@Cerberus I meant questions that have been accepted by the user but repeatedly downvoted by the community. I didn't expect that. It's weird to me. I'm not sure if you can, but I don't think you should change an answer after it's been accepted. I mean, who wants to keep checking to see if they still agree with every question they've ever accepted.
@WillHunting Trump is dividing up families like the Civil War around here...all these uncles and aunts who marched for civil rights don't want anything to do with all these cousins who voted for Trump...messing up all our family reunions...and more.
@WillHunting Well, we always could before. My husband and I have never voted for the same party...until last time. Thank God, because it's not a matter of politics anymore. We are truly divided by this. I've lost lots of friends over this. Oh, we still speak friendly to each other...but deep down, we're both thinking...she's stupid and hateful.
@KannE Haha, yeah, we all have lots of these thoughts about other people that we can't say out loud, lol. Luckily, our mind is not a transparent object for everyone to see through.
Is there a gender neutral alternative to "this guy", to refer to yourself in the third person in a gender neutral way?
Example of use:
Guess who just got a raise? {This guy!}
In the Merriam-Webster dictionary skill is defined as
a: the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance
b: dexterity or coordination especially in the execution of learned physical tasks
learned power of doing something competently : a developed...
I have a website that classifies Spotify Playlists:
And after the classification, it gets this:
I am a native spanish speaker, when I search for the translation, it makes no sense to me in the terms of music.
@Cerberus That's interesting. Or alarming, I should polly say.
Bolsonaro has also announced that his choice as Minister of Finance is an economist named Paulo Guedes. This is what this guy's (GTed) Portuguese Wikipedia page has to say about his economics:
> The economist, of liberal positions in the economic field, has been a champion of the privatization of the Brazilian state- owned enterprises , the tax reform and the pension reform .
> It defends a single tax rate of 20% in Income Tax , with reduction of this tax for the bands that have higher income. In addition, in its column in the newspaper O Globo, Guedes has been critical of current Brazilian politics and has highlighted the Operation Lava jet as a reference in the fight against corruption.
Apparently Guedes was also invited to teach as a uni prof in Chile during Pinochet's regime, which he accepted for a brief period. This much doesn't clearly implicate him in anything, but is still not a shiny spot on his résumé.
Bolsonaro's promises of mass privatization must no doubt appeal to corrupt corporate swindlers and to oligarchs (whom I've heard of and know little in detail about).
I'd read before that a lot of money was spent to promote Alckmin's candidacy, and much of the press was united behind him to project him as the centrist lying between Lula and Bolsenero, but to no avail. And Alckmin's campaign had formed strong coalitions with some military dictatorship sympathizers close to Bolsonero's base.
Sometimes we need a strong threaded joint in some part that is produced using molding. Say, this part itself is plastic. Then we design the part with a hole and insert there a.. "threaded bushing"? I don't know the proper name for this element in English. In Russian it is "закладная втулка" (inse...
(@Cerberus) ... I could dig that up. But that's all over with the failure of Alckmin's performance.
So it's possible that the focus of the press and media has been shifted from Alckmin to Bolsonero, whence his rising popularity.
And also, depending on the nature of the ties between the military (that you mentioned) and private centers of wealth, Bolsonero can presumably pull strings from various directions to further his agenda.
Yet more scraps of information posing more questions. I still don't have a comprehensive narrative to analyse the situation with certainty.
One thing I'm especially curious to know is the agenda that the US pursues in Brasil. It used to have farther-reaching say in the fate of Central and South Americans in the past, but is prolly still carrying on with some odious intrigues to prevent democracies from evolving and growing.
I would agree with your point that someone like Bolsenaro could be more dangerous in nature than a Trump. I wanted to contest the parallel you drew between him and Ahmadinejad tho, but it's also growing on me as I consider it more. However, Ahmadinejad is, in my view, dwarfed and insignificant beside the man in chief.
What do you do when a question is a can of worms? Meaning: there are so many other obvious errors in the example sentence(s) that are unrelated to the question. I don't know how to address it, so I just ignore it.
This is similar to a previous question but more generalized. A German woman athlete falsely accused other women athletes of being men; it transpired that she was a man. Trump repeatedly called Clinton "Crooked Hillary." Who was the real crook? One conclusion was that a new word needed to be coine...
@KannE I think you're right, address the question that was asked. If the other errors make it unclear how to answer, you can always vote to close "unclear". Sometimes this sort of problem exposes a more basic issue such as the person is an ELL and needs some basic help learning the language. A referral to ELL can help there.
@KannE But getting back to real work ... I see several problems with that question.
Questions which basically ask what's correct or which alternative is correct are proofreading questions. It becomes a useful question when the unstated specific concern such as "how does (grammar rule) apply in context" is added to the question.
This asker is an ELL with basic confusion about how to use verb tenses, and I doubt the question will evolve into something that requires an English expert to answer. I think a referral to ELL might be a good idea.
@Mitch I don't know if he'd be scared. But broken, yes, I can see that happening.
So many things that can be broken without even trying. Just walking off a curb with no cars around is an exercise in horrific mishaps that would otherwise be unnoticeable.
opening a door. sitting in a chair. furrowing one's brow. You could break something that you never new was a thing to break.
I'm trying to come up with a noun that is more descriptive (or at least carries more tone) than "knowledge" and more succinct than "esoteric knowledge and trivia". Rather than saying "this person possesses a great deal of esoteric knowledge and trivia" I'd like to be able to say "this person poss...
@MetaEd Thanks for the advice. Sometimes, I'm not sure if I should refer someone to ELL...it's tricky when they're obviously smarter than you are...ha-ha, really. I mean, some people probably just need a link to a dissertation on the matter...to peruse on their coffee break.
@Mitch Yes! I was going to be cremated...after they removed my bug-infested body from a pile of dung, covered with a tarp (optional), just to time my rot...somewhere in GA? But, this--THIS!--is going to be inscribed on my tombstone! Uh-oh, change of plans...I better call somebody...PDQ.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, no whitespace in answer, repeating characters in answer (267): What do rodents do? by poop on english.SE
I thought of talisman, but I don't mean in some meta-physical sense of it magically doing something for the person. More like someone in medical school who hangs a stethoscope by his desk to remind him of why he's studying? Thanks all!
@WillHunting Uh, are you sure? I didn't realize I had a 'wall' on Fb until 2013...I was so terrified--I deleted everything, ha-ha, and still do routinely, really.
@MetaEd Thanks, that makes sense, but I still don't like it, ha-ha.
@KannE Well, it's just that I delete many things that people often don't delete, and do it very often. And I know some places where some of the things you thought you deleted are kept, because they are really not deleted yet, like the bin in your computer, lol.
@KannE By the way, why does your picture in chat display so weirdly? I just see two copies of KannE and nothing else. I just upload some silly pic for myself or use the default and that solves the problem.
@Mitch Or a Christmas parade! Santa! I didn't actually see him, but...Terrifying! There is probably something sinister about juxtaposing those two...leads ya straight to the ER...IME.
@MetaEd English expert? Whaa...I think I've been answering questions I should've directed to ELL. I find an easy or interesting one sometimes and answer it for fun. I'm really here to broaden my vocabulary. I'm not a self-starter; it has to be like homework for me to do it.
@RegDwigнt Oh, I hope it didn't sound like I was saying that... Some people are just gifted with mastering languages. My son is; I'm not.
@WillHunting Our 9th grade biology teacher told us that we evolved from Neanderthals, had a glossy chart and everything. Then the Discovery channel said that was completely false. Then my uncle sent his DNA somewhere and it came back with a little Neanderthal in it. So, is he like a liger? Or a mule? He never did have kids...so he's very successful otherwise.
@MetaEd LOL! It's Janet! Ms. Jackson if you're nasty...Nasty, nasty boys...but I digress. I was stationed in San Antonio...saw the Alamo...eh, but it's an option. Thanks for sharing.
@Mitch LOL! Your dry sense of humor is going to kill me...
@MetaEd Call before you dig! NC 811! I'll go with that if I ever do anything but reconstruct my own falling-part house...but it's depressing...
@WillHunting It may be because I tried to change my pic temporarily as a joke about tombstones...and pronouns...but it didn't take because...it's linked to my FB account? I guess...so I just posted the pic on FB (publicly...I never do that) because tombstones are not round (like profile pics), and I didn't know any other way to do it. I hope it was okay to do that; it's just a joke, and I will delete it later...like everything else, ha-ha. FRT.
@WillHunting My husband is an IT guy; he recovers things for people all the time that they thought were long gone... I would never try to resell an old computer; that mess just never goes away...creepy.