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It's not a super test.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Your Englishes are fine, everybody knows this.
@Gigili Well done!
I paused for a second to collect my thoughts. It literally took me just one second.
Gigi scored higher than I on her first try.
I ragequit when I saw another one of those bad matches.
@Cerberus I applaud you anyway.
@Cerberus nah, I'm not bitching about my results. I'm really trying to figure out how on Earth J-7 is even possible.
By the time I am finished reading through the alternatives, half the time has already elapsed.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 J-9 is the maximum.
And yes, the speed requirement is the hardest part for me.
I am forced to literally let my hand click the mouse after a cursory glance at the options while trying not to think too much.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Maybe click faster, even if you're not sure? Because often reading all the answers still leaves me vacillating.
@Cerberus that's how I misclick for the most trivial stuff such as "acoustics", and end up at F-5.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Okay, so two letters gained.
@Cerberus No, two letters lost once I tried to be more thorough and take my time.
Tests like this (just like IQ tests) depend a great deal on how experienced you are at taking similar tests.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 You went from D to F. That's two gained.
No I went from F to D.
Ah haha.
Cheese and rice, nobody reads what I say.
Why would I tell you, thrice, that I went from F to D, if I indeed went from D to F?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 I don't see your saying that.
Did you announce it in my presence?
@Vitaly But then he would read what I say.
This is the kind that makes me read all the answers twice.
@Cerberus sticks are light. So, delights.
It must be clings, but I don't like it.
How about heavy sticks?
Ugh. "He BRAVED the storm". I picked "endured", but it was wrong.
@Cerberus Mkay. I take that back. It must be "quick", which means "alive, living", so "goes quickly" means "becomes part of your living self", or in other words, it sticks.
I didn't even read the other ones, because it seemed close enough.
@RegDwightB8 So is your browser window maximized?
@Vitaly yeah, why?
Perhaps it is easier to see all answers at once at a smaller size.
Yeah, this. ^
Depending on the size of your screen and the distance.
My browser is usually maximized, but I take that test in a smaller window.
I'm sitting three meters from the monitor as well.
How fast do you move your mouse across the screen?
No idea. Over 9000?
Seven would be enough, as long as you click correctly in the first 1—1.5 seconds.
My pointer is pretty fast actually, my wife had troubles using this mouse.
@Vitaly Most of the time I have 10 seconds left on the clock.
The thing is, my knowledge of English has nothing to do with the speed of my mouse.
There, that's what you are doing wrong. Just answer faster, duh. And correctlier.
You can send me a check for my valuable advice.
@Vitaly I think he is reading the test incorrectly.
And trying to get better at this game won't make my English better. Reading Shakespeare would. Or even just watching Carrie Bradshaw trying to pronounce Alexander Petrovsky's name, which I happen to have on hold right now.
It jumps to ten when you click.
But you don't actually have only 10 seconds left.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 You're watching SitC?
mind = boggled
Al three.
Better than failing at a Flash game.
Well, it's worse, but it's more entertaining.
I mean, I like SitC all right, depending on what the episode is about. But I didn't expect you to like it.
I hate the swooning and the insecurity.
@Cerberus how the hell do you even recognize those names?
You've just blown your cover, kind sir.
But I like the funny things they encounter.
I have seen several episodes of SitC!
As it so happens.
"I don't have a TV set, I never go to movies...", well la-dee-da, where's the part about "... except Sex and the City, of course!"
rolls eyes
I watched that occasionally when I was in high school and with friends, ten years ago.
Like many other series, like Friends, Fraser, etc.
Buffy, even.
Never quite understood what people saw in Buffy. Don't like the actress, either.
But hey, I'm willing to forgive Mr. Wheadon.
The supernatural plot lines were kind of interesting, in a soapish way.
And Willow was funny. The rest was awful.
Went looking for trouble. No luck so far.
Willow? Was that Alyson Hannigan's role?
High school, ten years ago ... Umm, 30?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Red-haired "lesbian".
So, Alyson Hannigan it is.
I'm 29.
Haha, that was close.
Her girlfriend was utterly stupid, though.
@Cerberus The director. Joss Wheadon. He went on to make the best show of all times, Firefly.
Ah I see.
@Cerberus I thought you were 40, seriously.
In fact not just the director. He also wrote the script etc.
I have heard of that, but never seen it. I gather it is newer than ten years ago, when I stopped watching tv?
I basically watched tv between 16 and 20.
@Gigili Oh? Why?
What genre is Firefly again?
I might watch that sometime.
contrary to popular belief, the older an internet user, the more likely they are to ignore punctuation now
70-year-olds are the worst spellers i've seen on the web when it comes to instant chat messaging
Doesn't that only apply to very old people?
@Vitaly the only 70-year old I've seen spell on the Internet was @Robusto.
And he's doing fine.
I mean, I would expect people aged 25–40 to use more punctuation than the young.
You are right !!!!!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 He is doing his best at any rate.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 headwindow
crushes window pane, self-defenestrates
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Way off.
@Cerberus Be sure to leave the mullion intact.
@Vitaly It's broken.
I grabbed it in my desperation.
@Robusto you misspelled piss.
So much for Robusto and proper spelling. I take that back.
@Vitaly If I had to spend a century contemplating the number one I damn well would shoot myself.
FAMILIAR with her subject. A. Unacquainted. B. Ignorant.
How weird is that??
Oh that's from Magnolia!
@Cerberus What are the other options?
And I have the soundrack. Also, other things by Aimee Mann.
Same same.
@Vitaly I don't remember, but they were in a different sphere altogether.
@Cerberus I remember getting that question, and there was an answer that made sense.
I don't remember the answer though.
It was clear they made a mistake and intended unfamiliar.
@Vitaly That is very odd.
It is possible that I misread.
I'm kind of put out that @Cerberus didn't get a woody over my post, which contained both Latin and Greek together.
Ah, well. Cave canem.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Also, written by the amazingly talented Harry Nilsson.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Bingo!
Hahaha congrats!!
"Great effort" — how patronizing.
@Robusto I did, and I even commented on it.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 This shows how reliable the test is...
I gives up at English. Will talk other langauge.
Bonne idée.
Parlerons des élections françaises.
Qui est-ce que tu supportes?
@Cerberus Not enough. And no @-mention to advert to your comment.
Hollande gagnera, je crois.
@Robusto No, they're being sarcastic. You should see what you get for A2
@Cerberus Les socialistes, naturellement.
@Robusto Aww. Well, it was appreciated.
@Cerberus Sept. Non, huit!
Petronius is nice.
Meilleurs de NEUF MILLE!
@Robusto Hmm bon, mais Merkozy me plaisait.
Même si Sarko, il est un chien.
A propos de 9000, savez-vous que nous avons un nouveau President?
Pas le bon genre.
Mais moi, je supporte Hollande aussi.
@Cerberus You say that now.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Oui, je l'ai lu.
Deja lu, eh?
@Cerberus Toujours Hollandaise.
@Robusto Baby!
@Robusto Naturellement.
@Cerberus Non, l'enfant!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Merci. J'ai été en doute(?).
@Robusto Bébé.
@Robusto bébé, stp.
C'apparaît que c'est le jour français.
C'est a dire, ginx!
C'est correct.
Les dictionnaires ne sont pas admis!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 La guigne !
@Cerberus ^
@Robusto t'as mal écrit "Guinevere" !
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Va t'en.
Tu ma cherche ? Eh ? Eh ?
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Va t'en faire foutre, naturellement.
This is really fascinating. I'm glad we switched. All this time and I haven't made a single mistake. In English, I'd be at A-5 by now.
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 En Francais, s'il vous plait !
Jun 27 '11 at 19:49, by RegDwight
Voulez-vous paar Gruweschuh? Non, merci, mir reiche die!
Jun 27 '11 at 19:54, by Robusto
@RegDwight — Don't let that stop you. Keep searching till you find the one set that proves your point. This is called "research"...
Eh bien. J'ai consulté Translate Google, et la voila:
> son est vraiment fascinant. Je suis content que nous avons changé. Pendant tout ce temps et je n'ai pas fait une seule erreur. En anglais, je serais à A-5 maintenant.
C'est ridicule et vrai !
Je ne parle pas Google.
A la guerre comme a la guerre.
Tu me fais très fatigué.
C'est qu'elle a dit!
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Pas de "bons mots" dans la salle de chat
Got G-7 now.
That took forever. Like forty questions. B-10 was more like seven.
@Vitaly "Badass colors for Web design" or, "100 new names for purple".
Je sais que le nom de la salle est "la salle incompréhensible", mais l'anglais est genre de préféré
De préféré?
La langue préférée.
"kind of"
i don't really know how they say that
@Jez Plus ou moins? Pratiquement? En effet?
But presque probably sounds better.
@MattЭллен Chinese authorities have signs for everything!
it's bureaucracy gone mad!
It's just Progress.
This on the other hand...
Also progress!
the progress of human evolution, I suppose
Into oblivion.
what's oblivion like?
Excellent. Sounds like my kind of place
why are all the images not found, or removed?
Yeah it's strange.
Perhaps because the websites don't allow direct linking?
you can speak German... why not try out some translations for me? :-)
@MattЭллен Orrr you could use Zizorz.
@Cerberus so how about it
@Cerberus but the photos are already uploaded
Taking a screenshot of the image and posting it here takes about two seconds.
yeah, and you could upgrade to win 7!
@MattЭллен I often take blitz screenshots of images that refuse to link.
@MattЭллен But Zizorz has an actual, clear advantage.
And won't take changing your habits and spending hours installing and customizing.
@Jez Look, I appreciate your efforts, but it's not really fun enough for me to do.
@Jez: If you ask it like a Question with some effort put in by yourself, and post a sentence/phrase here that you are unsure about, it's fine.
@MattЭллен That took you ages, and it is probably no fun to do, but well done!
@Cerberus yayaya, zizzor didn't work last time I tried it
that's how I remember it
Hmm perhaps you tried an old version.
Feb 11 at 0:52, by Vitaly
user image
Feb 11 at 0:52, by Vitaly
I can post screenshots so fast it violates causality. Case in point: see above.
Yes, I believe my version stopped working at some point.
OK so in the context of a letter, what does this translate to:
But there are two forks now. One fork works, I am using it; the other one is the main fork, which probably works too.
> Hi !
> Gestern hatte ich höhere Einschaltquoten als du!
Die Einschaltquote einer Radio- oder Fernsehsendung ist der prozentuelle Anteil der Empfangshaushalte, die zu einem gegebenen Zeitpunkt die Sendung verfolgten, an der Gesamtmenge aller Empfangshaushalte: Die Prozentzahl lässt somit Rückschlüsse auf die absolute Zuschauerzahl zu. Umgangssprachlich ist manchmal auch diese absolute Zuschaueranzahl die Einschaltquote. Die Einschaltquote basiert auf Hochrechnung. Das unterscheidet sie von ähnlichen Erhebungen wie der Buyrate bei Pay-per-View-Angeboten, die auf Daten der Grundgesamtheit basiert. Beim amerikanischen Messverfahren von Nielsen Rati...
So the % of people who watch a certain programme.
Whatever that means, it looks obscene.
ok, what about:
> Ich habe gelesen, daß man als schlechtester im Spiel auch eine Auszeichnung bekommen soll.
there doesn't seem to be a good way to look at it
@Jez As the worst player, you should also get a reward.
@Cerberus doesn't seem like the full translation
@MattЭллен Nope! Cream is probably the wrong homonynical translation of a Chinese character.
@Jez "I have read that..."
You can do that part yourself!
yeah, that's the literal translation
reg would be good at these
it doesnt really sound right, "i've read that the worst player should get an award"?
There is no other way to translate it.
That's what it says.
I translated freely.
Literally: "I have read that one, as the worst in the game, should also get a reward".
It clearly means what I said. Couldn't mean anything else.
yeah but it should be more like, "I'm sure I've read that the loser of the game gets a prize too!"
That is more or less the same.
sounds more natural to me
But it could be that you don't actually lose—that there's just one winner and "the rest".
And the "I'm sure" is not in the text.
I mean, when you play Civilization, there isn't really a "loser"—just the player with the fewest points.
So it depends on the game.
yeah, but for once, I am trying to paraphrase a bit
That's fine, if you can do that safely based on context.
i take the point about there not being a loser..... i think there are losers in this game. If your rating goes to zero, you lose
And is there only one loser?
And can he be said to be the "worst" at the game?
@Jez Dude...you're asking for a translation, then complaining about it when you get it (because it looks like you did it yourself already)? I don't get it.
It's fine if Jez disagrees with my translation.
That is only healthy.
sometimes (often) German phrases seem clunky and then a good German speaker makes it clear that something is an idiom
Yes. It works that way between any pair of languages.
@Cerberus How about "Hast Du sie schon bekommen? Und wie sieht sie aus? Hehehe..."
Have you got it [the prize] already? And what does it look like?
It's literal...do it in google translate.
You could use G. T. as a starting point.
how do you know it's the prize?

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