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Have a deathburger, on me.
@RegDwigнt They are awful
@RegDwigнt But you do have a sty, and that's 60% of the way to having a style.
@Robusto That looks like someone's yellow teeth and oily scalp.
Right, so those Dad Jokes are atrocious. I sat there for five minutes waiting for them to begin, and then the video was over.
@Robusto Le sty, as I call it here in France.
Why did the coffee cup go to the police?

Because it got mugged☕️
@CowperKettle Hi I just saw your message. I think the first thing you need to do is to figure out what you want, and after that we can discuss the matter again.
@Mitch at 0% funny, it is still 100% funnier than everything I saw in that video.
@RegDwigнt They're not actually dad jokes. They are jokes that are made for little kids.
They are not actually jokes, period.
Made by little kids, maybe.
That in itself is an argument for abortion.
@CowperKettle There is nothing wrong in desiring sex. Food, sleep, and sex are the three basic human instincts.
Tell that to Rush Limbaugh.
Dad jokes are jokes that are attempts at puns but turn out not to be and are not funny at all.
For example ... puts on glasses to consult notes ...
Actually, while you're at it, tell Rush Limbaugh that he is an argument for abortion.
@CowperKettle When I was 5 I already desired women.
Why couldn't the muffler go to the party?

Because it was exhausted.
i dont get that one?
That's a pun. Not one of the best, but still a pun.
@Tachytaenius Nobody does.
Welcome to the club.
i got the mug one :(
A real dad joke has no actual joke content, nothing to get.
oh. hi
forgot to greet
Jul 31 '12 at 15:05, by Robusto
When you hit a French chicken in the stomach, does it say oeuf ?
Does that qualify? As a dad joke?
@CowperKettle Love is more than just a feeling. It is a choice. We choose to do things to make the relationship work even when the feelings may be gone. And the three most important things to say in a relationship are I love you, Thank you, and Sorry.
it's an actual pun
well... "i gave my dead batteries away today" "free of charge"
dad joke. good one tho!
@Robusto Only halfway, and only because you're a dad.
wait that's not a dad joke
idk. enlighten me
what makes dad jokes daddy?
Yeah that's a good question actually.
Like, the "Shit my dad says" was actual shit his actual dad said.
What does a chicken say when you hit it in the stomach?

Chicken can't speak.
antijoke + personification
@Cerberus yo, I'm the guy who got their name changed to accurate Latin with your help! It was "he of the swift ribbon" in Greek --> Latin, remember? Out of interest, what is it before becoming Latinised?
Now you just sound like a sidekick from Chrono Trigger.
@RegDwigнt It can speak, it just doesn't say anything interesting.
@Tachytaenius I remember!
@Tachytaenius A muffler is a part of the car's exhaust system... oh... the dad explained that
oh. nice!
Good for you.
oh. nice! x2
@Robusto good for it, it'll fit right into our society at large.
Buuuuuuut i'd like to know what it is before being latinised
my mate just asked me for my name in greek letters basically
@Tachytaenius I can give you the Greek letters, but I don't know where the accent should lie in a neologism, so I can't give you the accent mark.
@Tachytaenius Go to flipmytext.com, type in your name, and click a button.
You made up the rest. Put it where you feel like
Ah, well I'd have assumed that'd be Ταχυταενιυς?
> Ταχυταινιος
@Cerberus without accents you basically give him nothing.
@Tachytaenius Hey Tomatillo, give us another dad joke
who else can i ask? leads, yano? i like hunts like that haha
also thanks for fixing that upsilon to an omicron
@Cerberus yeah and now you need to teach him about the last letter, lest he starts misspelling his own name.
Well, I say Tachytaenius usually anyway
@Tachytaenius I bet you didn't even know her!
I usually say other things.
I'd only use greek when signing my art to look REALLY cool hahahaha
How different we are!
@Tachytaenius I don't know, but I think it might be on topic to ask on Latin.SE!
Saying the Greek alphabet the English way is not the same as saying it the Greek way. I find that amusing.
Or you could use capitals without any marks.
@RegDwigнt Which none of us read
@Tachytaenius you mean to look REALLY dead since 2000 BC.
@Cerberus Is there not a greek one?
lol hahaha
@Mitch you can't read what I say.
@Tachytaenius Alas, no.
on the side of an urn
@RegDwigнt What?
@RegDwigнt Como?
Right I'll go play some Undertale or something.
okay, well thanks for trying!!
appreciated. and defo appreciated first time around!!!
ciao ciao
He can just copy-paste the long sigma, if that's what you mean?
@Cerberus va mi ritmo, bueno pa' gozar, mulata.
I ain't no mulata!
Every time some news comes out, people will be searching for the words they don't know on merriam-webster.com, which is why they appear in the trending words.
Mulata de vida, baby
@Cerberus that's racist.
@RegDwigнt Back so soon?
I challenge you to leave your house and say that out loud in the street.
@WillHunting trending words says absolutely nothing interesting. Just read the news
@RegDwigнt ..
Then again, last I heard about Holland it might actually make you en vogue...
So scratch that.
@Robusto that's not me. I'm over there. Look!
@RegDwigнt too much vogue and you'll be en agua calda
@RegDwigнt You're just too far gone.
@RegDwigнt I'm trying to look up what I am, but how do I find it?
Part Asian, part Caucasian.
@RegDwigнt What have you heard?
@Cerberus Really? I didn't know that.
Yes, but the Asian part is small.
Does Eurasian fit the bill?
Why not!
Anyway, race is more of a political concept than a scientific concept. Maybe we should do away with writing it on identity cards altogether.
It is.
So where do they write race on identity cards?
@Robusto Did you know the French prefer a light breakfast?
@Cerberus Well, they do write it in Antarctica, that is what I know.
@WillHunting That's said a lot but there are lots of medical studies with high (statistical) significance that rely on a race variable.
@WillHunting Odd.
Even if you consider race incoherent, it is still a predictor variable for certain diseases.
And different countries have different BMI standards?
Which racial theories do you use? The ones from the 18th century, or the Nazi ones?
BMI is not a very good number to go by in any case.
@MetaEd That is apropos of ... what? In any case, they may prefer a light breakfast, but I kind of totally pig out on brioche and croissants and coffee whenever I'm over there.
@Cerberus Mitochondrial DNA for matrilineal, y-chromosomal for patrilineal
@Robusto That sounds delicious.
@MetaEd Thanks for sharing; I like that...but I hope everyone realizes...I only sling together words (so not a compositor) for people I highly respect. A mother cat will bat away the healthy kittens, the ones naturally selected, but she will nurture the runt...even after it dies, for a while...and then she may eat it, to sustain the rest of the litter if necessary. I think I should change my emoji...note to self: search "cat emoji"...
@KannE That took a turn I wasn't expecting
@Robusto One egg is un oeuf.
@MetaEd You've been working on that all this time?
But congrats anyway.
It was a big egg
@Robusto Hell no. I stole it.
I just use translate.google.com, LOL
I, uh, :D
Wow, I just translated 'I like to eat apples' from English to Chinese and it is correct!
'Do you like to eat apples?' is also correct, lol
Q: Word for working with people and getting a certain percentage back when you launch a product?

Steve MoserWhat is the word for working with someone else and getting a certain percentage back when you launch a product? Kind of like 401k vesting but there is a certain word for it. Example: Would you like to to get paid in a BLANK arrangement? Note: Not working for equity!

How about "Achtung piso mojado"
@Mitch I try to turn within a sentence as often as possible to avoid going anywhere. Thanks for noticing. I'm going to go back and delete all my "bats" now...who knows, they could be runts...poor things. In the end...probably delicious...but I'll never know.
@Mitch Who are you calling a wet floor?
@KannE Depends on the sauce
@Mitch And where do you set the boundaries between these 'races'?
@Cerberus I don't know, I'm not the geneticist or know their theories.
But also, just because one idea of race is mistaken doesn't mean there isn't some idea that 'works'.
Just because racism is bad doesn't mean that there is no race.
I do think it is bad for a government to engage in racial profiling?
Medical files may include details about someone's origins if relevant.
But not passports.
lots of mistakes are made with racial classifications
even self-reported ones
Any concept of race is bound to be imprecise and arbitrary.
I don't think it is bound to be so, but I think that particular race labelings are certainly abused badly.
As for political boundaries, that is determined by countries. As for continental boundaries, that is determined by geographers.
@Mitch LOL! Chipotle? Hmm, it's not just for chickens anymore...
I'd be more likely to agree with the statement that race labels may be made precise but they are bound to be abused.
more likely to be abused, whatever they are. Because people are jerks
Sex is pretty obvious (coherent, precise, etc) and that's abused
Unless of course, you are born with both kinds of organs.
@WillHunting Sure.
Science should always allow a little gray
I think hair colour can be made very precise, lol. Just get the whole list of colours or something.
And there's mixes or subsets
a little bit of this a little bit of that
And different lists too. Like HTML or whatever.
I'm not sure I get the HTML reference
People are orange...I'm going with that color theory until...forever probably. Have a nice evening.
maybe, there's a number of lists. each one finite, each one a slightly different set of RGB triples?
@Mitch HTML colour codes
@WillHunting OK
@Cerberus it's a reference to the whole theo van gogh thingie.
@RegDwigнt What about it? That was decades ago...
@KannE You must know a lot of people who go to tanning salons
Oh, is tanning leather so hip now that it is done in salons?
@Mitch Only our president...and my cousin Tammy...the rest of us are normal people, not caution-sign orange but a shade thereof.
BTW, how can I delete everything that can be deleted without have to click on every action?
Are you talking about chat lines?
I don't think you can.
@KannE Are you talking about comments and answers and questions on the site?
@Færd I think I mentioned a spasm of the old military dictatorship?
I'm not sure I believe in this article's alarmist tone.
But it is somewhat worrying.
It suggests that Bolsonaro is supported by military officers and is in contact with the Minister of War.
But it doesn't know how powerful his supporters among the military are.
Nor to what extent they would help him gain power.
So I would take that with a grain of salt, but who knows?
The poll result about the second round is also worrying, though it seems inconclusive.
@WillHunting Yes, I'm talking about comments and some answers. I realize, so far, that you can't delete questions that have been accepted and questions, I think, if someone has answered it (that only makes sense, not to waste someone else's time).
@Cerberus you're so predictable, my furry friend.
I did tell you I'm not watching the news anymore.
That was genuinely, like, the last thing I heard of the Netherlands.
I don't even know who your Queen is now.
Is it Balkenende?
@RegDwigнt He'd wish.
It's Willem Alexander now.
@KannE If you want to delete comments, you need to delete them individually after searching for them in your activities tab. If you want to delete answers that have not been accepted, you have to do it very slowly, because there is an upper limit per day to prevent people from angrily destroying their contributions to the site. If you want to delete questions that have not been answered, same thing.
@KannE By the way, SE don't want you to delete your questions and answers en masse. They view it as vandalism. So beware.
You can delete a few per day. As to what a few means, you need to see for yourself. Even then, a mod may contact you and ask you why.
And yes, I am the world expert in deletion of all things.
@Cerberus can testify to that.
@KannE I don't know a way.
@Cerberus I only have 2 questions, I think; thanks for answering one, BTW; I just accepted it. Accepted answers can't be deleted, but they can still be downvoted; that's disturbing. And comments are just fodder, I think...I don't think I'm using that word correctly, but it wouldn't be a good question.
@KannE You didn't thank me for trying to answer you?
@KannE Why is it disturbing that accepted answers can still be voted down?
Or do you mean, voted down by the acceptor?
That is inconsistent indeed.
@KannE In a nutshell, "accepted" signals usefulness for the asker as judged by the asker; votes signal usefulness for future visitors as judged by the community.
The comment thread is supposed to help the writer improve the post. We try to reserve it for clarifying questions, suggestions, short-lived information, and explanations of actions. Comments do, of course, frequently devolve into discussion and do frequently contain answers to questions (which normally they shouldn't).
Comment threads often get "cleaned up" later. Basically you can't count on them to stick around.
@WillHunting I'm just slow...I thank you now for whatever you said. I will come up with a good reason why after I get a chance to read it, ha-ha.
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