@CowperKettle that is my point precisely. The gore is there for gore's sake and gore's sake alone. There is nothing else to justify it. If it weren't for its own sake, it wouldn't be there at all.
@CowperKettle I get all the references. I don't give a damn about references. I could pack fifty references in this sentence alone. Fuck references. References are for twats.
If it had anything of value to say, it wouldn't need to rely on references so heavily. It would not have a single reference at all. It would just say what it wants to say and be done.
If I wanted to listen to good Ukrainian music, I'd listen to Океан Ельзи or some such. Superior in every particular to this girl who sings about garbage and can't even sing to begin with.
2 hours later…
12 hours later…
@CowperKettle I never objected to the song. I said the video had gratuitous graphic violence in it that made me physically ill.
@CowperKettle if you are afraid that your friends will "squeak", as you put it, then they are not your friends.
@CowperKettle that's not an opinion, though. Very easy to prove. Explain how anything about the music, the lyrics, or the message, justifies the image of a human head being split in twine by a butcher knife, brains spraying and all.
@Mitch this is the exact same PC and browser I've been using for a decade now. All other sites look exactly the same as always.
And I've not been playing with the default CSS because this is the first time I hear that you can do that.
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Dec '197
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