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I don't know.
@Robusto That's what it looks like when they are unsorted. I want them to know that they are sortable. Is that too confusing?
Do you know how to invite someone?
My email address is <EL&U username>@gmail.com.
@Mahnax Problem solved.
@KitFox You must have some sort at the outset. Show what it is. That little bit will let them know a) that there is a sorted column, and b) that the columns are sortable.
Even if the data is returned unsorted, go ahead and sort it by name or whatever preliminarily.
@Gigili Ah OK.
@Robusto OK, thanks, I will do that.
But here's a neat trick: reserve space for the other arrows (i.e., make them visibility: hidden instead of display: none) so that the column headers don't jump around, which can be disconcerting to the user.
@Mahnax Sent.
@Gigili Merci.
Aaaand, I'm off.
And don't add the event listener to the arrow; add it to the entire header cell.
@Mahnax Keine Ursache!
@Robusto I think I did that...
@Gigili No niin!
@KitFox Good.
Wow, I feel like a real grownup designer.
45 minutes until Writers chat. I'm a gonna get me sumthin ta eat.
I will be cycling home. I'll try and join in after that though!
What's going on in Writers?
A chat!
in The Overlook Hotel, 3 hours ago, by KitFox
I'm thinking about the former. "What questions do I need to ask to get the kind of feedback that will be useful?"
Is the topic I invented for today, although I am open to suggestions.
There are usually only a few people, so I am rather unofficially hosting today
I have question about American accent.
Hi. OK.
My wife had a lesson with this teacher and she wants to know does her teacher speak general accent?
I don't hear an obvious accent, so I would guess she has a northeastern US accent.
(which is the same as mine, which is why I wouldn't hear it.)
She is very understandable to me.
She is also understandable to me too but my wife told me that she didn't understand some words.
Which words did she have trouble with?
When she said fake friend my wife thought she said fix.
When she said pal my wife thought she said pel.
Is she used to hearing a southern US accent?
She used to learn with a teacher from California.
Did the teacher have a Californian accent?
I'm trying to think what that sounds like.
Hi all
I am having trouble thinking about "fake" to "fix," but "pal" can be confused with "pel" if you are used to an accent that has longer, flatter "a" sounds.
This is a link of her teacher from California - youtube.com/watch?v=yx7zxLICAb4&feature=plcp
Northeastern US has more clipped vowels.
@Anonymous Oh right. That woman. You've posted a link to her stuff before.
I hate her expression. She sounds nasally and patronizing.
I will update another video when this teacher said fake. :)
I guessed southern US because they have very different vowel sounds compared to the northeast and a marked tendency to stretch them.
I have a friend who started using his middle name when he worked in the south because it annoyed him that Southerners made "Ben" into two syllables.
Anyway, I'll be in Writers chat for the next hour or so:

 The Overlook Hotel

General discussion for writing.stackexchange.com. Writing exer...
The topic will be: "What questions do I need to ask to get the kind of feedback that will be useful?" or something sexier.
There might be snacks.
This is when she says the word "fake"
BTW, I can understand both of the teachers. They speak very clear English.
@MrShiny Here's a story you might like (I started reading it, but haven't finished)
in The Overlook Hotel, 6 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
Also, by an unrelated author (Ken Liu), has anyone read Paper Menagerie? It's fantastic, fantastic work.
I hope you aren't upset by it though.
Well, or. That's an odd thing for me to say.
I am currently writing an opinion paper on evolution in Biology class.
A what?
That's what I thought, too.
She basically wants to know if we believe in evolution, and if not, why.
But she calls it an opinion paper.
@KitFox Do you think the teacher in last video has general Accent?
Oh. I guess that makes sense. "What's your opinion of evolution?"
Yeah. There is a surprising number of people in my class who really don't know how they feel about it.
@Anonymous Yes, but maybe a little midwestern actually. She sounds like my friend from Wisconsin in that clip.
@Mahnax You all are young yet, and probably don't have much experience thinking about science, much less about deeper concepts like evolution.
@KitFox Indeed.
At any rate, I have formed an opinion.
Oh. That was an interesting edit.
Did you delete a few lines?
I didn't feel that the last bit was really relevant at all.
I also have another question. I am looking for an English book about phrasal verbs but all books that I found were written by Irish or British people.
Is there any difference between phrasal verbs in American English and British English?
I'm not sure.
I don't think there's a noticeable difference.
does anybody else here like the Indigo Girls?
The what?
The Indigo Girls are an American folk rock music duo consisting of Amy Ray and Emily Saliers. They met in elementary school and began performing together as high school students in Decatur, Georgia, part of the Atlanta metropolitan area. They started performing with the name Indigo Girls as students at Emory University, performing weekly at The Dugout, a bar in the Emory Village. They released a self-produced, full-length record album in 1987 and contracted with a major record company in 1988. After releasing nine albums with major record labels from 1988 through 2007, they have now resum...
Hm, never listened to them.
I have never listened to them too.
too gay?
How could anything be too gay?
I like them.
@JSB when you say "too gay" I think about Jesse Tyler.
I don't think their music is very gay at all.
Not like the Village People or anything.
i knew i could count on @Kit to back me up here
do we agree that Swamp Ophelia is their best album?
@JSBձոգչ Because I'm queer, or for some other reason?
we like all the same music. it was obvious.
also, too gay
I might agree, but I can't remember any of those songs off the top of my head.
What's a "fake friend"?
Which album would I have listened to though, if not that one?
an Internet friend?
@cpx A person who pretends to be your friend but isn't?
Someone who pretends to be your friend when they are not really.
@KitFox um, i don't know? Swamp Ophelia is my favorite. their famous songs are from a whole bunch of different albums, though
@JSBձոգչ Oh, Rites of Passage, I think, was the one I listened to the most.
In that video, the teacher said "Can you ever think of a time when you might need a fake friend?"
My ex-gf Anna had all of their albums, so I heard lots of their stuff then.
@cpx Hmm. Maybe someone who was willing to pose as a friend?
@KitFox see? too gay.
FWIW, the indigo girls are much closer to my mental archetype of queerness than the Village People
Just because they are gay-ish and gay people listen to their music, it doesn't mean the music is gay.
I think I understand.
is there anything ish about their gayness? anyway, "earnest" and "folksy" are qualities that i associate with the actual gay people i know, as well as with the IG, while "campy" (as in the Village People) is something that belongs to the stereotype but which i've never really met in real life
Do you think of me as earnest and folksy?
owl interuption
@KitFox will you be upset if i say "yes"?
I'm not sure.
But I'm not gay anyway.
So I guess I shouldn't expect that.
I don't think anyone could think of me as earnest and folksy.
Certainly not folksy.
head on keyboard
maybe not folksy
it's not quite the word i'm thinking of anyway
What word should I use to call my gay friends which isn't "folksy", but is kind of like it if you squint and hold your head at the right angle?
I don't carve wood or paint cloth or anything.
do you garden?
"earthy" maybe?
that's probably closer
@JSBձոգչ Literally or figuratively?
@JSBձոգչ people who wear comfortable shoes? Oh. That's more than one word.
@KitFox Peoplewhowearcomfortableshoes.
Tole painting. That's what I was trying to think of earlier.
It would have been a lot funnier then.
it would have been even funnier if you said "toe painting"
hmm, you're right.
@JSB? Were you here when we were talking about the office supplies/sand story earlier?
@KitFox no
Good lord. Why did you let me break my site so badly?
User: I can't log in with the password you gave me.
Me: Your login is [this] and your password is [that].
User: It works! Thanks.
I didn't change a thing.
Happy Helsinki Day! (200 years as the capital, I'm told)
Oh! Well! Same to you.
@KitFox You're amazing.
Thanks. You missed our lovely chat.
Did you have a nice ride?
I've read some of the transcript
@KitFox It was OK, thanks
I'm trying to help drum up business for Writers, but I am afraid I am not very good at it.
you seem to be doing alright today :)
Too much time toe painting, I guess.
yes, that is a distracting activity
The problem is getting people to stay interested.
I can chat about random stuff, but I don't feel like I have much to contribute to the site, other than "Your writing is really awful."
And that's only for a few. Serious writers don't seem to ask many questions and I wouldn't have anything to say to them anyway.
is the main site doing alright?
I don't really know.
I like the idea of being involved in a Writers community, but I feel pretty awkward there.
ooo, even fewer questions per day than Cognitive Sciences
@KitFox that's only because you fear their judgement
don't worry about it!
"What is the term for a psychological effect which does not have a neurobiological/genetic basis?"
Uh. There is no such animal.
@MattЭллен I fear nothing!
@KitFox why?
"something Freud made up"?
@JSBձոգչ Why which?
@KitFox there are no psychological effects which are purely cognitive? (edited for clarity)
I want to write more, but I feel like a poser.
@JSBձոգչ they all have to come from somewhere in the CNS
There is no cognition without biology, no biology without genetics.
And no genetics without four little letters, so be good for goodness's sake.
@KitFox this guy is a poser. He can't write or draw for shit. You're way better than him, so you're no poser.
Well, five, really, but that's a technicality.
well, sure, but i think that the OP is probably trying to get at the difference between disorders which can be primarily based on neurochemical imbalances, and those which have much more to do with our cognition
by way of analogy, there are hardware bugs and then there are software bugs, and it's possible to distinguish them even though all software has to run on hardware
thinks about this
heh, I already up voted the question, so it must be good!
OK, I gather what you are saying but to use your analogy, the question sounds to me like "What is the term for hardware-independent software?"
Also, Ben Brocka ain't no fo'
He's got a diagonal band. I mean, that's pretty cool.
Oh. Oh. You said Ben Brocka not Paul Broca.
My bad.
@ArtemKaznatcheev true, there's always a neurobiological basis (if you're a proper reductionist) but I still wonder if there's a term to differentiate when you do only have that macro-level theory. — Ben Brocka Jan 31 at 14:19
@KitFox oh man, he has some mutton chops
Gah. What am I doing?
Stupid girl!
differential calculus?
I wish.
are you trying to tie your shoe laces with one arm behind your back?
No, no. I have that story rattling around in my head and I am trying to write page validation script.
Plus, I am annoyed with my father-in-law.
the upvoted answer gives the example of PTSD, which is a very good example of something which is not caused at the neurochemical level
Ah. I see. The etiology can differentiate the two categories. Sure, I could buy that.
It's still biological. It's all biological.
Did I ever mention that I was diagnosed with PTSD?
I don't think so
@KitFox it's still physics. it's all physics.
Have you gotten over it?
@JSBձոգչ And that's a beautiful thing.
@MattЭллен Well, I suppose. I'm not sure what "getting over it" would really mean.
Nor me, I guess
But I am not longer violent and suicidal.
So I guess that's a yes.
Actually, I feel quite normal now. Do I seem normal to you?
Hmm. My right pinky is acting short today.
@KitFox yes
Good. Excellent, in fact...
do I seem normal to you?
Yes. Well, as normal as Brits usually are.
But I would think that you might be depressed.
I am sure I think that about as accurately as I perceive your birth order.
maybe not too inaccurate. But then I've yet to actually see anyone about this sort of thing
Well, I have it on good authority that life is surfing, so I think you will be OK.
good, good :)
I can read your fortune sometime, if that would help. Guaranteed not to see the Reaper or send you to the Devil.
lol, good catch!
What in the name of all that is good and holy is going on with my g-deasley codez?
is it anything to do with robots?
> Feel a tickling sensation up your trouser leg? Watch out, it could be a robot
Robots, robots...OMG! I forgot to retrieve the evil robot I sent after you!
- New Scientist, 26th May 2012
hurriedly types some commands into her secret keypad
@KitFox damnit, and I thought Oxford was just suffering a plague of really bad drivers
Why? Why aren't you working, jQuery?
what's it not doing?
It's not paying any attention to my validation stuff.
And my datepickers aren't popping up.
does the error console say anything?
(ctrl+shift+j in firefox)
if you haven't looked at it in a while you probably should clear it and then try out your code
I don't understand what it is telling me. Hang on, let me try something else.
What's the difference between "I don't plan" vs. "I have no plan"?
E.g. I don't plan to stay here for long time.
Does it mean I never planned at all?
It's subtle. I'd say "I don't plan" means "I don't have an expectation" while "I have no plan" means "I am not prepared to"
But maybe not.
"I don't plan to stay here for a long time" sounds like you have a different plan in mind.
toodle pip you crazy kids! those drums won't hit themselves
"I don't plan to stay here for a long time because I want to move to Tennessee in the fall" for instance.
You wouldn't usually say "I have no plan to stay here for a long time because I want to move to Tennessee in the fall."
Also, "I have no plan" is more approximately equal to "I don't have a plan."
"I don't plan" is more like "I am not planning to" or "I don't intend to"
"I have no plan for rainy days" means you don't have a raincoat. "I don't plan for rainy days" means you don't think it is important or necessary to have a raincoat.
@MattЭллен Have fun! Thanks for ctl+shift+j.
I have no plan for rainy days, sounds like you have a raincoat but you don't have a plan for rainy days.
How does it suggest that If you have a raincoat or not?
How is Juliana?
She was our previous queen.
She was friendly and motherly.
It is a bit sad, really.
We've had three very different but excellent queens. Now we will get a king. And he may suck.
@cpx On a side note, if one does not plan then one cannot have a plan, and if one plans then one is expected to have a plan.
Today was a day for reading the transcript backwards, but I only got as far as jumping up and down about the Indigo Girls
smooch @aedia
@aediaλ Did you go gaming last night?
Swamp Ophelia and Rites of Passage are both their best albums
@KitFox Hiya!
@JasperLoy Yeah, and I felt a lot better once I had some food and got away from the stoopid w*^$, too.
We played... uhh, let me think.
Today I stated in public that I was queer. It felt rather queer.
Edo, Seven Wonders, Dixit, Resistance.
Not in that order.
dreams about gaming
@KitFox There is nothing queer about being queer. QED.
@KitFox That makes you both a dreamer and a gamer.
It's sometimes weird to say aloud, innit?
I don't usually.
@aediaλ It's weird to say anything aloud in public.
Not any more frequently than I say that I'm white or poor, anyway.
Imagine you suddenly say Boo Thwack Jinx!
Boomalacka boomalacka whack whack whack!
I said some other internet thing to my husband and he didn't know it and I felt weird.
I can't remember what it was, but I thought he would know it, but he didn't, and it was totally awkward. Just like... I don't know, maybe I said "totes" aloud or something.
Oh, natch.
Not the shower caddy kind, but, like, you know, totally.
@KitFox I am suddenly doubled over laughing thinking of you standing on a chair, draped in a rainbow flag, playing whack-a-mole and shouting to everyone. Not that I can clearly picture you, but I can't stop laughing...
Oh dear.
I think I've only done two of those things.
"Get used to it! We queers go to Chuck-E-Cheese too, you know!"
That's just the sound that Ankylosaurus makes when he's drumming on his hard-shelled back.
giggles even more uncontrollably
wipes eyes
So I am writing a story about office supplies and sand. Do you want to read the first bit?
I was in such a grump this morning and all this insanity just came out at once.
@KitFox Yes!
It says apologies, but page not found?
I have yet to get to the office supplies or the sand, but I will.
Oh. Hang on a sec.
And the password is meowkitty.
I like it.
I like her name, but I found it distracting at the same time, because of the store.

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