There is no such thing as “Anglo-Saxon” as a language. “It is in the records of the fifth century that the word ‘Anglo-Saxon’ first appears. Indeed it was King Æthelstan who, among other high titles such as Bretwalda and Caesar, first styled himself Ongulsaxna cyning, that is, ‘King of the Angel-Saxons’. But he did not speak ‘Anglo-Saxon’, for there never was such a language. The king’s language was then, as now, Englisc: English.” ―J.R.R. Tolkien — tchrist ♦ Oct 28 '14 at 19:05
The text following that one in Tolkien’s lecture notes is: “If you ever heard that Chaucer was the ‘father of English poetry’, forget it. English poetry has no recorded father, even as a written art, and the beginning lies beyond our view, in the mists of northern antiuquity. To speak of Anglo-Saxon language is thus wrong and misleading. You can speak of an ‘Anglo-Saxon period’ in history, before 1066. But it is not a very useful label. There was no such thing as a single uniform ‘Anglo-Saxon’ period.” — tchrist ♦ Oct 28 '14 at 19:06
If you find Chaucer readable, try the Gawain poet. It’s quite a bit harder, and rather different. — tchrist ♦ Oct 28 '14 at 19:10
@tchrist Well, that may be his opinion—and a well-regarded opinion to boot—but the fact remains that others have called it Anglo-Saxon.
> Old English (Ænglisc, Anglisc, Englisc, pronounced [ˈæŋɡliʃ]), or Anglo-Saxon,[2] is the earliest historical form of the English language, spoken in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in username (91): Don't need v/s need no by Alpha Prime on
@tchrist The problem with "Old English" (which I was of course trained to call it as an undergrad) as a term for the general audience is that most people think that it describes anything from Hamlet to Beowulf —even Sir Walter Scott. I often will use the term Anglo-Saxon for those folks, and I do so without apology to Tolkien or my Old English instructor, Dr. G-----.
3 hours later…
last night I finally used my Gift Card in a newly-opened Family Mart for a XO-sauced fried noodles and corn stew, which originally cost 114 but the counter said they only cost 109 due to the discount as a result of buying the both together. Actually the quantity the noodles is so small though it looks delicious.
if there is no Gift Card, I wouldn't buy it because I don't think it ca resolve hunger do to its meagerness. Indeed, after finishing the both, I felt my hunger had not been completely solved, so I had a cup of instant noodles.
I got the Gift Card on April, 2018. I often thought about using it soon. Finally I used it, feeling a relief. I got it from a market investigator of sun-block. I think this kind of free money is good in that it can be used to exchange for food. I lack food very much. A ticket for food is meritorious for me; I would use it for expensive food with meager amount. Food is never too much.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (60): What is some poetry or famous lines/sayings on the "indifference to wealth and fame"? by Sunderam Saxena on
1 hour later…
@Malavika I actually have experienced a long struggle for a place to go and know the desperation which can arise therein.
@Malavika I had the feeling earlier this year that everyone in this world competes for survival - those who would smile are those who win a post, and if they lose the post, they can't smile anymore.
@Malavika I got a position as a teaching assistant in a university half a year after graduation, then after a semester I quit it. Then after several months I got a position as a research assistant in a research institute.
I don't quite understand how our government spends its money because I have never concerned about politics.
I do found there are few PhD programs in UK offering scholarships no matter where the applicants come from earlier this year, but I didn't try.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in title (64): The person is called ---------------- by Englishmonger on
3 hours later…

Instead my antenna picks up messages sent by humans back in the United States.
This sentence means instead my antenna picks up messages which are sent by humans back in the Unite States?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, potentially bad asn for hostname in answer (82): What rule prevents this usage of commas: "this research, see references [1] and [2], has shown some success"? by shawn joseph on
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in title (30): "Don't be ....." or "Be not ....." by Konstantin Volkov on
@Cerberus I finally made an attempt to read the meta post linked from our home page, and I literally couldn't make it past the very first sentence.
How do you even cope with that nonsense. Don't you have stone tablets to translate from Aramaic into Hittite.
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Transcript for
Nov '1912
English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer…
Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...