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@SonicTheHedgehog Yeah, I think I got 790/800 for math and 680/800 for verbal.
@Cerberus The selfsame thing whereof we spoke anon?
@RegDwightАΑA You're confused. More head is better. Bigger head is not necessarily.
@Robusto difference between more and bigger plox.
I don't remember my SAT scores, but I did score in the 99th percentile in English on my GMATs.
(or something)
@Robusto Dan Aykroyd and Jane Curtin would like to have a word with you.
@SonicTheHedgehog What is a plox?
I couldn't stand the concept of HS then, but I look back and realize there were just a few assholes which made things generally uncomfortable, and my friends which were great.
@Kit Haha. :P
@tchrist The same.
@Jasper Netspeak of Please.
@Mitch Wait, when did you go to HS?
I'm off to the Showermobile.
@SonicTheHedgehog I thought that's plots in lolspeak, lol.
@Mitch That is the concept of high school in a nutshell.
@Robusto Thank you.
@RegDwightАΑA Have fun with the water!
Codepoints U+0363–036F are letters. Why are they not permitted in the display name.
@JasperLoy perv.
@Mitch Yes, it was primarily the difficulty of understanding the environment that made it awful for me.
@Jasper If a word is short enough, it doesn't need netspeak version of it.
@RegDwightАΑA Your new house sounds very fancy.
@SonicTheHedgehog well, they're trying to make things better for you (as they think).
@RegDwightАΑA Well, if you don't use water, do you use blood? Now that is real perv.
@Mitch Is that sarcasm?
@Cerberus you can hear it from where you are?
@MetaEd No they aren’t.
who was it who said (an older person) 'It's a wonder where I am today given that the decisions that got me here were made by a 17-year old'
@RegDwightАΑA I hear its fame being hooted(?) across the continent.
Monsters with more than 3000 hp gets destroyed within a minute.
I feel good
\w \pM \p{Mn}
All Any Assigned InCombiningDiacriticalMarks Case_Ignorable CI
Combining_Diacritical_Marks M Mn Gr_Ext Grapheme_Extend Graph GrExt ID_Continue
IDC Inherited Zinh Mark Nonspacing_Mark Print Qaai Word XID_Continue XIDC
@SonicTheHedgehog not at all. but you don't see that (probably). it (extrapolating from little knowledge) sounds like you think they're just pushing you hard.
\w \pM \p{Mn}
All Any Assigned InCombiningDiacriticalMarks Case_Ignorable CI
Combining_Diacritical_Marks M Mn Gr_Ext Grapheme_Extend Graph GrExt ID_Continue
IDC Inherited Zinh Mark Nonspacing_Mark Print Qaai Word XID_Continue XIDC
Those are not letters.
High school is the system that teaches you all about the disappointments and humiliations of life. It's a crash course, and when you graduate you find that little else in life doles out the unpleasantness in such enormous proportions.
@tchrist that's really hard to read.
They have the Unicode General Character property Nonspacing Mark, not the Unicode Letter property.
@Robusto i.e., It gets better.
@KitFox thank you for the explanation.
Just because something has the word "LETTER" in its name does not mean it has the Unicode Letter character property.
@Mitch Those are Perls of wisdom. Or something.
Trust me on this.
No, it’s Unicode wisdom.
@tchrist Huh-huh ... he said "eunuch code" ...
You are prohibited from using \p{GC=Mn} characters in your display name.
Not happy about this.
@tchrist Oh, fine. Another thing to be bummed about.
You are allowed to use \pL aka \p{GC=L} aka \p{General Category = Letter} characters in your name.
What if you are not a general?
You should be allowed to use any \p{word} characters in your name.
@RegDwightАΑA It is sufficient that you are a character. Which you are.
Which is all of LC, Ll, Lm, Lo, Lt, Lu I suppose.
There is no shortage of Privates.
LC = Lt Lu Ll
Only if you are Tom Hanks.
L = L*
Or rather, L =~ /^L.$/i
@tchrist Leave my privates alone.
Can I ask y'all's opinion on something work relationship related?
word = alphabetic, decimal number, combining marks, connecting punctuation
and in Unicode 6.1, two more funny joining thingies.
That's the technical def.
alphabetic = letters, letter numbers, and anything with the other_alphabetic property
@tchrist: So why did you never respond to my SO question about sorting in double-byte languages?
Because the phrase "double-byte languages" ruffles my feathers.
Ask me again.
@tchrist Ah, I knew it had to be something like that.
For the record I think you all jumped on CR unnecessarily for his question:
Q: Sounds which seem to express a particular quality whatever words they appear

Carlo_R.I noticed that in the English language words ending in "ip" often suggest a brisk, quick movement, as with clip, flip, skip and tip. In other terms, the closing part of these words seems to be suggestive of the meaning itself. Presumably, that circumstance helps advertisers in promoting their pro...

@tchrist But if they're not "double-byte" then why are strings of those characters not the same backwards as forwards?
see my conversation with @Simchona for my side.
11 hours ago, by Mitch
@simchona Contrary to all the closer's opinions, the phenomenon that CR is speculating about is real. The one answer to his question is the closest. Just because hes difficult doesn't mean he doesn't have interesting ideas. In fact the way he worded the question, it wasn't particularly problematic.
exec summary: CR is (understatedly) problematic, but his question (and wording and such) were totally fine. The one answer was in the right ball park.
I hate to see someone who is obviously paranoid be ganged up on because of his abrasive personality.
hm...I'm not sure that was said the right way (!)
@tchrist I'll buy that.
Is there anybody using flashcards to memorize English words?
@Mitch I agree with you.
However it's not at all obvious that the error message "can only contain letters, digits, spaces, apostrophes or hyphens" is making a reference to such a technical property.
@FrankScience that's a common technique for any language, native or non-native (great for SAT words!)
I heard it's an efficient way to memorize English words.
@Mitch How can I do that? Buy a lot of A4 paper and cut them into pieces?
Someone uploaded HD version of Goofy: How to Play Football.
My life is complete.
@KitFox The subject his question has the aura of crackpottery, but he asks is in a non-crackpottery way, and there actually is serious research to attempt to answer that phenomenon.
@FrankScience sure, or heavier stock (so the pieces last a bit longer because of all the hand use). one side one lang, the other side the translation, so you can test in both directions.
making the flashcards is also part of the learning experience.
You may want to make a meaningful sentence on the card too as a memory aid.
@Mitch Actually, the one answer did not address the question. The question was not "what's the name of this theory" but "what's the name of a word with the properties predicted by the theory".
@Mitch What about monolingual explanation?
Search results in order, which was funny until I caught the time stamps:

> cornbread ninja yst 9:35 PM
> wouldn't Akzidenz Grotesk as drawn by Miedinger & Hoffman pretty much just > result in Helvetica?

> Robusto Apr 17 '11 12:47 PM
> Yeah, yeah. Neue Helvetica just wouldn't work there.
I'm sure it is possible to buy stacks of vocab flash cards, but they may not get exactly the set you like.
@FrankScience Or just use index cards.
there are also probably (google for it) online flashcard games (for laptops or smartphones) that you can download or subscribe to.
@FrankScience I used index cards for Mandarin. Write the word nice and big on the blank side and the definition, pronunciation, and example sentences on the lined side.
@KitFox oh. yeah. duh. those are the classic method.
@KitFox dammit
@Mitch However I was so convinced of "false premise" that I agreed the question belonged in Linguistics.SE when in fact it was a word request.
@Mitch It's not appropriate because I have a specific word list to memorize.
@MetaEd by metonymy it works for me.
@Mitch as far as the question goes, there was no gang up that I could see. People provided counterexamples, the OP responded rather, um, let's say not in the best way imaginable. As far as the answer goes, it does not put enough stress on the fact that is't just a hypothesis. That word gets completely buried. The example with hut, home, hovel, habitat is awfully contrived. That needs addressed.
@FrankScience what do you mean? English word on one side, explanation or defintion in English on the other?
@Mitch Yeah. I heard that monolingual dictionary is better.
@RegDwightАΑA Yeah, that's what I thought yesterday. But I see Mitch's point: the question was, is there a word for such a thing. The correct answer might be "no" but it wasn't necessarily a bad question for ELU.SE.
@FrankScience a 'monolingual' dictinoary sonds like 'dictionary' to me. (that is -most- dictionaries are monolingual, right? how do you men 'better'? Better for what?
@RegDwightАΑA yes, it is in the NC, wild speculation direction.
@Mitch Here most dictionaries are not monolingual.
To use a monolingual dictionary you turn the pages with your tongue.
And to use a trilingual dictionary...?
They are bilingual.
Bilingual dictionaries confuse me.
But I think the question was jumped on because of the author. Barrie's obviously immediately closable NC 'Why does American English suck?' question lasted way too long because of the author.
@MetaEd yes. So again, we must make that part stand out. Make it a single word request for the term and leave it at that. Fix the answer accordingly, too. Otherwise the OP and future visitors alike run the danger of misunderstanding it completely. On the internet, people don't read. You have to spoonfeed them.
@RegDwightАΑA (and I totally get that the OP is combative (the comments of his that remain seem cogent though))
@Robusto Are you talking about sequences of logical code points, or about some physically encoded thing like UCS-2, which is 16-bit, or UTF-16, which is 16/32-bit? Are you confused about reversing by grapheme=extended grapheme cluster, by character=code point, or by code unit? Are you afflicted with the Surrogate mindbug?
@Mitch I said last night that, if it were edited, I think it could be a good question
@RegDwightАΑA anyway, 1 - it's locked so editing can't be done, and 2 - is it really worth the trouble?
@tchrist I am afflicted with all kinds of mind bugs. But here's the question I asked.
Q: What does sorting mean in double-byte languages?

RobustoI have some code that sorts table columns by object properties. It occurred to me that in Japanese or Chinese (non-alphabetical languages), the strings that are sent to the sort function would be compared the way an alphabetical language would. Take for example a list of Japanese surnames: 寿拘 ...

@RegDwightАΑA No, you have to use a CPAP-device converted to deliver pablum and similar gruel porridges.
@Mitch that much is true. Carlo's question stood open for two hours, Barrie's for seven.
@Mitch it will be unlocked in a couple hours, and Carlo already indicated that he will edit it yet again.
@Robusto Then you should go shoot whoever is making you use C#, Java, or Javascript.
@RegDwightАΑA OK. thanks. Is that how locking works?
@tchrist How come your solutions always involve shooting people?
@Mitch I can lock indefinitely, then it stays locked, or just for a couple minutes, they it gets unlocked automatically. There's a countdown in the lock notice.
@Robusto The problem is you are using a toy language with a heisenbug about its internal rep for character strings, and you have no access to the Unicode Collation Algorithm.
back to more relevant things.
@KitFox people are dumb.
Gah, stand-up time. AFK for a minute.
@Mitch Yes, it just took me a very long time to figure that out.
@Robusto afk and ye shall refieve.
@Robusto If that's the case for everybody...why can't we all just get along? I think it's dodgeball...so aggressive.
@KitFox I still don't get it.
Mmm. I see. makes note
actually I'm starting to think it's more that everybody is crazy (and selfish) just some compensate/cover up better than others.
@Robusto What's the deal with airline food?
@cornbreadninja Your sense of taste is allegedly diminished when pressurized to my native elevation, and above.
I've always thought so.
But the head chef of a major airlines made this statement.
It's just that food that is prepared and then rewarmed always kind of sucks.
I think he was backpedalling on the quality issue of leftovers.
You're walking down the street and half the people have some deep seated psychological disturbance (voices in head, homicidal ideation, terrible depression, over medicated for social anxiety whatever) but most of them compensate/really try to act otherwise.
lesson to self: compensate more, the other guy is holding back from wanting to kill you.
tenebrous is GR.
@tchrist [redacted]
@tchrist definitely agree.
@cornbreadninja I don't agree
@cornbreadninja I agree
I said allegedly.
I've been pretty damned hungry when I've eaten about timberline, and glad to have the food.
She doesn't agree that you say that allegedly. She thinks you really blieve he said it.
Mind you, my timberline is at a dozen kilofeet.
@tchrist I rescind my statement.
Speaking of food, is anyone else excited that's it is taco salad day?
@cornbreadninja It's like high school in a small, over-priced box.
@tchrist you're very tall.
high != tall
You're high too?
dude. e_e
@tchrist But the Netherlands has the tallest people in the world, on average. Also, the highest! You know, Amsterdam, etc.
@KitFox I'm baking enchiladas
@KitFox wow. wow. wow.
@KitFox No. Not at all excited. Pretty non-committal. taco salad day could fall off the face of the earth and I wouldn't notice one way or the other. Taco salads too. Not tacos though.
and enchilados.
Could God microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?
I see. And @tchrist. What's your view on taco salad day?
@cornbreadninja blasphemer.
@cornbreadninja no, because microwaves don't get that hot
The best taco ever? Jack in the Box. OK, maybe you wouldn't call it a taco, but ...mmm.
@KitFox Best done in old Santa Fé.
I'd call it a child's toy...
out in the west Texas town of El Paso...
@tchrist Interesting. Not out in the west Texas town of El Paso?
@cornbreadninja Stop that!
a song?
and tchrist... an t christ... omg
@MattЭллен I keep seeing that too
@MattЭллен shh it's part of my secret plan to defame him.
@KitFox Gods no. Texmex is infinitely inferior to New Mexico nouvelle southwestern cuisine.
AAAGH still 5 whole minutes untill my food is cooked, damn it
@MattЭллен I’m nobody’s auntie.
Uncle, yes.
@MattЭллен dude, what century food are you cooking?
@Mitch What’s entry food?
don't you have a replicator?
@Mitch all of them.
@Mitch It only produces 8bit food
I need to upgrade to unicode firmware
OMG...one of my voices just told me...
♪ Pajaro qui pantalona ♫ cielito lindo ♫ es debajo la basada ♪
a 3D printer can be supplied with -any- workable printing material...
@KitFox print $ES_dict[ rand @ES_dict ] for 1 .. 7;
have it be some food substance(s). print ice cream, taco salads (I'm not judging), even soup. off to patent office
I had a zinger for Fritos, and this popped into my head.
Zingers aren't as good as twinkies
I've never goten the 'edible bouquet' thing.
meaning I've gotten one, but I didn't understand it.
Of course I ate it, I'm not stupid.
More productive than killing flowers.
yeah I know.
but you can rationalize by realizing they're gonna die anyway.
and next year maybe come back.
not for perennials.
@tchrist You must know that song?
@Mitch You are preventing them from reproducing!
well, if you husband them properly, I'm guessing you allow some to go to seed, right?
kinda 'brave new world' for horticulturists, innit?
Me dejiste que fué un gato el que entró por tu balcón.
Yo no he visto gato prieto con sombrero y pantalón.
edible flowers, now that is wrong.
Not happy about this.
@MetaEd 'I thought I was a cat that got on your balcony, I've never seen a a cat wear a hat and pants'? WTF, cats cant get on balconies, too high.
no no no
You told me it was a cat that came on to your balcony.
@tchrist No, that's ay, ay, ay
anki is good!
@tchrist balcony
I learnt this word yesterday.
@MetaEd that's stepping on the cat.
I've never seen a cat in a hat and trousers.
Some cat climbed onto my balcony last night, dearie. Oh yeah, well I never seen no trousered cat in a hat before. No worries, he left me his hat and pants on his way out.
@tchrist that's one messed up cat
My cat is always on my balcony.
He scales the walls by leaps and bounds.
♫ en el bar la vida es mas sabrosa ♪ en el bar te quiero mucho mas ♪ con el sol, la luna y las cervezas ♪ en el bar todo es felicidad! ♫
beer goggles strike again
it sucks that bad when you leave the bar?
OK, the mariachi-band meme strikes again. I get it.
It's my fault. I mentioned taco salad day.
Speaking of which, brb.
Kit is picking up her printout
La subasta del lote 49
How @tchrist buys gas.
that was a great movie
It really was.
I'm still waiting for them to shoot an ending.
Well it ended rather abruptly.
I never quite understood that.
The rest was spectacular.
@RegDwightАΑA Kinda like life?
Kind of like not, actually.
That's the thing.
Somehow something must have went on.
Nice try, Reg.
Oh, not a try, tchrist.
The movie had said all it had to say. So it ended. QED.
If it weren't, I would have believed it. And I don't.
@Robusto I can live with that. All I'm saying is when I first saw it I double-checked if there was anything wrong with my equipment.
But you are a gracious gentleman for wishing us to believe so.
@RegDwightАΑA Your experience was different from mine. Come to think of it, your experience is always different from mine.
Perhaps you must know that when I saw Intolerable Cruelty, the projectionist actually screwed it up and it did end way before it was supposed to. People were already leaving when all of a sudden it resumed.
You watched Intolerable Cruelty?
What I'm saying, it made perfect sense for it to end at that point, too.
@KitFox I watched Titanic. The only movie I stood away from was Gigli.
@RegDwightАΑA Wow. Ishtar?
I'll put it on my list.
Jun 5 at 14:36, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
I am not one of those people who hate on a movie without seeing it. I want to be able to tell you why I hate it. Otherwise any die-hard fan could just present any number of arguments to which I would know nothing to respond.
I wish Spiderman III had ended with Peter Parker dumping his Spidey suit in the trash. It's shot from inside the trash can, so it was already a cut to black. Just roll credits and we'd have been done.
Talk about English, not films!
It's always the same with you naughty boys.
Actually I gotta run some errands. For starters, where's my socks.
@Cerberus Wait, I thought you were Naughtius Maximus.
@RegDwightАΑA They are being used in the primaries.
@Robusto I'm a good dog.
@RegDwightАΑA I think you left them in your sandals.
moseys on over to chat up the Lares of democracy’s hearth.
@Robusto Blasphemy!
@RegDwightАΑA Even Twilight?
Sandals love socks.
@simchona that one above all things I will have to see. I really want to be able to tell you why it sucks.
@Cerberus ha! Says you, you Latin tongued canine
@RegDwightАΑA Socks.
sorry, I have a cold
@MattЭллен I talk in Latin about English.
@Cerberus you talk about something in Latin
@KitFox Warren Beatty, Dustin Hoffman and Isabelle Adjani? Sign me up!
Good catch.
"People who liked Ishtar also liked Crocodile Dundee, ¡Three Amigos!, and The Muppet Movie".
The Meaning of Life, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
"People who like your face also liked some other faces"
Aww, nice!
Blah, blah, random words.
But can they read my, my poker face?
I remember loving the Three Amigos
Me too.
I remember going into labor during The Muppets Take Manhattan.
And brandishing a machete a la Dundee.
my brother and me practised holdind the final "threeeeeeeeeeee" in the song, for so long :D
Me too!
Also, The Muppet Movie was the first movie I saw in a movie theatre.
Q: What affect does the article 'a' have on this fragment?

Robert S.What do you think is the difference between: Achieve better work/life balance and Achieve a better work/life balance The discussion may be academic, but I know what my preference is, and I need to be able to defend it.

43 mins ago, by tchrist
@KitFox print $ES_dict[ rand @ES_dict ] for 1 .. 7;
Haha, glad to see we're on the same page.
@RegDwightАΑA Too basic, or dupe?
Except that you said it in nerdy computerish language.
@tchrist I'm contemplating if it's one of those people who use affect like that on purpose.
@Cerberus that sounds like jealousy
@RegDwightАΑA Pshrynchs do.
But would I admit that?
in The Frying Pan, 23 secs ago, by BaffledCook
Oh, right, your memory is like an oliphaunt's
@RegDwightАΑA Too discussion-y?
In case anyone wondered about my memory.
@KitFox is it proof reading? it feels weird
@KitFox I'll make my mind up later. Found a sock. The plot thickens.
@RegDwightАΑA Check behind the dryer.
I no haz dryer.
Gotta run. Will be back in time to vote you all TO THE GROUND.
although that's any time in the next 99 hours
@Cerberus taughtology
@MattЭллен take one down, pass it around...
98 hours and 59 minutes on the wall
stupid failed validation of the viewstate.
yeah, flip that validation. what's its fudging problem?
I bet tchrist's viewstate never fails to validate.
what's the close reason for "logic doesn't apply to idioms"?
Q: Is "forth and back" more proper than "back and forth"?

hydroparadiseI think the term "back and forth" gets thrown around alot without much thought. From Dictionary.com: forth    [fawrth, fohrth] adverb 1. onward or outward in place or space; forward: to come forth; go forth. Wouldn't the term be more meaningful if "forth" was used first since you ...

or am I being to harsH?
They probably don't know hither and thither.
It’s never *thither and hither.
Although it is There and Back Again.
thither and yon
@KitFox That is not in my lexicon.
ebb and flow
@tchrist F-ck yeah, that's right. Eat your lexicon, smartypants!
hugs Kit
contemplates consuming an energy field bigger than her own head
It is a parallelism failure. I don’t like it.
Therefore I have banished it.
thither = to there
Where is the "to" part of "yon"?
There isn't one.
but that doesn't matter, because it just mean further
to there and further
or something like that
I don't know
@tchrist You are soooo strict.
I think it distresses you that language doesn't have codepoints built into it.
Whether and yon!
Weather and Jan!
Whence and jam!
Wither and yawn!
Dither and yen!
My little son bit my big son this morning.
I can't believe I have a biter in the family.
Is the big son named Rorge?
Odd. Rorge and Biter usually come in pairs.
I see.
The svaha is the best part, especially when slowly savored.
Doesn’t look like CR’s cack-handed agitation has managed to move the Lares of our democratic hearth into incorporating America-election–style mudslinging into SE electioneering. Perhaps he should consider a paid spamvert.
Q: At The Summer Olympics

rednowI find strange inside wikipeidia. wikipedia Russia at the 2008 Summer Olympics Russia competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics How it different if at change to in?

Commons’ Tragedy.
You hurt me.
Also, you are not fixing me codez.
Why do you insist on being naughty?
dances with joy for finally getting to use urbi et orbi in an answer.
Q: At/In the Summer Olympics

rednowI found this strange in Wikipedia Russia at the 2008 Summer Olympics Russia competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics How different is the meaning if at changes to in?

I actually find that suspicious. Like NS.
I'm out, peeps! See you on Monday.
Bye @KitFox!
@RegDwightАΑA Is this our first question about affect?
@simchona There are lame-ass questions daily. I’ve not the nose to sniff out one lamer from the next.
@MetaEd ’Twas.
@simchona Well, the S part of XXX S is the same, but he has a photo and a Yearling badge, plus several other Q&As one can send off to the local haruspex for analysis. My guess is no.
@tchrist He doesn't have a photo. What are you looking at?
@simchona You’re right. Wrong question. Was looking at the affect/effect one Me-Ted mentioned.

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