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@RegDwigнt Yeah, imagine having to read dance the way you read music.
@Robusto Oops! Thanks!
how to have everlasting food?
like a thermodynamic process violating a thermodynamic theorem.
there won't be rain today.
@RegDwigнt Ein spätes Junowat!!
@Robusto I use Tasker.
You can use it to automatically set the volume to a certain level as a certain programme is opened.
It's probably more advanced than Automate.
@Robusto And civilised is not "other than physical"? I am confused.
6 hours later…
@CowperKettle It’s not a rotunda, really, because it’s not a circular room in a building. It’s a gazebo—an open-air structure in a garden providing a space with some overhead shelter or definition for outdoor activities, a very elegant gazebo, in this case, to be sure. Probably where the bride and groom stand to get married.
2 hours later…
A rotunda (from Latin rotundus) is any building with a circular ground plan, and sometimes covered by a dome. It may also refer to a round room within a building (a famous example being the one below the dome of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.). The Pantheon in Rome is a famous rotunda. A band rotunda is a circular bandstand, usually with a dome. == Rotunda in Central Europe == A great number of parochial churches were built in this form in the 9th to 11th centuries CE in Central Europe. This type of circular shaped parochial building can be found in great number in Hungary, Poland...
You can put a rotunda on top of your capitol, sure but a) it's already a rotunda before you even start, and b) it's still outside, not inside.
@Xanne a room inside a building can be a rotunda, too, but that doesn't prevent other rotundas from also being rotundas.
A Ford can still be a car even if Mercedes already is.
making food doesn't require technical knowledge
that means a person who wants to take his profession as food maufacture for humans doesn't need to go to school
you don't need to know the chemical structure of food to make food
maybe it's better for them to recognize and write characters of the language they use to communicate with customers and know how to do arithmetic calculations to sell food.
so they may go to primary school
after graduating from primary school, they can start their profession officially
I am so hungry; food professional, bring me food.
eating snacks is so uneconomical
it takes time to eat but can't stave off much hunger
1 hour later…
@Cerberus I was thrown off by your subsequent reference to her appearance. Yes, civilised is not necessarily a physical attribute, though a manner of dress may partake of both.
@RegDwigнt And it can be a colonnade at the same time. So ...
@Robusto I mentioned her appearance to explain why I interpreted your "looks good" as not being about her appearance.
So I now gather.
BTW, Tasker gets worse reviews than Automate.
It also gets some flak as a phishing site, due to the root privileges it asks for.
I dunno. I only want it to do one thing at present. I accomplished that readily enough with Automate. What sorts of things do you do that are more complicated than the functionality provided in Automate?
I have not used Automate: I began with Tasker, because I read it could do a lot more than Automate at the time.
That was when I got my first Android phone, perhaps seven years ago.
Yeah, totally understandable. Go with what you know.
In later years, I kept reading the same thing: Tasker can do much more than the alternatives.
This is what made the difference for me: milagromobilemarketing.com/blog/…
When I log into some websites, I get an SMS as 2FA.
Someone had already solved my problem using Automate, so that was an easy choice for me.
I have made it so that Tasker processes the SMS, pops up a slider for me to confirm, and then sends the code from the SMS to my computer using Pushbullet.
@Robusto Sure, and you can use Tasker and Automate simultaneously.
I also use Tasker to make a button on my home screen that sets an alarm 8 hours from now.
I have used it to make a widget which displays Telegram messages on my home screen.
I don't know what Telegram is. Some kind of chat app?
Yup, it is like Whatsapp, but better, and not owned by Facebook.
Whenever I copy anything on my phone, a notification appears in the notification drawer, allowing me to share the copied text why any app, or push it directly to my computer, or open it in Firefox (if it is a link).
I use a notification rather than a pop-up, because I don't want it to get in the way.
Whenever a file changes in a certain folder, that folder is automatically synchronised with my cloud provider of choice (Tasker watches the folder and interacts with a synchronising app).
Etc. etc.
The "not owned by Facebook" is certainly a plus.
Yes, and you can use Telegram on your computer without having your phone present.
That's actually pretty nice.
I get tired of emailing shit from my phone to my computer. Images especially.
It automatically shows a thumbnail and snippet from a site when you send someone a link, etc.
@Robusto Then I recommend Pushbullet.
I'll check it out.
For incidental communication between phone and computer.
It has a good Tasker plug-in. Might work with Automate as well (I don't know).
I don't know either. I just got started with Automate. Looks fairly robust, though, and there are many plugins I totally haven't explored yet.
I also use Tasker to change the time until the screen turns off per app.
Automate (formerly Llama) probably has a more intuitive interface.
You might think of learning Java at some point so you can make your own Android apps. Maybe make some money.
I might!
They say it is best to start using ehh some integrated programme that lets you create apps for Android.
@Robusto what's more, CERTS contains a golden drop of ricin!
But, actually, Tasker lets you create full, installable apps.
@RegDwigнt You've been around Putin for too long.
But thanks for the drive-by!
You can export e.g. a couple of profiles together as an independent app, which you can have other people install.
@Cerberus Yeah, but I'm sure there's a lot of overhead that wouldn't be present in a Java app.
I'm sure.
@Robusto Java is outdated for that purpose. Learn Flutter, that way you could have both iOS and android output with one code.
@Gigili Yeah, but @Cerberus wants nothing to do with iOS.
Anyway, I'm outdated for that purpose, being retired and all.
@Robusto That's unfortunate. I switched to iOS a couple years ago and I always regret not doing it sooner.
To get anything like my old job these days I'd have to learn several new frameworks. But then I'd have a job, which would be an epic fail and would cut into my enjoyment of life rather severely.
@Robusto Don't say that! You're way ahead of many.
I started learning Flutter recently and it is awesome for designing apps.
Ah, I see it's a Google product.
Still, I'm sure you have to have a solid understanding of the inner workings of a mobile phone. I only have an outside-in view at the moment.
I see further that it's a declarative UI, which is certainly consonant with Google. I disliked Angular, but React wasn't bad.
The problem with declarative in Angular was that it didn't scale well. If you have a complicated interface that requires, say, 200 updates based on one action it can get bogged down.
Interesting that Google doesn't call it an Angular-style declarative UI (their own product) but calls it React-style (Facebook origin), since that's what most people have gravitated to at this point.
3 hours later…
@RegDwigнt “ Gazebos overlap with pavilions, kiosks,[2] alhambras, belvederes, follies, gloriettes, pergolas, and rotundas.” And some Fords overlap with tin cans.
@Robusto An absolute beginner on the subject.
@Xanne Why do we even need these words anyway
Thank God I didn't choose architecture
In the “be careful what you wish for” category: Summer of illegal raves expected in England despite coronavirus crisis
Huge parties organised via social media will thrive after long lockdown, experts warn
@Xanne You left out ramadas.
Keep it as simple as possible, but not simpler.
@Robusto always a pleasure.
@Robusto that's not Putin tho, that's Walter White.
Get your fantasy characters straight.
@RegDwigнt Oh, that's right. Putin uses polonium.
Figure 1: a straight fantasy character.
Hope that helps.
Straight? Looks pretty gay to me.
Thank you for explaining my own writing to me.
You're welcome. Any time.
@Robusto Putin uses his own bare hands. In his own barren cellar.
Polonium is for gay people who are not straight.
@RegDwigнt So he's a minotaur. Noted.
Centaur, minotaur, gaytaur, let's call the whole thing off.
@Robusto And cupolas, not to be confused with copulas.
Let's call the whole thing Gershwin.
Francis Ford Copulas?
No copulation in grammar, please.
Feb 9 at 16:28, by RegDwigнt
Coito ergo cum.
Also, Gershwin was totally gay.
Or was it Bernstein.
I can't keep track.
So many gay people in arts. Why don't they just become hairdressers.
All good questions.
That's why I keep them off the main site.
They would definitely be out of place there.
Careful, you can't say "out of place", Edward W. already did.
So now it's copyrighted.
Q: Write the body of this letter

Omer FarooqTo your doctor friend appreciating him for his services during coronavirus pandemic

We don’t do your homework here. — Laurel 16 mins ago
@laurel then just shut up. If you don't give a damn then I am better at it. — Omer Farooq 12 mins ago
I’m voting to close this question because the OP is better at answering it than ourselves. — RegDwigнt ♦ 12 secs ago
@RegDwigнt You should vote to close the OP as well.
@Robusto You're almost making it sound as if I hadn't done just that.
My suggestion is retroactive.
Ah, I do apologize, I forgot to read the fine print.
Aww, only three days? And FWIW, this person seems like someone who will never be cool, no matter how long he's on cooldown.
It's my party and you cry if you want to.
I would cry too if it happened to you.
Sounds Gore-y.
What is it with me and spelling today. Or rather, what is it with me and not spelling.
@Robusto it is an inconvenient truth.
> take a look at my new composition. It is written for piano, strings and voice, and is supposed to sound like music from a film soundtrack.
I didn't realize that Psycho, Starship Troopers and Schindler's List all sounded the same.
Job well done, then. He intended it to sound like "music from a film soundtrack" and by your measure, at least, he has succeeded wonderfully.
I am always applying the kindest of measures.
Here's another applicant:
That's because I'll still be here in three days. So if someone's not satisfied with my kindness, I can always apply more.
Do old rockers all look like Keith Richards after a certain age?
That's a very glamrock-sounding Western.
Did Bowie do the imagining?
Bowie would never have been that straight-ahead with it.
True, but my point is that Willie Nelson would never have been that gay-ahead.
You just can't go and use nine chords if two will do.
@RegDwigнt That's a dad joke.
Or, in Japanese, 親父ギャグ.
Well, I know my audience.
It's a comfort to me that Japanese has dad jokes.
Well it can't be all tentacle hentai all the time. Not even in Japan.
It can get pretty damn close to that. Maybe a little harem anime thrown in.
Yes, but there's some overlap between harem anime and dad jokes.
You asked for tentacle hentai, you got it.
Prolly you should delete that after viewing.
Or I will.
I actually recognized the chichi glyph. Though of course I bet it's never in a million years pronounced chichi there.
I saw it but noticed nothing offensive. I must be immune.
I know you wouldn't have a problem with it. But, you know, those less worldly than yourself.
Or less cultured.
Art is art. Tentacles or no.
No I actually mean I didn't even notice. I only saw a squid.
Oh, there was a woman, too. Lol. Literally didn't see her.
@RegDwigнt That was a 蛸, not an 烏賊—a tako, not an ika.
And no, tako is not a Mexican food.
Yeah next up you'll tell me turtles are different from tortoises.
Also from terrapins.
@RegDwigнt If you're looking for tits on YouTube you're going to be disappointed.

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