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wants a nugget in a biscuit
@KitFox I haven't tried it, but I wouldn't expect it would be all that good...
Well, really I want a sausage patty in a biscuit.
With pepperjack cheese melted on it.
The patty, not the biscuit.
What brand?
Of cheese, not the patty or the biscuit.
Oh, I don't know. Some local brand.
Can't remember the name.
Not Cabot.
You own stock or something?
That's my hometown.
Oh, cool.
I freaking HATE printers. I'm using the word HATE. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. They never freaking work when you freaking need them to. ALWAYS a problem. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE.
Printers should be banned. If it can't be emailed, it ain't worth a shit.
@Robusto How are they pestering you?
@TimothyMuellerHarder Cabot Cove?
Whenever I need to print anything out, they cause me an hour's worth of work. Paper jams, out of ink, clogged inkjets, etc., etc.
Printers should eat shit and die.
Buy a cheap black-and-white laser printer.
@Cerberus Is there a reference or something I'm not getting, or are you actually asking me if I live in Cabot Cove?
I need to print something out about once every 3 or 4 months. And they can't even be bothered to do that.
@TimothyMuellerHarder You know Jessica Fletcher?
@Robusto You have my sympathy.
I seriously recommend a b-&-w laser printer. Never lets me down.
@Cerberus You mean the writer in Murder, She Wrote? Never heard of her.
I just wasted 15 sheets of paper to print out ONE letter, and it comes out in light blue type because the black cartridge is hosed.
@TimothyMuellerHarder Yes. She lives in Cabot Cove. I just finished watching an episode.
@Cerberus Ah. No, Cabot, Vermont, where Cabot Cheese comes from.
Okay, well, I won't hold it against you (I don't live there either).
@Cerberus Haha, sounds good.
It seems that Murder, She Wrote is more popular outside America! None of you Yankees seem to know it, while everybody here does.
@Cerberus I know of it, I've just never partaken of it.
Yeah OK.
It's still funny.
As a side note: it feels like a bug of some sort is crawling around on my neck, but nothing's there. Am I going crazy, becoming sleep-deprived, or have I accidentally been taking meth?
@TimothyMuellerHarder So what are you feeling? Your skin is tingling?
@Cerberus Very locally.
Where exactly?
And are you sleep deprived (how badly)?
Like a single insect was walking around on the front of my neck.
It's stopped now, though.
Did you feel anything else out of the ordinary?
I've gotten an average of maybe 6 hours per night the past week. Nothing extraordinary, but not as much as I might hope. ;)
@Cerberus Not really.
Hmm. If everything else is normal, I wouldn't be too worried myself.
I'm kind of thinking maybe there was a bug for real but I just brushed it off unknowingly or something.
Oh, if that is possible, then sure.
It could also be a hair or something?
Mm, no, it was definitely moving.
I'm just gonna forget about it now.
So you rubbed it or wiped at it with your hand?
And then it stopped?
(When we're through overanalyzing this, I'd like to have at least an hour-long discussion on what could be causing my hiccoughs.)
(Hiccoughs are unpredictable. Have you tried drinking a glass of water upside-down? Don't forget to breathe in as deeply as you can, hold it, then bend over and drink.)
@Cerberus Yeah, that's what always works for me.
Ah, good.
Mine seem to be a bit different from non-weird people's, though—I do it around 48 HPM and then it slows down exponential over the course of maybe two minutes if left unchecked.
what's with the parens?
@JSBᾶngs They were denoting an aside of sorts.
well, ok
@TimothyMuellerHarder Oh, that is very fast.
Nice little unit you introduced there.
@JSBᾶngs Are you relieved? Satisfied? Disappointed?
that's what parentheses always mean. i was more inquiring why we had the sudden abundance of whispered asides
They always mean "nonplussed"? (I am puzzled.)
perhaps i'm being deliberately cryptic
Perhaps you are.
4 hours later…
@Cerberus What?
OK, don't bother answering. I would delete my question if I could.
2 hours later…
Q: Hi i m gettng an Type mismatch error in ASP when im trying go for next option can any one help me m sending the code

HarishIf strMode =4 Then Response.Write DisplayPageNumbers( "caseListOrder.asp? Mode=" & strMode & "&Rep=" & intRepID & "&Column=" & strColumn & "&Order=" & strColumnOrder & "&", intPage, intPages ) Else Response.Write DisplayPageNumbers( "caseLis...

Good grief.
@Mahnax What exactly is wrong with this?
Oh, I see. You saw it before Reg's helpful edit. I'm seeing it after. Sorry :-)
1 hour later…
What happens to spams like this? english.stackexchange.com/a/62711/3690 shouldn't it be removed by a moderator?
Thanks @Meysam, I flagged it for attention. I'm sure a moderator will be along soon.
That's what the "flag" link under every answer (and next to every comment) does.
@DavidWallace I flagged it too, but it just was edited by someone.
Yeah, I did that to hide the spam. When a mod is around they will delete the answer
maybe 10K users can delete spam too?
I don't know yet
apparently they can
@MattЭллен Maybe we need a feature like this: if some answer is flagged as spam by like N users, the post gets automatically removed, without needing a moderator to take action
Maybe. you could suggest it in meta
@Meysam actually, I think that this is what happens, I could be wrong though
we can figure it out right now if we get enough users to flag it (there should be 4 of us already, right?)
yep. looking at the flagging privilege 6 spam flags will lock and delete the post
ah, nice.
@MattЭллен I don't do that. It's nice to let everyone see the spam to be entertained.
Heh, maybe so :)
and I do want a cheap new era hat
Also letting others see the spam lets them flag it so that they can increase their flag weight.
it will help me look stylish
I think I look silly in hats and caps.
@WillHunting the answer is still spam
it still looks like spam
but the actual advert is gone
Wow, I still have 10 stars on the wall, this is a miracle!
12 stars, even
Oh I had to click on show 1 more to see that, amazing. I think miracles must be going to happen in my life...
There can be miracles when you believe.
Oops, I flagged it as not an answer but it was spam.
you've doomed us all, @Gigili
Doesn't matter. Some things are not clear cut.
One flag to doom us all.
The auto rep recalc is very good. No need to do rep recalcs anymore.
@MattЭллен I'm sorry.
@Gigili Well, I guess we can forgive you this time ;)
@MattЭллен Thank you, How can I ever repay you ...
@Gigili You may give him some presents.
@Gigili we're even - you did get my ear back after all
The question is, where are the moderators? Aren't they meant to be around?
I'm sure they're floating about
@Meysam Er, they are not on the site 24 hours you know.
That is peeving disguised as a question!
@WillHunting But on stackoverflow they are always there, 24 hours a day :)
@Meysam Really? I guess they are all from very different time zones and relatively free then.
@WillHunting true, and there are lots more users there than here
I think the stance is, we have a bunch of high rep users so they should do a lot of the leg work
Mar 19 at 19:44, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Okay so we've got OVER 9000 10k users in here right now, and that question is still open?
I see many purely linux questions on superuser. Hmm, why don't they post the question on unix instead?
Also, there are many purely Ubuntu questions on unix. Why don't they post on askubuntu instead?
17 hours ago, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
The site should moderate itself. I should not be even doing anything. My job is to lean back and be invisible.
That's the thing with having different overlapping sites. Sometimes you don't know where to post your question.
Q: Another way to say "perfectly imperfect" - for a class project

AlysonWhat is another way to say "perfectly imperfect"?

@Will you are two faced!
@MattЭллен Meaning? I can think of two interpretations.
@MattЭллен Well, you should know by now that my life is full of strange occurrences.
true, true
Had a clever thought, but it died
@Gigili Resurrect it!
@MattЭллен Having two faces is really cool...
maybe it's only had a heart attack. defibrillate it!
@MattЭллен It's supposed to be the Mariah one now.
aye, I guessed as much
Too late, it's now somewhere in a graveyard.
I just thought of something interesting and useful that I shall use myself, the rest can follow if they want.
then I'll leave some flowers on its tomb
I will use GR, TL, NC, NR, OT from now.
general reference, too localised, not constructive, not real, off topic
two letters each for standardisation
I think NR will confuse people. NARQ is quite well established
plus it's easy to pronounce :D
@MattЭллен I was inspired by your NC.
Which in turn was inspired by someone saying TL
Taylor Lautner=TL=TeX Live
OT is standard already, I think
But once we start using these two letter abbreviations they will also become standard in time!
Also ED for exact duplicate. Not to be confused with erectile dysfunction.
Also, TV
Actually now I think if you look at the dialog box presented to you these abbrevations make a lot of sense.
@Gigili I did the same.
@WillHunting TL could be mistaken by Too Long
I can roll back the edit if you think it will make things less confusing?
@DavidWallace I saw "it is spam" when it was too late.
@Meysam "mistaken for"
@WillHunting TL could be mistaken for Too Long
@DavidWallace Does not really matter.
@MattЭллен I'm sorry, but I don't see you being invisible at all.
not me! Reg wants to be invisible :D
@WillHunting Yes it does. You need 6 spam flags for it to be auto-deleted.
@Vitaly Aha!
I'm too hands on. If I were a mod people would know it
Damnit @DavidWallace. I get the joke now. /facepalm
No, I started with "it is spam", read the description in more detail, and decided it didn't fit. "Not an answer" seemed the most accurate of the available options.
Maybe they should combine some of the options. Sometimes I don't know what to flag it as too.
I've rolled it back, so people know
@MattЭллен Yes, I thought I was replying to Reg too. I was surprised when it came out @MattExxeh.
They should be checkboxes not radio buttons, so that you can select several.
And I still think comments should be shown in chronological order, not the highly voted ones first.
Are they? I didn't realise that.
Then people won't spend time to find out which fits best, they'll check them all.
@DavidWallace I mean if the number of comments exceed the maximum shown immediately.
My computer is really starting to annoy me. I'm typing about twice as fast as the letters are appearing at the bottom of the screen, which means I have to stop and wait for them to catch up before I click Send.
So @DavidWallace or @Gigili, does it let you switch your flag now that you have already flagged the post?
@DavidWallace What hardware?
@Gigili What does it matter if they check them all? The moderator can always ignore them if they disagree. Happened to me twice.
For me, it says “You can flag this as spam only once” or something to that effect (I have flagged it as spam initially)
Also they should let people remove a close vote.
An HP NC 6220 laptop. It's about 6 or 7 years old. Maybe it will improve if I close some of these tabs that I have open.
@Vitaly Eh yes, I changed it.
Thank you. Fascinating. 7 downvotes and the post isn't gone yet.
Is the privileges FAQ wrong? Surely we should have 6 spam flags by now.
@Vitaly Maybe it takes some time to take effect.
Or you need to refresh your browser, that too.
@WillHunting can you see how many flags the answer has?
and what they're for?
@MattЭллен Don't think so.
I have just closed all my other windows and all my other tabs in the browser window. I am still typing about twice as fast as the letters are appearing.
have you depressed the turbo button?
@DavidWallace Is anything else happening on your comp?
Maybe you should type slower.
@Matt - it's not that old.
Maybe there is a large number of updates coming in.
I know Windows updates can slow down a comp while they are being downloaded and installed.
@Gigili Yeah, I'll go on a slowness-typing course.
I seem to have an awful lot of services running. I'll try stopping some of the ones that I don't need, and see if that helps.
Did you switch your flag? I guess it isn't six flags yet or whatever number it needs to auto-delete the post
Who, me?
No, I'll do it now.
G, J, V, M^2, D.
It's gone.
OK, I just put a spam flag on it. It seems to be a different answer though. Maybe it's a bot that keeps posting whenever the answer gets deleted.
the system works
21 mins ago, by Matt Эллен
I've rolled it back, so people know
Yay! I am the straw that broke the camel's back.
I am the camel that eats the straw.
So now that the spam's gone, there's nothing for us to talk about?
just like every day
One of my workmates misplaced three apostrophes this morning. I wonder what the world is coming to.
@DavidWallace We can now talk in memory of that spam
Although two of them were greengrocer's apostrophes behind Ss that shouldn't have been there anyway; they were attempts to make plurals of Maori nouns.
See, I'm not really needed.
morning @Reg
That's right.
Where have you guys learned about the punctuations? I mean the way they should be used: no space before and one space after punctuations.
reading things
Has there been any specific lesson for them in school? I mean, any strong focus on them?
I refuse to put any fewer than two spaces after a full stop. I don't care what the whitespace nazis say.
@DavidWallace I don't see two spaces after your stops. YOU FAIL.
You can't see them. They're there.
So they're useless.
SE doesn't escape them properly.
@Meysam I'm English, so I guess it comes up in primary school.
@DavidWallace I can see them too, very cool
one space
two  spaces
With your last breath, you will look back onto your life and say, "Lord, I wish I hadn't spent so much of it on typing spaces no one will ever see".
If you type two non-space characters with many spaces between, only one space will appear in the normal view. Unless you do the Ctrl-K thing like Matt just did.
@MattЭллен But we havent been taught about that, and it sucks!
one space
two  spaces
I spend more time waiting for them to appear than actually typing them.
two spaces. three spaces. ten spaces.
Hold on while I am typing 9000 spaces after this full stop.
What are you guys doing differently from me?
So I have to rule in between the spaces?
Yes. Just don't govern.
@DavidWallace It's not the number of spaces that matters, the only thing that matters is their quality
Matt - if that had worked, it would have been way open to abuse.
Actually, I think I know how it's done.
Gesundheit again.
three   spaces
Y      A      Y      !
:( I don't get it
@MattЭллен I will resend it via snail mail.
@DavidWallace They are only two. How do you count three?
Matt - you have to press the space bar with both thumbs at the same time.
And the nose.
Don't forget the nose!
two  spaces
one space
mao I jubt look silly
Mao is dead.
He doesn't care.
L         o            n            g live Mao
Umm ...
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
Who is Mao?
what makes your   work, and my   not?
@Meysam He is dead. Move on.
@MattЭллен Magic. Also, good beer.
Matt - aren't you a web programmer by profession? You should be able to work it out.
I want to learn amazonian.
Start today.
Mar 9 at 20:11, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
Virgin Ben (Virgin (EMI))
@Gigili I'm told it's a jungle out there.
Hello Randy Newman.

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