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@RegDwigнt I think this action photo trumps yours.
Why are they all different colors. Is it the Power Rangers?
Do you recognise him?
That should explain his exceptional colour.
@skullpatrol Ding!
@Cerberus That's Chernobyl the day after, right?
His face looks like there's severe underpressure under that mask.
@Robusto Yes, and plastic helps really well against ionising radiation.
@Robusto we didn't have that many colors in the eighties.
What? You had 8-bit graphics back then.
By the way, that sign on the wall says "take off special clothing".
Putin down on me
Putin down on you
No man asks for
Putin off special clothing, Putin on the ritz.
I've been waiting for that.
What took you so long.
I had other tasks to perform in the meantime.
tell me lies
It's hard to pull yourself away from the Pornhub tab.
Heh, get it? "Pull yourself away" from the Pornhub tab?
Nov 29 '12 at 10:51, by RegDwighт
Lies, damn lies, and cakes.
There's a Pornhub tab? Where?
beside the youtube tab :P
@RegDwigнt But he's not walking in that direction.
There's one built in to every browser these days. Saves time.
Well dang. This browser is seven years old. They stopped updating it.
Brave is a free and open-source web browser developed by Brave Software, Inc. based on the Chromium web browser. The browser blocks ads and website trackers, and provides a way for users to send cryptocurrency contributions in the form of Basic Attention Tokens to websites and content creators. As of 2019, Brave has been released for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. The current version features five search engines by default, including their partner, DuckDuckGo. == History == Brave is developed by Brave Software, which was founded on 28 May 2015 by CEO Brendan Eich (creator of Javascript...
@Robusto the phrase "is a free and open-source web browser" bores me to tears.
Just make one browser that works. I don't need fifty that don't.
Hey, they didn't write that. Wikipedia did. Your beef is with them.
Brave works great.
@Robusto I bet they did write it. And Wikipedia just copied it.
Well, go ahead and live in darkness after I show you the light.
Well okay I take that back. They wrote something much worse.
That is so grandiloquent and full of itself it is ruining my day.
And they start by saying I should enable their custom ads.
@Robusto I saw the light a long time ago. Firebird 0.7.
They don't make them like that anymore.
@RegDwigнt Are you old enough to have used the Venkman JS debugger?
@Robusto that one doesn't ring a bell.
I only know the Venkman from Ghostbusters.
But yes, I am way older than JavaScript.
@RegDwigнt Venkman was a Firefox extension that actually let you step through your JS code. It was a godsend. I even donated $100 to the guy. Before that I had to put stops in programs to test variables &c.
And yes, it was named for Ghostbusters.
Russian businessmen make dire predictions, local businessmen in our region. They say the quarantine will leave more than 20% of workforce without work very, very soon, and basically a disaster will unfurl from then on. e1.ru/news/spool/news_id-69051478.html
I'm afraid there will be chaos here.
People will turn to robbery.
It will be more dangerous to venture outside for fear of being robbed and killed than for fear of the virus.
That's not good.
@CowperKettle Putin has promised funds for the unemployed: will those not be enough?
@Cerberus 12500 rubles a month? No. My friend has a flat without a kitchen. Only a room and a toilet\shower. She pays about 2000-3000 just for the utilities (water, electricity), and on 10500 rubles a month you will end up looking like an Aushwitz victim
You need about 25000 rubles a month to stay alive
2 years ago, that friend caught a cold, and she did not took a temporary leave from job because she needed money to pay the mortgage. She ended up coughing for several months.
She coughed well into the summer.
will landlords still evict? will they realise that if they evict there is noone to move in, so the property will be empty or squatted?
(some) Landlords are stupid.
most are greedy
then they should cut rent, if they are smart and greedy, because what can be afforded is better than nothing at all
I know a few eviction cases from my own alley where the place remained empty afterwards.
they call them slum lords for a good reason pal
I call them second against the wall
To be fair, my current landlord did suggest that I stop paying rent for a couple months until the economy is back on its feet. (as if it ever was)
sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders
Right. He's a nice person.
@MattE.Эллен ? "second against the wall"?
@skullpatrol well, I'd put the super rich there first. ymmv
@MattE.Эллен nummymmv
The sound of stuffing your face with rich people.
tastier than loo roll
@MattE.Эллен thanks pal
> Summary of the article: Strong coronavirus measures today should only last a few weeks, there shouldn’t be a big peak of infections afterwards, and it can all be done for a reasonable cost to society, saving millions of lives along the way. If we don’t take these measures, tens of millions will be infected, many will die, along with anybody else that requires intensive care, because the healthcare system will have collapsed.
@Mitch is that spain?
3 hours ago, by tchrist
Spain is out of morgues. They're stacking up bodies at ice rinks.
the western world has crumbled in less than a week
let the cyber age begin!
cybrerage, like suferage but for AI
Mar 9 at 1:31, by Robusto
Of course, on a long enough timeline everyone's survival rate drops to zero.
not A.I.
@Robusto Now I want them tod do a map of "Ce mec va nous faire tous tuer"
It will have to feature a picture of Trump.
@Mitch Y passer sounds like a bourgeois euphemism.
Like pass away in English.
@Cerberus Or just pass now. "Aunt Edna passed last year." I kinda hate that euphemism.
Yeah, first I had pass, then I added away.
I don't like it either.
It used to be pass away, but now the euphemistic are dropping the away.
It's kinda religious, the notion of passing from one state of being to another.
One state is enough, IMO.
That makes me dislike it even more.
we're all going to pass into A.I.
We'll still be dead.
I.e., not alive.
I think pass on is also used?
passed on
In Dutch, we have doodgaan (to die, fairly neutral, not very formal), sterven (a bit more formal, good in any context), overlijden (very common, but it sounds like a euphemism to me), and heengaan (to go yon, feels very similar to English pass away).
sterven feels a lot like German sterben.
doodgaan -> dude gone?
Cali accent^
@Cerberus and 'crever' sounds too slangy. like a blown flat tire
@Robusto So it is.
@MattE.Эллен To go dead.
Which I think also exists in English.
@Robusto That one always throws me. like they forget to finish their sentence.
@Mitch Hmm I don't have a feel for that one.
@Mitch Exactly!
@Robusto well, they're not wrong.
@Cerberus yes, but not usually used for people
@Mitch Only the second state is not the one they think.
@skullpatrol well, it's not going to be you. At best, it's going to be a copy.
@MattE.Эллен Exactly how I read it.
But saying they passed has academic connotations, like the alternative is failing.
Big stamp on their passport: "Promoted to grade Afterlife!!"
@MattE.Эллен Yeah. Batteries go dead, but not people.
@Robusto level up!
or down
as the case may be
jokes about hell fall flat
I prefer dysphemisms: kicked the bucket, bought the farm, croaked, went tits up, etc.
shit the bed, screwed the pooch, bit the big one,
those are just dysphemisms, not necessarily about death.
just to make clear
That was already clear. What wasn't clear was why you chose that particular segue.
@Mitch "you"
@MattE.Эллен Well, I believe it is old and/or dialectical?
@Robusto I'd prefer not to explain
@Cerberus perhaps
Now we need a dysphemism for preferring not to explain.
See what you've done?
to bartleby
that's a...
Ah, a Melville reference.
Perhaps I misjudged you earlier.
@Robusto Nice!
I think
That sword cuts two ways, of course.
I think we should say "fucked the possum" instead of "preferred not to explain."
@Cerberus I see
Very interesting dialogue with a slave from the Ebo.
@skullpatrol I don't speak Danish.
@Cerberus That's all faked idiolect of slaves
so they're given made up 'bad grammar'
Danish, by the way, is probably last on the list for "next language for me to learn."
why so?
google gives synonyms of crever in English: die,
pop up
peg out
@skullpatrol he fucked some possum, that's why
@skullpatrol Because hard hard hard.
Danish makes German look like Russian.
@Mitch Why fake?
At any rate, it is perceived as existing idiom.
@Cerberus Very likely a pidgin.
@Cerberus 1) that's how it feels to me. the writer is not part of that idiolect and sounds like he's making it up. 2) let's presume it's not fake, then 'go dead' is only part of that dialect ('go dead' for 'die' is not part of any other dialect except for maybe toddlers (in English).
@Mitch I just feel it is present around the fringes of English.
@Cerberus Oh sure. But fringes.
@Mitch Sure.
@CowperKettle Ah, I see. I hope Putin will increase the money, then!
@Cerberus Well, yeah, but that has been hijacked by a different idiom: the radio went dead, the line went dead, etc.
Yes, sure.
But it boggles the mind why people can't just say so-and-so died. That's actually what happened. "Aunt Sally died last year." And all the facts are in.
"Aunt Sally passed away last year." Is only one word longer, and to me just sounds better, if last year was only a couple of weeks ago, imo
Perhaps, I'm reading too much context into it...
Try to spend your stars a bit slower that usual, you might run out of stars and it's sold out everywhere.
Perplexing situation
It's not perplexing for Republicans.
Reem the public
"So I ran over a bunch of people in order to keep my company profitable. What is that, a crime?"
20 hours ago, by Robusto
user image
Why does he wear a red tie?
From ancient China to ‘Wall Street,’ the red tie has always symbolized aggression.
Duh, it's red
It's to conceal pokemon blood.
Every one of them cute
spits out tea
@skullpatrol He wears it to symbolize aggression.
Q: Why can't we use the verb 'reveal' in the following sentence

Daniel WattsIn this 'spot the word that doesn't fit' question I am not clear as to the reason why revealed is not correct - something related to passives perhaps? 'As details of the scandal _______ , the story became a big news item.' Which of these cannot be used: Revealed/Emerged/Surfaced/Unfolded

Not one but two high-rep people claiming that in English it is impossible to say "as the investigation revealed".
@Færd how do you "lose a profit". Who wrote that. XD
@Gigili we get a fresh supply of stars every single day. 30 fresh stars guaranteed for every person, no questions asked.
@RegDwigнt "As details of the scandal revealed , the story became a big news item." You can say that, but it means something else than the other three.
Well yes. It is not my point that it means what the OP wants, or that it means anything at all. It is merely my point that you can say it.
My state just designated bicycle repair shops as "non-essential" businesses.
Of course you can say it.
Thank you. And that is what the question is asking.
"Why can't we". Well. We can.
If you want to say that the details of the scandal revealed that the story became a big news item, knock yourself out.
@Robusto we've been getting emails from some customers that the government designated them as essential, and so by extension they now expect us to feel essential and be available 24/7 just like before.
I don't think that's how it works.
@Robusto oh, I don't want to say any of that nonsense. I'm just trying to help some poor sod that does.
I am a poor sod. Help me out.
Sorry, one poor sod at a time.
Two sods at once, the price skyrockets fortyfold.
That's missing a zero.
@RegDwigнt No biblical language in chat.
There was I trying to read Danish, only to later discover that someone actually went and translated it into English.
Very bad English, mind.
"Uses a price trick". The fuck. Who talks like that. What are they, twelve?
I thought about trying Swedish once, but then it got messy and I gave up.
Try Brazilian, it's very clean and smooth. Not messy at all.
Brazilian is way too messy for me.
I'll stick with Japanese. No muss, no fuss. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
"As the story revealed, the governor misappropriated funds" parallels the OP's example and is perfectly grammatical. The issue is that the intended meaning of the sentence is different (but not wrong) if you use revealed to fill in the blank. — Robusto 2 mins ago
@Robusto thank you. I tried writing up something to that extent but ran out of words and gave up.
I wonder what Messy will be doing for a living.
Same as before. Nothing.
Messy who?
He's spelt with an I tho.
We ran out of 'i'.
@Robusto as any Swede will tell you, speaking Danish is just speaking Swedish with a hot potato in your mouth.
And as any Dane will assure you, it is actually exactly the other way round.
From that we can extrapolate that all that you need is a potato.
@Gigili Ya, that is a slur in English. Call him Messy instead of Messi and you risk a kicking.
And then you can speak both.
@Robusto pffft. Everything is a slur in English.
Danish is one of the hardest European languages to learn, or so I am told.
@RegDwigнt Especially pfft.
You have too few words, so each of them has to do double duty.
I have a lot of words. I just don't choose to use them all in chat.
You can use a price trick instead.
@RegDwigнt How do they play football remotely?
Just as before. They roll on the grass shouting ouch ouch ouch. Then after 90 minutes they go home and the referee can reveal that the score is 0:0.
And then each of them gets $100 million for their troubles.
@Robusto I've seen worse.
@RegDwigнt Welcome to the wide world of sport.
Mar 14 at 1:13, by RegDwigнt
I secretly hope that after a couple months without football everybody notices how nothing is missing and it'll just stay dead forever.
Mar 14 at 1:14, by Mitch
they can put the leisure energy towards home improvement or gardening
Imagine that. All the sportsmen of the world actually doing something of value.
Fuck FIFA and fuck the IOC. I hope they go down the toilet.
Just to think you could take all that money and give it to doctors.
Pffft, Amazon Fresh doesn't have any delivery windows available.
Windows is not fresh. Especially not XP.
@Robusto my bike shop only just today finished with my bike, but to pick it up I couldn't go in the store, they told me they'd put it out back within five minutes and I could take it then.
Just like you were buying an illegal substance.
@Robusto so they're not really open. but you can sort of get stuff done?
Bike shops are the speakeasies of the 21st century!
@Robusto I was shifty eyed when I picked it up.
So wait, if they have corona inside the bike shop, your bike is now contaminated.
Abort abort.
@RegDwigнt He asked if I wanted a wipe down.
After I stopped blushing, I said yes.
You should have said no and taken the loo roll with you.
Full release bike shop?
@RegDwigнt I would star this but I care even less than you do.
I don't get paid for stars so I care even less than you don't.
@Robusto If by 'full release' you mean that... wait.... what does that mean?
@RegDwigнt We're in full lack of agreement then.
It's a release that's not partial.
@Mitch Happy ending.
@Mitch If by 'full lack' you mean that... wait.... what does that mean?
@Robusto Yes. I 'got' my 'bike'.
@RegDwigнt You're on your own. I just type this shit.
That's rude. You should have told me to fuck the possum instead.
Or rather, you should have said that you are fucking the possum.
I'm still learning how to use this new phrase.
OK, no rice and no flour! We'll starve to death.
@Gigili how about chick peas?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 23:00

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