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@cornbreadninja Well, RR did mention he would quit. That comment is deleted now.
Welcome back @Jasper :)
@MattЭллен It's too hard to quit. :-)
so I see!
@MattЭллен I did some rep-whoring with the photoshop question!
I saw. I don't understand the question, myself. It is worded in a way that doesn't make sense or lend itself to the answers given
@MattЭллен I edited the question a bit just now to remove the nomenclature part. Nomenclature does not make sense.
> There is a fair amount of chance for recent terminology to be associated with a fake photograph.
that does not make sense
there is not a fair amount of chance for recent terminology to be associated with a fake photograph
that just doesn't make sense
@MattЭллен That was not his original wording though. I edited it but did not want to change too much.
I know, I saw the history, but the original doesn't make sense either
It means he thinks there is some term for fake photographs coined recently.
Just a way of adding some context to his question.
He probably does, given the title
What I do is read the title, read the body, and guess the intention of the OP from these before answering.
Oh! I think I can understand it
A holistic approach, hehe.
a recent terminology is meant to be countable
if you make is uncountable thngs stop making sense
a recent term
Does not matter, the countability.
is there a recently coined word or phrase that means fake photograph
@JasperLoy it totally does, with uncountability the first sentence is nonsense
I expect to cap today, 60 more points to fo.
@MattЭллен Really? It just means set of words in that case.
@JasperLoy recent terminology mean any new terminology. any. anything new that is terminology. most recent terminology is not associated with fake photography. The sentence is false and thus nonsense.
also that makes the body of the question "What is a word for recent terminology being associated with fake photography?"
that is not the question, if the answer is doctored
@MattЭллен Whatever! Anyway you may re-edit the question if you want. I hope we have not misunderstood it.
ugh. I need more joy in my life. this sort of thing shouldn't wind me up
Actually my whatever means I don't get what you are saying, but nvm.
Actually I think I get you and that you did not get the alternate way to parse it.
Over and out!
Apr 8 '11 at 18:07, by psmears
@Kosmonaut It was a source of much hilarity to us as children (growing up in the south of England) when my sister asked my father how to spell "furry", and he (from Liverpool) responded by asking, "Do you mean furry like a teddy bear, or a furry that grants wishes?"
So, did @Robusto marry a teddy bear or does his wife grant wishes?
@Cerberus this room already contains that picture. Posted either by Mr Shiny or myself. Too lazy to search. But thanks anyway.
furry fairy! it's the next logical step in evolution
Evolution is logical? When did that happen? Another day, another missed memo.
logic is what happens when the universe does stuff
In that case I have a nice video of logic.
ah the hoff, the universe only has to be logical to itself
Jul 31 '11 at 16:27, by RegDwight
@Cerberus You can say whatever you want about The Hoff, and God knows I have, but. He always manages to put a smile on my face. If that ain't worth something, then "worth" has no meaning.
I am single, but I'm not ready to mingle.
I'm never ready to mingle
net canstroctove
Q: "Yor first bookshelf" for a non-native speaker

Col. ShrapnelI have a question of somewhat different kind, not grammar related but rather about learning English in general. I am learning English mostly from reading books. But my choice of books is quite random. So, I decided to ask this great community for the list of books one have to read to get themsel...

> English SE has not panned out as an "expert-level" site. There is very little pretense that this site is only for advanced users discussing on the "finer points" of the English language.
Well guess what. That's exactly why the ESL proposal is there.
That's like a car mechanic saying, "I won't fix your car, it's broken!"
We want an expert level site, but because the one we set up isn't being used as one we can't have one. I see.
I would also like to see the reciprocity figures for SO.
> In contrast, an ESL site is setting itself up as a core group of teachers willing to help a site full of beginning learners. There will be little, if any, reciprocity.
That is exactly what SO is.
A couple hundred experts answering question after question, and millions of beginners asking question after question, without bothering to learn from the answers they already have.
And yet it works.
So why shouldn't it work for ESL?
I only have this old data:
A: What is the "reciprocity" of Stack Overflow?

Joel SpolskyData for Feb 2011: Site Peeps Askers Ansrrs Both Reciprocity Skeptics 60 34 51 25 42% Quantitative 147 88 103 44 30% Project Mana 133 60 109 36 27% Code Golf 160 55 147 4...

How did I get so starred?
It was a starry night.
Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue and grey.
Look out on a summer's day with eyes that know the darkness in my soul.
@RegDwightΒВB Looks like an answer justifying 21% reciprocity to me.
ESL probably might never reach 2.1%.
But that's not the point.
The other part is more important.
> None of these metrics is really strong enough to base policy on, so publishing the numbers regularly or even using them to drive policy in Area51 is probably not warranted.
I'm trying to run that query for SO right now BTW.
The site's so huge it keeps timing out.
I disagree. Language learners have a unique perspective on the language they study. Other, perhaps more experienced, language learners can offer answers in a context that native speakers simply lack, and at the same time are likely to ask more advanced questions of their own. Sounds like ground ripe for reciprocity to me. — KitFox 14 secs ago
@RegDwightΒВB 妻は天使です。
That doesn't answer the question.
I think that means she grants wishes.
An angel can't be a teddy bear?
I've heard otherwise.
@RegDwightΒВB No angels are teddy bears. QED.
Damn I can't argue with absence of logic.
A serious flaw in your political aspirations.
What's the "multi-collider"? — FumbleFingers 8 hours ago
I think FF needs to visit chat more often.
@KitFox I agree
Oh but that got requested and rejected before.
... which is what Cerberus kind of says in his answer.
Well, I was surprised FF hadn't seen that question, oh, say, ten months ago already.
Maybe he did and it took him this long to read it.
Damn, looks like I'm not getting anything for SO out of SEDE.
@RegDwightΒВB Still, I think it's a pretty good idea. It's kind of like a rug we would get to sweep our dirt under.
Of course it is a good idea. It was so good I had it.
Well not sure who actually had it first, but at least I posted it.
We were brainstorming in this very room.
A: Should EL&U be removed from the multicollider, etc.?

RegDwight ΒВBThe mods have previously agreed that whenever a question is dealing with an "offensive" term, we protect it as soon as we see it. Pre-emptively. So, one idea we just had in chat would be to take protected questions off the Collider (and the cross-site ads, and the Twitter feed). Wholesale. Afte...

Bah some harsh comments there.
I forgot how much grass I let grow in all this time.
Oh come on, stupid SEDE won't let me run the query for just one day on SO.
How many questions are they having?
@RegDwightΒВB You are such a credit whore.
Stop stealing my lines.
@RegDwightΒВB I knew you were going to say that.
Yo @Vit I keep forgetting to ask, you still playing? Same faction?
Yeah, speaking of WMT, is our faction disbanded now? Too lazy to check.
@Robusto that line was so clearly devised by me, it hurts. I mean, come on, it anagrams to "this is what Reg had to say once".
1 min ago, by Robusto
@RegDwightΒВB I knew you were going to say that.
@Robusto It got disbanded right before I left for Turkey. Meeting incredible resistance from Cerberus.
He wouldn't understand my reasons.
Wut? Resistance from the absentee landlord?
Yeah. That's what I said.
I mean, come on now, that line is really stolen.
but how can Robusto steal the words? doesn't he get royalties for all of them?
Jun 13 at 22:02, by Cerberus
@RegDwightΒВB So you're disbanding PhC for no reason?
@RegDwightΒВB Yeah and yeah.
Hi @Vitaly!
@MattЭллен Good point. I just pulled up @Reg's account and find it is drastically in arrears.
Hiya @Vit. How's life in the WMT fast lane? Still holding your interest?
@MattЭллен well do you have any indication of him paying himself? Do you? Do you?
Robusto is an autostealer.
@Robusto Ohio is now leading the faction, so yeah, I'm wondering where this all goes.
Oh my.
Per astra ad aspera.
@RegDwightΒВB Chatzy. :D
I hope I still have the link and my credentials.
General Reference;
Q: Cleanse vs Clean

Luigi TiburziDo you know what is the difference between Cleanse and Clean? As verbs and as nouns I don't have very clear when I have to use one or the other and if there is some key difference I'm not aware of.

very much so
@RegDwightΒВB Actually, "I knew you were going to say that" anagrams to "You know that wee reg is into gay."
@RegDwightΒВB Grand Auto-Theft. My take on a classic game.
What's a conurtation?
That's not a conurtation.
@JSB Thought you would dig this.
Conurtation is when two people care for each other.
@KitFox You can spare us the Disney version. We know what it really means.
Well Reg didn't.
it's not in the OED
I have 2520 Google hits.
> Does Backstreet boys have a similar conurtation to Pet Shop Boys Gavin?
or at dictionary.com
@RegDwightΒВB that's a mispelin of connotation
Yes, but why?
Redneck dialect.
because people spell like they speak, sort of
I can't begin to imagine a world in which people would pronounce "not" as "urt".
Those that would wouldn't use the word "connotation" to begin with.
what about no't and nur't
Also, since when is South East England a redneck state?
There's no "not" in con-no-ta-tion.
@KitFox an observant observant will also observe that there is no "urt" in it, either.
Mmmm, yurts.
co nur tay shon sounds like con no ta tion
they just got closer than complete pseudo-phonetics
sure does.
Well even if I give you that, what could the word "conurt" possibly mean?
Look at the word.
listen to the sound
I've done that. You miss my point.
you apparently miss mine too
No I got it alright.
@RegDwightΒВB What part of "South" don't you understand?
then what is yours?
@MattЭллен mine is, suppose I really think the word is "conurt", judging by the sound. When I write it down, wouldn't I one fine day stop to think what its morphology is?
"Con-note" is self-explanatory. "Con-urt" is so strange I would feel compelled to look it up ASAP.
ah, but you're not a native speaker.
of English, at any rate
@Matt! There's no need for insults!
@RegDwightΒВB This is why you need to keep the subtitles on when watching Amurrican films.
@KitFox Reg knows what I mean :D
Amurrican? Is that the same as Merkin?
@MattЭллен conurt is strange in any and every language. I would look it up.
Especially if I were a high-rep user on ELU.
But you are above average intelligence.
Most people don't think, much less think about words.
the fact that they thought as far as "oh -tation is normally spelt -tation" is surprising
I dunno that intelligence has anything to do with curiosity.
You make me laugh.
I think it does
My point is kind of that the word looks strange all by itself. Be you redneck or whitetail.
Conurt. Conurt. It's just funny.
@MattЭллен Word.
but they know conurtation is a word and they know where to put it. What more is there?
@RegDwightΒВB Someone's having a wee bit of semantic satiation, methinks.
What I am wondering is how my jQuery validator just fixed itself.
@Robusto Nah. Not the case.
Anyway, gotta motor. Laters.
@KitFox jQuery is great and does all things. All things includes all things.
CU Robusto.
@Robusto Bai!
shrugs and moves on to next page
Au robudoir.
conurtation is the act of conurtatin, innit? I don't like the conurtation of the way you're lookin at my pint.
Pint is a great word. A counterexample to the figure/river/give of yesterday.
raises a pint
Well, two half-pints really.
Is it worth adding 13 blank parameters to an existing sp so that I can avoid having two custom controls?
Two Hungarian half-pints? That would be like four pounds not including the weight of the glasses.
@RegDwightΒВB oh yes!
@RegDwightΒВB No, mine are fully American.
Unless my husband is secretly Canadian.
@KitFox that sounds like a maintenance problem, but that would depend on the complexity of the sp
@MattЭллен Essentially, I need to bind 13 fields on the edit form, but they should be blank on the add form. I guess I'm not adding parameters...just extra named fields.
If I leave a note in the code, that ought to make sense to someone else.
fair enough
Yeah, I'm gonna do it.
This is what I don't get about using stored procs for programming
why not just have an insert statement and an update statement?
I have an insert statement and an update statement.
But those are for posting, not for loading.
Hmm, but I could do a left join maybe.
I wonder if that would be more or less confusing.
Q: English Usage?

utxeeeAs a ESL I'm not sure if I can use the following sentences: You can take no other directions. Should I use instead: You can't take other directions. Which one do you think it is the most natural/idiomatic ?

ELU Lite.
He's not an ESL, he's an ELL. sighs
Oh, speaking of which, @Reg, I was going to suggest changing the working title from "English as a Second Language" to "English Language Learners."
English doesn't have to be the asker's second language.
And it also obviates the question about including native speakers.
Have you seen my answer to MetaEd's question?
That's why I suggested the title change.
@KitFox but that's what ESL usually means (and ELL is totalyl new). Except ELL does say it better.
ELL is the currently accepted nomenclature in K12 education.
Oh. nice.
In the US.
I have no idea about the nomenclature.
did not know that
It is supposedly "less offensive."
Just pick English as a Foreign Language and be done with it.
Yeah that's what I'm fearing most. Selecting a less descriptive term just because it's more politically correct.
It's more descriptive, not less.
I thought it captures the idea better, like for those pedants (ahem) that think of having multiple languages and English is past second.
And "English as a Foreign Language" doesn't cover native speakers who are trying to improve their English.
@Mitch hey I saw that!
@KitFox native speakers should go here. Period.
Plus, it makes it sound like English is the primary language.
(I had no argument then either)
ELL fits it pretty well.
I'm not opposed at all. Just brainstorming.
Every language has their second language learner version.
@RegDwightΒВB I think you overestimate the quality of English education here.
@KitFox trust me I don't. I've had enough Reddit discussions to know. :P
damn the keyboard gods for lack of ease in type russian and chinese
I think rather we should blame Chinese and Russians for not having proper alphabets.
Anyway, I have to get snacks before meeting time.
@RegDwightB I"m trying to think through the negatives...you -don't oversestimate the quality of Eng Education.. means...
you estimat epretty wel..but that doesn't say if english grammar knowledge is bad or good.
@Mitch as long as those folks don't answer I don't have a problem.
also selection bias of (ahem) idiots on the internet who don't know shit.
Questions can be as misspolen as they choose.
yeah.._super wink_ there
I am just kind of opposed to questions where the answer is "no native speaker would ever ask this". They don't sit well with me at all.
cripes yeah that bugs me.
as fun as it is, you realize of course the the ESL site will go nowhere, right?
not because of RC, but because the people who will push are not the people who will use it and give it traffic.
I mentioned that just the other day.
We'll wait and see.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
This reading thing is hard.
Try drinking instead.
I assume you know about thinkers anonymous.
tries drinking
Oh, Reg! You just gave me a great idea.
22 hours ago, by RegDwight ΒВB
My guess would be that he takes the whole "support" thing literally. You support a site you'd really support. You don't support a site you'd like to have so you never have to go there.
22 hours ago, by RegDwight ΒВB
We need more actual ESLers.
But I'm not worried just yet.
Oh I like this edit:
Q: English Usage again?

utxeeeAs a ESL I'm not sure if I can use the following sentences: You can take no other directions. I'm using it on giving indications to a foreigner. Should I use instead: You can't take other directions. Which one do you think it is the most natural/idiomatic ?

The title is so much better.
I thought it was a new question
So did I.
Perhaps it is.
You never know.
It changed my whole outlook on the question.
@Mitch way funneher than expected.
@KitFox I'm confused, what do you need to load on a create form?
"Life just seemed -...easier."
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The student names, ids, etc.
@KitFox And you load all of those with a single proc?
Yes. Why wouldn't I?
I have capped for the day. Thank you for your support.
Q: How to praise beauty...?

Rohan ShahMy Question is How could one praise the Beauty and spark in a girl's eyes... in a best way. I know that the spark, itself could be the word, but it just doesn't feel rich enough to express deep immense beauty of her eyes. I just want to know, if there is one single word, or a small statement th...

Haha yes.
Who created that one again? JSB?
I think so.
I remember he tagged my pedophile question with it. Hilarious.
Well he should know, he's the cunning linguist round here.
I resemble that remark!
You resemble a black car.
thinks for a minute
KITT never thinks. Or shouts. Ergo you pretend not to be KITT. Nice try, KITT.
I am not a car, I am a Cylon killing machine.
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
Je ne suis pas une voiture.
It just sounds ambiguous.
I am rather ambiguous.
Better ambiguous than ambitious.
HAHAHA. I just got flagged.
Please support this proposed site: English as a Second Language. — RegDwight ΒВB 39 mins ago
Flagged as "A spam!"
You naughty bird!
I often confuse owls and spam
It's actually quite easy. Owls are uncountable.
grammer inplosion!
@RegDwightΒВB one, one owl, ah ah ah ah, two, two spam, ah ah ah ah
<— Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Tell me about it. bane of my life
@RegDwightΒВB rather steak in a chalet than gristle in a castle

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