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Good evening, everyone.
@Robusto Never mind. It's been restored.
I can imagine who has voted to close. Her/his name becomes with "s" and ends with "a". If I'm wrong, I offer a dinner everyone! — Carlo_R. 4 hours ago
@simchona We get free dinner!
I flagged his comment. I think it's unnecessary and rude.
Fair enough.
Can't believe he doesn't remember which pronoun to use for me, given he did ask for pictures
Tch. He called me out for voting to close and answering.
I don't usually do that, but I felt like answering. There are no rules against it.
You gave a good, diplomatic response
Yeah, I felt that it was fair.
At any rate, he never responded, so that's a nice mission accomplished for me.
He gets so antsy when his questions are closed, though
Writes a ton of Meta posts, etc.
Yeah. All he does on Meta is get downvoted…
Q: Taking Up The Positions

Golfing "Snipers took positions on the roof." "Snipers took up positions on the roof." How are "take positions" and "take up positions" different in this context?

Flagged already.
Same here.
Q: Why was this question deleted?

FumbleFingersWhy was this question on the difference between take positions and take up positions deleted? Because the deletion was done by a mod, raising the issue here is the only way to even have the possibility of re-opening what I think was probably the most interesting question to turn up all day! Sin...

Personally, while I understand his point, I think NS needs to be nuked
Because leaving his questions open, albeit merged, is like saying "we don't want you here, but we'll keep your questions"
Yeah, exactly.
He needs to go.
The grand prix comments were deleted
1 hour later…
can anybody tell me why Daniel wouldn't want his intended image to show up after I went through the trouble of 'shooting his code?: english.stackexchange.com/suggested-edits/2847
just based on "too minor".
I think fixing someone's links isn't really minor, espc. if it means an image is showing up, or not.
"edits should be substantive improvements addressing multiple issues in the post." My suggested edit aside, this is one of the language.SE sites, and like the programming.se sites, ONE word, or symbol/punctation mark, can be of paramount importance!
I guess I'm too OCD as a sometimes webmaster I really don't like seeing an 'image fail to load' graphic...
@Vitaly you are as dishonest as a day-trader.
@Vitaly read bio.
@NOTjust--user4304 You're accusing Vitaly of dishonesty? what for?
My resistance to Jelly Bean is breaking down.
But I'm still not entirely there.
Just think, you could have a device that's top of the line! The most up-to-date there is!
So now that you've had an android phone for a few days, do you have a better idea of why people would want a tablet?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Actually, no? Should I?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 See, this fata morgana is what lures people into the barren desert without their good, old donkey.
@Cerberus Well, the tablet is just like the phone, only bigger
So as you start doing things on your phone, you'll wish you could do them bigger, and pine for a tablet
though maybe you won't use your phone as much as I use mine.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I do like to use it when I don't really need to sometimes, around the house.
But still. I'm always near my PC.
And nothing beats a 24" screen. Except a bigger screen. Or two.
Soon, though, you'll grow tired of your PC's shackles.
you'll want to be able to pinch to zoom
to fling things around for navigation
I can also do anything much quicker and more efficiently on my PC because of my mouse gestures and accurate mouse pointer.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I already do that all the time, with mouse gestures.
well, the tablet isn't really for "work"
Last time I clicked on the "new tab" button, or pressed the hotkey (I wouldn't know what it is) is very long ago.
I always just swipe an N.
you open new tabs a lot?
Up for copy, down for paste, left for back, right for forward.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, don't you?
@Cerberus mainly by middle-clicking on links or bookmarks
Or using the search box, which searches in a new tab
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, and, besides the screen, the accuracy, the speed, and the gestures, I also miss my keyboard dearly when I'm on my phone. Nothing comes close to a real keyboard. Even my Windows Mobile keyboard was much, much better than anything I have now on my phone, like Swype, which to me is the best thing I can find.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So you actually have to look up from the screen and move your mouse pointer to the designated area? Eek.
Gestures are so much easier and quicker.
yeah. typing is a pain.
@Cerberus um... moving the pointer is harder than gesturing with the pointer? besides, I use the mouse for opening links... isn't that what it's for?
Yes, although I must say I am pleasantly surprised with Swype. I had just resigned to a big step in typing when I was preparing myself to say goodbye to my Tytn II.
@Cerberus swype is pretty cool
I should download it and see if it's improved
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, it is harder, because 1.) you have to move your mouse to a precies area, stop moving at exactly the right time; and 2.) you have to look at it.
actually I wonder if there's a good T9 input method for android... T9's advantage is that it's harder to mis-press a key
I believe there are loads.
@Cerberus But how else do you open a link?
How do you search for a contact, by the way?
@Cerberus on my phone the contacts app has a search bar at the top
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sure, I have to point to a link. There's no way around that. But say I want to search for "Skype" that you just typed in Google Images? I double click on it to select, then draw an I shape without looking, anywhere on the screen, and it searches. Even that is more comfortable than right-clicking at the right spot, then looking at the menu, then left clicking on the right option.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And how do you search in that search bar?
@Cerberus you touch it then start typing
I am saying this because I highly recommend T9 for contacts. Most diallers have this function; if you have a dialler whose 9 number keys are very responsive, it is so much faster than actually typing it with a querty, even faster than a hardware querty.
@Cerberus if I want to search, I press CTRL-L, TAB, then type a search term, then press enter
@NOTjust--user4304 Maybe you can ask him yourself. There are all kinds of reasons. Difference in opinions, system errors, etc. Also, don't use OCD lightly. People who really have it suffer like shit.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Okay, and what if you need to search for "Tytn II 3789b silver double mmx"?
I can just select it and draw the I.
@Cerberus That is a rare case for me. I would select it, CTRL-C, CTRL-L, TAB, CTRL-V, enter.
and there's a CTRL-XXX key that takes me to the search box on FF but I don't know it. Muscle-memory for CTRL-L + TAB is enough
And I am proficient on a stock installation of Firefox, unlike you, who would be helpless like a puppy. :)
As for searching for contacts in order to call them, my most frequently used numbers are "favourited" so they're easy to find. The rest don't need to be easy to find. I never call them. I can click the search box and type their name.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Okay, so that's not too bad, but it is a lot of reaching for modifier keys and holding-down-while-pressing. And you need to switch from mouse to keyboard after selection Drawing an I is really much quicker.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No, I am only helpless without my mouse-gesture program.
@Cerberus perhaps. but I switch from mouse to keyboard a lot. It honestly isn't something that slows me down.
Usually there are other limiting factors.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Still, try a T9 dialler. Somehow the idiots who designed ICS made the T9 search for numbers only, but something like ExDialer is very responsive and works well.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sure it slows you down.
@Cerberus No, I mean, it doesn't slow me down in any meaningful way.
I think drawing the gesture takes me about 300 ms.
@Cerberus I don't need a T9 dialer. what I want is a T9 text-input system.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You're just not used to mouse gestures. I have used both methods for years, and, believe me, it is a difference.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Try the dialer. Again, I have experience with it, and it is so much better than actually typing a contact.
The Google Pinyin input method lets you type Chinese with a T9 system. It works really well considering how many chinese characters there are, and you have only 9 keys with which to type.
I usually need 3 to 4 digits to have the right name appear in the top 5 in the list.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 See?
@Cerberus No, you're missing the point. The point is that invoking the search 500ms faster, or whatever, isn't going to save me any time when it takes seconds for the search results to load, or whatever.
@Cerberus yes but I'm talking about text input. besides my wife, I call people so rarely on my phone that it almost doesn't matter that there is a phone book in it.
Don't get me wrong: I believe you that mouse gestures might be objectively faster. But I don't believe that my typical usage would give me any practical benefits.
considering how much time my hands spend on the keyboards, I can hot-key the browser pretty fast when I need to.
It is more than 500 ms. You need to include the switch from mouse to keyboard too. And that is significant, because you do it so many times a day. In addition to the increased speed, it is the ease: not having to switch, and not having to hold down modifier keys, is a boon. (Just as typing a few keys in succession is easier than control-w, even though it isn't faster.)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You haven't tried it, and I have. I have noticed the difference.
Switching tabs is another great example.
@Cerberus wrong, I have tried it, and it didn't help.
Not long enough to get used to it.
I can switch tabs with the keyboard or with the mouse, whichever is convenient. I don't need to move my hands.
I can keep reading what you are saying while I switch tabs, and immediately read the next tab.
Because gestures are completely blind.
I never need to move my eyes.
Well, anyway, I'll talk to you about this again once you've tried mouse gestures for common tasks for a few weeks.
But switching tabs is not something I do a lot in rapid order. Right now I have 8 tabs open. They are mostly unrelated. if I switch tabs it's because I'm switching tasks. I will literally pause what I'm doing to consider what my next task is going to be. So there's lots of time to look at the tabs and decide and click. or CTRL-TAB.
You never check your Gmail quickly while you're chatting with me?
By the way, Dolphin has gestures.
The only thing is that you need to press a button to start a gesture, and it's not extremely quick.
yes, you can be productive with your gesture program. But I am pretty sure that if I installed it and used it every day, there would be no measurable difference in my productivity. I wouldn't get a single extra line of code written or win a single extra argument with an opinionated dog.
I am still on the fence about shaking. Do you use that? I shake to the left or right to switch tabs in Dolphin.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And I think you will. And I have experience in this.
But no matter.
@Cerberus I have never tried shaking the phone. Also I don't use dolphin.
Good evening.
Why not?
Oh, @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇, I gave in and bought a mouse.
@Cerberus Sometimes I am multi-tasking and sometimes not. But even then, I either have my hand on the mouse, in which case I don't think zipping the mouse up to the tab bar to pick a particular tab that needs attention takes so much time that gesturing would be a big win
What if I need to switch to a tab that's 8 tabs away from my current one?
@Mahnax Wait, you didn't have a mouse?
@Cerberus Nah, I used my trackpad.
@Cerberus because I don't expect shaking to be a thing. And I use the stock browser, it works fine, what benefit does a third-party browser offer?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And I disagree with your there; and, don't forget, it's speed + ease. The ease may even be more important.
A combination of trackpad and keyboard works very well for me, and is still faster than the mouse.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sure, there it fails.
And that's why I dislike switching far-away tabs: it is much less comfortable.
I even installed an addon that lets me switch to last-used tab with a hotkey (which I have linked to a gesture) for that.
@Mahnax Oh, dear...well, congratulations on your rodent!
@Cerberus I AM at ease. my left hand is almost always on the keyboard and it can reach many, many shortcut keys all by itself. So I can CTRL-TAB and leave my right hand on the mouse. easy, fast. works everywhere.
@Cerberus That could be useful.
@Cerberus Nah, it worked well.
What is the issue with trackpads?
See, THAT would be a big win for me. If the CTRL-TAB order worked something like the ALT-TAB order, so that recently-used things were nearby in the list.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Disagree.
@Mahnax Why did you buy a mouse?
@Cerberus Well, I'm happy that you've found your gesture thingy and you're happy with it. But I promise you that I'm pretty fast and completely at ease on the keyboard.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I was thinking of searching for an add-on that could do that, but never got around to it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Again, we'll talk once you have seriously tried mouse gestures.
@Cerberus maybe we should talk once you learn to use your keyboard
The point is not to replace the keyboard, of course; you only replace it when you're using then mouse anyway—*then*'s when the speed and ease kick in. When I'm typing already, I use control-c, of course.
@Cerberus Gaming.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How should I use it that I'm not using it now? What do you know of my keyboard use?
@Cerberus Probably as much as you know of my mouse use and gesture use.
@Mahnax Oh...why do you need it for gaming? You can aim with a track pad?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I know you don't regularly use mouse gestures. I use keyboard hotkeys all the time, when I'm using the keyboard anyway, like now.
My point is, when I'm working, I'm typing. Mouse gestures just aren't worthwhile. When I'm not working, I don't need speed, and I am completely at ease with a mouse + keyboard. I've only been using them together since 1992...
@Cerberus It's a lot easier with a mouse.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You never "need" anything, but you can profit from more speed and ease. But let's change the subject.
@Mahnax Ah OK. But not so outside gaming?
@Cerberus Yeah.
Isn't it quicker to point and click at a small button on a website with the mouse?
@Cerberus Let's say I made an invention that let you put on your clothes 500% faster. Would that be useful to you? It wouldn't to me. I only get dressed once a day. So at the end of the day I've barely saved any time at all. But for a quick-change artist, it could be a big deal.
@Cerberus Not for me. I'm pretty quick with the trackpad.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, that would be awesome. It's not for nothing that people on Lifehacker get enthusiastic about the trick of putting one's underpants in one's pants before putting them on, in order to avoid the usually wrinkling and tugging, if you will forgive me such an indelicate subject.
@Mahnax Haha, you should record it sometime, you v. yourself, trackpad v. mouse.
For the record, I don't do the trick above.
@Cerberus rolls eyes It IS for nothing. There is nothing to be gained from it.
There is: speed and ease.
IF it is truly easier and faster, of course.
imperceptible speed. debatable ease.
I am aware of the fact that many tricks seem alluring, but turn out to be not worth it in the end.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Again, experience will pass the final judgement for you.
i'm not trying to convince you to stop using your gesture program. I'm just trying to convince you that not everyone's computer usage would be measurably improved by mouse gestures.
@Cerberus Perhaps.
And I think many people's experience would, people who don't use gestures and likely never will.
sure. But I am not arguing from an uninformed position here.
Because you only know how much it helps you after enough exposure.
You said you never used gestures for long?
@Cerberus I think I have a pretty good understanding of the costs and benefits of making customizations to a computer so that it's subtly easier to use after retraining. And it has been my experience that since I typically work on several systems, sometimes lots of systems, not all of which can have those customizations, I can't rely on them and fall back to the most widely-available functionality.
If you have a USB key, you can have your gestures with you everywhere.
To me, not using gestures is like not using hotkeys.
And yes, there have been times when I wished I had more automation in my computer for a particular task because I was doing something repetitive. But if it's repetitive enough that I have to do it on more than a few occasions, I will automate it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Excellent. Many people wouldn't, and they would doubt the benefit of it.
@Cerberus No, not all my systems are Windows and not all the systems I work on have USB where I could insert a key. Some are virtual, eg.
@Cerberus You do know that I'm a programmer, right? my work computer is FULL of little automations.
Well, I'm sure there are ways to install the main gesture program on those Windows VMs. As for non-Windows, then you will have to be less efficient there. Don't think that using gestures means you don't get to use hotkeys: I use hotkeys a lot too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, very good. What's a favourite one that you could recommend?
@Cerberus Well, I'm sure I don't have permission to install gesture programs on production servers.
Use a portable version.
@Cerberus It's all customized stuff.
A favourite action that you like to automate?
Or are they all code-specific or program-specific?
@Cerberus building the source code and deploying it; we have an automated build but there are lots of knobs on it; I automated some of those knobs for my local work. connecting to all the production machines and executing scripts on all of them simultaneously. things like that.
Ah yes, good.
Often I automate things for one-off tasks, using a shell script or batch file.
So do you remember that you had this line of code that was mostly a fixed formula, but had some variable terms in it?
And you wanted a way to type it quickly, typing just the variable terms, filling in the rest automatically?
That's my favourite kind of thing to automate.
The point is that I know how automation can help. And I realize that if you spend a lot of time searching for stuff then a hotkey or gesture for searching would help. But I don't do that. My browser use is very vanilla, except when it's debugging, and then it's rarely repetitive.
Have you automated it yet?
@Cerberus I don't remember
> List<Map<Integer,Pair<Integer,String>>> list = new ArrayList<Map<Integer,Pair<Integer,String>>>();
Have you automated this yet?
I like automating this stuff.
So, if you're in the mood and can specify exactly what it should do, I can write an Autohotkey script to do it, yay!
The reason I haven't automated it is that in practice that's a pathological example. Most of the real examples are much easier and I haven't had time to find a way to automate that. Plus if we ever update to Java 7 we'll be able to just say List<> list = new ArrayList<Map<Integer,Pair<Integer,String>>>();
or maybe it's List<ArrayList<Map<Integer,Pair<Integer,String>>> = new ArrayList<>();
Still it is fun for me.
I forget, anyway, they elimiated half the syntax
All right.
If you ever have another line with variables that you'd like automated, poke me.
I could probably spend a few hours trying to figure out how to automate it, or else just CTRL-LEFT_ARROW a few times, SHIFT-CTRL-END, CTRL-C, CTRL-V, etc
But I could do it because I like doing it, and you'd have to spend 0 hours!
@Cerberus But it would require installing that dodgy AHK program.... :p
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Bleh it ain't dodgy!
It's fine on Win 7. Although not all old scripts may work. But a new script on 7, sure.
By the way, there seems to be a bug in the latest Swiftkey version.
It freezes/crashes when I try to change the language.
Or what is it called? The Android keyboard? I thought you were using it?
All so confusing.
@Cerberus I use the stock Android keyboard, and the Google Pinyin android keyboard
did you mean Swype?
holy crap it's 1:30am, why didn't anyone tell me?
I have to go to bed! It's morning soon!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh, I see. No, I mean Swiftkey, another popular keyboard. It can't swipe though, and I like Swype better. Still trying various keyboards.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, it's the latter.
2 hours later…
That was more difficult than it seems
@MattЭллен Your answer to my question was "fanatical" :-D
Thanks! I don't get your question.
@MattЭллен I'm asking how "if" alone can mean biconditional?
@Former_Math_Addict but the examples you give explain that
@MattЭллен I don't understand the example.
@Former_Math_Addict OK. What don't you understand?
the example says that "if and only if" is an example of biconditional if and "I will buy you a wallet if you need one" is also an example.
what are you finding confusing about those statements?
@Former_Math_Addict is it the word biconditional that you don't understand?
@MattЭллен I'm OK with the word "biconditional."
I don't understand how the reader is to know the "speaker doesn't intend a valid outcome to be buying the wallet whether or not the wallet is needed (as in a conditional)
especially how this amounts to "(as in a conditional)"
OK, I'll let someone answer. But essentially biconditional goes both ways, whereas conditional doesn't have to
@MattЭллен So, a biconditional must go both ways, while a conditional may or may not go both ways?
@Former_Math_Addict that's what I get from the wikipedia entry, yeah
@MattЭллен Thanks :-)
@Former_Math_Addict no probs :)
@MattЭллен I think I just need another clearer example.
I will wear a coat if it rains.
No worries. Someone will provide one :)
Someone just did.
but if you wear a coat it won't necessarily rain
so that is plain conditional
My sentence means that I will only wear a coat if it's already raining.
So it's bi.
Would you interpret it to mean that there's a possibility that I would wear a coat, even though it's not raining?
only colloquially. Because I know people wear coats for other reasons
And do you know it is raining before you put on the coat?
@MattЭллен Yes, but take this as an example. I'm leaving in the morning, and my mother says to me - it's cold, so you should wear a coat. I say - I will wear a coat if it rains. That kind of means, I'm not going to wear a coat, because it's not raining.
Yes, but I didn't have that context before.
OK, in what context might I say "I will wear a coat if it rains", without it being biconditional?
Most of the time?
I suppose I could say "I will wear a coat if it rains, or if it snows".
I wear a coat if it rains
How most of the time?
If it is cloudy outside and you don't know if it will rain or not.
Apart from the fact that you don't mean "I will wear a coat if it rains"
because that is absurd
it's always raining somewhere
@Former_Math_Addict No, I strongly disagree.
so you need more context anyway
No. Without more context, "I will wear a coat if it rains" clearly means "it's not raining now, so I won't wear a coat".
@DavidWallace but it doesn't mean "I won't wear a coat if it doesn't rain"
weather is a bad example, I feel. "I will give you £100 if you win the race" is clearly biconditional
@RegDwightАΑA Maybe it's been to ELL and back already. Does it have the ashes to prove it?
@MattЭллен Yes it does.
because you might wear a coat if it is cold, but not raining
@MattЭллен OK, yes, that's a really good example.
@DavidWallace not without more context it doesn't
Without more context, it certainly DOES.
@DavidWallace DOESN'T ftfy
Q: What is the correct way to say my age?

JorgeWhat's the difference between: I have 27 years old and I am 27 years old

Four upvotes!
@MattЭллен What did you fix? Or do you mean "fuck this fuck you"?
@DavidWallace Say you say "I will wear a coat if it rains", it doesn't rain and you wear a coat anyway. Clearly either you are a liar or the statement was not biconditional.
We have four people with 15+ reps who think this question shows research effort, is useful and clear.
@DavidWallace fixed that for you :D
@MattЭллен If that occurs, I'm a liar.
@MattЭллен Yes, but I asked - what did you fix?
@DavidWallace your being wrong
@MattЭллен Sorry, didn't happen.
You are still wrong now!
so I guess you're right about that
@RegDwightАΑA It's not hard to get 15+ reps.
And 4 out of 7 billion is not a huge percentage.
@DavidWallace it is for the kind of people who would upvote a question about whether "I have 27 years old" is correct.
What, exactly, would they get the reps for?
For upvoting each other's stupid questions? Duh!
This site's been overtaken by a voting ring of pineapples.
A pineapple ring? Hahaha!
You do realise that if they all head off to ELL, the minority left here will have nothing to do?
we can... stroke each others egos?
The minority here already has nothing to do. At least certainly not upvoting dumb questions.
Jul 15 at 7:54, by Cerberus
Playing with mah thing.
yesterday, by JSBձոգչ
yay for my thing!
What's this obsession with things as of late?
You're all too materialistic.
My thing isn't working :(
In other words, if ELL gets created, ELU will just die.
If that starts to happen we can always inject ELL right back.
@DavidWallace no, we will just have a sudden drop off in questions. It will resuscitate over time
@MattЭллен I call bullshit.
I have faith
I'm sure I'll find a lot of questions to ask when the pineapples stop interrupting my train of thought
I shan't ask any questions at all, if the pineapples all leave.
Will you go to ELL, though?
@DavidWallace hahahaha.
@MattЭллен (he hasn't asked a single question yet)
@MattЭллен If 'ELL exists, I shall surely go there.
Well, that's good news of a sort
That site needs experts, too.
@MattЭллен Actually, I was thinking of hell. I'm not so sure about ELL.
oh, oh well
I just saved myself with an apostrophe.
We are not shipping off all the pineapples. We are creating an actual functioning site in the spirit of GLU, JLU, SLU, etc, just for English.
Because a) such a site does not exist yet and b) the demand is huge.
The demand for ELL is huge. I'm not so sure about ELU.
Of course.
But that's by design.
My son just asked me whether penguins live in igloos.
The demand for MathOverflow is way smaller than that for a site where you can ask how much 23*54165 is.
@RegDwightАΑA Which is why ELU will vanish in a puff of smoke if ELL gets created. So long as we've got one site that caters to both groups, the serious enthusiasts can continue to commune in the existing community.
But we do not cater to both groups.
Currently we close and delete a ton of questions.
They all could live.
We don't INTEND to cater to both groups. But unintentionally, we do so.
Do elaborate.
We cater for the GR pineapples by answering their questions. They don't care whether the questions stick around for posterity.
How has this site been useful to Nortonn and the like?
In fact, they're probably delighted to have their embarrassing contributions closed and deleted.
Nortonn is a special case.
@DavidWallace you might be surprised how few of those questions are actually answered.
Look how Carlo has grown.
But you want to banish all future Carlos to their own little private playpen!
@RegDwightАΑA Whether such a question gets answered really depends on whether a moderator sees it first.
I don't banish anyone. Everyone is free to register on both sites.
But you want to banish the questions, which amounts to the same thing.
I don't think that's the same thing.
Stack Overflow has been split up into 10+ sites.
All of them work.
OK, you wish to banish the questions from all future Carlos to their own private playpen. Better?
I do not want to banish anything.
I simply proposed a site, which anyone can do, and now it either gets enough support or it doesn't. Is all.
@RegDwightАΑA Do they? Have you seen what percentage of questions on programmers.SE get closed? Nobody knows what the damned site is for!
@DavidWallace perhaps it's time for them to split as well.
it is chimeric
@RegDwightАΑA How will that help?
I am not saying it will.
Hence the "perhaps".
@RegDwightАΑA Well, it gets a negative amount of support from my little corner of the world.
It has been split to some degree. there is a workplace SE beta now
@DavidWallace you just said you would go and be active there.
I lied. I was punning on ELL = Hell.
That is, if Hell exists, I shall surely go there. ELL, I'm less sure about.
We can turn ELL into hell, if you insist.

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