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This is a let down. As I type this, my avatar is sandwiched between two hot women, and has a wry smile on his face. I don't want to tell him that they're both men.
@JasperLoy Someone asked me the other day "what does the song 'you know you are a shooting star' mean"? and I told him that "You won't last long." Do you think I was on the right track?
Yes, you're right. Everything's very exciting now, but before long, you'll come crashing to the ground.
@DavidWallace Thank you :D
@Reg: OK, why destroying birds?
@DavidWallace I couldn't agree more. I absolutely hate bracketless conditionals. I also hate unclosed conditions.
if foo bar
if x y
@Robusto nöone else was available, they are above us so we can only lose 1 point, and we kicked their asses 5.1k:1.6k yesterday.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Payback's a bitch, I guess.
It was at a different time of a day, too. So I kind of expected them to show a different level of activity, whichever way.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Yeah. Not faulting you for it. Just grousing about the inadequacy of my deck vs. the adequacy of theirs.
Also we got to 1000:100 in like 20 minutes. It's only after my commute that they woke up.
They have these hybrid walls with a couple of Rhinos and other top-tier cards on the ground, which just kill my shit.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 That'll teach you to commute.
I use Gorelesup. 16/1, 604/10.
Guess I'll have to switch.
Guess it won't matter anymore.
Just another 47 FP and I'm taking a break. I'm kind of looking forward to it now.
Ah, Gorelesup.
@Robusto could go either way, actually.
Also, you need a Slug Borg in there.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Then we'll never get the next 50 points.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I don't have a Slug Borg.
Hm. Now if only I knew where I got mine.
It's the best card since sliced bread. 1 wait, Evade + Mimic so it eats LtW alive all by itself, 0 attack so it can't be weakened (but can rally itself thanks to Mimic), and 5 health so when sandwiched by SCs and with Hephatat active it's unkillable.
Oh, and not just LtW. It eats Wasteland Skimmers alive, too.
Oh, looks like I do have Slug Borg.
So ... replace SC or one of the other cards?
Still no Hephatat. I guess I really need to finish that quest chain or whatever it is.
I kicked out Viper in favor of Slug Borg.
And Apollo in favor of Hephatat.
Yeah, well, Sluggie just went right down to LtW.
Maybe I should put it in an LtW or Atlas rush/strike rainbow.
That does happen. Which is why SCs and Hephatat are needed as backup.
Well, I put it in Gorelesup.
But I still don't have Hephatat.
The thing is, even when it does go down, it usually takes one or two cards down with it. Which provides just that tiny crucial edge you need to level the playing ground against LtW.
@Robusto how much honor you have with that raid? You must have around 700 methinks.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 300
Well that's a bitch.
So you'd need to do that raid like four times. The next best thing is of course OPollo but that one is even harder to get.
I would give you mine if I could. I never use it anyway.
Anyway, Mahlzeit.
WTF, does the SE engine autodelete a period at the end of a question title?
Q: Term for exaggerations such as "always", "never", "constantly", etc

DaveI believe there is a term for words such as never, always, constantly, and so forth; words that generally exaggerate the situation being described. Unfortunately, I can't recall what that term is if I am correct in that there is indeed such a term. Can anyone help me with this question?

I just put a period after "etc". Twice. It got eated before my very eyes. Twice.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Eating a period earns you your red wings with the Hell's Angels.
Well thank you for that.
This question needs looked by @JSB or some such:
Q: Why is the 'w' silent in "sword"?

Tim NIn RP English, the 'w' in "sword" is silent. Wiktionary suggests /sɔːd/ and /soʊrd/. Why? Are there other words like this? The 'w' is pronounced in words like "swollen", "swoop", "sworn" and "swore".

@Robusto I don't think there is an apostrophe in Hells Angels.
They are not the angels of hell.
Cut Rob some slack. When he does right, nobody remembers. When we does wrong, nobody forgets.
He has stumbled upon an interesting question....
'Should the Hells in Hells Angels have an apostrophe, and be Hell's Angels?'
That would be true if there was only one Hell, but life & history has taught that there are many Hells.
I am yet to see but one.
Many hells = many angels
then it would be Hells' Angels
Or should it be Hells Angels' ?
> Uhh...they are not that smart or philosophical. They just fucked it up when they made it because they were not grammar pros and have went with it ever since. I think the fake backstory is hilarious though lol.
Lol @ "...because they were not grammar pros and have went..."
Anyway, the Internet is full of questions, but not of answers.
So we have these possibilities:
Hell's Angels,
Hells' Angels,
Hells Angel's,
Hells Angels',
and Hells Angels.
You are missing a couple.
3 * 3 should be 9.
I know but I also wanted to move on to the interpretations of "hell(s) " and "angel(s)"...
@Robusto Thanks. The point though was this guy appearing out of nowhere, after 23 years, just to contradict me.
Talk about holding a grudge ...
My bad. Er, good.
Well, it's not like I read their colors every day.
Well, look who dropped in to spoil the party.
@Robusto That winged skull looks kind of girly, IMO.
@DavidWallace Don't say that in Oakland.
Very unlikely that I'll ever do that.
I reckon David is on the Bandidos team.
Unless I get on the wrong plane like that person who went to Auckland.
Going to Auckland will do that to you.
@Cerberus WMT? No, no. It's M:tG.
I didn't realise it was quite so long ago.
I wonder if he got to see a Raider game?
In Auckland? Seems unlikely.
Was them any good in 1985?
Where are they from and what sport do they play?
They are patterned after the "all blacks."
So they play Rugby football?
They are from Oakland and they play American Football.
So, not very much like the All Blacks then.
The Canberra Raiders play Rugby League.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 The Chicago Bears crushed everyone in 1985.
@skullpatrol Picture jinx.
Picture jinx is the original jinx in this room.
The very first jinx was Kosmo and I posting alots.
Q: What is the correct usage of 'formerly' as time adverb?

user454322[is|was] formerly known as Mustang In the previous sentence what is correct 'is' or 'was'? and why?

I. Um. What? And then his comment.
Hi @JasperLoy
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Thanks for giving us the etymology of jinx in this chat.
@skullpatrol You changed your picture again.
We need a faq that says what a freaking sentence is.
@JasperLoy Is the pot calling the kettle "black"?
@DavidWallace you could do a post for the blog!
Feb 9 '11 at 16:34, by Martha
@skullpatrol I just changed too. Maybe it is the kettle calling the pot.
avvernoon all
@Robusto good job. I specifically didn't mention Martha so as to make it hard. But you are just too good.
@DavidWallace I know what a sentence is, but I don't know what a freaking sentence is. It is possibly a sentence that freaks.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 beams
And so to work. Laters.
Ubuntu 12.04 will be out in a few hours. Everyone get ready.
Oh no not more crap getting installed on my machine.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Look where you are sandwiched on the gravatar line in the upper right corner.
This LTS will be the first that is supported for 5 years even on the desktop version.
That is one happy bird.
@skullpatrol who is that in your avatar?
Skullpatrol has two different gravvys for me.
Don't know..
One is a girl, the other a trannie. Or vice versa.
Mine are all Mariahs.
Indeed. You are two Mariahs at once.
Quite an accomplishment.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Indeed, there can be miracles when you believe.
2 hours ago, by David Wallace
This is a let down. As I type this, my avatar is sandwiched between two hot women, and has a wry smile on his face. I don't want to tell him that they're both men.
Could you guys say something original?
I hope waiwai liked my presents.
At the time that I wrote that, I was experiencing the vertical avatar stacking bug, so I was actually on top of one and underneath the other.
@DavidWallace something original. you're welcome
I see you are rapidly making your way to 10k @matt.
@DavidWallace Those were two blonds this one has an Asian look.
@JasperLoy yes, I should be there before my target date!
You know, I am trying to resist the temptation to install Ubuntu 12.04.
I thought I would stick to Debian but maybe I should give Ubuntu one last try.
Actually, for both of you, I see a different avatar here than when I click on you. Probably need to do a refresh, but I prefer not to.
That's what I'm saying, yes.
Everybody here changes their women like said women change shoes.
I do not change my women that rapidly. Normally they're the ones changing me
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Exactly how does Mariah Carey change her shoes?
I prefer doing clean installs over upgrades, never tried an Ubuntu upgrade.
@DavidWallace she has two butlers. For each foot.
@MattЭллен There are plenty of fish in the sea.
yeah, but pork tastes better
@MattЭллен Neither do I. This is vacuously true as I never had one ever.
@MattЭллен on the plus side, while you can change your women as often as you wish, each of them gets to change you at most once.
@JasperLoy I did an upgrade once. nothing bad seemed to happen
@JasperLoy I've never heard changing shoes referred to as "clean installs" before. Makes sense though, I guess.
@MattЭллен But is it faster or slower?
@JasperLoy oh, faster. no need to blank the drive then install afresh
@MattЭллен Now I really don't know whether you're talking about women or operating systems.
@MattЭллен But it might be slower as the download might take longer. Also if you are doing it on multiple machines, you only need to download once.
@DavidWallace We are talking about both at once.
@JasperLoy that's true. I was only upgrading one machine. The download for the upgrade should be less than for an iso
Most women are operating systems, on some level...
what i dont undertand that sentance
You don't have to.
@skullpatrol No, operating systems let you install soft-ware.
@DavidWallace lol
They are still good operators though...
@RegDwight I think your ironic comment might go over the OP's head.
Does this make sense?
quantum mechanical treatment of fluctuations is tantamount to saying "pure randomness", so this is just what OP is saying jargon-free. – Ron Maimon yesterday
@DavidWallace um, which comment?
Q: Difference between "but" and "nothing but"

EmanuelEvery now and then I stumble about a construction like this: It was but something.... and I understand it to be It was nothing but.... or It was only... depending on the context. Is the a difference between "but" and "nothing but" in this context? Is there a difference in tone...

Bah not that again.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Sorry, I realise you've made several over the years. I mean the "is/was formerly Mustang" question; how the OP completely butchered it with the edit, and you thanked him/her.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 It's the "run in the subway" guy - he needed it for his blog about German. I've just read a little of the blog and I'm already irritated by its style. Just my taste though, it looks like he's trying hard.
I am really tired of all the "but" questions.
Yeah, but it's kind of hard to google for but.
I dunno, I just did.
One must be a little sympathetic.
It's four keystrokes.
@DavidWallace which is why I didn't say "OMG why u no die in huge ball of fire!!!!!" but rather, "Related and possible dupe: <helpful links>". :P
Oh, but you're such a nice owl.
According to the blog, the German word "her" is pronounced the same as the English word "hair". This guy has obviously never heard me say "hair".
It just isn't pronounced the same, period.
aufwachen (pron.: owf wa-HHHen… kinda sorta)
/hɛə/, /hɛɹ/ vs. /heːɐ̯/
Even IPA is capable of pointing out the difference.
die Frühjahrsmüdigkeit (pron.: frewyars moodig kuyt)
That'll be Dirk's younger brother Frewyars Moodig.
Make it stop.
Transcribing "ü" as "oo" is a crime against humanity.
jerrrb derrn
OK, fair call. I'm going to hit the sack in any case. 'Night all.
good night!
And it's funny how only the second Ü is supposedly an "oo". The first one is "ew" for some reason.
it's all Greek to me
Sadly Sinhalese speech doesn't seem to have /ɛ/, so I can't transcribe my surname into it
@matt How was lunch? I just had KFC for dinner.
@JasperLoy Stop trying to live up to all our expectations.
@Robusto Well, I would expect the chickens there are bigger.
@JasperLoy good, thanks. Or should that be "Good Thanks"?
My wife just tells me she needs a new gravatar for her book-review site: "I want it to be a horse, but with Mercury's winged helmet. Oh, and glasses. You can just run that through Photoshop, right?" Yeah. I'll get right on that.
@Robusto The sites avatarist.com and avatarsdb.com have plenty of nice avatars of all kinds.
Thanks, I will check those out. Or better yet, forward the links to her.
They are where I get all of mine, but I doubt they would have a horse with Mercury's winged helmet.
Yeah, they only have that of Hermes.
Well, GIMP and Inkscape can do lots of things, not that I know how.
I can do a lot of things in Photoshop, but to do what she asks would take a LOT of effort. And it would still suck, even if I got everything right.
@Robusto do it in paint!
I would prefer to do it in paint rather than in Paint.
I mean, that's a lot of information to impart in 16x16px.
Halfway there.
Wow, I thought my above message would be starred already.
ay may zing
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 No gay party clothes in chat.
Okay so why the hell is it that when I google for an image of "horse winged helmet", I get a picture of Beth Ditto nibbling on her toes?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Check your search engine and your viruses.
I don't have viruses, so there's nothing to check.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 no idea. I tried googling gorelesup earlier, to see what card you guys meant. no card, but I did get a picture of david tennant kissing someone
I did try several search engines and I must say google is the best, though others may return refreshing results.
So my first choice is google and second choice is yahoo.
Is the day coming when we no longer need Adobe Flash to view flash videos? The open source gnash simply does not work. I know there is HTML.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Au contraire, mon frere.
It's in you. Now. BTW, people, gravatar opportunity. ^^
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 That's what all those with viruses think.
I am only a virus, please don't kill me was the most interesting message I got from a virus.
That was the most powerful virus I ever had. It survived several antiviruses.
Maybe one of you here made that virus.
Hmm, how come all the "random" avatars on avatarist.com are pictures of hot chicks?
@Robusto Well, maybe random means most popular.
senses a huge uptick in avatarist.com hits and a silence in chat
@JasperLoy Not in English.
Also there does not seem to be any linux version of silverlight that allows you to view certain sites. The current version of moonlight does not have that functionality.
@Robusto oh! she wants a favicon? Or does this site just have really tiny avatars?
Wow, ubuntu.com is currently offline due to technical problems. It must be getting a billion hits.
@MattЭллен Favicons are so small that you can't put much into them.
@JasperLoy hence my question. favicons are 16x16
The trick is to not go to ubuntu.com to download the iso. Go to launchpad.net/ubuntu, navigate to the CD mirrors, and then pick a good mirror.
I like mirrors that make me look good
@MattЭллен 16 miles is pretty big.
unless you're the universe
@MattЭллен Any avatar needs to read in 16x16. Like the ones next to these chat messages.
@Robusto these ones in chat do, but not all avatars. There are plenty of websites that don't use 16x16 pixel avatars
@MattЭллен And yet I hear the voice of that older, wiser UI developer in my ear: "Remember, it has to work everywhere. As soon as you say 'Oh, nobody uses X,' you can be certain that the very next day the president of your most important client company will say, 'Hey, how come those numskulls didn't make it work in X!'"
hey! it's @Reg's horse:
Well, that's an odd picture to see upon entry.
says the two headed python
I would think that you're used to seeing a two headed python by now, whereas I have never seen a horse with dazzle-star-sparkle glasses.
Alas, there will be no cycling today.
well, I have no choice - it's how I got to work
Why won't there be cycling for you, @Mahnax?
@MattЭллен Well, it's not very nice out. Around 0˚C. And it's supposed to rain, &c.
I could cycle, but I don't even have a jacket right now.
ah, yes, The Weather. It's currently giving us torrential rain
I hope it clears up by 5pm
@MattЭллен You should send Das Wetter some more letters.
I might at that!
Good, good.
We had nice weather for a few days, but then it left.
the weekend was quite nice here
Yeah, same here.
raining since Monday
Haha, "Manday".
It's a national holiday
where we celebrate manhood
20 hours ago, by Robusto
Dear Matt,

While we find your gratitude in this matter somewhat pleasing (and more than a little bit comical), we must warn you that we can make no promises concerning future omissions of precipitation. As one wag put it, "The sun don't shine on the same dog's ass every day."

Please do keep in touch, and don't feel too bad if you get rained on. Or struck by lightning, etc.

Best regards,
The Weather
Wow, Carlo is at it again.
Q: Allowing tag and style

Carlo_R.As we read on "What HTML tags are allowed on Stack Exchange sites?": We do not and will not allow table tags -- sorry. This is intentional and by design. If you need a quick and dirty "table", use pre and ASCII layout. However, I am open to suggestions. Are there some other (safe!) t...

@Robusto Where?
I don't even understand what he wants.
oh, ok. he's just quoting a bunch of tangentially related stuff and then asking for more tags
Oh yeah, his actual question is at the end.
yeah. tl;dr takes effect and I missed it to start with
Did he actually have that tagged as a bug? Wow.
He already uses too much "formatting" in his questions. With footnotes and crossreferences and stuff and more stuff.
Giving such people more tags would turn their questions into "where is Waldo" images.
@Mahnax I think that's because dl, dt and dd aren't styled
@MattЭллен Oh, right. Definition lists.
Next he'll be asking TPTB to go ahead and allow SQL injections.
Well, how else are we meant to get at people's email addresses?
By running for mod, duh.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 But that isn't possible on EL&U.
Over and out.
@Mahnax Now you have begun copying Reg as well.
> Why do they call the jump rope skipping rope in England?
God, the answer to that question could cure cancer.
I just downloaded Ubuntu 12.04 ISO. Yay!
@Robusto oh well, in England jumping over rope is illegal, but skipping over it isn't.
@MattЭллен Really? Are you guys trolling me again?
That is definitely a joke
I am bad at jokes so I wouldn't know.
I need 2,300 more to get 20,000.
best get answering!
Q: Difference in male vs female use of the English language

annawieIs there a somewhat reliable (like, for example 70% success rate) way to determine whether a paragraph in the English language was written by a man or a woman (adult male/female)? Any credible references to the study, and perhaps a how-to? If this is possible, what about the general case of gene...

I've seen that before.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Yeah it rings a bell or three.
Not sure if it was only the "so" question, or a more general one.
@JasperLoy you could answer the skipping rope/jump rope question
@MattЭллен I will link to chat. Then everyone will know what you and Robusto said. Mwahaha.

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