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We should change the name of this site to Bikeshedding About English.
Q: Is there a sentence that begins with “them”?

user191110An online retail store is asking its customers to construct a sentence beginning with them in order to win a voucher. I just can't believe there's any such sentence, at least I don't know of any! I've had enough laughs with friends coming up with Americanisms that fit, so that's not what I'm l...

Literally hundreds of votes distributed among the many answers.
@RegDwigнt Stalagmites are mites that are kept in prison camps.
@Cerberus You didn't say if you'd upvote or downvote for it.
2 hours later…
@DavidM Technically true, but I don't consider *downvote to be a valid verb!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer (81): "I am not going to buy your threats" and "who's going to buy your lies" can someone explain these two sentences to me by Caroljcap on english.SE
@Cerberus How egalitarian of you.
@DavidM Up is not sideways!
Ok. How altruistic of you?
4 hours later…
Are there any words like "beginning" and "end" where they have a missing noun lke "beginning of what?" "end of what?" and I don't mean like where the missing noun is a person like horse of bob.
1 hour later…
@user:174243 Re your comment here
Having read your comment here I wondred how much of a hang you actually have on this site, so I had a look at your profile. I chose an interesting question from the list on your landing page, and had a look. I made a friendly, civil and factual comment regarding easily observable facts of English ...
@user:174243 ... in relation to proper nouns under your post. I'm sorry if you find that problematic. However, whether you do or not, please don't try and use the site to conduct petty arguments. I have no problem with your feedbcak on my post. Indeed,...
@user:174243 ... it may help my post by encouraging me to dif up some beginners info on closing performances and adding it to my post. Btw, would you mind deleting your comment there, or I'll have to flag it. Cheers
1 hour later…
> I am a newcomer and I can not compose much, but I composed two exotic dances, but I did not succeed.
Well, why are you linking to them, then.
If you don't enjoy listening to your own music, why should others.
(Both compositions are actually okay. I've listened to both.)
Some people.
On an unrelated note, is there a public holiday somewhere? Like, in the entire rest of the world?
My recent couple scores have like one view between all of them after a week. That's highly unusual.
@DavidM well I learned a new word, so thank you.
It's a German word, too, and I've literally never once heard it before.
Very interesting.
@Cerberus it's okay, English has tons of invalid verbs.
@Robusto you should ask if there's an English sentence that begins with "bikeshedding". You would get literally hundreds of votes just for the question alone.
People demand to know!
Better yet, ask if there's a sentence that begins with "bike" or "shed". That'd get you points from all the cyclists and all the gardeners worldwide. Quite an audience.
@RegDwigнt Are these verbs that can only be used by invalids?
@RegDwigнt I only know it from the movie Stalag 17
2 hours later…
@RegDwigнt an something is wrong allright
@Cerberus would this question be more suited for Latin.SE? Specially, I'm looking for examples involving formulas vs formulae.
@skullpetrol pfft, everyone knows "formula" is the plural for "formulium"
@skullpetrol Hmm it is about usage when speaking English, wouldn't you say?
So I'd say it belongs on English.
4 hours later…
@M.A.R. Clearly "formula" is the plural of "for just one mule".
@Cerberus well, nöone speaks Latin, so by that token all their questions belong somewhere else.
@RegDwigнt Enough people do!
Yes, zero is plenty enough for me. Agreed.
I think there should be a Pig Latin SE.
In fact I might go propose it on Area 51. And then come up with a bunch of example questions all in French and Sicilian.
I'd make many new friends!
I do agree that French and Sicilian are Pig Latin.
So are you saying we should change the name of this site to PL&U?
For English is the most porcine of Latins.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (183): Can an infinitive be the object of a preposition? by asdfadsf on english.SE
@Cerberus Good question. Maybe you should post it on Meta.
English is just German with no grammar and French vocabulary.
So quite frankly I don't even know why we have the tag at all. I don't think anyone will ever be able to post a question there.
And for French vocabulary, there's FL&U.
So I guess this site is just unnecessary as a whole. Maybe we could shut it down. Or rebrand it as something else, like you suggest.
Though I'm not sure we should use "Latin" in the title. That'd be quite offensive to Latins. There'd be unrests in Peru and stuff.
So maybe we can call it something less offensive. Like Pig Non-Greek and Usage.
@Cerberus Sicilian has a lot of Arabic mixed in. Pigs are not Halal . . .
@RegDwigнt It ought to be changed to .
@DavidM I'm sure enough Muslims are fine with pigs!
@Cerberus Exactly, we can just ask questions about the English used by Kelsey Grammer and his daughter Spencer.
I don't know who that is, but, sure, all human beings are aequal.
Just glad I'm canine.
1 hour later…
@Cerberus not all dogs are equal.
Some are clever. Some not as much.
@Cerberus that one exists and is a redirect.
I can redirect the direction of the redirect, though.
@RegDwigнt Redirect all to .
@Cerberus Muslims are fine with pigs as long as you don't paint a picture of it.
Depends on whom you ask...
At least that's what I've been taught in Sunday school.
Some won't even draw animals, I believe?
We might need to ask @Færd for confirmation.
@Cerberus well most people can't draw animals. Most people can't draw, period.
Fair enough.
I used to draw mice as a kid.
Still can. Still the only thing I can draw.
I've made a video of them on Instagram.
Myself at the piano as well, of course.
Not bad at all.
And neat handwriting.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected, potentially bad keyword in body, repeating characters in title (110): What does it mean to call someone a ******************? ✏️ by Julian Tiemann on english.SE

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