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06:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

I've run ten businesses out of town just earlier today.
I demand your tax return
Reg for president
If I wanted to run a country, I would by now.
Do not vote for me. Vote Trump.
Prime minister then
Prime ministers, like presidents, come and go. The people who're actually running things stay.
I want to keep standing in the kitchen doing the dishes. Let the suckers dance.
Dance while doing the dishes
That's how me and @Rob are still here, mind.
Presidents came and went. Things changed back and forth and back again. But we're still here. Because we don't run campaigns. We get things done.
How much oxygen does one tree make? classicfm.com/music-news/…
Forests are oxygen-neutral. It's oceans that produce a surplus.
> “It provides oxygen and is a home to birds and animals. I think we should keep it. It’s a beautiful looking thing and it would be a shame to see it go. It’s not causing anyone any harm from what I can see.”
@RegDwigнt Surplus what?
Surplus oxygen.
How do oceans make oxygen?
So we should knock down the amazon and make a new ocean?
If we need more oxygen, yes.
But we don't need more oxygen.
@RegDwigнt Rot. It's biology
Hah. That was a funny pun
It's not just rot. There's a lot of chemistry going on in the oceans that has nothing to do with rot.
@marcellothearcane you can make a better pun if you consider that "rot" is Russian for "mouth".
Or German for "red".
Roti boeuf
Or English for rot
Knocking down the amazon would be a great place to store extra icebergs
Problemo solved
Next please
06:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

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