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So it seems that the average Turk does not understand the Qur'an at all if he should attempt to read it.
Nor will he understand what the Imam recites, for the most part.
@Cerberus right, but of course Turkish isn't an arabic language at all.
Indeed not.
@Cerberus The funny thing about fatwas: since there is generally no centralized organization to Islam, anyone can essentially issue a fatwa. Whether it is taken seriously or not by other muslims is TBD.
It is Turkic.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I know.
i should ask my muslim friend from West Africa what he does. i'm pretty sure they read and pray in arabic, but the imams preach in the local language (Sooninke or Wolof)
Oh, dear!
I issue a fatwa! Don't eat cheese after 9pm if you're going to go to bed soon thereafter.
Oh, noes!
@MattЭллен wisdom! let us attend!
What ever shall I do now?
What about shell fish?
Or was it scaled fish?
Are the shell fish cheese?
Wait, let me consult my holy book about that.
If the shell fish are cheese, they fall under the fatwa
shellfish are not cheese!
But I am lazy. I will just wait for a fatwa from the Great Mufti of Oxfordshire.
I say we attack the evil Ulema of Cambridgeshire(?) and destroy the heretics!
Violence is the atheist way!
Atheists issue fatwas, right?
They just have.
What does "transport" means in this context:
> The similarity between mg2 and mn2 appears to be poorest in the context of transport.
getting/moving things around
Are they transport proteins?
Umm, I don't know.
Oh. That's manganese and magnesium ions, I'd bet.
But doesn't some scripture claim that ants are mammals?
They must have different transmembrane transport mechanisms.
@KitFox Yes? That's it.
@Robusto Haha no doubt.
^ this ought to brighten your morning
@Robusto so, does that make them cheese?
Oh noes.
Hey sup?
@Robusto i find that intuitively unlikely, since the concept of "mammal" is a modern concept.
@MattЭллен Only mammals produce milk, right? And you need milk for cheese.
it's true!
@JSBձոգչ I can't remember where I heard it. I'm Googling furiously now, so far without success.
@Giorgiomastrò no cheese after 9pm. we're preparing for war with Cambridgeshire
@MattЭллен What, no cheese? And you call yourself an Englishman?
@Robusto as much as I can eat before 9pm. it's just afterwards
@MattЭллен When will the match start?
Do Englishmen really eat before 9pm?
@Robusto probably. There's nothing in the scriptures forbidding it
@MattЭллен But have you ever observed that behavior in the wild?
@Gigili at high noon on the thirteenth day of the seventh month
@Robusto Not personally. I've heard tell from the brave field anthropologists of such things as pasties at lunch time
@MattЭллен Well, a meat pie is the perfect accompaniment to the midday pint(s). But we would hardly call that eating. And the proper English breakfast is enough to curdle your arteries, of course.
@MattЭллен Oh right, today evening.
@MattЭллен Oh. Could we start a little later? I have family visiting that day.
But I'm speaking about supper before 9pm. It just isn't done, from what I can tell.
I am speechless.
Christians think of the darnedest things.
@KitFox I think I can shift it to late afternoon. I'll change the details on Facebook.
After tea?
Or a tea pause would be required.
@Matt: Have I ever shown you the tea scene from Astérix?
Did you read Astérix as a child?
> if our pets will be resurrected or not, we just can not say for sure.
(Or as an adult.)
@KitFox That is sad. How about boy toys?
Perhaps you already know it?
@Cerberus yes many months ago did we discuss this :)
Ah OK.
> In the Book of Job, dinosaur-like creatures are mentioned and so they appear to have existed at the same time that Adam and Eve and their descendants existed.
makes notes
That's what I thought, but I cannot trust my memory.
Yes I've seen it and I did read Asterix as a child.
It proves that even the French have a sense of humour.
I just saw an answer and was thinking how stupid the answerer could be ... When did I answer that question? It's silly.
It was your own answer?
> The flood may have been the reason that many of the dinosaurs died out. Even the sea creatures would have died since many of their prey could have perished in the flood.
I'll delete it. But ... what about that +10?
@KitFox oh, that line again
Mar 8 at 16:33, by Cerberus
I posted the Asterix bit where the Brits drink tea, didn't I?
@JSBձոգչ I think it's funny.
But I've always found religion confusing.
@MattЭллен Wow! Amnesia?
@KitFox A 100-tonne plesiosaur would of course hunt for land-bound prey.
@Cerberus Don't get me started on the evil ducks.
@MattЭллен Haha I keep repeating myself, huh.
@Gigili it's just that Cerb is so smart some of the trivial things fall out of his heads
Lunch. BBL
@KitFox The evil ducks...like Donald?
@MattЭллен So being smart is not as good as I thought. I have important things in my head.
@MattЭллен Ohh yes!
Donald's evil self.
@Gigili well, I'm sure the important things will stick!
Hey I have a question.
Bah, Ukraine vs. Sweden. Boring.
When I call a certain number that starts with an asterisk, my mobile provider tell me how much money I still have on my pre-paid card.
But what happens when I call is that a message pops up on my phone directly.
No actual call happens.
And no sms or anything.
Just a balloon tooltip.
How is that possible? And what is it called?
Q: Of or relating to Omniscience

NateDSaintI'm looking for a word that relates to the concept of omniscience, and I swear I've seen it in use before but every spelling I've tried appears to be not a word. Here are the examples I'm trying to find in various dictionaries and literary searches: omniscion omnition omnision All of these ...

Huh? I don't get the second line.
i can't figure out what the hell this guy wants
@Cerberus services messages are probably treated differently
@MattЭллен Oh, a service message...and that can directly give me a system message?
It is kind of cool.
And efficient.
@Cerberus Yeah, I guess so. It must be catered for in your phone somehow
or your sim
well, both I suspect
@MattЭллен My phone is several years older than my mobile provider. What does that say?
Isn't there some standard?
Do you ever get this?
@Cerberus I don't know for sure, but I would guess so
@Cerberus I don't pay enough attention to my phone :D I get more missed calls than received ones. Any message I won't notice until a while later
I'm going to get me this SIM-only plan that allows me to call 550 minutes (or send 550 text messages, or use 550 MB of data) monthly for € 9,25. Yay!
This month so far: 21 outgoing calls, 12 incoming, 14 missed.
I've never used my phone as little as the past year or so.
@JSBձոգչ If the OP explains, then OK. Otherwise, close and delete with prejudice. after giving the OP a chance to fix.
Hi @Mahnax.
@Cerberus you used to use it a lot more?
How is everyone?
@MattЭллен Yes. I used to have several plans, allowing about 1500 minutes a month, so more than 24 hours.
@Mahnax good thanks. How's your day?
@Cerberus ah, so I take it you were involved in nefarious deeds that need lots of coordination!
Now I am just stealthier.
@MattЭллен It's OK.
I have to write an oral presentation for French.
I sell dog children as slaves to pet owners.
Ahh better practice on your accent!
You can rehearse it for us.
@MattЭллен Ö*
Yeah. We'll be a willing audience
@Gigili :D
Oh I see you've issued a fatwa even thought you're in no place to do it.
I'm right here. It's very much a place
Are all atheists ignorant like that?
Atheists are ignorant in many ways. Some may overlap
@MattЭллен s/atheists/humans/g
but mostly about cheese.
@MattЭллен You're too small to be considered in a place.
@Cerberus The people in my class say hello to you.
Bonjour, non?
@Mahnax Bonjour aussi à eux!
As your teacher whether that is correct.
@Cerberus He doesn't think so.
His French isn't perfect, though.
But he is your French teacher?
This is his first time teaching French in years, apparently.
He usually teaches Social Studies.
Ah OK.
> ... de Malte à Marseille (un grand bonjour à eux d'ailleurs, si certains sont sur le forum) puis dans l'Aube, j'ai été à la Protection Civile (bonjour aussi à eux).
Perhaps it is informal or slangy.
En tous cas, c'est une belle langue.
@Cerberus Oui.
That's religion for you.
@Cerberus such a beautiful tongue
Well, I've got to run.
@MattЭллен Oui, vraiment.
toodle pip
What ho, Horatio?
Q: Meaning of “give a pony”

GiorgiomastròI came across this phrase while reading an article by Paul Krugman on the New York Times website. Here's the quotation (boldface added): . . . non-GIPSI [the group of Eurozone nations—Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland—that are grappling with the debt crisis, my note] European leaders sh...

Am I just terribly out of line on the comments on this question?
Um, really? Is everyone so very clueless about the desire to have a pony?
Originally the well-upvoted Urban Dictionary non-answer had the checkmark, and told nothing of the story.
Apparently a lot of (in my reading) non-native English Speakers are answering and upvoting something that actually requires full idiomatic understanding.
Well, I guess that shouldn't surprise me.
Nor me.
But so many people get so touchy when you try to explain to them that quoting other headlines/articles does not explain a meme ... apparently.
Well, sure it does. I have a link here that explains that...hang on, let me find it...
So @jcolebrand, what can I do to fix my users?
lol, hell if I know
Like the cat with 30+ upvotes. Wherein did he explain what it means to "give us a pony"?
I may be missing it, but nothing there says "this is what it means to be given a pony"
But like I told him, he's trusting the mob that provides upvotes by fickle decision to prove that he's correct.
I think it's a her, innit?
But I understand. I had a similar go-around with a user once.
We seriously need a third person neutral pronoun for him/her that does not devolve to it and still maintains that we realize the humanity of the person, without choosing a gender.
I was trying to help, suggesting that the answer could be improved with some specific references to something or other. And he edited with something else, and I said "that's nice but..." and all hell broke loose.
until then, as with most languages, the masculine wins out.
Haha. I was just thinking that the picture looks like a woman to me.
Gah. I can't stand my users today.
They keep putting all this data in my nice data structures, but the trouble is, I don't believe them. They are lying to me with their data. Bad users! Naughty users!
@KitFox never trust a user.
Seriously, these users expect me to believe that there was no school 74 days this year. Really? Do I look dumb?
the only good user is a dead user.
how can you tell that a user is lying? their lips are moving.
what do you call 2,000 users at the bottom of the ocean? a good start.
etc etc.
They just don't realize what they are doing to me.
I am going to give this data to my project lead and he is going to doubt it.
Then he will want me to redesign the system to prevent users from spuriously using "No school" as a miss reason.
@KitFox Hahaha.
@JSBձոգչ Oh those are good too.
spanks users at bottom of sea
Just in case you're curious:
@Jed Hi! What brings you over here?
Hahaha. Sometimes I really amuse myself.
I just spent ten minutes trying to figure out why my subquery wasn't joining properly.
I had a parenthesis reversed. I can honestly say I've never made that mistake before.
You mean )like this(?
@KitFox Oh, nothing really. Answered a question. Thought I'd pop in while I was here
Well. I see.
shifts awkwardly
Stupid key.
@Reg @Cerb 3 days in and… i.imgur.com/2RPwD.png
@Vitaly I am so hot for you, sneakypants.
@KitFox Oh! You missed him? I starred his semi-funny line for all to see his resurrection.
@Vitaly You are Warmaster? What is that? I suppose I should congratulate you!
Jun 7 at 1:46, by Kosmonaut
You ought to have starred this one!
@Cerberus It's the rank below Officer and above Member. There are only 2 Officers out of 50 highly active players, and ~35 members.
@KitFox I tried to wait for line that was actually funny.
@Vitaly OK, cool. So what does it entail?
You can start wars.
Wreak havoc.
more than anything it entails that I managed to advance faster than the guy right below me who was with them for a year :P
I expect no less.
Mostly because I anticipate that you do not breathe through your mouth unless you have a cold.
Nor I.
Interestingly, I just shifted once again into assuming that Vitaly is organic.
Starting wars is quite a privilege.
ponders this
A dangerous mistake.
Is it?
It seems to be helping my libido.
I find that advantageous.
@JSBձոգչ The last time you told me never trust a hat.
Is that awkward?
I'd say that I dislike being socially awkward, but I haven't the couth for that.
I have no idea what you are saying, but I guess that's the point.
@MattЭллен Is that just a random funny pic?
saw it on facebook, thought I'd share
although, it might go well in that other chat room...
Maybe the guy above is Robusto.
@MattЭллен The penthouse?
no, the one about wanting a pony
800 more rep to become trusted user.
@KitFox I once got into an argument on main with a Horatio.
Hello @jed!
Aww that's sweet.
@MattЭллен Aren't these people a little old for pony play?
Hi @Robusto!
How are you feeling today?
he's feeling robust, as always
I started a new short story, but can't decide if I want it to be funny or not.
What do you guys think?
@KitFox how about writing it and leaving it up to the reader to decide if it's funny?
No, I mean I can't decide if I want to write something funny or not.
If it is funny, it should be really funny.
I don't care if the reader thinks it is funny.
If it is only mildly amusing, there should also be a serious part to it to carry the story.
Hmm. Maybe I should write about something else then.
Why don't you choose a topic for me to tell you a story about?
How about office supplies?
looks @Cerberus archly
@MrShiny? Do you want to hear a story about office supplies and sand?
I mean, if Dostoevsky could write interesting stories about the daily lives of civil servants...
It's just another writing exercise.
It doesn't have to be a work of art.
Oh, then a boring topic can actually be a nice challenge.
But I have to go now.
OK, bye.
Good luck!
Hot water fixed?
Not that I know of.
Still at school.
You didn't patch into the repair company's database and see if the tech reported completion status yet?
Kids these days.
I don't even know what company it is.
I'm sorry that I disappoint you.
Heaven forfend.
You are the least of my disappointments today.
Oh. Wait. That didn't come out right.
Eh, whatever.
How's your day been?
I have naughty users and I am tired and making stupid mistakes.
It is also nice outside and I don't want to be here today.
How about you? School must almost be done for the summer, eh?
@KitFox sorry, I was on the phone. That could be a funny story though.
I will write a funny story about office supplies and sand.
@KitFox Aww.
@KitFox Just a week left.
Do you have finals? Or do you spend the time staring out the window and fidgeting?
I do have finals, but they are next week.
I have some this week too, but none today.
@Mahnax Good luck!
@JasperLoy Thank you!
@KitFox Good. I may be over the hump on this thing.
Oh, that's great!
That's a pretty quick recovery. Are you feeling mobile?
I already have done a little driving on back roads. So far no problem.
Well, don't push yourself too hard, eh?

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