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@tchrist As I said, I believe Laclos still uses the subjunctive a lot in hypotheticals.
It struck me when reading Liaisons Dangereuses.
Actually, I believe Latin can also use the perfect indicative.
Si sapientior fui...
dicerem, or dixerem.
@Cerberus Perhaps here
@tchrist You mean dixerim? I don't think you would use the perfect subjunctive.
Then it would be read as a potentialis.
Yes dixerim
Oh I found the answer to the French question.
So not dixerim. That is a different kind of conditional.
Potentialis ≠ irrealis.
Si elle fût restée à Paris, il eût continué à la faire souffrir. [Montherlant 1936, p 115]
Ah, yes. That's the tense I meant.
I must admit I confuse some of the less common tenses in French.
So they used to use it. The book whose ref I give discusses the loss of subjunctive forms in French.
I saw it.
There is relevant material on the bottom of 210, about hypotheses.
No, wait, I wasn't confusing anything.
I sometimes get the forms of the passé simple and the imperfect subjunctive mixed up, that's all.
Fut v. fût.
Fûtes v. fussiez.
The fut vs fût distinction is easy to forget or miss.
I have no idea how that circonflexe got there.
a lost s, usually
But not always.
And not here.
maybe a Frenchman misplaced his beret
I am assuming fût is based on fuit here.
Why not here? The other persons all have an s in the imperfect subjunctive.
Ah, gotcha.
I mean, in fût it probably comes from fuisset; but in fûmes, it should come from fuimus?
G'aftoon, all
Perhaps. I’d look toward fuérimus, except I don’t know that the French versions came from thereabouts.
Why are there a hundred people standing in front of my house?
@tchrist Is that old French?
@Cerberus We're just watching to make sure you don't do anything suspicious.
No, Latin
@Cerberus Something about your house might be worth attention. This can range from something really nice being on your lawn, to a fire. It'd be wiser to investigate.
Or do you mean fuerimus? Are you suggesting that the passé simple came from the perfect subjunctive? That wouldn't make sense?
@Robusto I knew it was you!
@GraceNote They're not looking at my house, most of them aren't.
I’m suggesting that in general, the Latin pluperfect subjunctive gave rise to Romance imperfect subjunctive.
I have some 17th century ornaments.
But they're probably just going out to bars and stuff.
A fire below sea level. Hahahahaha.
Half of them have left.
Drowned, you mean.
@Cerberus Then it's probably a fire.
With the Latin perfect subjunctive turning into the future subjunctive in Old Spanish and in Portuguese. The Latin pluperfect indicative turned into the literary pluperfect in Old Portuguese and in Spanish, but into an alternate imperfect subjunctive in Spanish.
It’s something of a tangled mess.
@tchrist But fuerimus is no pluperfect, and fûmes is no subjunctive.
@GraceNote No, they are looking at their leader, not at any houses.
Yes yes, you're right. I have to have verb tables in front of my face to keep the seldom-used French tenses straight in the irregulars.
@Cerberus Is they're leader looking at the fire at your house?
@tchrist I don't think the Latin perfect subjunctive turned into a future subjunctive in Spanish? That would rather be the future perfect.
French preterite fûmes < Latin perfect fuimus, just as it would become fuimos is others.
@tchrist Same here.
@GraceNote make it go away! GAAAH.
@GraceNote No, he is just ignoring the fire.
@tchrist Yes, that is what I suggested...so I was wondering about the circonflexe.
All perfect tenses in modern Spanish, like most Romance, are constructed with auxiliaries. The literary pluperfect copied from Latin doesn't count.
Oh right, it can’t be an s there.
The s thing is only a rule of thumb anyway.
As to the Spanish future subjunctive, it could be based on both the Latin perfect subjunctive and the Latin future perfect, which appear identical in all but one form.
Q: The difference beteeen "provide confidential advice" and "provide confidential help"

user24305Why would it be OK to say "provide confidential advice" but not "provide confidential help". To me the latter seems wrong, but I can't explain why.

Meanwhile, Rick James ... is Gen Ref.
Fuerim/fuero, fueris, fuerit, ... fuerint.
Future perfect fuero, perfect subjunctive fuerim.
Compare Spanish with Latin, French, Italian.
Is there an April Fools Day tradition here.
I don't remember anything happening last April 1.
you don't?
LA fuerim > ES fuere, PT for, which are future subjunctives.
there was an influx of New Zealand users
asking a few questions about sexism and such
@MetaEd next time I think we'll be more organised
Haha, it was great.
@tchrist It is a possibility, but I would rather say it was based on both fuerim and fuero.
Sushi questions and whatnot.
@MattЭллен David?
Oh, yes.
That was Marjorie, who was I.
well remembered!
I hadn't read Ed's question yet when I replied.
I'm planning ahead.
@Robusto What, he's gonna smack me back? I'm Rick James, He's Charlie Murphy.
@Cerberus I see, even better then!
@MetaEd It was great fun. You shoulda been there.
@MattЭллен Yes, Mr Moderator.
Cocaine's a helluva drug!
Oh, what disappointment it shall be if you lose!
@RegDwightАΑA You? You're Rick James? Well, that explaineth a lot.
@Cerberus I don’t know how to know whether it was from fuero or fuerim. The others aren't different.
@Cerberus I'm no moderator yet
@tchrist I think the two had blended together.
Come on, SLACKERS! Close that damn GR question already!
@Cerberus Yes, I shall have to throw a tantrum and blame everyone for supporting the undemocratic, opaque schemes of the SE founders
That is fair.
in bold and heading tags
@MattЭллен You wanna moderate? Get out your close votes. You're gonna need 'em.
Wow, I love how accurate my phone's rain predictor is.
It is accurate by 10 minutes!
@Cerberus Yeah, when you see little drops of water start to bead up on it, you know it's raining!
Your neighbor's having a flood again?
@Robusto The slackers are too busy chatting, and vice versa.
The point is, most programs just take one weather station in your city and give you whatever it says.
@tchrist Semper idem, semper fidelis.
This one, however, inter-/extrapolates, based on your exact location!
@Robusto Oh, I think I voted too localised. Who the heck else cares?
@RegDwightАΑA Shout louder.
@MattЭллен that'll do.
@RegDwightАΑA A flood below sea level. Hahahahaha.
Meanwhile, I must make for the Batmobile. Laters.
@MetaEd I'm Rick James, biatch!
Good luck getting the Robmobile to start.
How can "User's Users' or Users group?" not be dup?
Oh I'm certain it is.
@Mitch OK, so you're 15+17+35? Noted.
Umm, you're the oldest player on the team.
Oh nais, a serial downvoter!
@RegDwightАΑA I kinda think the question he links to doesn’t answer the question — about why things like Farmers Almanac are preferred — but I can’t find the dup that I’m sure must be there.
I'm not even searching. I'm Rick James!
Charlie Murphy, is it you downvoting me?
@RegDwightАΑA I'm usually on top of those, surprised I actually did that. In the English room, of all rooms, so I'm going to claim that it was 100% intentional. Muhaha.
I see. The if-a-tree-falls-in-a-forest-and-I-claim-it-was-intentional-then-it-makes-no-sound defense. Clever!
Dexter time. Latorz.
@GraceNote You misspelled "their".
Speling is over ated.
Oops! I should have written: Speling is over eaten.
@Gigili my inner 67 year old is having trouble understanding you, with all the irony and sarcasm, and lack of respect for the elderly, wondering what your parents have been teaching you. Get Off. My. Lawn.
@Mitch I don't have a lawn, so I usually say get off my laundry.
@Mitch Wow. I flagged you.
Let's see.
@Gigili No flagging in this chat.
YOu really shouldn't be letting kids play with your laundry...all that chocolate on their faces and sticky candy cane juice on their fingers getting all over your clothes.
@Gigili woo hoo! what for?
@JasperLoy I take orders only from the president.
was it deserving?
@Mitch Yeah, my underwear will be sticky with chocolate.
@Gigili Are you NS?
@JasperLoy that is gross.
@Mitch I will say something more gross. White chocolate in front and dark chocolate behind.
@JasperLoy Yes, when you're Carlo.
@Gigili Therefore, vacuously true.
Hi @mah!
@JasperLoy Yes, you successfully said something grosser. I will now only be able to read what you say with my eyes closed.
@Mitch I am very imaginative as you can see...
@JasperLoy Greetings.
@Mahnax Oh I forgot again. KFC!
Well, how is everyone today?
@mah No need to remove the glare!
@Mahnax Don't ask about laundry.
@Mitch Oh, I wouldn't, not even on a dare.
@Mahnax Don't ask or even mention..well..I can't mention it...but you know what I'm thinking.
and then there's @KitFox.
@Mitch My previous point remains.
but the election..now that is fair game. You're supposed to vote for some people.
sighs I am trying to fix a user's problem. This guy is an idiot.
And he's on XP and it's so full of bloat that it runs about as well as his old Buick.
idiots are stupid.
@Mitch Rather undeserving.
@KitFox Sounds like cerb.
I don't think Cerb drives a Buick.
I don't think Cerb drives.
is in a real huff
@Gigili hm..'rather'..that still leaves some doubt.
senses huffing but can't tell from where
senses the need to catch a train. decides maybe it's time to go
Bye, Mitch.
Now that Mitch is gone, let's talk about something interesting.
What's your huff?
@JasperLoy Excuse me? My computer is very fast and works well.
Gotta reboot. Back in an hour. Maybe longer.
"You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff."
Good luck!
51 mins ago, by Mitch
@Gigili my inner 67 year old is having trouble understanding you, with all the irony and sarcasm, and lack of respect for the elderly, wondering what your parents have been teaching you. Get Off. My. Lawn.
Behed, good nacht.

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