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@KitZ.Fox I just looked at a bunch of nitrogen compounds on wikipedia. THey're all... messed up.It's like there's a parallel world that I never knew about.
I'm going back to my universe.
8 hours later…
@marcellothearcane Seasonal shedding
@spillthrill 'it's a cert' in Britain
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Just how many more questions about a vs an can this site handle.
Dec 30 '11 at 12:56, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Dear next person who answers a question about a vs. an: you are awesome and I love you, but your answer will be deleted without further notice.
Note the date please.
I won't pretend we should only be dealing with questions of how to end all wars and solve world hunger and cure baldness.
But when by far the most frequently asked question on the site is about the one and only rule of English that's actually a rule, and a rule that's really short, really simple, and has absolutely no exceptions whatsoever at all, when that's your most commonly asked question, something's going terribly, horribly, no goodly, very badly wrong.
Perhaps we just douse the site with gasoline and light some matches.
Do not answer. Close as dupe. It has been closed as dupe 100+ times before. And that's the actual number.
It might actually be twice that by now. I haven't checked in a while.
@DavidM gas prices are through the roof. Who are you, Rockefeller? Use sunflower oil or something.
We should add it to the pop-up for asking a question: a vs an has already been answered.
@RegDwigнt you don't get the lovely fumes high first.
Nobody on the Internet reads pop-ups. Source: myself. I do not read pop-ups.
Reading popups should not ever make the list of your top 392,000 priorities in life.
I know. I was just adding futile kindling to the fire.
Good thinking. I should be down to the shops running some errands. Thanks for the reminder.
Imagine the environmental impact of all the times that question has been asked. The fuel burned to make the electricity to run the infrastructure so people could ask about a vs an .....
Perhaps they asked on solar panels.
Or using their own treadmills.
People who know how to do those things know the difference between a and an already ....
2 hours later…
Does anyone think we should have a signpost to the Monica situation on ELU meta? Something like this post. It's not going away (however much SE hope it will) and I think that's a fair summary for those who want to know. But it's bound to be controversial.
PS No animals were harmed in the composiition of this message, but a number of electrons were severely inconvenienced.
2 hours later…
@TimLymingtonsupportsMonica the way I see it, meta is a free-for-all. Anyone can post whatever really.
And since they changed the design I've been unable to find our Meta ever again, so for all I care you can go post pictures of cats there right now.
On that note, I don't even know what the Monica situation is.
You're better off consulting with @Cerberus, I would say.
@DavidM it's probably less than the environmental impact of myself having cooked pasta for dinner tonight.
And I won't change my ways. So to be fair, it'd be unfair to ask that of others.
But yeah you sure have a point.
@DavidM through a series of highly scientific experiments held with assitance from top professionals, I was able to determine that the difference between a and an is known with full certainty by exactly two people in the world entire: myself and prof. Stephen Hawking.
And prof. Stephen Hawking died of it.
The rest, the jury's still out.
Even the top professionals wouldn't know the difference. They'd say to my face that they did, but then secretly at night they would go ask on ELU.
Which is how we got half of those questions in the first place.
Yes that's a great guess. I'll take it.
Top of the evening to you.
Top of it!
At least it's the evening where you are.
Well it's always evening somewhere, according to the elite professionals I've been working with.
But you say "at least" — you not like not-evenings?
I do prefer the deepest night, myself.
I am always looking forward to cooking an espresso sei volte at 11pm and then finally getting to work. So peaceful.
@RegDwigнt Not-evenings give me space-time headaches.
Those are the worst.
A packet of Aspirin won't do it.
@RegDwigнt You clearly haven't experienced a multiversal migraine.
That is true. I simply refuse to understand why anyone would want to have a migraine, ever.
It's a sign you're smart
Like, even if you paid me to have a migraine, I'd take the money but then not have it.
I'm telling that to you in private. Don't let the word get out.
There are no easy ways of payment so the deal is off
That's my primary source of income.
@RegDwigнt You get...nothing!
Music does not pay anywhere as much. Or anything at all, really.
@RegDwigнt Indeed I am aware of your You Tubal videos.
@Lordology I'm fine with that number. It's still 1000 more than what music gets you.
@Lordology uh don't remind me. I need to resume uploading and I can't be arsed.
The way the algorithm works is you have to be on a strict schedule.
So I'm waiting for like a dozen videos to pile up, then I'll start publishing again like once a week.
@RegDwigнt You lied to me. You said I could learn Russian in a minute. I am now fluent in Fijian.
But until then, I'd rather cook pasta and talk about indefinite articles on the Internet.
@Lordology mwuahaha that was my secret plan all along.
2 mins ago, by RegDwigнt
I'm telling that to you in private. Don't let the word get out.
@RegDwigнt Is there £$ in it?
I can put it in there for ten easy payments of £$3000.
On second thought, I only take payments in ¤.
I only take payments in apples and oranges, and then I compare the two.
You just offended the banana.
I am a pineapple. Of course I did.
I am a damson. no one likes me :(
So you're a damson in distress. I see.
Well here's a pro tip: think how many people are complete plums. Then think how few of those plums are damsons.
@RegDwigнt You living insult
@RegDwigнt I prefer to be identified as damson in derision.
Breathing, too. Don't forget the breathing part.
It's kind of crucial to the living bit.
At least for me it is.
@RegDwigнt I'm not even going to dignify you with the possibility of breathing.
Thank God God already did it, then.
I am God
or Spartacus
I forget
Spartacus? This is madness!
You're the pineapple, not me
Well most people are pineapples.
Indeed all people are. In almost all languages.
Oh really?
Well how many languages do you speak out of the offering of 5500 that we currently have on offer.
About 6777000.2323235454993
That is OVER 9000.
I mean it's just an estimate
Holy shit.
tihs yloh
Well you should teach @Cerberus, then. He only speaks a couple hundred languages, and all of them are dead. Plus one language that he calls "Dutch" that he pretends is living. And a language.
@RegDwigнt I speak double dutch
My favourite is Octuple Antarctican
I can never remember which one's the Arctis and which the Antarctis. I direct all my energy towards telling apart stalactites from stalagmites.
I think stalagmites is like regular mites except, but then I forget.
That's time-wasting. Me, a from b.
Oh crap, I forgot to check back on my Fallout Shelter vault today. BRB checking on that.
So I just closed a different game for that, and the Switch told me "the software was closed because an error occurred". No, you dumdum. I am not an error.
Calling up Nintendo support. This is unacceptable levels of insult even by their standards.
Yeah something like that.
Hate videogames. Those buggers refuse to play themselves. Even the idle games won't. What a ripoff.
2 hours later…
@TimLymingtonsupportsMonica Yes, I fully agree that we should have such a post. I say, do it! I will gladly vote for it.

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