witch.
@Cerberus That’s because you’re locked into for = para, for having forgotten that in English, sometimes for = por.
looks about for the forking pine
Pfft. Pine. Every true Scotsman uses Elm.
or non-x MH
I wonder about you sometimes, @REg.
I really do.
Only sometimes? What a letdown.
I should watch more TVs.
@tchrist He is the wonder of wonders, a glorious owl indeed.
I think you have sneaky snarky cryptopast.
Because your feathers show sometimes.
Nah. I just remember stuff.
Don't even start to wonder about me, I am unfathomable.
That’s just it.
I am not of this world.
99.999998% of the world populace could never remember it, for they never knew it in the first place.
But you did.
Hence: wonder.
That's how I got through school. I would come across H2SO4 in some book somewhere, as a child, and then I'd remember it, for decades. Waiting for the right moment.
Sulfuric acid?
or sulfurous? I always get those confused.
Like s = ½at²
Then I'd have chemistry class, at last, and I wouldn't know the first thing about chemistry, but I would just proudly proclaim: H2SO4, and everyone would be so impressed, and the teacher too.
It's the same with English, really. You come across an asinine Reddit post, you remember it. One day, in the year 2052, it might prove useful.
How the hell do you remember Unix command-line mail programs?
@tchrist yeah I'm cutting corners here, telling a story. You can be my editor if you insist.
@tchrist by using my brain. I know, many people are not familiar with that concept.
@RegDwightАΑA You are now SlumOwl Millionaire!
I did use pine for a couple years.
And if you know pine, you know elm.
@RegDwightАΑA All your codepoint belong to me.
Not "are belong to me"? :-)
Who's editing whose copy now?
sed quis cust....
Q: Should I use "software defect" or "software bug"?

Vi0The "bug" word seems to be so popular that it overshadows "defect" (in search results, in tags somewhere, even Wikipedia article is called "Software bug") despite of looking jargonesque. Is the word "bug" official term for this or it should be used only in informal occasions?

Q: What’s the word to describe that I ——— your artwork?

Sheldon LeeWhen I see a famous writer, I will say, “Hi, I read your book” (or “have read”?). When I see a movie star, I will say, “Hey, I watched your movie" (or “have watched”?). So, when I see a artist, what’s the word in: “Hi, I ——— your artwork”? (Maybe it’s a photo, or a painting or a sculpture.)

Defective verbs, ok.
Defective software, say what?
This question got 2 upvotes and 1 downvote. I think it is quite a good question actually.
@tchrist well what else do you suggest? Buggy?
@tchrist I thought you meant defective herbs at first.
Doesn't look like software to me.
@RegDwightАΑA Looks pretty hard to me.
By the way @reg although the middle A looks shorter on Ubuntu they are the same in Debian.
It looks longer in my Ubuntu, as you will remember.
Yes, very weird. I guess we all have different fonts installed.
I did install the Microsoft core fonts.
Who fonts the fonts? Who installs the installers? Who questions the questions?
By the way, that package is ttf-mscorefonts-installer.
It fetches the fonts from corefonts.sourceforge.net.
@JasperLoy Ergotic erogenous herbs earn early erotic urges.
@tchrist I noticed you have a huge vocabulary. You may try to take the test at testyourvocab.com and share your results. I only know 18,000 words.
That would be ridiculous.
@tchrist Erotic, you say?
Mar 26 at 17:17, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
@RegDwightАΑA Clearly NSFW!
I'm not at work.
@JasperLoy I don’t have time to go through uptigazillion words to find ones I don’t know. What do they do, through 50,000 at you and see what fall out in the wash? No time.
OK, though it will only take about 5 min.
@tchrist actually it's fun. See if you can beat Cerberus.
Jul 17 '11 at 16:49, by RegDwight
Hey pips, everyone please take this test. For science!
That would hardly be fair. I’m a native speaker.
My point exactly.
You don't know his score.
What is this, some stochastic thing?
The most difficult words I know come from reading math texts, not Shakespeare.
It's a thing everybody has taken, so no chickening out.
Yes, it’s stochastic.
And it’s rather biased in favor of people who know basic words like uxoricide.
Of course it is. What did you expect.
Not a nice word, that.
in War Metal Tyrant, Jul 17 '11 at 17:09, by Cerberus
The Greek and Latin words just aren't that hard for me, while I must shamefully admit to finding certain short, Germanic words very hard to define out of context, like nib.
Well, what would you like?
Your score, that's what.
Not bad. You beat @Robusto.
Let's see. Jasper had 14,400.
I had 30,500.
Matt had 30,600.
z7sg 32,900
Told you you weren’t a native speaker.
Jasper and Matt are.
I’d say that that’s more their fault than yours.
F'x is a native speaker of French and he had 33k-something.
Cerberus had 34,400.
I would add appropriate emotica, but you are too codepoint-challenged to bother.
Yeah. Bother sounds like too much bother.
You couldn’t even read my awesome pictographical story I told. So disappointing.
Rob had 42,300, but I have taught him a couple more since.
@tchrist pictograms are supposed to be looked at, not read.
I use read in an extended sense.
I knew you would say that.
@tchrist Ehhh...
Don't get too predictable. Keep the room description in mind.
My Spanish is worse than rudimentary.
You could have sussed out the plot if only $Bill hadn’t ripped you off so royally.
@Cerberus Sometimes English for looks forwards; sometimes it looks backwards.
As I was saying, I believe the usually construction is to content oneself with x.
I paid like a couple hundred for this machine. That's not royally. Even though the Queen of England has to make do with not much more, last I heard.
@tchrist How do you mean looks?
@RegDwightАΑA *the German Queen of England
*Die German Queen of England.
I think I'll be heading in the general direction of das Bett.
Keep tchrist entertained with all the vocabularae he doesn't know.
♬ Were diu werlt alle min ♬
♬ von deme mere unze an den Rin ♬
♬ des wolt ih mih darben, ♬
♬ daz diu chunegin von Engellant ♬
♬ lege an minen armen. ♬
Oh look, he's a Minnesänger now.
@RegDwightАΑA Good night!
It's minstreel in Dutch.
Well well, Minnie. Come sing some more as I lay me down to sleep.
@Cerberus менестрель.
@RegDwightАΑA Both are from French, I presume?
Actually, no.
It sounds more Germanic.
Min = love.
Minne is a Dutch boy's name.
A Madre do que livrou
dos leões Daniel,
essa do fogo guardou
un meno d'Irrael.
Santa Maria pod' enfermos guarir
quando xe quiser, e mortos resorgir.

Na que Deus seu Sant' Esperit' enviou,
e que forma d'ome en ela fillou,
non é maravilla se del gaannou
vertude per que podess' esto comprir.
Santa Maria pod' enfermos guarir...
You're a fast typer.
typer < typest
Actually it's менестрель, and wiki sez it's different from миннезингер, which I see for the first time in my life.
@tchrist beautiful. Now I have to return the favor I'm afraid.
Glad you enjoyed the troubadour’s trove.
Ouvert et haut !
Oh shucks, he left before Barnacle Bill.
Q: please help with with this sentence

joker13the first artifacts were just wooden poles which have long gone, but these were raised by men in times so ancient I can't understand the underlined parts I really need the help. PLEASE HELP ME

Can you sing, @KitFox? It’s troubadour night at the opera.
We’ve had a carmen, and a cantiga.
I can sing a bit.
They’re droppin like flies.
I have this lame attitude problem.
It puts me off when people end their lame posting with PLEASE HELP ME in all-screaming-caps.
I think I should step away from the keyboard.
Because it isn’t good to be offput.
TTFN. nemetically yours
I'm planning two trips.
So I will leave you for a day or ten.
I know, it's going to be difficult.
@RegDwightАΑA ok...I don't want to make waves but it looks like I did anyway. If it looks like to you that we're actually agreeing, then great.
I may be back for a few hours on Sunday.
Ta Ta For Now.
You leaving?
Q: Meaning of "long gone"

joker13 The first artifacts were just wooden poles which have long gone, but these were raised by men in times so ancient I can't understand what "long gone" means here.

I'm not sure if "long gone" is weird enough that this isn't general reference.
Hmm, when in doubt, give OP the benefit.
I just closevoted but I guess it is hard to understand the meaning for a pineapple.
I couldn't find it in my dictionary of choice, and it is idiomatic.
@Cerberus oops forgot to quote TTFN = "Ta Ta For Now" your question of tchrist.
I used to use ttfn all the time.
I only learnt about ttfn in this chat.
In fact this chat is my very first chat.
man, peer pressure.
Hiya, @corn
I suppose I was thinking of hardware things when I thought of defects.
In fact, SE chat is my only chat!
@KitFox hi ya! friendly karate chop that can't reach you from here
@cornbreadninja I think of birth defects, like cleft lips.
@JasperLoy clefts can be fixed.
Children of Thalidomide on the other hand...
punches @cornbread's arm yeah, baby
There are many things that are hard to fix once broken...
@KitFox oweeeee
Oh oh sorry!
I started it.
kisses @cornbread's arm
I should take it like a ninja--OOOH
@RegDwightАΑA Wha? What did I have?
New mod report, day #1: @Kit leads @Sim by two flags. Sim readies the oil slick...
@Mitch Ah, yes.
What? How is that possible?
She averaged like ten flags a day before she was a mod, didn't she?
@KitFox Because you believed. QED.
(we're gonna ignore things like "posts closed", since sim had a crushing lead before the election began)
@KitFox Perhaps she hasn't been to chat much yet.
@KitFox Y'all are on the other side of that now. Generating flags != consuming them... ;-)
@Cerberus It's only day one!
@Shog9 Well, and deleted, since she had 20K privileges and I didn't.
Is it?
And anyway, I've been sick today.
@KitFox She's also burying you in down-votes, but who's counting.
@cornbreadninja Um. Sorry?
@Shog9 Hey, if it's going to be a competition, when do we get to the swimsuit part?
@Robusto I'm up for it if you are.
@KitFox just enjoying the arm kiss!
@Robusto You really want to see Reg in a speedo?
@KitFox Rock on, Sistah.
@Shog9 Yes. Yes I do.
@Shog9 If it would embarrass him, of course.
Um @Shog? What happened to your avatar?
@KitFox Switched to my Seasoned Advice pic for a bit
Your turn @Rob.
@KitFox Now I will have certain kinds of dreams later...
(I went all red since I turned blue.)
@Robusto How about the lingerie part?
OK, in our Mutant Army (EL&U.X-Men), we have four official mutants with super powers: @Reg, aka Twister, who twists your words until you die; @tchrist, aka The Character, who can kill you with codepoints; @Cerberus, aka Hellhound (we haven't figured out if misspellings and syntactical omissions are a super power yet, but we're working on it); and Robusto, aka Nuance, who draws finer and finer distinctions until you're just sick to death of it.
@Robusto I guess the rest of us belong to the other army then.
Geezis. Did you even notice my skin pic?
You're submitting that as your super power?
@Robusto s/syntactic\Kal//

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