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> The film was shot in 2D and converted to 3D using software, which means you're actually drooling over a 2D image of Scarlett Johansson's arse wrapped around a wireframe model of an arse that isn't there.
Why didn't they shoot it in 3D?
what an overrated arse
indeed. Although I wasn't planning on the 3D experience. I don't find it adds anything
@Cerberus probably because it's way more expensive, plus they were using CGI up the wazoo, so why bother filming in 3D?
> Surprisingly, Dan stated that they had changed DC’s policy in this regard. And they ae about to reintroduce a previously existing DC character who was previously straight and now will be “one of our most prominent gay characters.”
Computer Generated Images
Ah yes.
@Cerberus what is this related to?
How cool are super heroes if they're gay?
Strange move.
@MattЭллен Random news linked from a Dutch newspaper I happened to be reading.
But apparently super heroes are of interest to our papers too.
@Cerberus I see
clearly, you didn't get the memo that everything is cooler if it's gay
Is that so?
But being gay doesn't exactly fit into the super-hero stereotype.
all the cool kids are being gay these days
it's the new hotness
what is the stereotype, pray tell?
@Cerberus with regards to this specifically, i think that the comics people are trying to get away from the traditional superhero stereotypes
But but...
whether this is a good idea, or whether it even matters, is a different question
It is like having pensive, indecisive super heroes.
It's just not something one would typically associate with them.
@Cerberus yeah, this is totally not your genre :D
we've had those for ages. spiderman is the poster child
What about that nice, gay couple of superheros?
They've been around for ages.
Have they?
@KitFox which couple?
Batman and Robin?
@MattЭллен I guess I am not.
Let me think.
There were two guys with wings. What comic was that?
@Cerberus depending on how you define pensive, if you mean like Dawson's Creek, then just look at the X-Men
It's on the tip of my tongue.
The Authority.
@KitFox that's from His Dark Materials
Midnighter and Apollo.
never heard of them, but they sound pretty gay
They're married.
@MattЭллен So they are pensive?
Been around since 1999.
the x-men are super pensive and angsty and shit
@Cerberus yeah, lots of thinking and talking and such
No wings though. I remembered it wrong.
By the way, have you noticed that this video was blocked for 24 hours, until it was unblocked just now?
And anyway, everybody knows that DC is for n00bs and Marvel is where the real shit is at.
I did.
Well, I'm glad it's available again
Unless you are talking about Vertigo, which is DC's line of comics for people with an IQ greater than room temperature.
19? That's not much.
yess! I have an IQ greater than room temp
now i want to invent celsius-scaled IQ
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Make that 25.
It's freaking hot in here.
what I need is IQ greater then room temp in Kelvin
I thought it was just as hot in Germany?
@MattЭллен o_O
But now it's time for me to go. You all were great; we had an awesome show.
@MattЭллен Which room? The room where research into low-temperature superconducting was carried out?
You too, bye!
@Cerberus your room
When I share with you, it makes the time just fly. Now I must say...
@KitFox CU!
@MattЭллен Believe me, you do not want to be here.
I wish I lived on the north pole.
No Dutch television there, that much's fo sho.
I would have internet access on the north pole, though.
@Cerberus Um, what? You don't usually have snow in winter and yet your room temp isn't 30 Celsius without air conditioning like I got a couple days ago?
That is so not fair.
@Vitaly Then you should go live on an island!
It's not my fault that you decided to isolate yourself at the centre of some huge land mass.
@Vitaly Yet there is hope.
I just hope that the peat-bog-smoke event doesn't happen again within my lifetime.
Yeah, that sounded terrible.
When I had to disable my air conditioning, move elsewhere for a couple days, and return home, it was 38 Celsius inside.
eyes bulging
At least you have a/c.
I do have a mobile unit.
But I lost the hose.
By the way, do you have any idea what your monthly a/c cost is?
As in electricity.
What's your total bill?
Mine's about € 60.
But electricity is extremely expensive here.
And that € 60 includes gas.
Well, mine's somewhere around that figure, too. Electricity isn't expensive here (though I have no idea what you Europeans consider expensive), but I always have a few computers running 24/7.
I pay € 0,23 / kWh.
I try to turn off my computer at night, but I often fail.
I pay € 0,60 or so per m3 gas.
@Cerberus Are you sure?!
Went over it a thousand times, calculated my bills, etc.
That is expensive. € 0.07 / kWh here, unless I messed up while converting RUR to EUR.
No, that's probably correct.
It is very expensive here.
What do you pay for gas?
@Cerberus Nothing.
Here are some prices. Apparently they have dropped a bit since last year, so they are around € 0,20 / kWh now.
You don't use gas?
Or is it free?
There's no gas here, and I don't see why anyone would need it anyway.
I guess you don't strictly need it, but it is much cheaper than electricity here per joule.
Though I seem to remember that people living in the older houses that have gas need to pay more per kWh.
So I use gas for heating, hot water, and cooking.
@Vitaly Are you sure they pay gas per kWh? We pay per m3.
@Cerberus Electricity. If your building has gas, you pay more for electricity. If your building doesn't have gas, you pay less for electricity.
Hmm I guess that is a communist thing?
No idea.
I believe you have lots of gas like us.
So it should be cheaper.
my gas bill converts the cost into kWh
4 cubic metres is 44 kWh
Ah, OK. And how much do you pay per kWh?
You pay the same per kWh for gas and electricity?
Q: What is wrong with "Where should this car be parked?"?

Stat-RWhy does Microsoft Word 2010 show an error for the following sentence? 1. Where should this car be parked? Word 2010 also suggests changing the sentence to 2. Where this car should be parked? Is the sentence (1) wrong? If yes, why? What about sentence (2)?

Oh come on. This got autocollidered?
Silly thing.
Only silly things get autocollidered. But I thought this was just too silly.
Saying that to the MC is like telling the Joker he is too jocular.
If that's the sort of crap getting autocollidered, then I want the thing gone.
The MC, the question, or both?
I'd say both, in this case.
But I meant the MC.
> Microsoft Word says that this sentence is wrong <sentence that is fine>…
Well Microsoft Word doesn't know what it's talking about, so there.
What is the rule/function/threshold for getting on the multiple-collider?
It's a complicated combo of many factors.
Votes, views, number of answers, number of votes on those.
Matched against, of course, how old the question is.
And then, to level the playing field for all sites, once a question from any site is on the MC, any other question from the same site that would normally get on the MC at the same time gets a penalty. A third question gets an even higher penalty. And so on.
For fun, some day, we should attempt to make a completely BS question hit the multicollider.
You mean like every day?
Well, I mean on purpose.
And by BS I mean worse than our usual autocollided garbage.
We could inquire into the suitability of certain adjectives for JA?
Well I could ask the spouse question again.
What kind of phone do you have?
I am guessing an old one?
I think I asked you before.
Yes, you have.
Actually this is the first time in decades that my phone is more than 2 years old.
But actually I forgot. I thought it was an Iphone, but then I think it wasn't.
I kind of hate the touchscreen crap.
So I'm sticking with my old Sony Ericsson.
Really? So why did you buy new phones so frequently in the past?
And what's wrong with touch screens?
Who said anything about frequently?
Every two years is quite frequent.
A contract runs for 24 months. If you renew, you get a new phone if you wish. I wished.
Why did you not get SIM-only contracts?
Because those are rubbish and cost too much.
Probability is 90 % that you are talking rubbish.
Well I'm serious. Even my wife is about to switch.
Have you looked into prices and compared them?
I mean, did you do so every time your contract ended in the past?
@Cerberus yeah right. You got me. For the last 13 years, I was just too stupid to compare the prices.
I had not heard of a country yet where anything was cheaper than SIM-only. But my apologies if I underestimated you.
As a matter of fact, I told you that I was paid for anonymously test shopping in phone stores.
Hmm yes, I remember.
So SIM only was not cheaper in Germany? How extraordinary.
So not only did I compare the prices at least once every two years for myself, I got paid to compare them much more often.
Why would anyone get SIM only, then?
BRB mosquito.
@Cerberus because you have to be 18 to sign a contract, but any child can buy a SIM.
And it's precisely children and teens with whom prepaid is popular. Adults have contracts.
Plus, adults don't mind keeping the same phone for 24 months or even more.
Teens change their phones like they change friends.
Why are you talking about pre-paid?
Oh, you are not?
Hmm I can't find a German Wiki article.
A SIM-only plan means you get a contract but no phone, so it is much cheaper than with a free phone.
Why Wiki? Go visit t-mobile.de, compare the prices.
@Cerberus ah that.
Well yes of course that's cheaper, by definition.
Then there was a misunderstanding.
Buying a separate phone + a SIM-only plan is normally (much) cheaper than getting the same phone with a plan.
That depends on the phone.
So the "free" phone actually means you pay, say, € 1200 for an Iphone if you add everything up.
But they openly tell you that.
At least in the stores I've been in.
They tell you, hey, you pay 5 Euro extra every month, that adds up to 120 Euro, so if your phone is cheaper than that, buy it separately.
By the way, what do they call a SIM-only plan in the Hinterland?
The providers have all kinds of funky names that they change every ten months or so.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Oh, really? In most cases here, you pay hundreds more than the value of the phone as calculated if you buy the phone on line, so not at double the price in a store that sells plans.
The German market is oversaturated.
Every German, on average, has 2 mobile contracts.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Of course, but there is no commonly used name for a plan without a phone?
Okay, now I am going to check out some plans on T-mobile.de.
@Cerberus not that I know of, which is why I misunderstood you in the first place. The moment you said "SIM-only" I thought, ah, prepaid. I am certain most if not all Germans would react the same.
Yes, I understand now.
My wife had prepaid. Now that her phone has died, we did a lot of comparing and visiting shops, online and brick-and-mortar alike.
She will be getting a contract without a phone. The phone she already bought last week.
So yeah. From prepaid to SIM-only.
I think on the contracts that were most attractive to her, the difference between getting a phone or not was 10 Euro, in fact. Not five.
Per month.
And since she didn't want anything fancy, it was obviously cheaper to buy the phone separately.
I think she paid around 90 Euro.
But again, that's something we wouldn't even have to think of ourselves; the guy in the very first T mobile shop we visited did the math for us. Unsolicited.
Did this guy base the price for the hypothetical phone on what it would cost in his shop, or on the internet (new, of course, in a respectable webshop)?
Do you see how relative the "price" of a phone is?
You can buy the same phone for nearly twice as much in a different shop.
He didn't base anything on anything. He just said that she'd be paying 240 Euro over the course of 24 months. So if we buy a phone that's cheaper than that, we should buy it separately. Obviously we are free to buy the phone wherever we wish, and to compare the prices.
So you based the comparison of the price of this phone your wife wanted on what?
What do you mean? We went to X places and checked the price.
Which phone is it?
And did you look on line?
Experia x10 mini. I guess.
@Cerberus of course.
I don't understand your questions.
All right, all right, just checking.
And what what she pay for it?
What is this obsession with my wife's saving money (or not)?
It should cost around € 97.
7 mins ago, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
I think she paid around 90 Euro.
Ah OK.
I can ask for the precise figure.
No, don't bother.
I missed that line.
She actually says 80-something, but is too lazy to search for the receipt.
I think it might have been 89.
So wen you said, "[h]e didn't base anything on anything. He just said that she'd be paying 240 Euro over the course of 24 months. So if we buy a phone that's cheaper than that, we should buy it separately", does this mean that she could pick any phone at his shop?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 No, that's fine, that is a good price.
@Cerberus Well, any of those they had. Which wasn't too many. Which is why we checked many other places.
So did they have expensive phones?
Sure. Hundreds of Euros.
We didn't even check those, obviously.
She could have got one of those and sold it.
But I am pretty sure we saw several at 699+.
And make a handsome profit.
If she was allowed to get that phone for € 240 with the plan.
How many minutes does her plan have, and what does she pay monthly?
Well every phone has a separate one-time price in addition to the 10 Euro/month.
But in any case the system is completely backwards. They should just go away with all the subsidies altogether and sell everything at face value.
It would make comparing so much easier. Which is why they'll never make it happen.
Same for plans.
It sucks.
Every provider has easily dozens of plans.
But we're so much better off than North-Americans.
Probably hundreds, depending on how you count.
Same here. All bullshit.
I just want to pay a low, flat rate per MB, and calls should be converted to MB.
Or a low price for unlimited as with landline internet.
Every now and then, some provider will pretend to make things drastically simpler. Except that they will still have a dozen plans. And two months later hundreds again.
So how many minutes does your wife have, and what does she pay monthly?
Just curious.
Well we are still trying to figure that out.
She still has prepaid.
Apparently, Austria is much cheaper than either of our countries.
And the first thing I told her was, we must know how much you actually spend.
So she doesn't have a plan yet?
She had no idea, of course.
Yes, she should calculate that.
How often does she buy new pre-paid bundles, and at what rate per minute?
So now she bought the phone, refilled her prepaid account, and we are trying to do the math now.
Better late than never.
Ah yes.
You should also take into account whether she would be able to transfer unused minutes to the next month on her new plan. If not, she should probably get a plan that has at least 20 % more minutes than what she uses on average.
@Cerberus well she never buys them. I always do. Except I can't do the math either, because sometimes I refill 15 Euro, sometimes 30, sometimes 50; sometimes it takes her a month to spend the 50; other times easily two months to spend 15.
She travels a lot.
Okay, then foreign calls should weigh in.
But the EU will thankfully force the oligopoly to make those cheaper come June.
I think.
It's also about how many people are with the same carrier and how many aren't.
Or were those MB?
Most of her colleagues are with O2.
They actually have some fun plans where calling within O2 does not cost them a cent.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 But that may change, and she might make a long phone call with someone else two months a year and pay € 100 extra for excess minutes.
Of course everything else is all the more expensive, plus O2's signal quality sucks.
Well it really does.
Do all providers have a decent signal inside the house?
My brother once had a T-mobile plan for a year that made it nearly impossible for him to make calls inside his house.
She keeps telling me about all those summer camps where she could make calls from her bed, while everybody else had to take their O2 phones to a lamppost half a mile away.
That happens.
Well the thing is, that particular summer camp happens every year.
So she is quite comfortable with not being with O2 every so often.
Having. Whatever.
Having with O2.
You mean she just doesn't want O2 for her new plan?
I didn't understand what you meant.
Get used to it.
But yeah, by the looks of it she'll be getting Call S from T Mobile.
Oh hm, it's that late already?
There goes my plan to watch some Seinfeld before going to bed.
In any case, what I was saying from the beginning is that it never ever paid off here to get a "free" phone tied to a plan, but that it was always (much) better to buy a separate phone, so that getting a new phone every year or so always costs heaps of money here.
So I was surprised when you said you got a new phone ever two years or more frequently.
Well as I was saying, thanks to normal phones having gone completely extinct, I don't even have to so much as compare the prices anymore. I'm just sticking with my old phone and renewing the contract without getting a new one.
That's good.
(I was talking about the past, when you changed phone more often.)
Back in the day I'd even buy accessories. A memory card, or headphones, or a sleeve.
In fact I remember how I bought a camera for one of my cameraless Siemens phones.
By the way, will you be using an on-line Preisvergleicher?
You had to plug it into the phone, and it cost like 60 Euro all by itself, and it was like 0.01 Megapixels, and it detached itself from the phone all the time.
I still have it!
One day it will be worth way more than 60 Euro.
Most of my old phones are still fully functional. Some look completely new.
I got a B & W phone when I was 18. Kept that one until 4 years ago, then got this phone, which was the phone my brother had bought several phones before the one he had then.
I never had a BW phone.
BRb phone, haha.
My very first phone was the very first phone with a color display. At least according to the manufacturer.
The funny thing is, it wasn't really color. It had green, red, and blue, and a couple shades in-between. Kind of like the original Game Boy, really, which had four shades of gray.
But now I'll just use the opportunity to sneak out of this room.
Night all!
You gadgeteer!

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