@Robusto There's a headline from the Berkeley Barb in 1974 (re: President Nixon): "Don't tell my mother I'm a White House aide, she thinks I'm a piano player in a whore house."
@RegDwigнt Thanks. I think you must be me in disguise. That is why you can delete all the other accounts, because you just need to keep this account called RegDwight, LOL.
@Cerberus Yes! The author is kinda garrulous, and this has too often put me off reading him. But one-third of this particular article (in the middle) is a transcript of a talk by Peterson, which you might want to omit; not much point to it.
At the end, he returns to the question he poses at the beginning: the mystery of Peterson's popularity among the intelligentsia and elsewhere. I read it all, because I had spent some time listening to Peterson's debates and lectures, and this article—unlike many other unjustified attacks on Peterson—provided me with the catharsis I needed. I think it does him justice, and I recommend reading it to those who had the mixed pleasure of contemplating Peterson's ideas.
However, one salient point that I think is neglected in the article, is Peterson's adamant defense of religion, and the psychological-historical-biological gymnastics that he goes thru to justify these (mainly Judeo-Christian) myths and their indispensability to society. (Altho he does manage to plant so many caveats here and there and be so vague that in the end you can't really pin him down to a clear system of religious beliefs).
To turn to your point about political correctness, I guess this neglect is caused by the author's hesitancy to criticize religion (as is the case for many on the left).
(Well, maybe it plagues the whole spectrum one way or the other, but I mostly identify with the left, and am therefore most exasperated by it there)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (162): Articles in the English ✏️ by Mone1995 on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (162): Articles in the English by Mone1995 on english.SE
@Robusto oh it's not a reference, I just copypasted the first line off the box on the main page. Where it says "useless meta posts" or some such.
So basically StackExchange have hired employee seven trillion something, or whatever the number was. Which got me wondering just how big this place has become.