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@RegDwightΒВB But then hao i can has cheap tefalone?
@Robusto Even slacking would be better than this...
Ask again in Dutch.
Would you switch to a provider that already has a 24-hour-long disruption of service after the first week?
@RegDwightΒВB That was Dutch.
Looks like they only have iPhone anyway.
Won't. Want.
@RegDwightΒВB What?
Do you pronounce the latter as wunt?
He's got a very New England sounding "want."
To say the least.
It hurts my ears.
And @Vitaly, I appreciate that you included me in your request for permission, but I have no objections.
Did I miss anything else?
Did you miss my mobile internet?
Because it's nowhere to be seen.
Anyone trying to teach English via the Internet should be forced to repeat "I am from a tiny hole in [country] and I am not so much as aware of the existence of other dialects" after, before, and instead of every sentence they produce.
@Cerberus Pineapple.
And now I gotta run for real.
Dewwwwww noooouuuud waaaaahhhnt.
@KitFox Excuse me?
@Cerberus That's a very pineapply joke.
I didn't mean to come across as rude. I was just searching for Russian accents on YouTube.
The world "missen" works exactly the same way in Dutch.
@KitFox Oh don't worry.
Did you miss...? to mean Is...missing?
You can miss a target, miss a loved one, miss a deadline in Dutch.
So, no, why would I miss your internets?
Because they have been down for 24 hours. I was just randomly complaining about that.
sad faces
@KitFox I don't mean to keep on nagging you about this, but how do you mean "is...missing"? How does that fit in?
I have heard NNS say "I miss my watch" for instance, when they mean to express "I am missing my watch," or more specifically "My watch is missing."
Oh, I see.
I would never do that.
I see my watch. My watch is seeing.
Saying "I miss my watch" to mean "I can't find my watch" sounds very wrong.
Yes, it does.
But you are right, it could be used like that in Dutch.
Ik mis mijn horloge.
It is a bit uncommon, but possible.
@catepillar Just in case you did not know, you may have misspelled "caterpillar".
@JasperLoy That's deliberate.
I assumed it was.
So you can troll Jasper without even saying anything!
@Cerberus You never know, considering the huge number of misspellings on this site.
Is the animal's real name Cathryn?
@Vitaly I am awesome like that!
@Cerberus It could be just Cate, you know.
@Vitaly +1 for Cate.
@KitFox Jinx.
Gee, do I know anyone called Cate...
Not everyone has to have a fancy formal name.
I see.
You don't see people asking Cate Blanchett if her name is really "Cathryn."
Or people asking kitfox if she is called kitfox.
Most people I know have a long official name and a shorter nickname.
And yes, Kit is a nickname, I admit it.
Not always, of course.
kitkat sounds better than kitfox.
A kitkat is a chocolate but a kitfox is not a fox.
But it gets annoying to have people ask you how to spell "Katharyn" or what have you, and they can't figure out why you are confused and don't know because there are a half hundred ways to spell Catherine, and why are they even asking and it's because they've gone and assumed that that is your proper name when it couldn't really be farther from it!
Jasper is also spelled as Jesper.
Then there is also Gaspar and Casper.
And Balthazar and Melchior.
On the other hand the plural of cerberus is cerberi or cerberae.
It's confusing because cerberus has 3 heads but cerberi have 3n heads.
Cerberae is the plural of Cerbera.
There is also little Cerberella.
The things I do for you.
Haha, @vit no need to delete that!
@Vitaly Hmm what was that?
I can't believe I feel jealous of lepidoptera larva.
See, now you have earned some curiosity from @cerb.
@KitFox Oh, that is annoying!
I suppose I shouldn't be too angry. I mean, it's perfectly natural to assume that my nickname is related somehow to my given name, but it's not.
And Kit is a nickname for Katherine.
My government name is Cornbreadius.
@cornbreadninja government?
@JasperLoy yes, that which is official, the name on my certificate of live birth :)
(not really)
@cornbreadninja I am not one of the UD kids!
I don't even know what is circlejerk!
@JasperLoy a thousand pardons! Pretend I said given name.
@KitFox dip trip, flip fantasia
So @corn, what does your avatar represent?
@JasperLoy it is from a series of helpful signs featuring prominently in a popular puzzle game called Portal.
@cornbreadninja Thanks for that. Nice way to remove that other earworm I had in my head.
I decided to ask for Portal/Portal 2 for my birthday.
@cornbreadninja Oh I thought you were going to give someone some present!
@KitFox Next Monday.
And how old will I be?
3 dozen.
Spot on.
@JasperLoy the person is holding a companion cube, which is a helpful tool for opening doors. The cube is placed on a large button that holds the door open.
feels old
I am old too. But it's OK.
Jasper, you are not old.
Hey @cornbread, how did you inline your proposal support box?
@KitFox they are over/under over here
@KitFox I was informed yesterday that there are hidden <p> tags.
Sorry, I meant with the pic. Mine comes through as a bare link. Or does it not do that automagically?
Oh I see that ESL has been renamed to ELL!
ohhhh I used the flair version
@JasperLoy 'oly 'ell!
Flair version?
Oh! Add flair to your account?
That thingy?
@KitFox please hold. cornbread will be with you shortly
@KitFox go to the page of your commitment. There is a 'share this' link, and two versions. The bottom one is the flair-y version.
Hey Barrie is the last one to join ELL!
That was 40 min ago!
@cornbreadninja Yeah, I got it. Thanks!
@KitFox you are quite welcome!
How soon can we commit to ELL? Does it have to reach some magical number of supporters first?
@cornbreadninja We need 31 more followers and 40 questions with a score of 10 or more to move on to the commitment phase.
@Vitaly ahhh okay. Thank you.
@cornbreadninja You can follow the progress on Area 51 itself if you want.
@JasperLoy I shall!
hello people and/or mythological creatures!
feels insulted
by me?
I'm neither one of those, now am I?
foxes are people
i've been away for a while
I saw that you had been on a trip.
yeah, i went on a trip, then i got busy with other things
@JSBձոգչ Yeah, probably choked by whisky.
prances around the room mythologically
feels insulted
You got busy. Oh yeah.
Spiders are most definitely not people.
and i wasn't interested in answering ESL questions all day
@Vitaly Neglected?
since when is Vitaly a spider?
Is he?
an arachnophile, yes
@JSBձոգչ Did you see the new proposal? Did you?
but not an actual arachnid
I see an ominous sign.
No spider.
He's as much an arachnid as I am a vulpid.
@KitFox i did... but i'm not excited
I am a Belieber.
@JSBձոգչ meh. still nice to see you.
i'm waiting for this guy to go into beta
Planned and Constructed Languages

Proposed Q&A site for questions about auxiliary, constructed, planned, and artificial languages, including Esperanto, Na'vi, Klingon, Ido, Lojban, Sindarin, Láadan, Toki Pona, etc. Also field linguistics questions, such as how to document a new language.

Currently in commitment.

@JSBձոգչ I thought you meant ELL.
@JSBձոգչ Are these languages of any real use?
@JasperLoy of course not
Why do people invent new languages just to study them?
@JSBձոգչ That looks really interesting. I wish I could say I would commit, but conlangs are not one of my hobbies.
I do find them very interesting to look at however.
@JSBձոգչ guffaw
gold badge! 666!
Which site is that? I can't tell.
Oh. Hahaha.
are the tags not a clue?
How appropriate.
@JSBձոգչ If I had thought to actually look at them, I'm sure I could have figured it out.
666 and sowing his seeds.
At least, I assume that's what you meant by "getting busy."
heh heh
sighs If it weren't for my automated error traps, I wouldn't get any email at all.
Although 666 is the number of the devil, 66 is the number of books in the bible.
sure, if you have one of those defective protestant bibles
I think I should go read up more on Islam and Judaism.
So I have a new iPad.
I installed the Sims app.
It is surprisingly not as much fun as the others.
@KitFox oooh! fun!
an iphone recently invaded my home
Kill it!
I am happy to have one to try out for my boys.
Crush its Window!
Why are iproducts taking over the world?
But it is because my project lead and the big boss think that I can just start building mobile apps.
we didn't buy our iproduct. it was given to us.
When the truth is, I haven't the first clue where to begin, even if I wanted to.
I think I prefer Microsoft to Apple products any day.
jasper clearly isn't one of the cool kids
Well, I do like the iPad interface. The touch controls are smoother than other touch devices I have used in the past.
For one, Apple still does not have a full-fledged office suite.
But how anyone could think an iPad could replace a computer... shrugs
It's a toy.
I am afraid that kids these days will go everywhere with their ipad and spoil their eyesight.
A very expensive, pretty interface for people who think computers are for checking email, FB, and playing non-Flash based games.
Also, they will be playing mindless games instead of pondering the mysteries of existence.
And watching TV and movies.
The world is set to become more stupid then.
Anyway, it is not surprising to me that they are so popular, and most people ought to be using tablets anyway, since they don't really need a computer.
Other than for internet access, anyway.
I think laptops are a good hybrid of desktops and ipads.
And my little son was spelling along with the game he was playing in less than an hour yesterday.
He also figured out how to watch Netflix.
And how to cancel out of the ads.
Games can be educational, yes. Anyway, I don't think I myself ever learned anything through a game.
I guess that means it is a pretty intuitive interface.
your son is advanced
my two year old knows how to ask me to put monster truck videos on the laptop
but that's about it
monster trucks, curious george, and sometimes Shawn the Sheep
Well, a laptop is completely different. He just bangs on my keyboard.
You need to teach them how to not be virused and how to not let people see their history.
So it was pretty spectacular to see him figure out the iPad so quickly.
Maybe the iPhone should come in more colours.
Instead of a black one and a white one, I would rather have say a grey one.
It has thousands of skins, dunnit?
I don't even know about them skins!
I am clearly not one of the cool kids.
Hey @Cerb, this may be a stupid question, but did you try a hard reboot on your phone?
@KitFox No, but I don't want to lose my data. And I had already established that it wasn't my phone, because all my other cards worked fine, including another one from the same carrier.
So it had to be a problem with the carrier's network or administration or something.
And then they posted on their website that this was indeed the case.
But thanks for trying to help!
Oh. I see. So it's still down because they haven't fixed it?
Which is a bit outrageous.
Luckily I haven't fully switched yet.
Wow. Sudden downpour.
@KitFox but it's over now?
Just about. It must have been good, but I missed it somehow.
@KitFox :D
I actually didn't check if it was that one or the other one, but the video looks more like that one than the other one.
I keep getting these 80s songs stuck in my head.
Trouble is, I thought they were supercheesy when I was in school. Now I think they are superfun to sing along with.
what was the one that flip fantasia knocked out?
Oh, hang on. I've got Journey still playing.
Um, Bette Davis Eyes, I think.
her head is hollow gold
Her lips sweet surprise.
she had nothing but vocal fry going on
Head? Not hair?
I forgets :S
It's been a very musical day for me.
@KitFox wait... what else do you do with your computer?
I usually just have one song per day.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 porn
Oh, no. Sorry. Stock answer.
I write codez.
And hack into mainframes and cool shit like that.
@KitFox you can get porn on the ipad
Oh really?
sure, in the browser
Which app?
Oh, browser
not porn apps
Unless it's an app for a site like flickr which has, along with non-porn, porn content.
Well, given that I have to put all my personal info into the iPad in order for it to work, I shall have to decline to use the browser.
Flickr has porn?
of course flickr has porn. it's a photo-sharing site
I admit that I actually very rarely surf for porn.
Most of my collection is DVD.
that implies paying for porn.... that's a concept i'm not familiar with
Although interestingly, Picasa must have recently rescanned all of my photo-containing folders.
@KitFox ... and uploaded them to the 'net, for easy sharing?
Because a whole bunch of intentionally excluded pictures popped up when I was showing my mother-in-law the new pics I had taken of the boys.
I hate when iPhoto scans every frickin' picture on any thumb drive I ever stick into my Mac.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Oh Jesus, I hadn't even thought of that.
Oh, finally. :P
Hey @KitFox @Cerberus @Robusto, meet an officer in my new Tyrant home.
With my luck, my eldest open Picasa, rescanned all the pictures, and posted interesting ones to his Facebook account.
By accident.
@KitFox yeah, like my phone, it is set to upload all its photos to google+ (which is replacing picassa)... it doesn't SHARE them, but it does UPLOAD them.
@catepillar, meet my former faction mates.
Hullo, @catepillar.
been a busy morning for me
Did you get involved in a land war in Asia?
Because that's always a time suck.
more of a virtual war for the game :P
We win, we jump back to 1st. we lose, we stay in 2nd
Ever study chimpanzee behavior?
but the goal is to have them lose close to $200 off this war, while we spend nothing
can't say that i have
It's not the alpha male, but rather his second that gets shagged the most.
Hi @catepillar. Since this is English Language and Usage chat, I must inform you that it's traditionally spelled caterpillar.
And all this time, I've spelt it "capelillar."
@Vitaly Where is that?
@Robusto Iron Fist Sect, the current no.1/2 faction.
yea, it was a mispelling when i was like 12/13
@Vitaly No, where would we meet?
@Robusto In your backyard. :P
@Robusto He's @catepillar
Oh. Well, hello then.
offers coffee
@catepillar that's the ticket! spell it wrong for so long that your "mistake" becomes standard! You can help it along by editing the Wikipedia entry on catepillars
So, @catepillar, how do you feel that you lost the #1 spot after welcoming @Vitaly into your fold? I mean, you can point to it. :)
naw, losing #1 was a long time coming
MoM did some things right, and some things wrong
but it won't last for long
@KitFox My daughter always says, "Exundheit".
That's an exceedingly strange way to refer to lepidoptera larva.
Hey, I wanted to ask you if Texas is famous for cinnamon rolls.
@MetaEd Is Texas famous for cinnamon rolls?
Well. OK then.
I am on my way home.
Catch you all later.
It was nice to meet you @catepillar. I hope to see you again.
@KitFox nope...still cheesy. still stuck in my head. grits teeth
@cornbreadninja 'vocal fry' always sounds like a person to me. 'Kim Lardashian has a habit of speaking with vocal fry' Who, her accountant?

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