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You would normally use regret in the sense to have remorse with a noun or that clause: I regret the trick that I played on David is what I would say.
When you use regret to mean I wish I didn't have to do x now, as in we regret to inform you that you have been fired, then you use the infinitive with to.
Could you give me some example about to have done or to have been done? Maybe my memory is somewhat wrong.
What is it that you want to have done by tomorrow?
I intend to have done this by tomorrow.
What did you want to have done by yesterday?
Oh come on this can't be true. Some stupid script is running amok on YouTube. I thought it was only @Cerb's video, but no. Can't watch anything.
What is this, 1993?
To have been done is a bit hard.
@RegDwightАΑA What script?
It's just like
I should have studied hard?
Yes? That is correct?
You can say he seems to have been killed.
@Cerberus Does it mean that he is substentially not killed?
@FrankScience The main verb seems expresses that the speaker/writer is not sure, but the speaker/writer thinks that he has been killed.
I was to have been king!
Right, that that is a different construction.
@Cerb this script.
Only in effing Firefox.
Chromium works fine.
Where be + to + inf. expresses a future or purpose or obligation.
@Cerberus yes, sorry, I was trying to come up with a sentence that doesn't use seems
Got it.
@RegDwightАΑA Ohh...that's weird!
But you seem to be using the HTML5 player? Maybe switch to Flash?
I am not using anything I wasn't using yesterday.
This is not my cup of tea.
Some asshole broke something. I am not jumping through hoops because of him.
She was to close the door = she was supposed to close the door, she was obligated or expected to close the door.
U2b to me is just a connection reset.
@RegDwightАΑA youtube.com/html5
Does it say you are using the html5 player?
@RegDwightАΑA Okay, that was it. Set yourself to opt out of html5 on that page I gave you.
Html5 freezes my FF too, at least now—it usen't to.
And they say Flash is buggy!
I say Firefox is buggy
it crashes on me twice a day recently
It's usually add-ons...
The only addons I have are BrEng Dict, Firebug and stylish
Hmm I heard that Firebug can sometimes slow things down?
But it doesn't crash things
But of course it is possible that FF has some bugs.
It could be stylish - that is the newest of my addons
It's obvious that Fx has some bugs.
Still, FF is usually quite stable for me, even with the incredible number of add-ons and tabs that I have.
I'm now using Fx and it seldom crashes.
It's very hard for me to go away from Firefox.
Same here.
I need my extensions!
I need one called vimperator.
Indeed, I've not found anything better than firebug for web design
Q: Technical/medical term for deafness

coleopterist Anosmia = Loss of the sense of smell Anopia = Blindness Anaesthesia/Anaphia = Loss of the sense of touch Aphasia = Loss of speech ? = Deafness I can't find an equivalent medical term for deafness. Is there one? I also find that the word 'deafness' suffers from a dearth of synonyms that d...

Q: Words pertaining to the senses and the corresponding disabilities

user3035I need help on finding words relating to the senses/perception. I mean this in a neuronic/biological or philosophy-of-mind kind of way. A word for... pertaining to the senses (Is it sensory?) pertaining to vision (ocular?) pertaining to smell (olfactoric?) pertaining to taste pertaining ...

@MattЭллен What about web developer's tool in Chromium?
@FrankScience nope
not for me.
@MattЭллен Is it inferior?
@FrankScience in my opinion, yes.
I'm quite offended that this question has been closed as too basic. What is basic for you, might not be basic to someone else. I'm a Mathematician and software developer; English is not my primary concern in life. This question has been answered very well below and I learnt something. — Alex Chamberlain 4 hours ago
Well. If you ask me it should have been closed as NARQ or too localized.
@MattЭллен I read some webpages saying that the developer's tool in Chromium is more powerful than Firebug. I use these tools out of the very simple usage, therefore I cannot tell from them.
Gen-ref was actually nice when compared to NARQ.
@RegDwightАΑA So then you're not even a serious English Language enthusiast ??!!!!??!?! WTFBBQ GET OFF MY LAWN
Well how should I put it. I understand how he feels but. It's not entirely not his fault. I am not a Mathematician, not even a mathematician, but I would think twice before posting "I said 2+2=5, is any of that a number, or did I really mean 3+4=5?" on MathOverflow.
David's comment is really spot on.
We have closed such questions in the past for the precise same reason.
A: How can I join many adjectives to one word and create a grammatical phrase?

Monikai'm searching for just one word, which would describe a strong, independent, survival, lovin, beautiful, smart woman..does exist one word to fit all those qualities? thanx

That's an answer, mind you.
I guess Stack Exchange's layout must be to blame. Get User Experience on it
I catch your drift but I'm not so sure.
I mean, which part of "Your Answer" is it that is so hard to understand?
I know but there's a grain of truth in it.
If you actually look at User Experience, their "Ask Question" is clearly set apart.
Ours is just a link among many.
that's true
I don't have a button to force me to think about what I'm doing, either. But I guess that's because of my reps
toodle pip
gah. every time Cory Doctorow writes another book, he annoys me more.
i used to like his books! i really did!
now i just read the titles and i want to throw them across the room
Q: Really Taking Up Positions

Unknown!#$%^&*()+*%$$% "Snipers took positions on the rooftop." "Snipers took up positions on the rooftop." How are "take positions" and "take up positions" different in this context? !#%%^&^&)_)+(&%^%^%%^

Oh! Oh! Oh! New decorations!
I wonder who that could be.
I dunno. Doesn't look like Nortonn, though.
I am still trying to remember who Cory Doctorow is.
The name is so familiar.
@RegDwightАΑA But it does!
But them is new?
It's a different user with entirely different decorations?
Only the decorations are new.
Perhaps it is his mother.
Oh yes. Like Thursagen with his sister who was her own father who was his uncle.
But I gotta run.
Au ruguai!
Haha yes, bai!
“The Idea of Order at Key West” is a poem written in 1934 by Modernist poet Wallace Stevens. It is one of many poems included in his book, Ideas of Order. It was also included in The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens for which he won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. History and Context “The Idea of Order at Key West” takes place on the island Key West near the state of Florida. Though the island was mostly isolated before the 1900s, its military post and the creation of a rail route to the mainland led to an increase in population and tourists. Many literary artists such as Ernest Hemingw...
I am pleasantly surprised to see that finally some content appeared there.
Was that you, @Robusto?
I didn't know you read poetry.
@regdwightаαa Can you delete this too?
Q: Take Up Positions On Rooftop

Nortonn S "Snipers took positions on the rooftop." "Snipers took up positions on the rooftop." How are "take positions" and "take up positions" different in this context?

@RegDwightАΑA Does he think it will throw us off? Quick! GLITTER BOMB.
@RegDwightАΑA It is.
No one answer this. This is a suspended user posting under another name. It's a duplicate of this now deleted question he asked before. — Daniel δ 49 mins ago
Now it's in triplicate, and you only saw (+ deleted) the tail end.
@Danielδ I cast my delete vote, and behold! It is deleted.
This suspended user will be out of suspension soon ... why hasn't the suspension period been greatly extended for the use of sock puppets to get around a suspension ban?
@simchona idea patented...sent to DOD...cash rolling in...done
Starred messages are meaningless without context and I am not going to read the transcript to find out.
That was a JFYI kind of message.
@DavidWallace: "Did I mean "It is possibly the more possible possibility." and,...": you were so much more diplomatic than what I wanted to say.
@Gigili Reading is overrated.
Yeah, it was good when I went in the late 90s and early 00s, but it's got really commercial these days
@Vitaly Nope. For one thing, I wouldn't baldly call the poem "blank verse" because the meter fades in and out of iambic pentameter — in waves, you might say, which is entirely appropriate. Also, the article's analysis is a little thin and, I would venture to say, obtuse. The whole point of this poem (and of Stevens in general) is that works of art are things that ultimately defy pat analyses. They don't make an ordinary kind of sense in an ordinary way.
> Stated by critics as “perhaps impossible to interpret fully,” the poem “affirms a transcendental poetic spirit yet cannot locate it.”
How could the poem at once transcend human perception yet still be "located" by it?
Very few people get Stevens. And the more they try to pick at him with the same tools they pick at, say, Browning or Shelley, the less they arrive at anything like an understanding.
They don't understand that Stevens is making verbal music; that his poems don't make literal sense just as a symphony doesn't make literal, a-b-c sense.
+1 I agree. On a tangent, I wait with apprehension for his suspension period to end. Surely breaking the rules so many times should extend his "day in the penalty box". — Daniel δ 20 hours ago
How can “Housewife” be used pejoratively?
Q: Wheel His Horse To

ExcaliburAccording to definition 4 of this dictionary "He wheeled his horse back to the gate." Does it mean 1) the horse only turned around to face the gate , or 2) the horse turned around and moved to the gate?

I'm afraid this is Nortonn again. His titles always look like that.
The Usage Of Colon
Ruling Still Stands/Holds
Slipping Out of Jail
Ambiguity, Dangling Clause
From, Out of, Among
“Reluctantly, he revealed”
Look Out Over Garden
Etc, etc, etc
Just to make sure my question has not gotten lost up there:
10 mins ago, by Gigili
How can “Housewife” be used pejoratively?
@Gigili Are you asking a question now?
I thought it was clear when I put a question mark at the end.
@Gigili It's not pejorative, not on its own. It can be used pejoratively in context though: "only a housewife" would probably be taken that way. Or you could just use tone of voice to communicate that it's negative.
@Gigili Housewife just means housewife. Almost any word can be used negatively in context, so it really is up to you to make it negative.
@JasperLoy This.
@MetaEd Ah interesting. It says "Housewife” is often used pejoratively", is it true?
@Gigili So what I said is not interesting?
Or "academic" for instance, I can't think of an example where it's used in a pejorative sense.
@Gigili You mean where it says that here?
@JasperLoy Not as interesting as what Meta said! I already knew that.
@Gigili This is only academic, no big deal.
@MetaEd Exactly.
@Gigili So I am closevoting your question as NARQ.
@Gigili It is not so much used pejoratively but felt pejoratively — by women who are housewives.
It is possible to use the term housewife without affect. But that doesn't mean it won't be interpreted differently.
@Robusto Also, anyone can feel positively or negatively about something, according to their mood fluctuations.
With more women in the workforce, those who opt to be stay-at-home moms often feel self-conscious about being "just a housewife."
I see.
I personally would avoid the term "housewife" but not because I think it's pejorative as most people use it. I would avoid it because it's sexist.
No, it's not sexist. Avoid it because it may be perceived as pejorative.
How about houseband?
The term "househusband" is equally sexist. A good gender neutral term is "homemaker".
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And now the best lost-phone application also doesn't work on JB...
@Cerberus Now you include the Chinese characters in the pinging as well?
Yes, why not?
@MetaEd Stuff and nonsense.
@MetaEd Why isn't there housespouse?
@Robusto I'm listening ...
@JasperLoy Oh, I like that one. But that's because I like rhymes.
The spouse ate the louse in the house.
I've heard plenty of men and women describe themselves as a househusband or housewife. Usually it is said with some kind of extra affect — sheepishness in the case of men, defiance or resignation in the case of women. I have never heard a man describe himself as a homemaker, and I can't recall ever hearing the term used for men.
hey guys, what's that site that has a bunch of recordings of people saying words in their language?
ah yes thanx
@Robusto "Homemaker is a mainly American gender-neutral term for a housewife or also a stay-at-home dad."¹
@Cerberus ooooh
I would be as happy to describe myself as a homemaker as I am to describe myself as a breadwinner. It's honorable work.
@Cerberus whoa
@MetaEd They may wish it to be so, but that doesn't mean the term gets used much at all.
@MetaEd Also not relevant.
Wikipedia is, of course, not a good source. However what it's saying is not that they may wish it to be so, but that it is so.
So you are kind of arguing past what the source says.
@MetaEd Your first sentence casts doubt on your second sentence. You're OK with that?
"F---k Wikipedia" would probably be a better response.
45 mins ago, by Robusto
I've heard plenty of men and women describe themselves as a househusband or housewife. Usually it is said with some kind of extra affect — sheepishness in the case of men, defiance or resignation in the case of women. I have never heard a man describe himself as a homemaker, and I can't recall ever hearing the term used for men.
Anecdotal evidence, of course, but I do have a careful ear.
@Robusto I'm good with both sentences. The first doesn't cast doubt on the second; it casts doubt on my conclusion.
Your second sentence appears to draw a conclusion.
What I said in my second sentence is that you seem to be arguing past the claim in the source.
1. Wikipedia is, of course, not a good source.
2. However what it's saying is not that they may wish it to be so, but that it is so.
@Robusto Ah. THAT second sentence. I am a moron.
I still stand by it though.
OK, we can agree to disagree. Meanwhile, I have to go. Laters.
Wikipedia is saying the word is used to describe stay-at-home dads.
I ... oh. Later.
+1 to this radio station for unfailingly following Waitin' For the Bus with Jesus Just Left Chicago.
Q: Developed The Apartment Complex

NotNorton "A construction firm developed the apartment complex." Does it mean the firm (1) built a bran-new apartment complex, or (2) turned the old apartment complex into something new and more useful?

@cornbreadninja By user "NotNorton". Now that got a chuckle out of me.
@MetaEd that's why I said "really?"
I have him to thank for my Deputy badge. shines badge
he keeps this up, I'll be Marshal Cornbread Ninja
Do you suppose Norton is clinically insane?
Or is he a troll?
@MetaEd trolls can be clinically insane
(Well, a troll by definition, I suppose. But ONLY a troll.)
What you said.
@MetaEd oooh, is that written in lemon juice? :D
@MetaEd 'clinically insane' is both a bit extreme and somewhat of a type mismatch. 'insane' is probably not an accurate technical term which might be implied by 'clinically'....
but I know what you mean.
@cornbreadninja I understood what he was saying.
Unless I made a mistake.
@Mitch good!
oh, kjarlough
@cornbread yay!
@cornbreadninja What?
Hello everyone!
NS could be (complicated technical term for high-functioning but otherwise debilitated)
or could have OCD (which frankly is pretty mild)
or could just be lonely and is looking for interaction.
or is autistic (but can communicate easily by typing)... and just wants a response.
or is a total jerk, and really just wants all these questions answered, and why are people closing them and blocking his account.
Curious. Pizza Hut phoned, and they didn't have the deep pan base available, so they offered an Italian base and 3 free dips. why free dips? what am i gonna do, drink them down? :-)
or is trying to game the system for some ulterior purpose (once he figures out what the rules are might put the entire site to use controlling a satellite...to send free video to his home.
@Jez You don't get it...they're free. hold on, no free drinks?
oh..or he's a troll who is very persistent. (I don't think it is this one, because there's very little interesting here. Troll's content is inflammatory usually, and NS's content is pretty straightforward.
@Mahnax bonjour is all
@Mitch you like this alternate?
@cornbreadninja Oh, I see. Hello to you as well.
@Mahnax it's like 50C here today
@cornbreadninja Woah.
What's that in ˚F?
@Mahnax okay, not really, but it's 105F
ok I have 5 dips
2 sour cream and chive, 3 garlic and herb
anyone want any free dips?
@Jez do they come with a side of mouthwash? ;)
@cornbreadninja That's 40.5˚C.
@Mahnax ._.
It might be 50C in Death Valley
@Jez and yes, garlic & herb please
I was born during this kind of heat wave. Poor mom. I was a couple weeks late, too.
Well, time for work. Bai.
@cornbreadninja um..sure. drying off lemon juice OMG.
It's only 36 here.
@Mahnax have a nice work. at least it's not tuesday.
@Mitch heh
@MetaEd nice.
@Mitch why'd you yay it?
Looking forward to 39 tomorrow.
@MetaEd but of all those alternatives (sure there are probably more, and nuances, and mixes), I'm leaning towards OCD (but people with OCD are usually aware socially of how it impacts others), or 'playing with the internet' (kind of a jerk, trying to figure out how the software system works). The strongest term I can think if is 'sociopath'.
hello @simchona!
Hi @cornbreadninja!
@Mitch My sense of sociopaths is that they please themselves because they lack compassion. I just can't figure what a sociopath would get out of this behavior.
@MetaEd Maybe he thinks he's using up usernames
he's definitely using up email addresses and identicons
@cornbreadninja e-mail addresses? You mean he has to set up a new e-mail address every time?
@cornbreadninja You said 'good!', I thought I'd respond differently with 'yay!' and that's about it, nothing more to it than that. I kinda forgot what we were talking about anyway (but yes I could have read backwards).
@MetaEd I assumed
@MetaEd Oh yeah, I agree. It's the lameness (and very on-topic nature) of the questions that makes me think not a troll. Weird kind of jerk or sociopath.
@MetaEd he'd have that green NS identicon every time, otherwise
@MetaEd right...he's creating a new email every time.
Are you privy to the domain he's using?
I'm just repeating what I hear (and sounds consistent). I have no idea about the internals. Waiwai and the more inner circle mods and devs know about the IP stuff.
@Mitch Despite my self-proclaimed expertise on such matters, I have failed to fathom the mysteries of NS. Nothing quite fits.
@Mitch Which seems impossible to implement since there is no bijection between user and IP.
Anyway I just cast delete votes on the last two questions.
Oh the questions are gone. Waiwai is around.
@cornbreadninja: just noticed this (while going through deletes (as suggested by Jasper)):
What color are they? – cornbread ninja Jun 27 at 13:56
@cornbreadninja Black... – Rohan Shah Jun 27 at 13:59
Then you should run like hell - cornbread ninja Jun 27 at 14:01
well played.
@Mitch :D thank you.
Is anyone else as excited as I that gnore-tin's suspension ends tomorrow?
Will it be extended?
@cornbreadninja I gnore-tin Nortonn S?
I can't keep up with all these usernames and their variations!
@JasperLoy you got it, mister
@JasperLoy I suppose I really only need to be careful with the one
@cornbreadninja He might be reading the transcript as we speak...
@JasperLoy 0_0
fixes hair
@JasperLoy He is grinning vacuously now that you mentioned his name.
@Gigili It's OK. I am a nutcase myself. I know how to deal with nuts like him.
@JasperLoy let's pulverize him into a delicious butter.
traverses room with tray of crudites
@cornbreadninja Speaking of which, I realize I almost never eat bread, so I almost never eat butter.
@JasperLoy what about nutella?
@cornbreadninja what's the butter for? I'm not dipping 'crudites' into that!
@cornbreadninja Is that peanut butter? Hmm, then no.
@JasperLoy that you know of...butter is in everything.
@Mitch Oh yes you are right!
@JasperLoy nutella is a heavenly creamy spread made from hazelnuts and industrial waste products (to add vitamins, minerals, an random superpowers like time travel or the ability to impart happiness just by being there). and probably partially hydrogenated corn syrup.
@Mitch Waste products? That plus its texture makes me think of the ... poo.
It has a smoother texture than peanut butter. but would stick to the roof of your mouth like pb.
@JasperLoy it does sort of look like...well...ahem...poop.
@Kit: Are those cute cute cute boys your children?
pb is only liked by people who had it as kids (like vegemite). nutella is loved by all people who have ever had it. Like vegemite it should not be taken in quantity, only as a thin spread, but for a different reason. vegemite is nasty in anything beyond a minimal quantity. nutella is just so rich and beautiful that it will exceed your happiness quota too quickly (and also your ability to swallow.
@JasperLoy re 'waste products': it -does- come from a factory and is pretty distant in production from its natural source. so as good as it is, I question what its ingredients really are.

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