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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

... never mind I guess it shuts it off :)
Any americans here think their political system isn't dysfunctional?
Q: Is the "weekend" part of the "week"?

rubenvbIs the "week" only the five days in-between weekends or not?

Gen ref. No research effort.
Any dysfunctionals here who think they're American?
Now, now. Noöne can be that dysfunctional!
@RegDwightАΑA Is the "end" of the road part of the "road"?
Get out of my head.
Sorry :(
Though, to be fair, etymologies mean little.
Now that we've come to the end of the road...
We're at the roadend!
oh wait
this is the beginning
Between used to mean something like "by two each". Now it means "to interfere in chat".
Who you calling a rodent?
more like flying rodent man
I bet he carries diseases
What if the road travels in a circle?
Rodeos carry diseases?
@RegDwightАΑA clowns are a disease
Sunday to Saturday
@MattЭллен no, down's is a disease. How did you make that disconnected d?
To which week does midnight Saturday night belong?
@skullpatrol Saturday night belongs to fighting.
@RegDwightАΑA i am batman
@RegDwightАΑA Saturday night's alright
Alright, alright ALRiaaaaaaight!!!!
oooooooo oo oo ooo
Thank you Bernie.
Superb poetry right there.
Okay I'm finished copying that stupid DVD to my harddrive, now I'm really outta here.
good night
So, the end of one week is the beginning of the next week and so the arguement goes round and round...
so the end of the argument is the beginning of the next one. Welcome to EL&U chat
Thank you.
London 2012
London 1941
We've come a long way baby.
indeed we have :)
But I have not.
@skullpatrol I see you are square root bomb now.
@skullpatrol That you?
@MattЭллен Yeah, poor city.
hiya @Cerb :) how are you?
BRB cooking...
The eggs are out of the water. Now the broccoli are boiling.
what are you making?
Umm, egg + broccoli + water ... Broccoli scrambled eggs.
you don't scramble eggs in water!
I don't but Cerb does!
A: What does it mean to "beat one's breast"?

trthndcptnJews (or Israelites?) beat on their breasts on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, and said, "Have mercy on me a sinner." It was a public gesture, because it is not hidden from others. When I was young and still a roman catholic, we used to, in church, beat our breast i.e. knock with our right fis...

What's the deal with the religious answers today.
No sweat bro, religion is compatible with science.
I'm not sweating.
I'm not a sweater.
Also, I am not a science denialist.
Are you a jacket?
I am a smoking hot jacket.
Ein Smoking ist ein besonders eleganter Anzug und als solcher Teil der Abendgarderobe für Herren. Er wird auch als kleiner Gesellschaftsanzug bezeichnet (im Gegensatz zum Frack als großem Gesellschaftsanzug). Die Bezeichnung ist aus dem Englischen entlehnt: "smoking-jacket" bezeichnete ursprünglich eine aus Samt gefertigte und ggf. mit Tressen verzierte Jacke. Die spätere Entwicklung des Begriffs ist deutsch und französisch und in den deutsch- und französischsprachigen Ländern so wie in Italien gebräuchlich. Im britischen Englisch heißt der Smoking dinner jacket. In gedruckten Einladungen ...
End of intermezzo. Season 4, episode 2. Priorities, priorities.
@MattЭллен mmm poachy scramble.
Can you not @ people in comments on beta sites?
you can
but they have to be part of the comment thread, or the poster
(same as with regular sites)
@cornbreadninja @works on beta sites exactly as they do on gamma sites.
I just tried on mechanics.SE and it removed it from the comment. Additionally, their handle didn't pop up from the first letters entered (and there are only three letters)
Q: 2003 Ford Escort ZX2 has creaky steering

cornbread ninjaIt doesn't squeal. It creaks in a constant, staccato fashion while I make right turns at low speeds. What could this be?

I started with @TMN and it failed.
@cornbreadninja ah, @s get removed if they reference the poster, sometimes
@cornbreadninja It's removed if you are commenting to the person who posted since the @ is not necessary.
because the poster always gets notified about comments
thank you both.
There there, another QED.
but I guess if there are comments from more than one person, then the @ at the poster stays
You're welcome!
@JasperLoy If you say so. ;)
I wish that eggs benedict didn't involve hollandaise.
do you dislike Holland?
not at all! it just reminds me of mayonnaise, and I have a great dislike of Mayoland.
I must shower; ta-ta for now.
I understand. I believe Simon Mayo (used to be a DJ on BBC Radio) to be slimy because of his name
@MattЭллен gross! :)
and fattening
oh, apparently he still is a DJ on BBC Radio
I... just stepped through my roof.
@Jez Your roof collapsed?
after i stepped through it yes.. the floorboards were up
Q: More Well Done - Really Well Done - Better Done - Weller Done

Nearby I personally like my scallops more well done. I personally like my scallops really well done. I personally like my scallops better done. I personally like my scallops weller done. Are there differences in meaning?

@cornbreadninja Apologies on declining your flag just now; I hit the wrong button by mistake.
Is this one of those sockpuppet questions I've been reading about?
I believe so.
It's NS, I think.
Whoa, that was quick.
So, should I flag questions like that, or vote to close? I know there was a meta discussion about it, but that seemed to focus on questions that were somehow good or worth keeping, rather than general nonsense.
@cornbreadninja try mayonnaise with Dijon mustard some time.
Jun 22 at 15:19, by RegDwight ΒВB
Mustard mayonnaise >> honey mustard. True story.
I am still confused by what should be flagged as "low quality answer". I know that "not an answer" means comment or separate question and that wrong answer should be downvoted. Can someone give me an example of "low quality answer"?
@Cameron more often than not you can flag (they usually get tons of flags anyway) and vote to close (most of them are NARQs and/or dupes, though the original is often no longer around).
Jul 23 at 20:38, by waiwai933
@Gigili No, flag those as custom message and mention "Nortonn S".
Umm, what Reg said.
@JasperLoy I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it.
@waiwai933 ahh! I was confused. I did see that the username went from 'Nearby' to 'user(numberString)'.
@RegDwightАΑA only if you try more olives.
@cornbreadninja A sign of someone being destroyed. TO THE GROUND.
@cornbreadninja I do, every living day of my life, them be damned.
@RegDwightАΑA at least you're tenacious.
Better than nineacious.
@RegDwightАΑA That paragraph sounds like it was written by a highly educated pineapple.
@JasperLoy it was written by Justice Potter Stewart, in point of fact.
Potter Stewart (January 23, 1915December 7, 1985) was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. During his tenure, he made, among other areas, major contributions to criminal justice reform, civil rights, access to the courts, and Fourth Amendment jurisprudence. Education Stewart was born in Jackson, Michigan, approximately south of Lansing, Michigan, while his family was on vacation. His father, James Garfield Stewart, a prominent Republican from Cincinnati, Ohio, served as mayor of Cincinnati for seven years and was later a justice on the Ohio Supreme Court. Potter St...
Easy to accuse a dead person of being a pineapple.
@RegDwightАΑA No plagiarism in this chat.
sigh I miss all the meme births.
Jan 18 at 16:28, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
@MetaEd No plagiarism in this chat.
I memorized the first paragraph of Great Expectations.
@cornbreadninja you mean you were a 4Chan regular? What turned you off?
I'll take the answer offline. Season 4, episode 3.
@RegDwightАΑA I have absolutely zero knowledge about 4chan, reddit, etc.
@RegDwightАΑA ha, no, the Incomprehensible memes.
Damn, Yoichi Oishi asks a lot of questions. He has to have the record.
Almost all of them are from the news.
Damn these effing cliffhangers. This season is a poem. Can't be arsed to wait till morning for the next stanza.
Makes me wanna rewatch the second season, too.
@cornbreadninja I was thinking of making a thread on Meta. Like the one they have over on MSO.
Q: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXICatchphrases and concepts that spread from person to person are known as memes, which, courtesy the Internet, can now explode across the Earth like a highly contagious virus (hence "going viral"). As with their IRL counterparts, some infectious diseases are global (pandemic), while others are end...

But that'll have to wait. Episode 4!
@RegDwightАΑA Season of what?
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