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There are two scheduled releases, not three.
Man, do I have foul news for you.
@Robusto I don't think those dots are correct.
@Cerberus I. Didn't. Mean. Them. To. Be.
Then you have Jasper to fear.
For he guards his inventions jealously.
theonering.net/torwp confirms that there are now three films per official announcement, with the third premièring in Summer 2014.
I fear no Jaspers, or any of their ilk.
We'll see.
omnis divisa in partes tres
@tchrist Oh, FFS.
By the way, isn't it time for you to pick a nice icon for yourself?
If The Hobbit had been a cow Peter Jackson couldn't have milked it any harder.
Maybe Christ on a cross?
Seems when he was trying to make the bifurcating cut he had too many hours.
@Robusto Who you calling an "ilk?"
Or on a stick, as Vitaly and Reg would have him.
He always does this. I think he shot like 16 hours for the three Lord of the Rings films.
@Cerberus Yes, but what would it be in PIE?
Christ bearing his Crossbike
Acrylic on paper.
@tchrist Well, but TLOTR had that much text to cover. He actually left stuff out.
@Robusto Get a rope.
@MetaEd I think the root of super and hyper is something like *swp-.
Whatever happened to brevity? I mean brvty.
Single word prequest?
†☧ᶥſt: by this sign shall I conquer.
Wit's soul was murdered by Polonius.
In hoc Señor Wences.
@tchrist no, that was Alexander Litvinenko.
Wenceslao Moreno (April 17, 1896 – April 20, 1999), better known as Señor Wences, was a Spanish ventriloquist. His popularity grew with his frequent appearances on CBS-TV's Ed Sullivan Show in the 1950s and 1960s. Early life Wences was born in Peñaranda de Bracamonte, Salamanca, Spain. His father was Antonio Moreno Ross, artist, and his mother was Josefa Centeno Lavera, both from Salamanca. His name Wenceslao is of Czech origin (Václav) meaning "victorious". As a newborn, his family was so destitute that his birth certificate was three days late being filed. (This has led to some confusi...
@tchrist That's nice.
Although Christ is usually abbreviated xps, IIRC.
@Cerberus There, I’ve added a t for you via a dagger/cross.
Ah, nice cross.
@Robusto I think people from Salamanca have a funny demonym. Spacing it right now.
@tchrist lolwut (obligatory)
Salamanca Rushdie.
Song of Salamanca.
@RegDwightАΑA was born on a Mundee?
"his family was so destitute that his birth certificate was three days late being filed." The writer of this article has not given birth lately or filed papers for a birth certificate. The lines to get a driver's license are one flap of a humming bird's wings in comparison. And the mom just gave birth.
s/family was so destitute/father was so drunk
@tchrist Hector Salamanca?
@cornbreadninja no, on Mount Rushdiemore. Duh.
It’s like somebody from Cádiz is a gaditano. I think someone from Salamanca is a salamandrino, or in English, a newt.
yesterday, by RegDwight АΑA
user image
@tchrist newts and salamanders are not the same thing. frowny
See picture.
@KitFox You appear to have a fracture in your upper arm.
I have a headache.
And I am naturally suspicious of outsiders.
Malcom in the Middle!
@Robusto yoink
@Robusto life is unfair
@Robusto Hey, this is a family channel. None of that middleware business.
@tchrist Really?
It sort of makes sense...
But Salamander sounds so Greek!
OK, here's your Disney version. ^
@Cerberus I'm still looking for the demonym.
Frickin' doggy tweened me.
@Robusto Hey, I know that guy!
Found it: salmantino, salmanticense, salamanqués, salamanquino, charro
@Robusto it's been Malcolm in the Middle that's sustained us as a people for 3000 years!
It's Hal, Malcolm's father.
From here. Some of those are bizarre.
@tchrist Ah, that is closer to what one would expect.
Charro is probably informal.
Someone flagged my Hector Salamanca.
Can we down-vote EC, or must we just ignore his nomination?
The one I was remembering as bizarre was that Ciudad Rodrigo in the Salamanca region has the bizarre demonym of mirobrigense.
@cornbreadninja you can downvote in primaries. You can only upvote in the elections proper.
> from Gk. salamandra, probably of eastern origin.
@RegDwightАΑA Excellent. tents fingers
@tchrist That sounds Latinate...?
Does English has special demonyms for its cities? It does, right?
In Britain.
Perhaps there was a Greek city Microbrigae there with the demonym Microbrigensis in Latin?
So is @Rob still with us? Or have we flagged the shit out of him again?
Nah, I'm here.
I think.
San Sebastián > donostiarra, easonense; Fuerteventura > majorero; Ávila > abulense. I think there are British city demonyms that go back to Latin.
@KitFox: Your jQuery answer was deleted. I would complain on MSO.
I'm trying out Dominos pizza tonight
@Robusto shrugs
A man of modest ambitions.
@Jez famous last words.
Speaking of which, Dexter time.
Nominations close in 30 minutes.
@Cerberus Supposed to be *uper- according to OEtmD
but there's a typo in the hyper- entry
which I advised the author of
Has anybody tried to make up a PIE grammar?
I could make one up right now if you want.
Those damn Romans have been at it again: Oxford > Oxonian; Cambridge > Cantabrigian; Leeds > Leodensian; Manchester > Mancunian; New Castle > Novocastrian.
@Jez avoid the Noid.
g'day @MattЭллен
@tchrist what about Glasgow->Glaswegian?
@Mitch That one we blame on the Scandihoovians, not the Romans.
hiya @cornbreadninja
And Tasmania->Taswegian on the Hypoboreans?
Surely hypoboreal = austral
Speaking of hyperbored.
@Robusto sorry, I introduced him to them by accident, earlier today: And thanks to Matt Эллен for getting me interested in these graphs :)
At least the primary won't make the election last even longer.
@JasperLoy Never say never.
Wah, there are now 11 nominees.
So we go to primary.
To toss one out.
well, I think I know who will be tossed off...
although there could be a surprise turn around
Messy business, that.
@MattЭллен I hope you're very proud of yourself.
Always. I'm a shining beacon of imprefection
A: Is "senility" pejorative?

RobustoI have to disagree with the two current answers. If you call someone "senile" it is hard to see how it would not be taken as an insult in this day and age. Here are some usage notes from TheFreeDictionary.com: In earlier writings one finds phrases such as "a senile maturity of judgment" and...

Mysterious downvote. I think I've pissed someone off.
@Robusto Well, we all get downvotes from time to time. But then again, we all piss off people from time to time too.
Nah, I've gotten a bunch today.
@MetaEd Hmm but I believe -er is a suffix. And where did the s come from, if it wasn't in the Proto-Indo-European root?
The thing is, it is impossible to call someone senile in this day and age and not have it be offensive.
If you call someone senile who is actually senile, it is not necessarily offensive.
@Cerberus Wrong.
Then what is offensive?
I would have called my grandmother senile.
Or gaga.
Or whatever.
It is offensive to call someone "crippled" in America these days, and has been for thirty years. James Watt lost his job in Reagan's cabinet for referring to someone (jokingly) as "a cripple."
When Reagan himself had Alzheimer's, nobody here referred to him as "senile."
@Cerberus The only way a person would not be offended is if they didn't understand the remark. If you call a calamitously stupid person an idiot, the word is an insult whether that person is bright enough to understand the term or not.
@MetaEd Hmm Pokorny also names something like up-, but he also notes that this probably came from an older root hukw-.
@Robusto I think discussing someone's illnesses in public is perhaps the problem here.
What do you call them? Age-appropriately forgetful? Alzheimeristic?
Yo @corn! Now I think that pic looks a little like John Lennon.
@JasperLoy facepalm
@Robusto To find out who mysteriously downvoted you, filter for age.
@tchrist Unfortunately, most of them are not defined here.
@cornbreadninja You refer to the disease, not to the person. You might say a person has, or is afflicted with, dementia.
@MetaEd fair enough.
5 more minutes to primary voting.
@cornbreadninja I want my ten points.
places, everyone!
@MetaEd link me?
You can still nominate yourselves now!
@JasperLoy meh
Primary? Oh, who's number eleven?
@MetaEd Marthaaa
Should I pull out?
@MetaEd [redacted]
@JasperLoy No last minute nomination from you?
@KitFox Nope. QED.
@MetaEd I think Martha wanted the primary.
@MetaEd Is that even possible?
Sex jokes aside: I am just a volunteer … I could withdraw and avoid a primary.
@MetaEd hands you ten points
I think primary is fun though.
@cornbreadninja Woo hoo!
@MetaEd and 64 slices of american cheese
So that's two or three votes for a primary, and none against.
@cornbreadninja Eeew. That's ... stuffs face awful ...
64 slices, eh. So that's what the golden disks of the Towers of Hanoi are really.
kicks @Cerb Wai U faint?

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