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what google knows about.
about me.
@Mitch If you e-mail about laundry, I'm concerned.
@JourneymanGeek The dent was probably my desk chair. Don't mind it.
OK well it's about as interesting.
Have you ever looked at someone else's email?
um...that I've heard....
@Mitch Is it affecting your typing already? And, yes, they are omniscient.
@Mitch My brother's
never anything interesting.
really boring.
@Mahnax Dirty laundry.
@Cerberus as in making it better? no not really.
Oh OK.
@Cerberus Fun fact: The top thirty ELU users are bots from Google
@Cerberus well, there you go, it's about the laundry that came out of the wash. so sort of underwhelming.
@Mitch Have you looked in the folder "misstresses & adultery"?
@Cerberus Oops, I meant ten
You're eleven, right?
@Danielδ Tell me about it!!
@Danielδ Whew! Glad I'm not one of those.
@Cerberus wha? that's exactly where I put my laundry in.
Soon, everyone will be bots from Google driving around in cars by Google.
@Danielδ I don't know.
just laundry.
Ack, once I drop off of page two, I'll have to start answering again.
YOu should see what goes in the 'laundry' directory.
You put your laundry in a folder...
@Cerberus OK, I just checked. You're eleven.
by which I really mean
All right.
@Mahnax Slacker.
@Danielδ Pretty much. Also, I find that I'm not interested enough to answer most of the questions these days.
@Mahnax Wow, I remember when page 1 ended around 6K
@Mahnax Riiight.
@Danielδ I must've arrived after that.
I haven't really been around recently.
@Mahnax Yeah.
@Danielδ In all seriousness though.
@Mahnax Well, you're only 2 months after me
@Mahnax Yeah...but it has always been so.
@Cerberus Eh, for who?
@Mahnax The pause was remembrance, not sarcasm.
@Danielδ Oh, I see.
@Mahnax For everyone? For me, at least.
@Mahnax Do we need a sarcasm character? I've heard it proposed.
@Cerberus Ah, OK. There was a time when I wanted to answer a lot more.
@Mahnax Same here.
I've stopped for other reasons, though.
@Danielδ Addictions run in the family?
@Mahnax Yes, same here...but it was rather because the system seemed fresh and new, making it more fun to answer mediocre/uninteresting questions, I think.
@Mahnax How bethought you my kin?
@Cerberus Yep. I was so excited to just be a part of it all.
@Danielδ shrugs
I do like answering simple questions sometimes.
@Mahnax ELU can be addictive.
@Cerberus Yeah, I answer far too many .
It's true
Q: Are there any words in English that have a plural with a separate derivation?

Peter OlsonThere are some irregular plurals in English (child/children, goose/geese), but all of the ones I know of share the same root word. In some languages, there are some irregular pairs where the singular form does not have the same root as the plural form, such as in Russian (год/лет, человек/люди)....

I think this one needs that final vote.
@Mahnax Oh, hmm. I never cared for those, but I like some ESL questions.
@Cerberus I don't like them either, but sometimes I can't help it for some reason.
It's OK.
@Mahnax Who didn't vote yet?
A man has needs.
@Danielδ I'm not sure. I've cast my NC vote.
Hey, Cerby, vote on that there question, will ya?
@Mahnax All 4 are NC
@Cerberus NC
@Danielδ For good reason.
@Mahnax OK...
Not Constructive.
@Cerberus I want to see whether it will close before my eyes
@Cerberus Close it, Cerberus! You have the power!
@Cerberus Well?
@Mahnax Sorry, can't.
I don't want it closed.
@Cerberus Remember, you can like a closed question.
@Cerberus Be faithful.
@Cerberus Be true.
@Cerberus Hellhound though you be.
2 mins ago, by Mahnax
Well, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
And, I suppose, one man's pain another's pleasure.
One man's money's another man's measure.
lemme think.
One man's labor is another man's leisure.
@Danielδ It seems fine to me.
OK, that's not how I pronounce leisure
"Does English have nominal suppletion?" — Answer: "No, except perhaps person-people."
I understand your point, but what you are basically saying is that you think suppletion is a misguided concept, because "go" and "went" just aren't the same "word" to you". Whether not there are one "word" or not is open to (a not very interesting terminology) debate. In suppletion, what is meant is that you would use the pair "go"-"went" just the same way as "move"-"moved", i.e. the relation between each pair is very similar. The question is, does English have such noun pairs (or trios etc.)? The answer is: perhaps "person"-"people", but otherwise none that we can think of. Seems valid. — Cerberus 53 secs ago
@Cerberus Now you know why there are so many closed questions. Eeek.
@Danielδ I know many people are close, happy, yup.
@Cerberus Well, I drop all charges against you. You have acquitted yourself with honor, hellhound.
@Mahnax it's so ..._easy_ somehow.
@Mitch Yeah.
Sometimes it's really just a matter of who gets there first.
@Mahnax Yessir.
And if you get there first, it's like, hey! free rep.
@Mahnax I don't see why it is NC
@Danielδ Thanks!!
@Cerberus The question needs revising before it's worthy, though.
By cerb's comment it's fine as is.
@Mitch Well, right off the bat, …this question will likely solicit debate…
-all- questions elicit debate!
FF is really driving this with his...peevishness?
@Danielδ I don't know. You could add some linguistic terminology. But I don't see a problem with it.
Basically, it's asking for a list.
Is there a list? no. just the one example. done.
@Mahnax It asks "are there any?".
Yes or no.
> “If God had intended for women to prostitute themselves he would have given them free will and a vagina." — Doug Stanhope
@Cerb, it -is- implicitly asking for any of them and some examples which is pretty much like a list. but there are so few (one) that it is a very manageable list..totally constructive.
@Mitch Asking for a few examples is a list?
I disagree.
Only one Stanhope. Stupid phone.
Asking for some examples of something that you don't understand yet, or of which you want to know whether it exists, seems more than reasonable.
I think @Gigili has a phone should could lend you. I think it's broken though. Does that help?
@Cerberus I'm in agreement there.
@Mitch Oh, that was easy...
Well, I'm off for awhile.
Good day to you all.
But it is what I think other people think.. they think that asking 'are there any...' is really asking for a list.
Oh, could be.
@Cerberus You are right.
I wish we never had to quibble about whether question x follows rules y and z...
Quibbling over word usage and punctuation is so much more fun!
@Cerberus it seems that quibbling over what type a question is is easier to do.
@Mitch How is that different?
I find in myself when I don't know the answer to a reasonable question I feel like attacking the question itself, then I feel stupid when somebody does come up with the (finally) obvious single word requested.
@Mitch Tis good FF doesn't chat, or you wouldn't win.
Well, maybe you would
he seems a little remorseful himself on this one
@Daniel: I'm in two minds now as to whether I still endorse my original closevote. I personally don't consider am, is, were, are or go, went to be variants of "a word", so I guess I'm just stamping my foot a bit over the "wording" of the question. Disregarding person/people, I think with nouns the closest we have is things like cow/beef, pig/pork, sheep/mutton. The English peasants had their own "animal" words, but they ended up using the French equivalents solely for the cooked meat their Norman overlords demanded be served at table. — FumbleFingers 2 hours ago
@Mitch Sometimes it is indeed a sign that the question is bad.
@Danielδ He has been here a few times, a while ago.
@Cerberus Or as a sign that I was wrong that it was a bad question ('How dare the unknowledgable OP ask an unanswerable question!') which turns out to be a great question ('Oh..someone else gave the obvious answer X.')
@Mitch Also a possibility...
When you think a question is bad, you think about why; if you can find a good, precise answer, you're probably right.
If not, then suspend judgement.
@Danielδ what do you think of my comments to him directly on that?
(it seems by @Cerb's comment, that he is following the same tack as me)
Probably...haven't read the whole thread, to be honest.
Dag @Tom!
(my comment is two above yours there)
@Cerberus Hallo daar, best wel laat.
(But let's prefer English, although we probably should make a Dutch chat around here)
@TomWijsman Best wel een beetje!
Yes, we can throw around a few Dutch words when they least expect it.
Gotta go sleep soon. Or Klaas Vaak (= Sandman) is gonna hit me...
You truly are a wijs man.
Hey, I heard someone knocking on my window...
I think a large part of the SE population is either sleep deficient or night owls.
Hmm, someone else starred that, another Dutch speaker here? :D
@Cerberus Light DSPS in my case.
@TomWijsman Nah, just thought it was a good giggle
Considering I was about to ask if your last name were pronounced "wise-man"
You figured out wijs = wise I suppose.
@TomWijsman This is the English room, they all have humongous talenknobbels.
@simchona Pronounced wysman.
I was going to make a snark, but then I thought it might be misconstrued
No misconstruing simchona in this chat.
Thank you dahling
Hey, did you know? if you squat in an unused chat room long enough, you can become its owner automagically
I stake this room in the name of the king
Good luck, Reg is the #2 chatter in the SE universe and Cerb is #1.
So if Reg ever disappearededed then the puppy would win
But Kit managed to become owner of the Writer's chatroom
What happens to the old owner?
they are demoted due to inactivity
and the room just finds a new owner by magic
Oh, I see
it's like those ancient artifacts that are too powerful to be left alone; when their master dies they latch on to a new master, no matter how random or inappropriate it might be
I'm trying to think of an example that y'all might recognize but the only one I can think of is the hourglass from Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality series. It's kinda like that.
And I don't want to search for this trope on tvtropes or I might get sucked into a vortex
Q: Flight arrived "in" or "at"?

Ashika Umanga UmagiliyaIs the usage or or/in correct in following sentences ? a) Flight has arrived in Tokyo. b) Flight has arrived at Tokyo airport.

So much context!
It's a floor-wax! It's a dessert topping! Stop, you're both right!
I hate preposition questions like this. On one hand, they are legit questions that are really hard for learners to know. There are no rules, only millions of cases that are subtle and nuanced. On the other hand, I don't think it's useful to try to enumerate all those cases here... unless there were just one question that covered it all, and we could close the rest as dupes.
But I feel like when you plunk down two sentences, and ask if they're correct, without any intuition of your own, then you're just asking to have it closed
I'm of the school of thought that the ELL site + the Linguistics site + the Writers site leaves nothing for our site to cover, so I feel that a question like this should at least be closed as a dupe of the real question which we ought to have somewhere, though I can't find it because you can't search for prepositions in the db
@Daniel from SU, I pop by here for some variety.
@JourneymanGeek variety is just about the only thing you'll find around here
yup ;p
nearly all my other channels have a strong IT bias
Oh... most of the regulars here are IT people
Ya, but the conversation isn't
besides, english is practically my first language
(embarassingly, i couldn't remember the spelling of a simple word in my native language, and had to ask dad)
been there. I am slowly degenerating to illiterate in my first language.
and slowly generating to literate in my third language.
So it balances out, I guess.
I've been neglecting french
what other languages do you speak?
no one to practice it at the moment, my last french penpalish person vanished :/
English and Tamil, fluently, a little basic french, but its rusty
My French is rusty too, and that's the embarrassing part, because I spoke that first.
I should probably hang out in FLU instead of ELU
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Isn't that a game?
@simchona Yeah, the three-headed dog did it in the chat-room with pedantry
loves the michel thomas lessons for basic french tho
But i'm sort of at the point where practice would help, if nothing else, for vocab building and fluency
that and apparently my french sounds like a toddler.
@JourneymanGeek I bet my chinese does too
Wow, this is an on-topic question for CLU?
Q: What is the name of this traditional Chinese character font?

magnetarThe image below is from a book I bought while in Hong Kong (ISBN 957-14-4160-0. It's an edition of a work in classical Chinese, with an ancient commentary in classical Chinese, and a modern commentary in mandarin. The book is published in Taiwan. I have looked all through the book for any mentio...

I NEED to learn that, but its too hard
@JourneymanGeek It's not too bad, esp in Singapore you must have lots of opportunity to practice
lol practice, yes
but when it comes to reading/writing, be prepared for hours of flash-cards and drilling. That's the only way
its just VERY different from anything else
I just need spoken, honestly
@JourneymanGeek Spoken is easy. But without at least trying to learn to read (never mind writing) you will find it difficult to advance because the learning materials all assume you can read.
Learning the grammar and vocab is not much harder than any other language. The only real problem is that you can't read to enrich your vocab. If you don't already know a word when you read it, you're basically screwed. You might not be able to continue parsing the sentence.
There is a good explanation about what makes it hard here: pinyin.info/readings/texts/moser.html
@MrShinyandNew: Too many charecters T T. I might look at classes after i finish my degree
> Now imagine that you, a learner of Chinese, have just the previous day encountered the Chinese word for "president" (总统 zǒngtǒng ) and want to write it. What processes do you go through in retrieving the word? Well, very often you just totally forget, with a forgetting that is both absolute and perfect in a way few things in this life are.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I find that font really ugly actually.
That part always makes me laugh. And also makes me think of Cerb
> Someone once said that learning Chinese is "a five-year lesson in humility". I used to think this meant that at the end of five years you will have mastered Chinese and learned humility along the way. However, now having studied Chinese for over six years, I have concluded that actually the phrase means that after five years your Chinese will still be abysmal, but at least you will have thoroughly learned humility.
So true
4 hours later…
Gooten Morgen
General Reference:
Q: Is it correct to say "It should look" or "it should looks"?

A_nto2In third person, after the should auxiliary, should I use the the infinitive or the -s?

@MattЭллен Boo!
Hi @JasperLoy
@MattЭллен You're always here at the same time.
Yes, it's called British morning time.
:D it's a good looking morning today!
I thought this chat room should have shut down by now given the meta post yesterday.
what? Nah, the post was looking for rooms beset by inappropriate content. This room's content is often appropriate
mostly, I'd say
maybe we need a meta EL&U chat room chat room where we chat about the chat room
"we heard you like chat, so we made a chat room for your chat room so you can chat about your chat"
@MattЭллен I wonder what the questions will be like if and when ELL exists.
well, a lot will get migrated
we will have fewer here
an unimaginable number of questions will appear at ELL
way more than we get here
over here, we will initially be educating users how to tell if their question is suitable for ELL
but then we should settle down into a more academic site, with one or two questions a day, that are actually interesting.
@Jez what is your question about? It's not clear to me why you think "gave at the office" is a special phrase.
A: Is "if any problem, please call me" grammatical?

muhammad yaseenI am yaseen from Pakistan(city Lahore) I am here to Inform you that I have no money To pay you before I reach your country for job and after This I will pay all your expenses that you Afford for me in Installments you can contact me +92-302-8979266 soon because I am the deserving Person. I can...

@MattЭллен it's a special phrase because i haven't heard it much :-)
maybe a bit like an American would understand "rat-arsed"
but rat-arsed is idiomatic. "I gave at the office" is just plain English.
I must be missing something
is it the context of the person saying this that's weird?
i guess in hindsight it's obvious
i always just thought of it as an opaque phrase. people don't always say it in response to charity
it's more generic now
"help me with my homework" "i gave at the office"
David Schwartz agrees with you
@Jez really? That sort of use I've not heard. In that case, that's a better example than charity
Given that the charity the company I work for supports is quite prominent in the local community, I can imagine people saying that they "gave at the office" when out in town.
i'm just wondering when they started saying it
did people say it in the Victorian era?
is it a modern Americanism?
So, people use "gave at the office" to mean "I've already helped", or "I've helped you enough"?
If so, you should probably put that into your question, otherwise more people like me will get the wrong idea :D
Doesn't gave at the office simply mean you gave something away at the office?
@JasperLoy this is my interpretation, but I'm getting the impression it actually has another meaning
@MattЭллен And where does this impression come from? From dear Jez?
Yes, and David Schwartz
dear me, i'm dear.
@MattЭллен done
Thanks! +1
@MattЭллен Sometimes, the wrong idea is the right idea.
@JasperLoy What the hell ...
It's off to work we go
With a shovel and a pick and a walking stick
I always eat some cheese with tomato
Oh, snow white
when I was 6 years old, the school I was at were putting on snow white, as a play, and I had to understudy Dopey.
I had one line to learn. "There's smoke coming from the chimney!"
You went to school at 6?
I think we start at 5 years old here
maybe younger
And look where it got him! He's chatting on the Internet! Woo-hooo!
I know! My parents are so proud
Haha, your Freudian slip is showing.
Dopey's understudy. that's a position to aspire to.
@RegDwightΒВB Sometimes I don't understand what you are thinking.
@Gigili I usually neither eat cheese nor tomato.
@JasperLoy my thinkings are most very super advanced. Get an expert to help.
Just now I had a thought. Maybe when ELL starts, half the questions here will get migrated. After a while, there won't be any questions there. And then all those questions will get migrated back when it shuts down.
Q: I'm glad it helped

JupaolI want to express: Me alegra haber podido ayudarte Is I'm glad it helped the equivalent?

@JasperLoy it's called Russian mountains, or American mountains, depending on whether you ask on FLU or RLU.
Q: I'm glad it helped phrase

JupaolIs the phrase I'm glad it helped grammatically correct? And if it is, does it express correctly that I am more than happy that I could help someone? And what would be other ways to express it?? Note: I'm a Spanish-native speaker, please do not migrate my questions to the Spanish site...

> I'm a Spanish-native speaker, please do not migrate my questions to the Spanish site...
Tee hee. I don't think he understands.
Good morning, folks.
hello @Mahnax
We're having a thunderstorm here.
we had a thunderstorm last night! it only lasted a few minutes, though :(
It's calming down now, but I've had my bedroom throughly lit up by bright flashes a bunch already.
Daylight savings!
shakes fist at weather
Q: I have no place to ask these questions! So I have to come to here to ask! May you be patient!

ou_yangfengI extremely want to know that men in west how to think about these!Men in west means Americans and Europeans! These questions are that when you, Americans or Europeans, see someone who sweat armpit into wet, how do you think about these? I am thinking that I really love George W Bush president!...

Best title ever.
this is not no place.
It is the Time Cube guy?
Nah, he's not Asian.
possibly, but wouldn't he call us stupid?
Perhaps his cousin, though.
> how do you think about these?
If I were meaner, I'd send him to Cognitive Sciences
@MattЭллен Ooh, good idea.
oh dear :D
I think the people there would have a lot of fun with the Timecube guy.
Don't worry, the question is gone.
super question:
Q: Can critical thinking be taught?

Artem KaznatcheevCritical thinking is central to the scientific method and believed to be essential to a successful democracy. Recently, the 2012 Texas Republican platform voiced the party's opposition to the teaching of critical thinking skills in public schools. This stance raises many controversial questions o...

This is the sort of question I wish I could answer
Same here. It's neat.
or ask, even!
But now that the thunder has mostly stopped, I'm going to sleep again.
sleep well
not constructive?
Q: Find tense of given words on online website

GaneshI'm looking for website to know the all tense of the particular given words. Any website is there? for finding tense of words. if it is, pls let me know.

maybe it's OK? I don't know.
He is looking for a dictionary of his choice.
fair enough
There aren't that many forms in English anyway. And only two of interest, simple past and past participle. Those are listed literally everywhere. Wiktionary, Cooking.SE, Fox News, everywhere.
and it's not often someone would cite Fox News as a reliable source
@MattЭллен This is the sort of thing I have been thinking about the past ten years.
But have you been thinking about it critically?
Is that you, Reg?
There is no need to create a new account.
@Gigili You are very funny today.
Hm. That's a neat idea actually. Try and merge people with me.
@RegDwightΒВB My thoughts are too deep for mere mortals to fathom, so I shall not say more.
What if I'm an immere immortal?
@Gigili I will merge them now.
@JasperLoy Thank you. Actually you can close him as NC, but merging would also be OK.
Is it on-topic? If so, I'd write an answer.

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