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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

whistles casually
Just gave a huge well-researched answer and realised I did it while wearing an EL&U shirt. Fuck yes.
Also, hooray I’m back on chat after a long time.
Be right back, I'm bleeding for some reason.
Sweet, good luck.
Well, that was a lovely intermission from being comfortable.
I hate spontaneous nosebleeds.
Only ever had one. Middle of the night, wake up next to girlfriend, sit up, blood spills out of face.
They happen to me all the time.
Mostly when I get really hot.
Shout HERNGH and run to the bathroom. Girlfriend wakes up in a confused huff.
Yeah, it was a dry winter night.
How cold do your winters get?
I knew one guy who had his nose cauterised because he had nosebleeds so often that he would pass out from blood loss. :P
So now he can't smell.
That would really suck.
Um, I grew up in NH where we occasionally get sub-0°F but not often. Went to school in Rochester, NY where it was slightly warmer but windier, and I just moved to San Francisco, where I don’t think they get below freezing generally.
Hm, that doesn't sound too bad.
As far as temperature goes.
I don't really like the heat though.
It's only the beginning of summer here and already it's a bit too warm for my liking.
These days, I can't bring myself to enjoy anything above 18 or 20˚C.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
It doesn't help my situation that I immediately got a sinus infection when I moved here last week.
Thankfully it doesn't go much higher than 25˚C during our summers.
Because something evil is in bloom.
Unfortunately, I work in one of the most overheated building ever.
@JonPurdy Oh, yuck.
Where are you? Somewhere on the British Isles?
Right in the middle of Alberta, actually.
Oh, neat. Do you have Canadian Raising in your accent?
Hm, I don't know.
I do, but people don't usually notice.
The whole "aboat" instead of "about" thing.
No, I don't think I do, then.
I say "about".
I don't say "aboot", either.
Just took an accent quiz and it placed me as Southern. :/
Clearly something is amiss.
I took a "test" a few weeks ago to see what accent I have and it was way off. Put me in Northern usa Minnesota.
Me or Jon? It was weeks ago and I didn't keep it.
Yeah I figured.
I didn't see your post until after I had typed "Link?", @SpareOom.
Funny that I was going to post that before he posted his, when I saw him say "aboot".
i lived in Wisconsin for several years, and they thought I had a southern accent.
My dad thought I'd acquired a northern accent.
Apparently you can't win.
I've been labelled as having a Canadian accent.
If I pick up accents every time I move, I'd need Henry Higgens to figure out where I'm from.
Heh, fun fact: the voice of Stewie on Family Guy is based on Rex Harrison.
They used to have more references to it when the show was new though.
I don't really know that program.
That's fine. I really admire the creator Seth MacFarlane though, so I pick up on trivia.
I'm going, bye.
Bye. @Mahnax
Ok, now that test puts me as neutral. I think that's accurate.
@JonPurdy Do you pick up accents from people you hang around with?
Only if they're particularly different from mine.
Then there's more pressure to normalise, I think.
I make an effort not to pick up a Southern accent.
It's not held in the highest regard. :/
But I probably can't help changing a little bit.
It's actually a little difficult for me to understand.
That is, a deep southern accent.
Was going to ask you to qualify, yeah.
@JonPurdy Any particular reason?
I don't have a problem with it. But Southern = redneck in many people's minds.
Oh, and I knew a guy from Louisiana, who spoke neutrally around most folks, but gave an example of what he switched to when he went home. It was like a different language!
@JonPurdy Ah.
What kind of accent would you describe yourself to have? @Jon
I am Northeastern...
I guess Northeastern is the closest it gets to British.
I don't pick up accents at all in my native language. My own accent is really sturdy.
The quiz is for American accents. I wonder what I'd come out with a British accent quiz.
In English, however, I might pick up accents.
@SpareOom Yeah I know. You'd probably end up...I don't know?
I don't they Britain has any accent that is close to American standard.
I don't pick up a British accent from watching British telly, but I could "fake" a Scottish accent after visiting.
Where would you be without one?
But do they have tests for British accents?
No idea...
Not a British accent quiz. False advertising.
Yeah I can't find anything.
@SpareOom Um, northern Massachusetts region. Don't merge cot/caught, don't merge marry/merry/Mary, do merge bath/bat, do merge whale/wail.
is back
Years ago, I was talking with my Dad about accents and that's when I first found out cot and caught aren't pronounced the same by everyone. Then I started making a slight distinction.
Welcome back, @Mahnax
@SpareOom Merci.
Möchten sie etwas Schokolade?
Ja, danke schon.
I don't actually speak German.
Gut! You'd find out how awful mine is.
But I don't speak French even more than I don't speak German. XP
Bath/bat sounds quite odd to me.
@Cerberus Sound odd the same?
Or is it just the a that sounds the same?
@SpareOom Yes.
Just the a.
All right.
Then I am less surprised.
Unless you have an American/German accent.
Germans don't pronounce the th correctly?
Theater sounds like te-ah-ter, I think.
Actually a very bad Dutch accent in English might pronounce the -th as -t too.
Do they have a th sound?
@SpareOom In German, yes.
@SpareOom No.
There are two th sounds, by the way.
Think and they.
I can't think of a German word with a th sound. Yes two th sounds in English.
Voiceless and voiced.
I have a friend who says thus with the wrong th and it drives me nuts!
Neither German not English, nor French, nor Italian, has either of the English th sounds.
@SpareOom Haha, but why does he do that?
Thus is voiced!
Unvoiced sounds like fuss.
I have no idea. I've mentioned it to him and claims it's the same.
Could be.
I think he just doesn't listen carefully.
But if you have mentioned it explicitly...
But you see, I'm less educated as he. Maybe he doesn't take correction well.
At least it's not a common word and I don't have to hear it mangled often.
My result was Posh Totty! lol
Same here.
What did you do with the questions that had nothing to do with the accent?
Oh, just filled in whatever struck my fancy.
Mostly true answers for me.
Clasical music, Vulgar for someone who is gross. And I put that I was from England.
I took it again and put haggis as my favorite word, and that I was from Scotland, and guess what? It came up I have a Scottish accent.
I think voiced/unvoiced th have been in pretty much free variation for most of English history.
We say ð = voiced and þ = unvoiced mostly as a matter of convenience, because it’s more subtle than that.
(Old English.)
Besides, I can't think of any minimal pairs?
I guess loath/loathe, mouth/mouthe, &c.
I use the -the forms, but most don't.
And try saying thither with both the same.
E.g., "mouth the lyrics".
I do say "thither" with both voiced though?
I say thither with the first unvoiced and the second voiced.
@JonPurdy Interesting.
With and forthwith are funny.
@SpareOom How about hither? Zither?
@Cerberus How so? My with is freely voiced or unvoiced, but my forthwith is always unvoiced for both.
I say both voiced.
Well, isn't that funny?
Yes, for some reason forthwith sounds funny at this hour.
If I ever knew how to type italics, I've forgotten. Would someone remind me, please?
@SpareOom Asterisks.
Thank you so much @JonPurdy
No idea how to underline.
Also thy and thigh.
There isn't underlining.
Good one.
You guys are sweet not to make me look that up.
Whenever I see although written as altho I read it with an unvoiced th, so it sounds like a guy with a lisp saying also. :/
Ohh I have that too!
That inclination, I mean—not the lisp.
Tho you thay.
Tho thou thayetht.
We'd never know if someone had a speech impediment. Myself, I tendd to stuttter a bbbit.
But you'd never know.
Indeed not.
Sometimes I even type with a stutter, but I usually catch it.
@SpareOom Unless this is the beginning of your always typing like that.
@SpareOom Really?
That's funny.
Nope, but I'll quit correcting myself.
There, you did it on the r in correcting.
Really, I do stutter when I'm tired, but not about the typing bit anymore.
Although, I had aphasia for a while a few years ago, and did really type strangely.
I couldn't count how many repeated letters I was typing. Double letters usually were 3-4 letters.
@SpareOom That's a very interesting phenomenon, but it must be very frustrating to actually experience it.
Yes, sometimes I had a hard time getting passwords right.
And calling on the phone was almost impossible. I couldn't read the numbers right.
Wow, that's weird.
How did that happen?
Out of the blue?
I'm glad you got out of/over it.
Nah, I had surgery for an aneurysm and it took a little time to recover.
Thank you.
The aneurysm was out of the blue though.
Oh, that sounds bad.
Aneurism in the brain?
The doctors mentioned that I was an interesting case, because I had symptoms but it didn't rupture.
No idea what caused it?
Phew. Rupture sounds bad.
@Cerberus Yes. And it was probably blood pressure related.
Hmm was yours very high? If so, did you know?
I had a friend who had a ruptured aneurysm about 4 months earlier and he's still not recovered over two years later.
@Cerberus I was and am on blood pressure meds, but it went higher for some reason. I don't know why. It's under control again now.
I watch my diet better now. Low sodium, for example.
Hmm yes.
It was strange. After I had my surgery, a whole lot of brain surgery patients came out of the woodwork; people I already knew, fully recovered so you'd never know.
Oh, there are that many?
I don't think I know of any.
I have a friend who had seizures as a child and they fixed it later, but it was before I met her.
@Cerberus That's the thing, though. With many of them you wouldn't know unless they mentioned it.
If it goes well, you can't tell unless you see the scar. Hair grows over it pretty well eventually.
@JonPurdy Yeah, I guess. But I would probably know if it were a (fairly) good friend.
It was really interesting though. I tried to make sense of people talking, but along with that, I thought I heard the radiator whispering.
Weird stuff like that.
You couldn't understand people talking very well?
Right. For several days, I couldn't understand much of anything.
Watching the telly was useless.
You can't ask them to repeat things.
But people couldn't understand me either, though I thought I was making perfect sense.
I kept a journal of how I improved the first few weeks.
You can see the change in my writing, the increase of vocabulary and ability to make sentences.
So you could write?
Have your linguistic skills fully healed? You seem perfectly fine.
Well, wield a pencil. The first things weren't much sense, but better than my speech.
Yes I'm fine now. (Here's where I could lie and tell you I used to speak 5 languages but I lost the all except my native one.) :D
My mom came to visit and help me linguistically. She made me play word games with her.
So have people close to you noticed any changes comparing before the aneurism and a year later?
Actually, she knew what she was doing because she'd helped my dad after his stroke.
Wow, two.
What did you feel when you had the pre-aneurism?
Only when I'm really tired, but you can get muddled in the head when you're tired anyway.
I have to go to bed in 5, by the way.
Ok, goodnight Cerberus.
I'm still here!
I had a new appreciation for language afterwards.
He's always here…
Ok ok! :D
It's only 5.56 am.
ok, in 4?
@SpareOom Understandable.
Yes, in 4 now.
And really, for the brain in general.
So did you feel pain, when the aneurism was building up? Or weir mind things?
Ah OK. What exactly?
All of a sudden. I was reading and then I couldn't understand what I was reading and I had a terrible headache.
Oh that sounds awful.
A headache different from normal headaches you had had before?
I had to ask for help to read a form. And when they said what the word was, it was like, I know that word!
I really almost never have headaches.
So, yeah, worse.
And those fits of forgetfulness felt different from regular confusion or loss of concentration or tiredness?
I asked a doctor friend about it a couple days after the headache, and she said I should have called an ambulance, but after the emergency was gone, she suggested an appointment.
The not being able to read was really different. It was almost mid-sentence.
Scary that I drove with the aneurysm for a week or two before it was diagnosed.
I remember almost getting lost only a couple miles from home too. I think that must have been related.
The landmarks didn't look right.
Anyway, bedtime for you, right?
Yeah, a sudden disturbance of your cognition combined with a weird headache...but I can understand that you wouldn't think of calling an ambulance. What if it's nothing? Etc.
Oh, yes, it's 6.04...
glares sternly at keeper of the gates
Good evening to you!
And you too!
Yeah, and if I'd called during the episode, they might not have understood anyway.
Midnight here now. My bedtime too, actually.
@Cerberus Yeah, I'm still here.
Goodnight all.
Good night, Narnian and keeper of the gates.
@SpareOom Night!
@Mahnax And you, good pre-night!
@Cerberus Thank you.
I couldn't sleep, so I came back for a minute.
And what do I see?
@JonPurdy Your colours are all wrong!
Well, not all.
You got your 1 and your i and your e right.
I can tell that these are a real synaesthete's letters and numbers.
Your f is also almost right.
As is your 6.
And I guess I should let your b go because it is the complementary colour.
And I respect your d, although I would pick brown myself.
And I presume by "black" you mean your zero is transparent?
I do hope so.
Okay, now I'm off again.
Heh, "wrong".
6 hours later…
@matt Boo!
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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