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@RegDwigнt I guess they should have labeled it "Blockflöte"?
@RegDwigнt That's always good advice.
@RegDwigнt The trouble is, if you play A 380 you will be playing a G, and a flat one at that. Something between a G and an F#.
When I told you that story I mentioned that my teacher referenced "a 747," which would have been a sharp F# an octave above.
But 747s can go even higher.
@Robusto that would have left me utterly clueless. At that point in my life I wasn't aware that you could put dots on an O. At best I would have taken that to mean the whole book was authored by Puff the Magic Dragon writing in his phantasy tongue.
@Robusto yeah I remembered it was a 747, but Boeing doesn't pay any of my bills and Airbus pays all of them, so I always product-place them every chance I get.
I figure your bills are all paid for by Sharp.
Funny, I've never bookmarked a conversation. I've always relied on the kindness of the search, plus my memory.
@RegDwigнt I guess maybe you should push for them to build an A440 so that they can play in tune with everyone else.
2 hours later…
@MarkFoskey: Except in cases of severe requirements for brevity (and then usually only in print), editors and headline writers don't use a word simply because it's short. They use it because it's strong (which is what the OP asked for). They keep the strong words and cut the weak ones. And if avoid were stronger than shun, you may be sure avoid would have been used instead. But it wasn't, because it isn't. — Robusto 2 mins ago
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (68): Grammys 2019 Live Stream by alamin likhon on english.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, toxic body detected (260): How to get big penis by james on english.SE
1 hour later…
8 hours later…
hello! I have a question in using the em dash, can I use it to emphasize the following word/phrase after?

For example:

Some dance -- some sing.

and is it grammatically acceptable instead of "some dance while some sing"?

Thank you in advance!
If I have two arguments, can I say 'Considering both the positive and the negative argument' (singular)?
Hi @anto
Hi @antonio, sorry, is that a question for me?
@Robusto is this still going on? Hilarious.
@Robusto I dunno, they've been working on an A400 for decades and it's still a dud. God only knows how long it would take them to tune it even higher.
@Pennf0lio: it was intended to everyone willing to answer
I see. I think 'arguments' should be in plural form
1 hour later…
This just in. I am now officially as popular as Despacito, Zequinha de Abreu, and Careless Whisper.
Ever since I sang in duet with George Michael, I knew one day I would reach his heights.
4 hours later…
Man, Tantacrul sure follows all the exact same channels that I follow. And watches them all 24/7 just like I do.
Every time I click on a video that says "NEW 5 minutes ago", he's already in the comments with a thousand upvotes to his name.
Like this one just now:
> Cohen built a reputation as Trump’s loyal bulldog.
Why do I still see shit like that in Google Chrome? It's 20-fucking-19. Why can't we all just use UTF-8 and be done with all this ’ bullshit?
This is a Google Mail issue in Google Chrome, period. If you go to the link (washingtonpost.com/graphics/2019/politics/…) you don't see that shit.
@RegDwigнt You really need a new hobby. You should ... I don't know ... take up the violin or something?
@RegDwigнt I really don't get the animosity toward that answer. It's like they think I'm dangerously wrong, that if anybody finds that answer useful it will mean the fall of Western Civilization.
@RegDwigнt Wait, you were part of Wham?
@Robusto I see the weird signs in Firefox.
At least in your chat line.
@Robusto not to worry, I only do this after Kreutzer has ruined my left hand for the day.
@Robusto no, I wasn't in Wham. But I was in this:
@Robusto it's the law of large numbers. You've been multicollider'd. I blame Demi Moore.
Percentage-wise, it's just business as usual.
Get a hundred views, get a downvote. Get a hundred thousand views, get a thousand downvotes.
@Robusto Not quite correct. If I go to that link, it tells me to pay $90 to uphold a free press.
I don't think the free press understands what "free" means.
@RegDwigнt As you should. You've been freeloading on a free press for a long time now. Time to pay up, deadbeat.
@RegDwigнt I thought that was more a guideline than a rule.
@Cerberus Yes, because I copied it directly and pasted it. I don't know where things went wrong, but they did. Maybe because of how Chrome handles character encoding (tools to deal with which have been removed, sad to say).
Google is turning into Microsoft. Time for an upstart company to come in and eat their lunch.
Time to use Firefox.
@Robusto you've been investing billions in your presidential campaigns for decades. How's that turning up.
@Robusto why are you channeling Geoffrey Rush in The Curse of Black Pearl now. Is this the new fad?
Q: Pecipitation.. present tense

RichardIt's pecipitating. I can't tell if it's rain or sleet. But it's doing something precipitous.. precipitive? which is it?

I don't know that I would seek to use a fancy word if I consistently failed at spelling it a mere two letters in.
That would kind of defeat my whole plan of trying to appear smart.
It amazes me how sloppy some people can be.
And that's coming from a very sloppy speller!
I might even say, I shun words that I can't spell. But as we've learned with @Rob's generous help, that would make me appear like a pineapple who's read the Bible.
Which is true of course but that's the whole point. I'm trying to be unkongito here.
@Cerberus did you mean speller or did you mean teller? I can't tell. Or I can't spell? Fuck, this language is hard.
Anyway. Whatever you do, don't copy that sloppy.
That is unfortunately not my profession.
Can't relate at all. I'm a professional professional.
@RegDwigнt More of a processional professional. In the peripatetic sense.
@Cerberus There is a word "pecipitating" ... it's spoken by two-year-olds. And it doesn't mean what you think.
Is it from pecus, cattle?
@Cerberus No. It's an inability in an infant to say precipitating.
Oh, really.
@Robusto still says "90 dollars".
And TBH that's not very good writing IMHO.

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