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@Vitaly He makes a good point: "Designing software that's easier for machines is questionable at best."
I'm not sure case insensitivity is better though
We need uniformity between developers. It's like people who don't like the indentation rules in python. Make non-uniformity a syntax error and suddenly things are easier to read
@MattЭллен chuckles
Unbuntu's AltGr functions are > MS Windows'
windows gives me 12 things, Ubuntu gives me 72 things
unfortunately there is very little overlap in output
@MattЭллен Searching...
I have all this in Ubuntu:
that might be more than 72
@MattЭллен Windows must hate you. It gives me at least four hundred stuff.
on Windows I have:
@Vitaly yeah, I feel it constrains me because I'm British.
@MattЭллен this is my Windows keyboard layout for, let's say, English: shorttext.com/H8AHDRU
@Vitaly I feel short changed!
oh, windows also toggles 4 spaces at the beginning of a line with Alt Gr + K
actually I think that's a userscript thing for SE I have installed.
ëêé but no top left to bottom right accent :(
oh, ok, that's weird
is that thumbs up, or big ears?
or head phones?
Yes, earphones.
@Vitaly Windows gives me OVER 9000 stuff.
Q: Use of *deadpool* as a verb

RobustoI recently came across this term while examining a set of properties in a JSON feed relating to a startup company: ... "deadpooled_year": null, "deadpooled_month": null, "deadpooled_day": null, "deadpooled_url": null, ... I searched for the word, and find several non-authoritative source...

C'mon, peeps. Just one more vote and my question is reopened. Your chance to Stick It To The Man! Ganbatte kudasai!
@Robusto There's stuff, and then there's stuff.
@Vitaly There's stuff, and then there's nonsense. Hence, stuff and nonsense.
Ah, I was too late to see your response.
Why do people self-redact?
8 hours ago, by Robusto
@Cerberus I'm too tired to discuss this seriously. Suffice to say that I prefer case-sensitivity in the naming of functions, objects, properties, interfaces, and all that stuff. I'll give you some serious input tomorrow if you're still interested. Meanwhile, good night.
I'm interested.
OK, perhaps the #1 reason is that case-sensitivity makes all names look instantly like what they are. For example, mySimpleEventHandler is easy for the eye to find amidst a welter of other names. It doesn't look like MYSIMPLEEVENTHANDLER (which is all by itself hard to read), or mysimpleEVENTHandler or any of the other permutations.
Also, we can enforce naming conventions more easily.
@Robusto (OK, I'm trying to cerberus here:) But why wouldn't someone just continue to write something that way in a case-insensitive language?
As to naming conventions:
7 hours ago, by Cerberus
You can also do type $type...
@Vitaly It's also more flexible. We can name classes beginning with capital letters — InputWithPromptText — and then refer to them in local variables beginning with lower case: inputWithPromptText can be a local member of a class without any namespace violation.
The point is, case-sensitivity enforces at least one aspect of the naming convention all by itself. If you write MySIMPLEeventHandler, your editor (if you have a good one) will throw a syntax error.
But you can also do Apple $apple, can you not? If you click on that 7-hours-ago link, you'll see I presented essentially the same argument (classes/methods).
Cerberus didn't buy it and said it was no important reason.
There was even a link to the Wikipedia article about the Java/JS naming conventions.
Yes, I agree with your contentions.
And my isNan() problem is always flagged by my IDE before it breaks code. Which is cool. Truth to tell, I've had my knuckles rapped by that one so often that I almost never make that mistake anymore.
Well, yeah.
4 hours ago, by Vitaly
And FYI, every modern IDE has autocomplete. Typos can be almost completely discarded as a reason. I say “almost completely” because it's possible to come up with some convoluted scenario where modern IDEs don't suffice for the sake of status games.
Another reason is that we can distinguish constants from regular variables. A_CONSTANT_VALUE is immediately recognizable as a constant, not to be fucked with.
Well, yeah.
8 hours ago, by Vitaly
In computer programming, a naming convention is a set of rules for choosing the character sequence to be used for identifiers which denote variables, types and functions etc. in source code and documentation. Reasons for using a naming convention (as opposed to allowing programmers to choose any character sequence) include the following: * to reduce the effort needed to read and understand source code; * to enhance source code appearance (for example, by disallowing overly long names or unclear abbreviations). The choice of naming conventions can be an enormously controversial issue, w...
The real reason is probably more on the order of "I have used both and find case-sensitivity suits my purposes better. YMMV."
And, yes, the point about differentiating static vs. instance methods is another good reason to use case sensitivity.
Hung over @Matt?
Heh :D naw, I've just found out how to get some of the combining diacritics to work! I didn't drink enough for a two day hangover on Saturday.
How was your weekend, @Kit?
It was busy. But nice. Nothing urgent.
Or critical.
Just some Portal playing and I think we washed all of our laundry yesterday.
@Robusto I cast the last reopen vote.
Sounds pleasant :)
@KitFox Muchas gracias!
De nada.
I'm not sure any of you were here when I made the announcement.
yesterday, by KitFox
I felt no remorse when I incinerated my Weighted Companion Cube.
I spent hours trying to find a way to save it
Of course there's a way to save it. You didn't actually incinerate your own companion cube, did you? You monster. — Oak Nov 5 '11 at 0:43
Well, it's no matter. I am sure I will get some cake as soon as I finish this last level.
well, not the first time. The first time I wanted to solve the puzzle, so I just followed the instructions
@KitFox oh, yes, the cake is lovely. Or at least the one GLaDOS gave me was
I don't care about "rescuing" an inanimate object. I'm sure that makes me somehow essentially evil.
@Vitaly I heard that too, I just couldn't figure it out :(
<—will be evil for cake.
<- is not surprised
hugs it's OK! noöne is perfect
I had two adult beverages yesterday.
I am feeling much better now.
I should restock my chocolate cache though.
I played drinking games on Saturday. I didn't get a hangover, but for some reason my right arm really hurt in the morning.
I can think of so many reasons why that might be the case.
I'm going to blame cycling on fully inflated tyres for the last couple of weeks
Can somebody explain the semi-arbitrary posts here?
@ObsessiveFOSS Where?
@MattЭллен Is that your braking hand?
@Gigili In this room?
@KitFox I think I lean on it more when I'm going over potholes
@KitFox Probably. And hello.
@Gigili Hello, sweetie.
@KitFox Here. Room 95(See the Universal Resource Identifier)(URi)
@ObsessiveFOSS aka The Incomprehensible Room
@ObsessiveFOSS Then no. Noöne can explain them. Noöne is meant to explain them. They simply are.
Isn't the main room for any SE site supposed to be at least comprehensible?
Is there a problem if it isn't?
Aug 9 '11 at 0:51, by random
This room was placed in timeout for 2 minutes; the topic of this room is "aka The Incomprehensible Room" - conversation should be limited to that topic.
high fives @Matt
we were told last year to keep things on topic
And we have been very dutiful.
high fives @KitFox
@ObsessiveFOSS but never fear - when someone asks about English, we're on it like alcoholics on whisky
so long as someone is here, that is
Which is mostly.
We span many time zones.
And the owl never sleeps.
true, true
Somehow, understood.
Vitaly is really the only voice of reason, come to think of it.
The rest of us are b-tshit crazy.
If you'll pardon the expression.
(I hope you are not a bat.)
Dumbledore put a finger to his lips and twiddled them, making a bweeble-bweeble-bweeble sound.
what's the catch-22 situation? You can only leave the military if you're crazy, and only sane people try to leave?
Gotta motor. Laterz.
digs around in purse for Vitaly bait
Damn. Fresh out.
So much for being a master baiter.
Well, I'm sure you saw that one coming.
And speaking of penises, I must proudly announce that my son's foreskin now fully retracts!
I am sure you are all very happy to hear that.
Congrats! I'll wait for someone else to star that, though :D
So I got to pass on the tradition of "washing the old man" to him yesterday at bath time.
That's 'er interesting.... [Backs away slowly]
Yes, well, I certainly have couth.
In buckets.
No, wait, that's vermouth.
Where did I put that couth?
easy mistake to make
"Maybe it was stolen by criminal mastermind Lex Couther. Couthest of all criminals"
Oh god no.
You didn't just say that.
OK, I'll attribute it to someone
— Anonymous
I have some unctuous in my desk, but the couth appears to be missing.
@MattЭллен Hahaha.
So...what the hell am I doing today?
shutting down the servers for Summer?
Uh, no.
I took the site down Friday, though. Hmm. So where did I put those notes?
Warming up the servers for Winter?
Oh right. Checking to make sure my leave balance is correct.
Holy crap. I have 210 hours of leave accrued.
Wahoo! Party around the globe time!
@Gigili "It really should be the other way around, now I see why Carlo asked that question. It's confusing. " I think this comment is very offensive. Please, stop.
Folks,calm down.
Are people agitated?
stops foaming at the mouth
What did I name that class where is put padding around the div?
No, that's not it. I wouldn't name something like that.
Close. I think it's this one: notice
I don't think it is entirely sensible, but I am sure it made sense at the time.
sounds good if the class is to be reusable
So. Uh. Did @jrg actually want anything?
I don't know. maybe someone came in a flagged a bunch of messages
I didn't see any flags. Did you?
There was something about 20-30 minutes ago.
must have been that Lex Luthor pun.
It is pretty bad
Could be.
I'm pretty suspicious of the attribution as well.
It did nearly cause a riot.
We are just bouncing off the walls today.
I think we can trust the attribution. Anonymous are legion, after all.
I need a snack. brb
toodle pip
Mmm, crackers.
@Matt, I can't shake the feeling that I might not get any cake.
I mean, I'm pretty sure that Glados said that I would be baked and then there would be cake.
@KitFox But surely you can trust GLaDOS?
They wouldn't try to kill you in a bath of flames
If you can't trust a computer, who can you trust?
Hehe, luckily I was AFK.
Oh I cannot talk.
you cannot?
My account is suspended.
@KitFox I imagine you've very valuable too. Have you seen any other people testing the portal device?
I bet you're the only qualified person
@Carlo_R Which part exactly did you find offensive?
@MattЭллен Yes, I am a very good subject. Glados said that I must be the pride of {subject hometown here}.
@Carlo_R I guess you meant to flag my other message:
2 days ago, by Gigili
> What should we do with the [comparison] tag?
2 days ago, by Gigili
You should eat it.
OK, we can try again.
Was it him? I thought someone might have gotten agitated over my mentioning penises.
Which would explain why I didn't see the flag.
But apparently we were all quite out of hand.
Oh how disappointing. I checked something off my list that I haven't actually finished yet.
Yeah, I waited to see a flagged message since yesterday and pah, I missed it.
Oh you are 10K? Congratulations!
Thank you.
congrats @Gigili
now you'll occasionally see smut that appears in chat rooms, too!
Eh thank you.
Hey @Matt, did you get my message when I pinged you from The Overlook?
I'm never sure if those show up.
just now? No I've had no message just now
I've had them before, though
No, like yesterday or something.
When it wasn't a reply, but just a spontaneous ping?
Oh, yes, It is in my inbox.
but I didn't notice it yesterday. Sorry
oh, because I was in bed :D
I'm not concerned. I just wondered if those showed up.
Yes they do
Geezis, I am flighty today.
I think I've had too much coffee. I think that means I need...
moar coffee!
And cake. I really want some cake.
I thought you'd suggest beer. An antidote to coffee
Mmm, beer. But not at work.
Hey! It's the Texas pirate!
no, not at work
May I speak English here to practice my English output ability?
That will be more useful than speaking some other language.
In the room, is it Tom who is playing computer alone.
Is it right?
It is Tom who is playing computer alone in the room.
I interchanged two part of the sentence.
Is Tom playing computer alone in the room?
the second one is right. the first has switched is and it, but has not marked the sentence as a question
In the room, is Tom playing computer alone?
But In the room is at the beginning of the sentence.

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