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Just a matter of time now till it swaps over here.
1 hour later…
Well damn, it's here already. That was quick.
My street looks just like that now.
@RegDwigнt Muwaha. Ha.
2 hours later…
@Cerberus, @RegDwigнt, you and your pathetic little snows.
There's a snowstorm. And that is a mailbox that's about chest high during the summer months.
Fortunately, however, Robusto doesn't live there anymore.
Where I am now we occasionally get a dusting. Once we got about a centimeter.
So now that I have demonstrated my snow dominance, I shall retire from the field of battle and go to bed. Which is my way of saying this is much adieu about nothing.
1 hour later…
@Robusto At least you could get your letters!
7 hours later…
@Robusto see, our snow is in for the long haul. It takes its time. It will take lives. It plays its hand. Yours just goes all in, shock and awe, and then doesn't know what to do once it's there. So it just lies around cuddling itself like the loser that it is.
Our snow rid us of Napoleon and Hitler. Yours can't even rid you of an orange.
@Cerberus also, my snow comes with an Australian Shepherd. I win.
1 hour later…
@RegDwigнt Hitler and Napoleon took one look at our snow and decided, like Falstaff, that discretion was the better part of valor. Also, that was just one storm in a line of storms that hit twice a week for the entire winter. So I win.
@RegDwigнt BTW, pix or it didn't happen.
@Cerberus Nice entrance!
2 hours later…
@Robusto I did take pix of my street last night. But then wisely reconsidered posting them in a public forum. I did post the above image of my backyard though, but apparently you don't watch my shit.
@Robusto you still have the orange. You may call that a victory all you want. Indeed, that is how you got him in the first place.
@RegDwigнt Ours is already gone!
It's 2 degrees now.
Well of course. The tide came and washed it away. No news there.
And 8 praedicted for to-morrow.
@Robusto Merci!
@RegDwigнt That street I posted was my friend's...
I don't have friends so the only street I can post is mine.
Then who is that in your picture?
That is a dog. Sounds more like a friend to you.
Dogs are good friends.
A man's best, they suggest.
Yeah if you feed them.
Even if they hunt for food for you.
This dog never brought me a martini.
Maybe tie a note to it when you send it out next time.
It's not mine. I only waste money on feeding it.
Food good.
1 hour later…
> La mayoría de nosotros tenemos la costumbre de desgranar la haba y desechar la vaina, salvo las mas tiernas y pequeñas que se suelen hacer con vaina, y en honor a la verdad es que cuando se desgranan las habas el "desperdicio" de vainas es enorme en comparación con los granos, pero como todo el mundo lo hace así y esa es la costumbre, esa es la ley. Con lo que cada vez que lo hacía tenía un sentimiento de culpabilidad y remordimiento por no poder aprovechar todo aquello...

Hace ya algún tiempo hablando con un señor de murcia me comentaba que en su casa solían consumir también la vaina
Ellipses are some sort of ...
And hardly limited to English, alas.
Then again, she forgot to capitalize Murcia, so it’s probably just written textspeak again.
Don't blame me. Blame jovegren, who's gone shelling his fabes.
A: Reported / indirect speech - why no backshift

jlovegrenThis goes to the distinction between tense and aspect: when you use an inflected form of have + [past participle], the primary marking is perfective aspect: you are saying that as of some time, a particular action being referred to had been completed, and its completion is relevant at the referen...

Wait, she wrote la haba. That's wrong. It’s feminine yes but it's compulsory to swap definite articles for euphonic reasons, so el haba cruda etc. So yes, that's just random uncurated interdrivel with all the ellipses.

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