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@RegDwigнt: Surely you must have seen this already:
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
Who cares? The question will recur and will get the same kinds of idiotic answers because there are more idiotic answers available than sane ones. The idea that someone is wrong on the internet shouldn't upset anybody any more. And the idea that anybody would rely on ELU.SE for important linguistic information is touching, but not very likely. — John Lawler 14 hours ago
It hurts because it's true
@Robusto yeah he kinda dropped the ball on that one. A bummer.
1 hour later…
> If trilogy is three movies this blood is for maintenance?
I wonder if someone has written a bot for producing EL&U questions. Or maybe that was an autocomplete or voice-to-text error.
1 hour later…
@MattE.Эллен What, indeed!
Could be any of those three...or a troll.
If that is the proper designation.
@Cerberus could be. I still can't fathom it
@MattE.Эллен All true except the very last thing. It's very likely that many people rely on ELU for important linguistic information.
not linguists though
I'm sure they take one look and move to the next tab
also a movement is accomplished in six stages
If movement is six stages this blood is for maintenance?
I always sing in my head 'resplendent in divergence' to that tune, but looking it up I see that I've never in my life hear d the song that resplendent in divergence comes from.
@MattE.Эллен Also, did you really need to delete the highly upvoted subjunctive answer?
why was it flagged?
@Mitch well, I don't know. people were complaining and Lawler says it's wrong. it seems if it is wrong and highly upvoted then the SNR is out of whack
There's nothing deleteable about it (it's totally wrong of course)
@MattE.Эллен But that's not a deletable offense
Is it?
@Mitch isn't it? it seems like I'm stopping people from getting the wrong message
Also, what is 'SNR'?
If I see a +93 answer I'm going to think there's some merit to it
@Mitch signal to noise ratio
I can only downvote it once
@MattE.Эллен I think that's crazy too.
if it were highly downvoted, it probably wouldn't be flagged
@MattE.Эллен really?
I'd go the whole other way
I'd expect it to be flagged then
@Mitch yeah, in the short term, but then it would have been deleted long long ago
I mean, if it had escaped detection for so long
and JLaw didn't say "This is crap, get rid of it", not that he's an authority on moderation anyway
@MattE.Эллен It hd to have been very visible because so any people voted up on it.
There's all sorts of wrong answers out there that are well-written and insightful and only mildly upvoted, that because of this precedent, should totally be deleted.
@MattE.Эллен seems pretty inconclusive.
that is there's no swing one way or the other, some seem pro, some not.
@Mitch I only see what gets flagged, alos I'm no linguistic scholar
Black and White says they repeatedly flagged it, but if you read the answer, and all the comment threads related, there's nothing flaggable or deleteable about it.
What's to stop someone flagging other answers that they don't agree with.
Voting is for disagreeing.
I'm going to look at meta meta to see if there is anything about deleting highly upvoted but demonstrably wrong answer
@MattE.Эллен OK, but there's no recourse, I can't vote to reopen.
and if not, ask about it
@MattE.Эллен It's not demonstrably wrong
@Mitch can't you vote to undelete (10k privilege?)
(I strongly disagree with it)
@Mitch it says "always go with subjunctive" which is demonstrated as wrong in tchrist's answer
@MattE.Эллен FIrst thing I tried. "This question was closed by a mod and so is not undeleteable"
or always go with "were"
@Mitch hmmm
@MattE.Эллен TChrist is no linguistic scholar
well, OK maybe he is. Also I agree with his answer.
But that's not a reason to delete a competing answer that a lot of (totally idiotic) people upvoted.
@Mitch but I don't see linguistic scholars disagreeing with his answer
they clearly do with Edward's
A: Should horribly wrong answers be deleted?

Anthony PegramYes, absolutely. That's why high rep users can vote to delete. That is also why there is a peer pressure badge, to encourage users to delete their own downvoted content. We want to identify harmful answers, but we do not necessarily want them to stick around. Even though their scores are negativ...

admittedly their example answer is downvoted
The answer was given in 2010.
I don't think it is obviously wrong.
Feel free to bring it up in our English Language & Usage Meta. just because meta meta says something, doesn't mean we have to go with the flow
@Mitch but you do think it's wrong
@MattE.Эллен starting a qn on meta, there seems to be a lot of other similar questions.
@Mitch cool :) it'd be good to get community input on this
I wanted my question to be general, and not specifically about the subjunctive
but now I feel like it's ben done before.
maybe I should make it about this qn specifically.
@MattE.Эллен fine.
@MattE.Эллен I disagree with it. I definitely think it should stay (be visible) with the commentary (so people can judge).
@Mitch with 93 upvotes, don't you think it's misleading?
upvotes are our main signal that something is correct
maybe I'm wrong about the subjunctive
People used to use the subjunctive all the time, as it were.
Nobody bats an eye nowadays if you don't... except a number of people.
The best answer would show the difference. (I think tchrist does it)
if you was wrong wouldn't Lawler or Kosmo or JSBangs or Peter Shor have said "good show, Edward, this makes perfect sense"?
bats an eyelash
@MattE.Эллен it's a matter of principle, rule of law.
I guess there's a place for judges overriding a jury.
but this was overwhelming popularity.
that's true. a lot of people did agree
the tyranny of the masses
If it were under 5, it'd be very unnoticeable, delete away!
um... maybe not.
but anyway
@MattE.Эллен but presumably this is all not about opinion and reference, but about evidence.
@Mitch how do you mean?
my snap answer to the q would have been the exact opposite of Edward's "No one uses the subjunctive anymore"
(and it would have been popular too)
and also, well, not totally wrong..
some people still use the subjunctive
and also we've shown here a few instances where we'd use it.
so you're saying I should delete your hypothetical answer, too?
@MattE.Эллен the whole analogy with democratic principles, voting, majority over minority is about poliitcal items that people -want-, not about what is 'true' (or statistics about which phenomenon occurs more often)
@MattE.Эллен If you're going to delete this extremely highly voted one...
@Mitch but is Edward's answer even trying to be correct? it reads quite tongue in cheek
"Use were and you'll sound smarter"
(that was JLaw's point re Machiavelli)
and ML's point about how that's not acceptable nowadays.
(which bothers me)
true. I don't want people to go back through old answer and ask for references
tbh I don't want people to do it for many new answers either
why does everyone keep overgeneralising?
@MattE.Эллен Also complaining about people's activity on the site (eg "That guy doesn't care enough to update" as if anybody does (except for sumelic (one of the few actual linguists)))
@Mitch (certainly noöne whose first answer is a single liner on a SWR)
still writing a meta question
taps finger on watch
j/k I don't wear a watch
now that I'm done, do you still want a watch?
what flavour is it?
I knew soeone who had a new fancy watch every 6 months or so, not rolex but... decorative, like sometimes with a big face and huge roman numerals, that math watch, or one time with all the numbers had fallen off. to the bottom.
And I never said anything but wondered 'WTH'.
why bother.
and then I got it. It's just decoration. well, maybe rough time, like 'it's the afternoon' but I'm pretty sure that's obvious
it's just jewelery
so if you like that, why not a watch.
any way, all the planes are gonna crash on 03:14:07 UTC 2038-01-19
what good is watch going to be then?
@Mitch it'll still be a watch if you're not on a plane
@Mitch good question
@MattE.Эллен Any flavor you want. This is all imaginary anyway. Make it rainbow unicorn blood sherbet.
So I was watching Star Trek TOS last night. Episode 'Whom Gods Destroy'
@Mitch the more taboo the better. rainbow unicorn foal blood cocaine sherbert
@MattE.Эллен You nasty
I mean, the cocaine is gilding the rainbow unicorn foal blood.
you're right! Gilded rainbow unicorn foal blood cocaine sherbet
So the episode was about Kirk and Spock visiting the insane asylum planet with the worst insane criminals of the galaxy
(our part of the galaxy to be precise)
@MattE.Эллен gold sprinkles
he new ice cream add-on
and it turns out (of course) that one of the prisoners is a shape shifter, impersonated the warden, and took over the prison (a really nice Star Trekky set prison, like Sweden, clean but in space)
but (some pot details left out) this madman, in trying to get off the planet by now shapeshifting to Capt Kirk, couldn't figure out the pass code to tell Scotty to beam him up.
(none of this is my point. at all)
The point is, is that this madman, who had killed thousands, enslaved millions and eaten rainbow unicorn foal blood gelato with gold sprinkles, was written in a certain way by the ST screenwriters
He was full of himself, brooked no imagined slight, had to be the center of attention, acted like a petulant spoiled 12 year old when things didn't go well.
So the writers were writing this guy to be this grandiose, deluded... fuck it, he didn't sound half as bad as Trump.
Trump is worse than scifi could imagine!
The new bench mark for arch-villains
1) I don't think the writers were trying very hard
2) I'm sure lots of people say (and think) worse things in private.
But this guy!
2 hours later…
@Mitch How are you ?
3 hours later…
@Educ hey!
1 hour later…
Consider cliché. Practically every "champion" movie you ever see has that exact storyline. — Robusto 1 min ago
And the question was:
Q: What is a perfect adjective to describe a champion who eventually wins after many setbacks?

Helen J. Qiufriends, I am very glad to be on this forum! Here I am sending you greetings! :) Would you please share with me what adjective would you suggest describing a winner, a champion, who will win the final battle but will encounter many obstacles, hardships, oppositions, and mockeries? I was thinkin...

The spring equinox arrives this evening. Here's everything you need to know. I think that just said everything that needed to be said.

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