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@JasperLoy what @Mitch said. :D
Nutella? Of course it's loved. It's a sugar paste masquerading as a health food.
@Mitch my mother despises hazelnuts, but I'm certain she would like nutella.
@MetaEd facepalm
we are a vile, litigious species.
I ought to have said a fat and sugar paste.
@cornbreadninja yeah but it ain't a health food, that's for sure.
@Mitch Mrs. Hohenberg needs to learn to read.
@cornbreadninja I totally sympathize with this lawsuit. Nutella is what it is, but they were labeling it like a health food.
If you were starving, it would definitely save your life. But it is not a staple.
@MetaEd they were?
It is a staple of luxury items.
Personally, I never felt the need to read the nutella label. I see 'chocolate hazelnut spread' and assume that it isn't terribly healthy.
“There’s no way to escape noticing that sugar is a major component of the product,” Flaherty said in her critique of the California law. “Anyone capable of reading should know how to check the food’s label for its ingredients,” which specify lots of sugar and fat.
“I’m not at liberty to discuss this.”
Also the article ends with:
"World Nutella Day is Feb. 5 each year."
At least perspective is held up.
That's like suing a donut company,
for I don't know what.
@Mitch that was Mrs. Hohenderp
Yeah...she's not at liberty to discuss it because of the limitations of the language use centers in her brain.
I have more...until the edit clock runs out.
Nope...I don't.
Of course all this makes me think of nutella.
which is happiness.
@Mitch I haven't had any in years. Might go buy some.
@Jasper: what is a good dessert like thing that is common for kids when you grew up?
The last time I had some, it wasn't widely available.
@cornbreadninja they're starting to have it in lots of regular grocery stores (used to be only in specialty stores selling European products, like an Italian grocery store. which are rare outside of big cities.
It'll be in the, annoyingly, peanut butter section.
@cornbreadninja Right. Anybody capable of reading should know to ignore the lies on the front of the package, and read the actual truth on the back of the package. (Note: This comment contains crunchy, raw, unboned real dead frog.)
I happen to think manufacturers should be held responsible for the lies they tell.
@MetaEd I happen to agree with you.
BUt what's idiotic is that it is not a lie. just -mildly- misleading. 'part of a nutritious breakfast' it's not exactly -not- nutritious. I mean frosted flakes is fortigfied with vitamins you know.
The problem, then, is that Nutella misled people on the front of the label and assumed it was terribly healthy.
@Mitch Well, ice cream. And also jelly.
@MetaEd if it weren't for the bones....
@Mitch That's not mildly misleading in my book. That's manipulative. In fact it's the opposite of the truth, which is that the breakfast is nutritious despite the interference of the Nutella.
Wait until you try my Spring Surprise.
@JasperLoy OK. how about chocolate? Nutella to me is in the spreadable chocolate family, even though I don't think there is anything -like- spreadable chocolat, I don't think there's any chocolate -in- Nutella.
Is there?
@Mitch is it carob? That would be mildly healthy.
@Mitch Hmm, I think all kids love chocolate!
@Mitch "A hint of cocoa" they say.
@MetaEd OK you're getting awfully close to questioning the wonderfulness of nutella. I think this will get me closer to questioning your humanity.
@MetaEd !! 'hint'! If I didn't like nutella I would be cynical and say that's like 'processed in a factory that also included milk products'
So it's primarily sugar and palm oil. There's a bit of milk (less than a "hint", apparently).
palm oil is supposed to be one of the worst LDL fats.
@Mitch Well, I didn't tell you. I don't want my humanity to come into question.
At some point some soda bottles (I can't remember the soda exactly) had 'cholesterol free: never had it never will'
@MetaEd OK. you're just the messenger.
@cornbreadninja I've heard that it is not that carob is inherently healthier than the same amount of choclate, just that it's stronger or something so that you don't have to add as much sugar when you do consume it.
@JasperLoy the point is that nutella is like a spread made out of chocolate, just not as dark, and doesn't harden, and could be mistaken for chocolate, but is not.
@Mitch I had lots of carob chips during our nation's first frozen yogurt craze. We always went to I Can't Believe It's Not Yogurt, never TCBY. ._.
@JasperLoy I will send you some.
@cornbreadninja Er OK. Wait till I go to the US!
Only the cool kids went to TCBY.
@JasperLoy waits
@Mitch It's sweeter. It contains more sugar.
@cornbreadninja Yeah...that's so dumb. (channeling my inner teenager's voice).
The nice thing about carob is that apparently it doesn't poison your pets.
@MetaEd Ah...there it is.
@Mitch to be fair, there was an ICBIY much closer to our house than TCBY.
@MetaEd Is that a myth or for real?
(about chocolate that is)
About chocolate killing your pets?
@Mitch flagging for migration to Skeptics.SE
It's real. They can't metabolize theobromide. Milk chocolate doesn't contain enough concentrated cocoa to really cause a problem, but baker's chocolate will kill a pet.
@cornbreadninja the cool place to go now is Stone Cold Creamery (is that right?). why does severything have to be such a big deal.
@Mitch pssh. That place is oh-verrrr.
@MetaEd but which pets? carnivores (in case I ever get a pet bear/lion/seal/hyena)? what about chimps? what about lizards? I. Need. To. Know.
@cornbreadninja !!
The froyo craze is enjoying a resurgence. Peachwave, Yogurtini, Aspen Leaf...
oh yeah, MaMa's...
Green Apple
@Mitch Dogs and cats. It's more toxic to cats than to dogs. See the table here
@Mitch but seriously, that place is tasty. mmmmcake batter.
oh, I gotta motor.
that link is confusing:
1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.
a 30 pound dog (average?) 3 ounces of baker's chocolate is kind of a lot to eat.
@cornbreadninja gah..can't people just.. you know..eat.
A recent question screaming for a smarmy answer: "Does this phrase mean what I want it to mean?"
1 ounce per 9 pounds of a dog's body weight is expected to cause a toxic reaction.
@jasper Who the hell is MK?
@Mitch My dog would go for baker's chocolate if it were left out, and wouldn't stop at a chip or two.
@Gigili Erm, why don't you ask in the other room? Makoto Kato or sth like that. I can't spell correctly.
@Mitch That reminds me of a chapter from Metamagical Themas.
@JasperLoy Because I am awesome like that.
So I'll pretend that I knew it.
@Gigili Sometimes I ask something about room X in room Y because I don't want to raise a commotion. But in this case, that is not the case which is why I wonder why you did what you did.
@JasperLoy You're in no place to tell me what to do, ish.
@Mitch "Does this sentence remind you of the Coe Writing Center?"
@Gigili Indeed, I am not in this world. I belong to another world.
"You have, of course, just begun reading the sentence that you have just finished reading."
@JasperLoy Good for you.
"The two rules for success are: Never tell them everything you know."
"They say the mind is the second thing to go."
@JSBձոգչ 's thing nearly fell off. I nailed it up again.
"The reader of this sentence exists only while reading me."
@MetaEd oh.
@MetaEd I don't they meant it that way. ;)
@JasperLoy 'of this world' or 'in this world'
aughh!! I gave myself away as Norton!!! S, even!!
@Mitch Doesn't matter now: I'm like a drunkard. One taste of self reference and I can't stop.
My favorite limericks: "There once was a boy from Peru / Whose lim'ricks would end at line two"
"There once was a man from Verdun"
@MetaEd OMG there's a link I have to find for you. really. a shotr story that is entirely self referential...something like 'this is the first sentence of this story. this is the second sentence which would have come sooner if not for the first...' There's actually a plot (thin though)
And have you heard the one about Emperor Nero?
@Mitch I usually mean "of". But there I used "in" to reply to that particular line.
@Mitch I have it; it's reproduced in full in Metamagical Themas.
and with that see ya!
@Mitch See ya! I am going to bed too...
Nighty night.
@Mitch have you heard of the band Die Antwoord (The Answer)? They are South African.
Warning: it's explicit, like it says, but he speaks in the intro and sings in what I can only assume is SAE.
By 'only assume', I mean that it is definitely an English dialect.
@MetaEd: ok you got me. What about Nero?
@Cornbread: will listen to it when able later. But I can't tell, is Ninja Afrikaner or English?
@Mitch It's the third limerick in a series: check out the two above it.
Finally found the right path. Yeah, I'm quite sure about it.
Psychopath? Sociopath? Empath? Gardenpath?
All of the above.
@Mitch linguistically or ancestrally speaking?

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