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Ahahaha. Of course not, silly.
$('#errmsg').text('This is an error message');
@KitFox just start voting on only questions for a few weeks to get your percentage up. then you'll get the badge. If you can't find any good questions lately, go through old questions. So easy. And nobody gets hurt. We should hook this voting thing up to freerice.org so that at least our wasted time can be put to some use.
@KitFox I like segfaults better than error messages for chastising users. More authoritative, definitely.
@Robusto I don't know what that means.
Oh, thems was the days.
@KitFox Also, don't forget that you don't need to put an ID for every place you'll need an error message. Just use jQuery to find the error-messsage container nearest to the input that has the problem.
I thought I would just use an error summary.
At the bottom of the page.
You could do that too. In which case don't use the .text() method, but something like $('#errmsg').html('<ul><li>err msg 1</li><li>err msg 2</li></ul>');
@Robusto makes notes
Bloody hell.
Well, you have to style the unordered list and listitem elements with CSS, of course.
No, I'm just having a little trouble shifting into jQuery thinking style.
You cussing me out while I'm not looking?
WTF? We had a 2K lead an hour ago and lost by 100 points?..
Sorry, man, I wasn't even looking.
I give up. We have other officers to declare wars, after all.
Yeah, and see how well that went last night?
Can you use "or" in a jquery conditional statement?
You can use any Javascript with jQuery. You just have to make sure you're using it right.
Just remember that selectors aren't necessarily unique. $('.foo') returns an array, even if there is only one element with a CSS class of "foo": $('.foo')[0] would be the first element that matched the selector.
If in functionName I return false; does return functionName() == false?
Or do I have to assign it to a variable?
@KitFox You don't have to assign it to a variable.
Shit i broke my codez.
Does "He all but vanished." mean 'He didn't vanish at all' or 'He vanished completely'? It only seems logical for 'but all' to mean 'not at all', but context suggests otherwise... :|
@Chris It means he came very close to vanishing, but didn't vanish completely.
@Robusto Thank you for your quick response. I was actually reading this story on Reddit which says 'The mum then told the child to "come away" and led them both away, like he [one-eyed horse] had some sort of disease. The poor little kid was still waiting for his cuddle when they all but ran away.' In this case it'd mean they almost ran away I suppose?
('They' being a group of children cuddling a horse)
Right. It means they did everything short of running away.
Leaving only running away as a next 'step'... Thank you.
Or standing your ground and fighting.
Q: Can I also use the 'outsource' to refer to goods, not just works or services?

martinI know to outsource is to subcontract work to another company. But for example if company A, a TV maker, wants to buy panels from a panel making company B instead of producing panels themselves, can we say: Company A outsources panels from company B. If not, how else can we put it?

The first thing that struck me, yet nobody mentions, is that you don't outsource stuff from someone. You outsource it to them.
@Rob am I imagining that?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 What, imagining me standing my ground and fighting, or the outsource thing?
The latter.
Then the former.
If the latter, to is the preposition of choice.
That's what I'm thinking. But nobody involved in that question, not even Barrie, has raised an eyebrow.
I just can't say, "we have outsourced our customer support from India". That's stuff and nonsense.
If the former, no. I usually run away bawling like a schoolgirl. Unless I can get in a good shot to the nuts at no personal risk.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Go for it. I'll upvote you. And you could use the reps.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Actually, the ratio of stuff to nonsense (otherwise known as S/N) in those answers is very low.
I can't be bothered answering that. I just thought I'd comment.
Whatever you do, you do not outsource from. You outsource to. You cannot say, "we have outsourced our customer support from India". That's complete nonsense. — RegDwight ΒВBẞ8 53 secs ago
Or is it stuff from nonsense. Hmm.
Now on to bawling like a schoolgirl...
Do you enjoy bawling like a schoolgirl? I imagine you do enjoy bawling like a schoolgirl. In fact I am picturing you enjoying bawling like a schoolgirl as we speak.
Perhaps I, too, should try that one day.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 bawls, wipes tears with braids
I take that as tears of enjoyment.
Tears of a clown.
Clowns in heaven.
@Robusto OMG. You are Willie Nelson
... in drag.
@KitFox That question is more appropriate for EL&U that Writers, I think.
@NeilFein It's a dupe here anyway.
Okay. Thanks for checking anyway.
No problem. I fear your wrath.
I mean, I feel your wrath.
Silly me.
Hey! Guess what I'm doing right now!
Eeeeeeek! hides in sack
@NeilFein Sitting in Tim Horton's, eating a panini, and waiting for my husband to finish having his vas deferens cauterized and crimped.
Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Oh, wow. That must be nerve-wracking.
You know this is a public chatroom, right?
Oh yeah.
Hardly nerve-wracking. I'm not the one with my ballsack laid open.
I have no idea what to say here. I would find that nerve-wracking.
And honestly, it's easy enough that even I could do it.
pretends to be doing something else
You a surgeon?
Used to be a monkey surgeon.
Because you're not coming near me now.
goes back to dismantling and remantling his drum kit
I saw on television a demonstration "how to castrate your cat at home".
It is really not complicated.
It is about as difficult as figuring out what any man is thinking about at any given moment.
Perhaps you should have offered it to your husband.
I did. He said no.
thinking about food
He wanted a "professional" to do it.
Just in case there were complications.
Yeah, doesn't it need to be all sterile and such?
Sterile, sure. You think I'm not capable of sterile surgery?
Is that possible at home?
Actually, it's more possible at home than in a doctor's office.
Oh, it is done in an office?
Given the distinctly small risk for kill-resistant germs at home.
I would have expected some room in a hospital.
It is a small incision. A little cut and suture and you're done.
You're mocking our goodies.
Nah. It's just funny that guys are so squeamish.
Of course we are.
The crimping is fairly new, but it is more effective and makes the surgery more easily reversible.
Oh, it is reversible?
Yes, and it's all done under local anasthetic.
Okay that sounds better.
Your vas deferens are pretty close to the surface, too. You can feel them easily, if you know what you're feeling for.
Perhaps some other time.
This room has taken on a slightly creepy tone.
Me? Creepy?
I suppose.
Yeah, anyway, I think he's about done, so I better go.
Bye creep!
(and don't worry. i never do anything to genitalia that isn't asked for.)
@KitFox Do people have to ask for it at every step?
That is a bit...boring.
I'm not sure if I should think your husband is lucky or not.
I have a song called "When I Was A Monkey" that will now have subtext when I sing it - in my head.
brass monkey; that funky monkey
I'm such a chat killer. ._.
@NeilFein Thanks for singing it in hour head.
Good music.
Hey @Robusto, someone is looking for paraprosdokian again.
Q: What is this form of humor called?

Travis WebbI'm providing an absurd example here, but bear with me. Consider the following "joke": Some chick invited Tim Tebow to her senior prom which is just plain ridiculous, everyone knows he won't put out. Now, the source of the humor in this is the implicit assumption that inviting Tim Tebow t...

@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Tell them I'm too bored to answer, but my previous answer is available.
I already have.
Thank you.
he says that's right.
Of course he is right that I am right that @Robusto is right. What did you expect?
I expected something more
something uplifting
We are fresh out of more.
Also of something.
the underdog beating the fat cat
the nerdy kid getting the nerdy girl
elmo on mars
Pfft. Go read some more XKCD
would you like to join me?
Not in that undertaking, no.
Also not in that underwear.
I was all ready to post a comic too sigh
This chat never suffered from too few XKCD.
the trouble with electric cookers these days is that they need electricity to work. stupid on button
Shortcircuit it.
I don't think your plan is in my best interest
How so. Shortcircuited things cook like there's no tomorrow.
I have a feeling they burn like there's no tomorrow
Well cooking is burning. Check Wikipedia.
Oh, die Werbung ist vorbei. CU späters!
uh, CU?
I see, you were waiting out the adverts
bloody FileFactory.
"all free download slots are in use"... 24/7
is it a hoax site or something?
@MattЭллен Nah, he's just tired of talking. He'll get over it.
"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."
excellent usage of the unexpected meanings of right/left :-)
Haha, that's pretty good.
What determines whether a pun is satisfying or uninteresting?
How much you like the person telling it
gut instinct
It also depends on the person: many people like puns that I find dull.
@MattЭллен Hmm that may play a part, but...
I like most puns
I don't.
Only when they feel "brilliant" do I like them.
or at least I don't remember puns I don't like
And I don't know when or why that happens.
There was a young man from Japan
Whose limericks never would scan.

When asked why this was,
He replied "It's because

I always try to fit as many syllables into the last line as ever I possibly can.
Heh. I think students of literature or linguistics or psychology are equally qualified to answer.
That one is funny enough.
The words don't have to be clever
And it don't matter if you put a couple of extra syllables into a line
It sounds more ethnic if it ain't good English
And it don't even gotta rhyme ... excuse me, "rhyne"
— Tom Lehrer, "The Folk Song Army"
@Cerberus except that psychologist can actually tell you why, linguists might be able to give you a syntactic, semantic, or grammatical break down of a sentence, but not tell you why it's funny, and there's no science in literature.
There was an old man of St. Bees,
Who was stung in the arm by a wasp;

When they asked, "Does it hurt?"
He replied, "No, it doesn't,

But I thought all the while 't was a Hornet.
hmmm. Maybe a linguist could properly explain it
can someone try this out for me
and try and download one of the links
what do you see?
yeah same here
bloody thing
“Inspector Kobold came to you - ”
The little Ghost began.
Here I broke in - “Inspector who?
Inspecting Ghosts is something new!
Explain yourself, my man!”

“His name is Kobold,” said my guest:
“One of the Spectre order:
You’ll very often see him dressed
In a yellow gown, a crimson vest,
And a night-cap with a border.

“He tried the Brocken business first,
But caught a sort of chill ;
So came to England to be nursed,
And here it took the form of thirst,
Which he complains of still.

“Port-wine, he says, when rich and sound,
Love Lewis Carroll.
`if you catch a chinchilla in chile,
and cut off its beard, willy-nilly,
you can honestly say,
that you have just made,
a chilean chinchilla’s chin chilly,`
A flea and a fly in a flue,
Were trapped and knew not what to do,
'Let us flee', said the fly,
'Let us fly', said the flea,
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
After hours of foreplay, said he:
"Is this wetness your passion for me?"
But his lover just said,
Getting up from the bed,
"Not really. I just had to pee."
lol that's nasty
A frustrated chap named Matt Ellen
Ditched his girlfriend for some kind of melon.
"You're not all that tight
Though the rest is all right,"
He observed, "Save the part where I fell in."
@MattЭллен It gets worse. ^
awwww, so kind.
Hey, now you're immortal.
lol Yay! I'll live as long as Stack Exchange!
I pop in and see all these poems!
@MattЭллен Psychologists probably don't have the answer either.
I don't know about science, but in literary studies, people research these kinds of things.
I think it is a very fertile method with subjects like this one.
An intellect, name of Vitaly,
Was famously not very jolly.
His amours were the kind
That one does with one's mind
In some dour singularity folly.
Can you write one for me too @robusto?
And people who study literature academically probably have the best papers (that is a Dutch expression) to study this phenomenon. I would expect the best research into the matter to come from that direction, though probably noöne has a definitive answer yet.
Easy. I'm pacing myself.
@Cerberus Given that psychologist study how we think, we're more likely to find the real answer, rather than making stuff up that makes us feel good.
@MattЭллен Huh?
I think psychology is crap. QED.
@Cerberus jokes are about saying the thing that isn't expected
that's been studied in psychology
The problem is that psychologists are looking for quantitative data, which may just not be enough to get to the answer; and that we just don't know enough about the workings of the mind (yet).
Happy Vesak Day!
@MattЭллен Sure, and this has been known by literators and philosophers for millennia.
Only the Buddha truly understood the mind.
But there is much more to humour than just the unexpectedness.
@Cerberus but we'll get there, whereas prevaricating about what other people wrote with no real interesting in what is going on, but in what your own opinions are won't.
@Cerberus sure, but I haven't studied it
this is just one fact I recall
@MattЭллен I don't understand this sentence.
Can't parse it.
let me rewrite it
By the way, I have read some of what psychologists know about humour, and they say they just don't understand it, for the most part (yet).
but we'll get there. Whereas people who just speak opinionatedly about what others have written with no interest in what's actually going on, empirically, won't.
By the way is Ariel a male or female name?
@MattЭллен Eh I don't understand which people are talking about.
@Cerberus literature studiers
people who do English literature degrees, for example
Then I strongly disagree with your characterisation.

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