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1:31 AM
@RegDwigнt Funny that German uses Notenschlüssel the way English uses clef and Tonart the way we use key.
2:03 AM
Dutch: muzieksleutel or toonsleutel.
5 hours later…
6:53 AM
Readable article on linguistic relativity.
> Our survey of the field suggests that at least two versions of the Whorfian hypothesis can be dismissed, namely those based on language as language-ofthought and linguistic determinism.
On the other hand, five other versions of the Whorfian hypothesis have garnered empirical support: those in which thinking occurs before language use (thinking for speaking), those in which linguistic and nonlinguistic codes compete with each other (language as meddler) or in which linguistic codes extend nonlinguistic thinking (language as augmenter), and those in which thinking is directed toward propert
The hypothesis of linguistic relativity, part of relativism, also known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis , or Whorfianism is a principle claiming that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition, and thus people's perceptions are relative to their spoken language. The principle is often defined in one of two versions: the strong hypothesis, which was held by some of the early linguists before World War II, and the weak hypothesis, mostly held by some of the modern linguists. The strong version says that language determines thought and that linguistic categories limit...
3 hours later…
9:55 AM
@Robusto well, "clef" is also just "key". English just uses the additional opportunity to kowtow to its French master.
10:32 AM
> at what point am I sick enough that I can stop assuming it's psychosomatic because everyone is talking about sickness?
11:29 AM
what is formal matter or formal proposition?
12:04 PM
Aggregate smartphone data from Google. "See how your community is moving around differently due to COVID-19".
> These reports will be available for a limited time, so long as public health officials find them useful.
Quite interesting.
The charts for parks are crazy. Apparently everyone is jogging.
Except in California for some reason.
1 hour later…
1:37 PM
@RegDwigнt Ah, true. I forgot about that.
1:50 PM
@Færd Well, of course. For example, Japanese calls blue (青い、あおい, aoi) not only what we in English would call blue but much of what we call green. A Japanese traffic light turns 青い when it's time to go, not green. (For the range of paler or yellower greens, like new foliage, they say midori.) But that brings up the question of which came first, the perception or the nomenclature? Certainly the perception must have come first, right?
@RegDwigнt: I've reached the conclusion that it is actually impossible to play the violin at the Vengerov level, and that there must be black arts involved.
It is also impossible to compose at the Tchaikovsky level, but that's another matter.
And, yes, I listened to that performance again today. The tab in my browser was still open, so why not?
@Mitch That is otterworldly.
Otterly amazing
Intermusteline warfare.
2:08 PM
I also am very much impressed with how his double-stops breathe in the Mozart and, well, all the rest of it.
Otters will fuck you up man
Sounds like you're speaking from experience.
2:22 PM
No need to be bitter.
Better bitter than bad otter biter
Bitter butter batter beats bad bot booters.
Ah, another attack on the passive voice.
Always use active voice if possible. — Decapitated Soul 1 hour ago
There is nothing wrong with using the passive voice. There is nothing wrong with using the active voice. These are tools in a writer's toolbox. Would you tell a carpenter always to use a hammer, never a level? — Robusto 5 mins ago
2:53 PM
That must be in our top 10 of most FAQ, perhaps even top 5.
3:06 PM
@Cerberus We need better heuristics for sending questions to genuine answers before they are submitted.
3:19 PM
@Robusto Yes.
I have been arguing for displaying to askers some questions out of a hand-picked top 20 or so, whenever certain hand-picked words were present in their question to be.
@Cerberus They already do that to some extent, but the result set is wildly off the mark.
@Robusto Yes, because those aren't hand-picked questions.
3:41 PM
"Hack-picked"? Not sure what that means.
4:01 PM
@Robusto yes, if we look at the facts, that is a solid conclusion indeed.
Hilary Hahn may beg to differ, but then again she also studied black arts, so we can disregard her vote.
@Robusto nah, that one must be easy. I've actually heard there's only seven notes in total. That's like, lol.
Black arts for black artists. /nod
@DecapitatedSoul I will join others in suggesting that you go ahead and reword the sentence using active voice. It is quite telling that you didn't even try. Why would that be. — RegDwigнt ♦ 5 secs ago
@RegDwigнt BTW, I thoroughly enjoyed the concert yesterday, but today it was an even deeper experience. I was even-tempered (no pun intended) about the Schubert yesterday, but today it was just glorious.
Schubert is often like that.
Sometimes you're like WTF dude leave me alone. Other times, whoa.
I've always loved the "Trout" quintet.
4:07 PM
That's the only Schubert song that I sing accompanying myself at the guitar.
It's, how did you put it, glorious.
The lyrics are only helping.
And this:
Someone wanted me to play a transcription for flute, but I refused. It just ain't the same.
> Put the name of the composer who you vote for in the comments, whoever gets the most wins composer of the month.

@Hazim Azlan
@Michael Dorin
@Unkown Writer

@Robin M. Butler
@Teodor Lontos
@Josue Quintero
@Mao Zhedong
Well damn, looks like Schubert isn't even an option. He must suck.
Yeah, and Bach ain't even a patch on @The_Mad_Duck.
I was going to comment "Bach", but I'd have to join the group for that, and well. Would you join a group if this were its business card.
I don't join groups as a matter of course, but especially not that one.
4:14 PM
Can you imagine Bach putting on his résumé, "I once won Composer of the Month on MuseScore".
Against The_Mad_Duck.
> So, I was scrolling through some old discussions, and I noticed there was an abortion debate. It seemed like most people tend to agree (In this group) - Abortion is morally abysmal. I'd like to revive this topic for debate.

If you are pro-life: Please try and keep your comments to a minimum until the pro-abortion people have a chance to state their position on the matter. The discussion will get clogged with pro-lifers and everyone will gang up on the pro-abortioners
Jesus Christ, that's even worse.
That's on MuseScore?
It's like people don't even know that the Internet has more than one site.
They find one site, and that's the one they stick with for the rest of their pointless life.
19 hours ago, by RegDwigнt
> I am designing a video game, and i need characters for it from anyone who is good at graphic designing. This would be volunteer work, and i would need the characters in different positions. Attach a link to the picture in the comments section, if you would like to try. I want the character to look realistic, but still have a anime look on it.
Would you ask your baker to fix your car. Or your car mechanic to bake you a cake.
@RegDwigнt And I want to be as tall as Jaime, for all the good that it does. thought Tyrion
Even worse, it's like "I need someone to build me a Panama Canal in my back yard. This would be volunteer work."
4:19 PM
@RegDwigнt Does Unkown Writer write well
I'm not familiar with his work.
@Robusto And they need the canal in different positions
And the capper would be: The person making the request would badger whoever was dumb enough to furnish the characters to make all sorts of changes, and register disappointment in this or that feature.
I am familiar with that of some of the people on the list. But not Unknown Writer's.
4:20 PM
@M.A.R. Of course.
@Robusto never, ever, open the Community tab on MuseScore. It's all religion and politics and look what funny picture I found on the Internet.
And, like, not even politics politics, but what do you think about the new governor of Idaho.
@RegDwigнt When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a bagel.
@RegDwigнt I dunno. How did that one get past me?
@Robusto sorry, that answer is too-high quality for MuseScore. Try again. Ideally you should comment "Check out my score". Some people just comment "hi". Three times in a row.
You need to get out more. Of MuseScore.
Most people on there are between the age of nine and fourteen.
And no, I'm not even joking. There's a "guess my age game" thread.
4:23 PM
@Robusto Argh! Why do I always typo with you.
Must be the wine this time.
@Cerberus I practice the black arts. Only it doesn't improve my violin playing.
@Cerberus I figured. But I still wanted to give you shit about it.
Funny, I practice my violin playing and it doesn't improve my black arts.
@Robusto Understandable.
@RegDwigнt Obviously you're doing it wrong. Ask your teacher.
I didn't know you were black, congratulations.
4:25 PM
I would, but school's out.
Oh, right.
It always seems to come back to COVID-19 these days, doesn't it?
BTW, @Reg, we do call Allen wrenches "hex keys" sometimes.
4:47 PM
Sorry, was just reading up on that paper they released about the first 50 patients in the first major COVID outbreak in Germany.
Spiegel has a good summary, if you care for reading German.
Average age 65. All with chronic illnesses. Respiratory diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure.
Two thirds are men, only one third women.
35 out of the 50 are still in the hospital after two months.
8 were released, 7 died. Out of those, 4 died because intensive care was declined either by themselves or the family.
> Die Patienten waren im Schnitt 65 Jahre alt. Das ist älter als der Durchschnitt der Covid-19-Klinikpatienten im chinesischen Wuhan.
Männer stellen zwei Drittel der Betroffenen, Frauen nur ein Drittel.
Alle 50 Patienten hatten bereits eine Vorerkrankung. 35 von ihnen hatten Bluthochdruck, 29 Diabetes, 25 eine Atemwegserkrankung, darunter das chronische Lungenleiden COPD, Schlafapnoe und Asthma. Auch Herz-, Nieren- und Leberleiden sowie Krebserkrankungen werden von den Ärzten genannt.
> Mehr als 80 Prozent hatten zunächst Fieber, knapp die Hälfte hatte Husten oder bereits früh Atembeschwerden. Nur je ein Patient hatte Schnupfen beziehungsweise Kopfschmerzen, lediglich zwei Halsweh. Magen-Darm-Beschwerden in Form von Erbrechen, Durchfall oder Übelkeit betrafen zu Beginn der Erkrankung immerhin sechs Patientinnen und Patienten.
> Zwischen dem Einsetzen der ersten Symptome und der Einlieferung ins Krankenhaus lagen im Schnitt nur vier Tage. Die Zeit ist kürzer als in den Berichten aus Wuhan.
> Knapp die Hälfte der beschriebenen Patienten, nämlich 24, hatten ein schweres Lungenversagen. Sie benötigten Beatmung. In acht Fällen sogar die sogenannte extrakorporale Membranoxygenierung (ECMO). Das aufwendige Verfahren kann die Atmung für eine Weile ersetzen, indem Blut über eine Kanüle aus dem Körper in ein Gerät geleitet wird, das der Flüssigkeit Kohlendioxid entzieht und sie mit Sauerstoff anreichert - beides geschieht normalerweise, während das Blut die Lunge passiert.
> Alle Patienten ohne schweres Lungenversagen benötigten eine Sauerstofftherapie.
Patienten mit einem Lungenversagen hatten häufiger bereits eine chronische Atemwegserkrankung und waren häufiger übergewichtig als die Covid-19-Patienten in der Klinik, deren Lunge nicht versagte. Bei den anderen Begleiterkrankungen zeigte sich in dieser Gruppe kein Unterschied.
> Die Viruslast unterschied sich bei den Patienten mit und ohne Lungenversagen nicht. Die Daten aus China legten dagegen nahe, dass eine höhere Viruslast mit einem schwereren Verlauf der Krankheit einhergeht.
That's the summary.
@RegDwigнt So they all required oxygen therapy, or is that just a routine procedure in hospitals? If you ever go in to the ER complaining of chest pains, they automatically hook you up with oxygen before they start diagnosing.
At least here.
And yes, reading German is much easier for me nowadays than speaking it.
5:21 PM
@RegDwigнt Interesting.
6:11 PM
@Robusto no, what the text is saying they got to the point where the therapy was absolutely required.
Whether that was after a week in the hospital or for some patients immediately as they arrived, is not part of the summary. It only points out that every last person needed it whose lungs hadn't just failed outright.
"Therapy" is more than just hooking you up with a mask once.
6:50 PM
@RegDwigнt I kinda figured that, but didn't really want to believe it.
That is totally scary.
> The Trump administration has hinted it might somehow use Medicaid to expand access to health coverage for the uninsured during the crisis. But these feints have been extremely vague, and President Trump — along with many Republicans — continues to support a lawsuit that could wipe out the ACA [Affordable Care Act, i.e., "Obajacare"] entirely.
7:07 PM
Ugh. You with your paywalls.
I'll just take your word for it.
Would have loved to see them maps tho.
Mr Robusto, tear down this wall!
I also heard on the German news just now that your horrific unemployment figures right now don't even include the last two weeks.
Of course.
Do you wonder why?
7:51 PM
I wonder about nothing no more.
@Robusto that one works but not in this browser. Will check from work some time next week.
NYT generally works better. The Post is just always behind a paywall all the time.
This song seems strangely appropriate just now:
Will be there in a minute. Still listening to Bill Withers.
The funeral homes in NYC have no space left.
Just watched a report from one, they have room for 50 people, 60 max. Currently 185 there alone.
The very definition of a nightmare scenario.
7:57 PM
Mar 25 at 14:22, by tchrist
Spain is out of morgues. They're stacking up bodies at ice rinks.
@RegDwigнt OIC. You only link videos when performers die.
Not only, no. But we're losing them at great speed, yes.
At least they leave something behind.
Life is cheap here in 2020. And apt to get cheaper.
That bass part in "Lean On Me" is so simple, but perfect.
I remember I was shocked when James Brown passed away. Then once again when Michael Jackson died.
These days I can barely keep up.
A day, a name.
8:03 PM
When Michael Jackson died my younger said, "Did that rock your world?" I was quite taken aback.
I wasn't a Michael Jackson fan, but I recognized his contribution to pop music.
Like saying "Did that rock your world?" when the Berlin Wall fell, as if it doesn't matter if you didn't live in Germany.
@Robusto the melody is very simple, too. Especially in that particular video that I linked. All the parallel fifths. Completely hollow. And his voice is like, the guy next door. But then the refrain kicks in and it's like holy shit, where's that coming from. Shivers down the spine.
Simple songs can be powerful.
It's not about being simple. It's about being deceptively so.
And it's about telling a story. The notes, anyone can sing. Your story, only you can tell.
@RegDwigнt Well, maybe.
I don't care for the religious sentiment, but this song is utterly captivating.
Bernstein is a great master of deceptive simplicity.
8:09 PM
I love the modulations. Very simple, but straightforward fresh and invigorating.
Easy for amateurs, hard for professionals.
Don't know why I typed "straightforward" there. I think you interrupted me while I was typing. Shame on you.
I hang my head.
You know, for me all music has a religious dimension. And I mean "religious" in a very non-religious way. Not sure I can explain it.
8:11 PM
Bach wouldn't have been what he was if he hadn't been moved by his religion.
He would have been amazing, but not in the same way.
Well half the art in the world wouldn't be there. Paintings, books, sculptures, architecture.
True. But there's cheap religious art & music, and then that which is transcendent.
Oh don't reminds me of contemporary Christian rock.
Bach, in his mind, was merely holding up a mirror to the Almighty. I really believe that.
Well you can play every single piece of his and still not understand how the fuck he did it.
8:15 PM
The biggest irony in Bach is the Goldberg Variations. He wrote them to put some rich fuck to sleep, but I don't understand how anyone could sleep through that.
It's like reading your favorite book. You can read it over and over again and fifty years later still discover something new.
@RegDwigнt: Can someone put a video up on YouTube but restrict access to certain people only?
You can set videos to private, yes. Then you can send the link to people.
Ah, cool.
My pedestrian reason for asking is that I have a bunch of videos of my kids when they were little and I want to get them somewhere the family can view them.
What format do you use to export video files to YouTube?
Why not Google Drive.
8:28 PM
@RegDwigнt Uh, because I don't know what that is or why I would use it? Besides, isn't there a filesize and bandwith limit to that?
YouTube automatically scans all videos for appearances of children and then asks you all kinds of nasty questions and never stops after you've answered them ten times over.
@Robusto 15GB storage for free.
@RegDwigнt This is decidedly not kiddie porn. Kids opening presents on Christmas, that sort of thing.
For every person on this planet. If you have a Gmail account, you have a Google Drive.
Yeah, I've just never used it.
Well then you have the full 15GB.
@Robusto don't tell that to me. Tell that to YouTube. Ten times over. And then ten more times.
8:30 PM
@RegDwigнt Less a few GB. "2.89 GB (19%) of 15 GB used"
See. You don't even know all the stuff you're using (@_@)
I don't know how to delete things without spending too much time at it.
You move it to your Trash.
When you click "Manage" it gives you disappointingly few options.
Then you can delete it there permanently.
Or resurrect it again.
Just like Windows anno 1990.
8:31 PM
@RegDwigнt I want something that is a little more automated than that.
You can mark many things at once.
Alas, nobody can guess for you what you want to delete. Again, same as with computers.
How many videos are those, anyway.
Probably about a couple hours' worth.
You can put them all in a folder, or several folders sorted by years or whatever.
Then you can nuke entire folders rather than individual files.
Uploading to YouTube is much more manual labour. And deleting from YouTube only more so.
But then I have to give everyone access to my Google Drive, right?
No, you only share individual files.
Again, just like on YouTube. You'd have to send everyone the secret link for each individual video either way.
8:35 PM
Maybe on Drive you can actually share entire folders. I've never tried.
So what format do you use for web streaming these days.
YouTube automatically converts it into a gajillion formats and resolutions. No matter what format you upload it in.
So people can watch it on any device with any kind of connection.
On Drive, what you upload is what you get.
Which is why the YouTube audio has all its quirks. They convert it back and forth and back again, and you never even know which version you're getting served until you're served it.
May 19 '15 at 12:03, by Robusto
When YouTube started, in 2007, in its first year it accounted for more web bandwidth than the entire Internet did in 2000.
I'm sure it's way beyond that already.
Well. And now the corona.
Plus even before that, they started the whole subscription business where you can watch entire TV series and films. In HD.
They want to be Netflix, too.
8:43 PM
@RegDwigнt They want to be Your Internet Company. The AT&T before there was any alternative to AT&T.
Well Google and Amazon are the Internet now. What else is even there. Do people even remember eBay?
And no, I'm not counting Facebook.
They're going the way of the eBay.
Non sequitur: what's that stupid saying, I'm looking for it for something else right now. Something along the lines of "it takes very little to satisfy a tiny mind" or "a narrow mind is easily pleased". I'm on tilt right now.
Dunno. "An empty wagon makes the most noise" doesn't apply.
Maybe you're accessing your po-russky side.
Yeah no, you've actually said it before, maybe even to myself. It's more like a stab when someone laughs at something really stupid. That you say to them, well you're easily entertained.
"Easily amused"?
As in "You're easily amused."
I say that fairly frequently.
Yes along those lines.
8:51 PM
Jul 2 '12 at 14:47, by Robusto
Some people are easily amused.
But actually, never mind, I can actually just use that.
Mar 21 '12 at 21:50, by Robusto
You are easily amused. Also, go nuts.
Feb 10 '12 at 12:41, by Robusto
@RegDwightѬſ道 You are easily amused.
“Great minds find beauties and appreciate it. Average minds find commonalities and compare. Small minds find the problems and criticize.”
Maybe one day a palaeontologist will find it.
That's a good one. Not mine.
Yeah I've been googling for five minutes to no avail. Found a lot of those.
Great mind discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.
8:55 PM
@RegDwigнt Which is why there's Facebook.
But anyway, I've stopped now and so can you. I've used your thingie in the end, so thank you.
@Robusto just give it time and it won't be.
It will all be on MuseScore instead. It already is.
When your mom starts using Facebook, you go and look for some other place to highjack.
It's the treadmill of life.
Doesn't Facebook have some kind of purdah for parents now?
They certainly think they do.
Facebook thinks they have something for everyone. While in reality they have nothing for anyone.
Anyway, I'll go play Animal Crossing for a while. Thanks for the company. Maybe I'll drop by again after buying all the furniture, catching all the fish, and watering every flower.
9:34 PM
@RegDwigнt Good luck with that.
2 hours later…
11:29 PM
hello? someone please answer my questions I asked what formal matter or formal proposition mean

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