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Actually — and this is no B.S. — Jon Stewart is the most trusted news source in the U.S. currently.
But let's filter that through Seife first. :)
Wow, this answer is like a pension for me:
A: Can I use an "if" clause without "then"?

RobustoIt is not necessary to use then to introduce the consequence of the if clause: If you build it, they will come. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If I give you five dollars a week, you'll have over $250 by the end of the year. All those are grammatically correct and clear (even...

The gift that keeps on giving. I get more passive rep from that than from any other single question.
I know, I've seen the dump.
A few more of those and I can retire.
Nah, now you're exaggerating. You would need many more of those.
Me? Exaggerate? Wow, that just never happens, Alex.
Actually, I prefer that to be spelled LX. Otherwise, I don't quite associate it with myself.
Especially not on this site.
Well, now that you've outed yourself, I've scoured the Web for clips of you in action, and here's my favorite:
I still avoid that movie like a plague.
Even my wife has seen it by now.
But I see you're not denying that's you in the clip. Hmm...
The Russian words are a dead giveaway.
I've seen Irreversible and kind of didn't like it. So I'm not keen to watch Clockwork Orange.
Never seen Irreversible.
It's a fine movie in many ways, but totally pointless in many others.
Also, I have no idea what to think of this one:
Is it anything like this one?
Um, what's with the link?
Your link got removed somehow?
Maybe someone flagged it?
Nah, it was just all wrong, so I removed it while I could. Here's the correct one:
Memento is an excellent movie. And all things considered, way better than Irreversible.
Is that Charles Bronson thing Englands answer to ...
Irreversible is just Memento without all the fun, but with all extra pointlessness they could find. And a naked Monica Belucci, but that's kind of pointless, too.
@Robusto I have no idea. But I will say that I was much more impressed with Natural Born Killers before I saw U-turn and Any Given Sunday.
So ... it's affectation without effect?
Yeah, Oliver Stone seems to be on a mission to prove he actually has no talent.
@Robusto It's kind of proving a point that it doesn't have, and isn't sure it should be proving or disproving if it did.
His latest, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps was barely even competent.
I will avoid anything and everything with Shia LaBeouf in it.
Any Given Sunday was like, "Hey, if I can just throw in enough post-production, I can do anything I want!"
It's like he discovered digital editing and used it to masturbate.
But I completely fell off the Oliver Stone wagon with Alexander ... was there ever a worse sword-and-sandals epic?
I actually liked Any Given Sunday to a rather huge extent. Certainly more than any Kevin Costner baseball movie.
And Anthony Hopkins giving it the Wardour Street voice-over: Didn't you just want to sneak up behind him and give him a gigantic wedgie? I sure did.
I don't remember much about Alexander, and certainly nothing of interest.
In case you need the gloss:
But I forget who I'm talking to ...
I could remind you every X inutes.
Damn, now M's broken all over again.
There goes your "m" again.
It was so nice while it lasted.
Just put it in a acro.
@RegDwight not LX, I own copyright on al ?X nicknames
And so a new indefinite article was coined. Not a, not an, but am acro!
I thought amacro was past tense of amico.
Hint, hint ...
@FX_ You gotta show me that "copyright". So I can tear it apart.
Also, is al your lame attempt at introducing yet another indefinite article? )))
@RegDwight I'll have my lawyers talk to yours
You mean you'll have your lawyers beaten up by my, um, yeah, okay let's call them lawyers, too.
(I see another word has stolen from Italian: amico.)
yeah, ““Russian lawyers”” (well, wait, maybe there weren't enough quotes around it!)
@kiamlaluno But what has that word stolen? And when will it give it back?
This clip is so perfect right now.
I like the part where he mentions the Russians ...
You know, I suppose it's actually possible now to have an entire chat conversation consisting of nothing but YouTube clips and Wikipedia references.
Hi folks.
Hola, @Kosmonaut.
Hello there.
Have to tune down that "I'm down on my luck".
Kind of interferes.
I don't use words ending in -uck anymore.
You mean you end them in -ing now?
Hi! :)
triple oy
Heya Nyuszika.
Not that again.)))
Nyuszika7H, does your name have a meaning in some other language than English?
@Robusto Nyuszika is a Hungarian word, and it means bunny. 7H stands for 7th heaven. (:
You ought to chat up @Martha. She speaks Hungarian as a first language.
Who knows, we might find out how to say THWACK in Hungarian.
Or maybe it is Hungarian ...
Wow, mind = blown.
yesterday, by Martha
Geez, someone named Nyuszika7H shows up in chat, and I'm not here. Figures.
Huh? And all this time @Martha's been saying puff to us? Seriously? I want my money back.
Puff is German for brothel.
@Robusto Puff is the Hungarian form and thwack is the English.
@RegDwight — I'm sure no one cares.
Interesting... I just had Corn Puffs for breakfast.
@Kosmonaut You mean Corn Thwacks? :P
@RegDwight It has stolen friend, and I hope it will return it as soon as possible. (I am trying to do more things at the same time, with the result that I could write PHP code here and an English sentence in the text editor, trying to understand why the text editor is signaling syntax errors.)
@Robusto There you have your "no one cares". In your face.
I mean, who would visit a German brothel who didn't have to?
That's too philosophical a question. I will leave it to be answered on brothels.stackexchange.
So, about this vgv8 situation...
I suppose I would have to commit to that site as well.
Yes, Kosmonaut?
@Nyuszika7H Quick, head over to Area51 then!
Yeah, vgv8 ... what can I say. He's suckered me a couple of times, and I've given him straight answers. But he's just so <expletive deleted> relentless.
I had been thinking about suspending the guy, but I wonder if he'll just return and pick up where he left off.
It's not like he'll think, "gee, I had no idea my actions were bothering people... I should really rethink what I'm doing"
@Kosmonaut: You should say "the situation". ;-)
I took pity on him because he's got such a poor command of English, thought he just couldn't express himself very well.
A: Can we just get rid of vgv8?

sysadmin1138Too long for comment... vgv8 has all the hallmarks of someone completely self-taught, and proud of it. Unfortunately for him, his knowledge is full of holes and misunderstandings and he doesn't have the personality to weather the process of having those hammered out of him without some indignati...

"Time has passed, a ban has been experienced, and now there is evidence that he has fallen into the second response possibility I lined out above [sticking around, just to annoy the snot out everyone as vengeance]. Once the sock-puppets start arriving, it's time to ban his IP if possible. Good riddance."
We need more interesting questions here on ESE.
Otherwise we wind up with nothing but this stuff:
Q: What's the differences between "server", "workstation" and "desktop"?

YousuiHi, From a book talking about Linux, I found the following text. A typical Linux system will run six virtual consoles and one graphical console Server systems often have only virtual consoles Desktops and workstations typically have both Could anyone explain these three word...

That one practically gave me a petit-mal seizure.
Well, I wouldn't say "nothing but". There are always more basic questions than complex ones.
And every question is trivial if you know the answer already.
RAS syndrome (short for "redundant acronym syndrome syndrome") is the redundant use of one or more of the words that make up an acronym or initialism with the abbreviation itself, thus in effect repeating one or more words. Usage commentators consider such redundant acronyms poor style and an error to be avoided in writing, though they are common in speech. The degree to which there is a need to avoid them depends on one's balance point of prescriptivism (ideas about how language should be used, and how much particular prescriptions matter in life) versus descriptivism (the realities of how...
A recursive acronym (synonymous with metacronym , recursive initialism, and recursive backronym) is an acronym that refers to itself in the expression for which it stands. The term was first used in print in April 1986. Recursive Acronym Phenomenon (RAP) Recursive acronym phenomenon (or RAP), is an unplanned occurrence of a recursive acronym, initiated without deliberate humorous intent. RAP is observed almost exclusively in acronym rich environments, occurring during the creation of an acronym derived from a title that itself contains an existing acronym. This reduces the new acronym t...
@kiamlaluno Congrats, that was the 543,300th chat message!
@Nyuszika7H — You have a lot of catching up to do.
A: Terms for duplicated words

RobustoIt's called RAS Syndrome (Redundant Acronym Syndrome Syndrome).

@RegDwight — Not true. There are some questions involving adult topics that remain interesting regardless.
Yeah, well, you get my point.
I remember the times when we would complain that we didn't have enough traffic/users/questions.
@Nyuszika7H Perfect! Tell me when we reach the 544,298th chat message, and I will say something again.
In fact, look at the mix of questions on the meta front page right now.
I rarely visit meta. I have ADD, remember? [Looks around for the Ritalin bottle]
Some people are worried that we become ESL, while others are worried that we'll never become that.
Everyone's pulling in his own direction.
double oy
And listen to the refrain ...
If it wasn't for bad questions, we wouldn't have no questions at all.
@Nyuszika7H Is that yo-yo?
Not available in my country. Screw your draconic laws.
Your country couldn't handle the truth.
That's the problem.
That's the solution.
"The truth is out there."
Yeah, when you're in Italy, it is certainly not within.))
I love the comment on that YouTube clip: "Cool! But you should go check on your kids ....I can hear them clobbering each other in the background! :P"
So, which country haven't I bashed just yet?
I thought X files was not Italian.
Wait, Johann Sebastian Bash?
He was a punk-baroque composer, I guess?
And Georg Friedrich Goedel.
[Failing at one-upping @RegDwight with some M.C. Escher reference]
Yeah, yeah.
I got nothing. I reached down and there was nothing there. I am so ashamed.
I know that feeling. Basically, just keep a bottle around.
Q: Tag deletion request: [meanning]

Nyuszika7HThere's only one question tagged meanning, it was probably a typo. Please change it to meaning.

@Nyuszika7H — Yeah, but what if that tag is there as a trap for new users like you?
Uh-oh, hide the goat.
The goat is right here.
I mean the "oat-gay".
I suggested a tag synonym.
Someone must have approved it.
Ii tthhiinnkk wwee sshhoouulldd jjuusstt ddoouubbllee aallll tthhee lleetteerrss iinn eevveerryy ttaagg aannyywwaayy.
That way, you would never beat @Michael's record.
Feb 11 at 14:15, by RegDwight
ShreevatsaR still leads by average answer score; chaos leads by average rep per day; Cerberus is the least downvoted; mmyers needs the least keystrokes per rep point; nohat is leading by passive rep.
@Martha: So you've been poof ing us instead of THWACKing us all this time. I am so disappointed.
And why can't we use the asterisks inside a word to make italics? That is so not good.
@Robusto On the other hand, you might end up leading by most keystrokes per rep point.
Poof <> puff
@RegDwight — So I'm garrulous. Sue me.
Szia, Nyuszika!
Tuff, tuff ,tuff, wir fahren in den Puff!
I like to think that with a @Robusto™ answer, you get a full and exhaustive examination of all ramifications of the question.
BTW, Robusto™ is now trademarked. Don't let me catch you using it generically, or my lawyers will be all over you like a bum on a baloney sandwich.
My tag line is: More keystrokes per answer than any other zhlub on English.SE!
Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™, Robusto™
"to thwack" = elnadrágol, jól elver.
@RegDwight — Those are all approved uses of the brand.
@Martha Soething with Elendil, Dragons and Elves?
@Robusto Oh sorry, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto, Robusto
Also, this
Feb 11 at 15:33, by RegDwight
Kiamlaluno is too resistant. Or should I say... robust.
Now you're in serious trouble.
That's $250,000 for each infraction. Keep going, I want to retire early.
Sorry to come back to the vgv8 thing...
38 mins ago, by RegDwight
You mean you'll have your lawyers beaten up by my, um, yeah, okay let's call them lawyers, too.
@Kosmonaut Please do!
I had been hoping this could wait until the new "real" mod regime was in place... but what do you folks think? Does this need to be taken care of immediately?
@RegDwight — LLC vs. KGB?
I feel sorry for the KGB in that scenario.
It's FSB now.
@Kosmonaut How about a Salomonic decision. A one-week suspension for starters.
I just edited one of vgv8's questions... dunno if it really helped any.
So he doesn't interfere with the elections.
And I mean not by voting, but by commenting. He would still have enough time to cast his vote afterwards.
That is true... but as someone running, is that a conflict of interest?
Can anyone email him directly and tell him what the problem is with his off-topic questions?
@RegDwight — From The Edge:
Robert Green: See, Charles, that's why they call it personal growth. A month ago, old Smokey here would've reared up, you probably would've called your lawyer!
Charles Morse: Nah, I wouldn't do that to an animal.
Or is that a hopeless task, because he doesn't have enough command of English to understand?
@Martha: If he doesn't know what the problem is already, then he never will. It's been explained.
In my opinion.
^ This.
I feel like it is intentional at this point, and personal attention might be the last thing he deserves.
I have no idea, It's not like it's the first time he's going through this. He's got all the attention in the world already.
We could go all Amish on his ass and shun him.
If only we had their discipline.
We could go all Amish and close down this site and get rid of our computers...
Since we're Amish and all.
Yeah, and here we thought @Martha was going to provide that. It doesn't work with puff pastry, @Martha!
This guy needs a serious thwacking.
I am not Amish.
And you never will be, with that attitude.
Amish = German = Russian = @RegDwight. Q.E.D.
(Am-ish: synonym of self-ish.)
Just like thwack, puff is an onomatopeic word. The English use of puff (a false friend, btw), especially in puff pastry, is not particularly onomatopeic.
@Martha: Don't try to sugar-coat it.
@RegDwight — When I was 18 I postulated that the only way to save the world was through a philosophy of passive indifference ... The problem was, I couldn't come up with a catchy slogan for the idea. It's not like a wave of passive indifference is going to get a crowd all fired up and like that.
Now, in my later years, I'm merely indifferent to politics. Well, sort of.
Q: What's the difference between TOEFL and IELTS?

ptomatoDo the TOEFL and IELTS tests require significantly different levels of proficiency to pass? Are universities, immigration departments, etc. more likely to require the one over the other? Is there any other important difference I should know about?

See my comment there. Or heck, wait, I'll just link directly.
Now you link it. After I went through several unnecessary mouse clicks ...
Sure. Should I link to it before you unnecessarily click around?
Gotta keep those fingers exercized...
But if you're going to click around unnecessarily no matter what, then it doesn't matter when I link, either.
(Exercise? Exercize? That's one of those words that looks wrong no matter how I spell it.)
See? And I thought nobody understood non-linear differential equations.
@RegDwight — Blaming the victim: that is so like you Russians.
This is the first time ever that I see Exercize.
@Robusto Not true, as Russians are the victims, and we don't blame ourselves.
Yeah, I guess self-pity and self-blame aren't the same after all. Thanks for the tip.
@RegDwight, it might indeed be an incorrect spelling, but like I said, exercise looks wrong to me too, so I always hypercorrect myself.
Exercise is wrong, always, but the word is spelled correctly.
Ah, ok! I'll have to remember that.
I think 75% of the time when I type exercise, my finger automatically goes "exc-" and then I have to delete the "c".
And I thought only Hungarians believe themselves to be the victims of history.
BTW, @RegDwight, did you notice that I changed my Gravatar color to red as a sop to our wannabe Commie overlords?
Right now I think 75% of the time I type the letter "" it doesn't show up.
When I type the letter [ ] it doesn't show up either.
@Kosmonaut, that's because it's pronounced as exc-. Hungarian spelling is much more logical.
@Martha You've got it from us. That's what we taught you.
@RegDwight, you just put this song in my head.
Sorry, didn't ean it.
Umm, we have serious mod attention atm. Let's go back to our point about vgv8 or something.
@Robusto +1
@Kosmonaut: thanks to your answer to my question on meta
@FX_ FX: not fair, Kosmonaut has been saying that all along while Robusto ignored him.)))
@RegDwight, except if you look at stuff from 1849-1867 (and even later), there's the same attitude: everyone is against us, we're the victims of history, despite our heroism. I mean, ok, the Russians did help Austria in 1849, but they didn't stick around that time.
So in honor of @Rebecca's sudden interest in our little chit-chat session ...
@Kosmonaut: I think there is broad support for actions against it
This chat is now officially crowded. So
20 mins ago, by RegDwight
@Kosmonaut How about a Salomonic decision. A one-week suspension for starters.
So, perhaps the 1-week suspension is the way to go.
but already, discussing possible options would be a good step forward, I think (maybe it's been done when I'm not here, of course)
Except he'll just take it as yet more evidence of the conspiracy against him, and when he comes back he'll be worse than ever.
@Kosmonaut: regarding contacting vgv8 privately, can you do that?
[Yawn] I gotta go get more Ritalin. See y'all later.
Yes, but:
20 mins ago, by Kosmonaut
@Martha: If he doesn't know what the problem is already, then he never will. It's been explained.
That is my opinion about contacting him.
@Martha problem is: what possible actions can you think of that would link to his behaviour improving?
Hold on a sec, I've been forgetting that we're not getting primaries. So 7 days is too long, that's indeed conflict of interest.
The elections will be over in 5 days, innit?
@Kosmonaut: I agree, but maybe it's a formality that needs to be followed
@RegDwight: what "conflict of interest" are you talking about?
The one Kosmonaut was talking about.
@FX_: Suspending vgv8 for the duration of the election process.
I feel conflicted doing something like that.
I'm just here because of the town hall chat. Don't mind me. (:
does he have enough rep to vote?
The threshold is 150. He's got almost 500.
@RebeccaChernoff: hum, the walls have ears, don't they? :)
@RebeccaChernoff triple oy
@RegDwight (methinks of something horribly naughty, but would never actually do it!)
I'm not worried about his vote at all.
Just his activity.
25 mins ago, by RegDwight
And I mean not by voting, but by commenting. He would still have enough time to cast his vote afterwards.
Yeah, one vote isn't gonna make much difference either way. But he's seriously bringing down the quality of the site, so the people we want to stick around might just throw up their hands and leave.
yep, but things that allow him to cry louder are not good
@Kosmonaut: do you have finer options than a temporary ban?
I mean, can't you ban him from creating new threads, or something like that?
Temporary ban ≠ can't visit the site.
It means you basically have 1 rep.
so you can still answer?
No, I don't think so.
it says “create posts” requires 1 rep
I know... but reading it now, I think they can't post either.
Is there a way to put his posts into a moderator queue? I.e. nobody else sees them until a moderator vets them?
@Martha: I don't think so.
too bad
A: What is the point of a 30 day account suspension?

Jeff AtwoodThe general process: stage 1 email warning about specifics of unacceptable behavior1 stage 2 1-7 day suspension2 stage 3 30 day suspension stage 4 120+ day suspension or account now eligible for deletion2 You advance from stage to stage by continuing to engage in the unacceptable behaviors ...

Failing that, can someone write a script that automatically notifies a moderator when he posts something? Via SMS or something similarly immediate?
Again, why are we going to such extreme lengths of busying mods when simpler solutions are available?
Q: Ignore Users Script

Jonathan SampsonIMPORTANT - Read before using... This script is not meant to be a solution for bad behavior on Stackoverflow. If you feel somebody is violating the rules of this site, please contact the proper authorities ([email protected]). Remove any instance of a particular user or group of uses fro...

@Martha: Oh jeez... can I withdraw from the election process now? :)
@Kosmonaut: receiving an advance preview of every vgv8 post by SMS, quite the VIP service
so, apart from discussion with him (which everyone here think is unlikely to yield any result), the options are: 1. do nothing, 2. temporary suspension
So, I really don't know what I should do while in this awkward election phase.
Also, what's with his bounty on this?
Q: Is technical copywriting jargon or style?

vgv8I became confused by comments to my answer insisting that Technical writing is jargon using incorrect English words. I also looked through definitions of "prepend" in internet, all with inserted derogatory remarks, even in IT-specialized dictionaries, like 'jargon' and: prepend is not an ...

No idea.
It will run out tomorrow.
@Kosmonaut it would not be an issue if another mod, who's not running, were to decide :)
Yes, that is true. A really good point.
An excellent point.
If he's banned, I suppose he cannot award that bounty, or can he? (I am ignoring for a moment that he might not award it anyway.)
the bounty issue shouldn't be taken into account; otherwise, anyone can avoid being banned by constantly having open bounties
Well, he would run out of rep, eventually.
I agree, @FX_.
@RegDwight but he could buy 2 1/2 months before being banned :)
True. I'm just trying not to give him additional reasons to whine.
Then again, perhaps the more he whines, the more eager he'll be to leave.
@RegDwight, I wouldn't bet on it.
So okay, I take it that Kosmonaut is letting mmyers and nohat know through their special channels or whatever?
@RegDwight I don't think he actually needs reasons
@RegDwight: wait, so you get telepathic abilities if you're elected mod?
I have to check if I can still nomitate myself, then!
Still one day to go.
yesterday, by RegDwight
We might end up having a primary, after all.)))
Do we know why nohat hasn't thrown his hat into the ring? (Well, aside from not having a hat...)
@Martha thwack
Hey, that's my line! Oh, wait...
I've asked him several times in this chat, I don't think I ever got an answer. Not that I insist, just answering your question.
@Martha: I am guessing it is just a matter of time.
@Kosmonaut, except said time is rapidly running out.
Ha, I said it in a misleading way! What I meant was:
He doesn't want to put in the time to be a mod.
Sorry about that :)
@FX_ you should be thwacking someone else, actually.
Feb 17 at 13:26, by Robusto
@Benjol — Well, if self-nomination involves throwing one's hat in the ring, I guess his name says it all ...
@Kosmonaut That's how I read it, as the other option doesn't really make sense at this point))
Haha, good one
I just had a horrible thought: what if vgv8 figures out that there's a chat interface?
Well, that's simple.
2 days ago, by Ed Guiness
I see it's perfectly possible ignore users in chat
It is also possible to kick users.
does a kick hurt more than a thwack?
Good question.
Shall we try an experiment? Who volunteers to be the test subject?
You can use me, as I'm logging off in a few minutes anyway.
Completely nonsequitur, I notice the elections link is once again gone from the main site, but is still there on meta.
@Martha: Yes, it's quite strange.
@Martha vgv8 cannot use a chat because he is write-only.
@Martha Handel with care
mmyers said something about two days being the default, can't find it right now.
(two days for what?)
I wonder if Martha is already ignoring me.
Now I no longer wonder if Martha is already ignoring me.
I would never ignore you.
You know what they say about keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer. ]:)
@Martha Two days as the default for the message to stay up.
Ok, but then why does it stay up on meta?
@Martha I'm not moving to your Punic country.
@Martha I would guess the default is different there.
And it wasn't mmyers, after all.
Feb 17 at 3:54, by waiwai933
@Robusto System messages last for up to 2 days—I'm not sure if it's 2 UTC calendar days (in which case, that's passed), or 48 hours (in which case, it was set to a shorter time period or manually deleted). You can still find it at http://english.stackexchange.com/election
So who has the ability to put the link up again?
I'm fairly certain @Kosmonaut does.
I thought that election message was different from a system message.
System messages appear at the top in a dropdown thingy.
Anyhow, I'm out! CU tomorrow.
Good night @all.
I need to go too, my sister wants her computer back.
Goede nacht
Hm.. looks like the moderator election message was intentionally removed yesterday...
I dunno.

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