@JSBᾶngs You better not cross me! You are talking to a man who has absolute command of the English language! I can hit you so hard, you'll ... pauses, realizes mellow getting harshed ... uh, never mind.
@Vitaly i'm not sure i understand. you want to take the critique as written, adapt it so that it applies to Christians, and only have to change a few scripture references?
i'll have to think about that
i mean, you could just leave it, since the Torah is included in the Bible
@JSBᾶngs THere's two ways that that is wrong: 1) the Jews have a long history of commentary on the Torah that interprets it, and Christians do not follow these interpretations. 2) Christians don't follow the rules in Leviticus and Deuteronomy very closely, except when they feel like it. All the kosher laws are in there but Christians tend not to care about that.
@KitFox yes. the sacrificial system ritual is explicitly wrapped up by the crucifixion. the gray areas are about what other parts of the torah which are "moral" rules
@JSBᾶngs I'm not sure which comment you're referring to but the answer is probably yes. I 'm having trouble reading and typing something else at the same time.
@KitFox i wouldn't say "blame it on the jews", but christians don't take the torah as being morally binding on them for the present day, so they're a lot less worried about this stuff
@Vitaly The Christians will just say that it was intended for Jews, not for themselves. So maybe you do want to rewrite/find another passage. Except the New Testament doesn't have much of that kind of talk.
And since the gospels were focused on spreading God's love and Jesus's sacrifice and not so much on scary-as-hell Yahweh, you probably won't find much like that.
they like to censor their own sacred texts over here, so a lot of stuff from the Old Testament was missing in the Russian versions I cared to read as a teen
was the idea that you would be scared by the warnings in leviticus and stop masturbating, or that the reading would bore/fascinate you enough that you'd forget about it?
the former would be odd, since i don't remember anything about masturbation being in leviticus
The Brick Testament is a good way to read selected excerpts from the bible. It's full of juicy bits because those make for the best lego scenes. Some might say that the guy who makes it is intentionally inflammatory or uncharitable in his depictions and interpretations.
@JSBᾶngs Hmm. I know part of it was because having a Bible in your hands should help remind you to not touch yourself. I can't remember why Leviticus specifically, except maybe the rule sets.
@MattЭллен Anytime anyone mentions a passage in the Bible, and I go read it, and the surrounding book it is in, I'm either bored to tears (New Testament) or disgusted (Old).
@MattЭллен I had this idea of reading it to the kids because of the fun stories I remember as a child. Started with Genesis...I had to edit so much I gave up.
@Mitch the Bible stories as such weren't written for modern sensibilities, and they certainly weren't written for children. so i don't find this interesting.
@Mitch I dunno. The whole Prometheus thing is pretty awful. Also, there is a Flood story in Greek mythology, IIRC, and let's not forget Midas and Tantalos and the Gorgons and all that.
@Mitch fewer cultural referents (though obviously not no cultural referents), and basically no one alive who takes them literally or believes them in any sense
@JSBᾶngs Yeah. The Odyssey teaches children how a clever man can stay away from home for an extended period of time, then mollify his wife with a bunch of fantastic stories. "No, really, honey. Then we were blown off course again and landed on a magical isle full of beautiful women who forced us to have sex with them. It was horrible. I'm so glad I'm home."
So after you get through the first three installments of Der Ring des Nibelungen — call it 11 hours of exposition — what does Wagner do for the first 90 minutes of Die Goetterdaemmerung ? He tells the whole goddamn story all over again — an hour and a half of "Previously on The Ring ..."
One of software from Microsoft says Download complete. You can now disconnect from the Internet.
Why did they use disconnect from, I think disconnect is enough ? Is there any difference exit between these two sentences ?
@Reg new war? (if yes, are you going to explain to our mercs why exactly we are starting new wars? they don't seem to get that it isn't the current score that matters, but how much damage our enemies and we can actually do)
that reminds me. Some yahoo once installed one of those auto-spraying air-fresheners right above the kitchen area at my work. Yay! droplets of mystery chemicals all over the kitchen!
Please teach me which one is correct and why it is correct
subject's height, length and weight parameters
a subject's height, length and weight parameters
So the privileges page says that you can create gallery rooms once you hit 1000 reps. I am at < 1K reps at ELU, and I still have the option of creating a gallery room. Which makes me think that maybe 10K reps on all sites combined is enough to see the flags.