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I'm your favourite?
Can't be that important, or someone would've complained by now.
@KitFox NOBODY tests thoroughly enough. That's why there's QA.
@Robusto QA. makes notes
I mean, that's why they put QA on the ends of pencils.
@Mahnax Uhum.
I only ever see HB on the end of mine.
Off to dinner.
HB are my ex's initials. God, I hate that guy.
Seriously, the person writing the code can't really test all use cases. That involves an ability to withstand colossal boredom, which most developers just can't summon.
@Gigili Enjoy.
ur so nais.
Das stimmt.
@Robusto Well, having to change it in twelve places also reminds me how poorly I've structured my stuff.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Sehr stolz auf dich much?
@KitFox OK, that is a problem QA can't help with.
Wow, I was summoned from ELU chat for a scheduled chat on Writers.SE, and so I went. Now I'm the only person there. I feel like SE is pranking me.
"Hey, let's invite Robusto to a party and then nobody come. Huh-huh."
@Robusto I was just approving a fact.
In case you did not know, facts need my approval.
makes notes
@Robusto Haha I like how it says your name and then "less info".
Yeah. Click it and it just says "Rob" ...
Still too much information.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Ro?
@KitFox Well I wouldn't be able to read.
Take drugs just to turn pages! Come on kids, it's fun!
> he has built a ridiculously, elaborate Rube Goldberg contraption
Need more, commas.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You've got it backwards. We bribe kids with drugs to get them to read.
It's funny.
It has fire and a guinea pig.
Which reminds me, I forgotted to takes my Ritalin. Grammer going ... speling ... ahhhhh!
But what about cowbell???
No cowbell.
That's rho, not ro
Only in rhotic.
If you pronounce it wrong it can be very errhotic.
Fred come to bed.
He did?
See for yourself.
Not again.
@Robusto probably by capitalizing FUCK so much.
Oooh, screen snap!
Yay! @Matt!
I think Writers.SE is dying. When do they pull the plug on beta SE sites?
hiya @Kit :)
Is pedal the foot equivalent of manual?
as in "manual labour"
Um, I suppose so.
can you have "pedal labour"?
@Robusto When it has Atheism in its name.
Hey @Matt, how much tea does the average Briton drink in a day?
@MattЭллен No. Because you can't say "Read the f*cking pedal!"
@Mahnax I don't know, but probably 5 cups
@Vitaly That was the only case?
@MattЭллен Okay, I was 80% British yesterday.
@Mahnax that's a lot of tea!
@MattЭллен Yes, I couldn't stop drinking tea.
Mar 21 at 14:42, by Matt Эллен
@aediaλ Oh, I don't even drink tea. I run on pomposity
So way more than me :D
@Robusto The one and only of its kind, yes. How many SE sites have Atheism in their names?
@Mahnax Why were you enjoying tea so much yesterday?
@MattЭллен I know, haha.
@MattЭллен I'm not sure.
@Vitaly Was there a lot of religionist pressure to dump Atheism.SE?
I think it was mostly a lack of questions to be asked.
But that's true of other sites as well.
@Robusto You could hear how they prayed in the privacy of their backyards the world over.
@Mahnax I see. You had no questions so you drank tea. Jolly good, carry on!
@MattЭллен sips tea
Kidding, I haven't even eaten breakfast yet.
Oh, it's 11:30.
Everyone who was interested pretty much agreed there was no god, and the SE format doesn't allow for discussions, so what was left to say?
@Robusto We weren't given the time to get everyone who wasn't interested come there and agree there was no god, for one.
I didn't get a chance to agree.
But I bet if there was a Christianity.SE it would be overflowing with questions and answers. A veritable Noah's ark of posts.
Or disagree, as the case may be.
@Robusto I can't even look at Christianity.SE.
Wait, you mean there is such a site?
Oh, FFS ...
bah ;)
I thought I was making a joke. Now I realize I was hideously right.
@MattЭллен It's the tea.
indeed! you've speed up to over 9000!
@Robusto Build it and they will come.
Q: Why did God create the Heavens and the Earth?

Greg McNultyGenesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Why? Does the Bible state a reason anywhere?

@Robusto FWIW, I don't hang out there.
Oh FFS. Again.
@Robusto Haha how awesome.
They need a close reason: Bible-ref.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Genesis ref.
"Does the Bible state a reason?" — "Wait, you mean you haven't read it?"
It's true, though, the bible doesn't say why God creates anything
Oh, apparently I'm wrong
> God created the heavens and the earth as an expression of His glory.
I think I might just have to ask "Why didn't God create the Heavens and the Earth out of LEGO™? Wouldn't it have been easier?"
Hey, @Rob, if the site pains you, you should read the blog
it has a blog! this is interesting news
God created the Heavens and the Earth so people could ask stupid questions on Christianity.SE. Timothy 4:11.
I feel unclean.
Must ... resist ... desire to troll ... Christianity.SE ...
That is why I don't go there.
Q: What are you favorite works of Orthodox theology available for Kindle?

Christos Jonathan HaywardWhat are some of your favorite works of Orthodox theology available for Kindle? (At the risk of being self-promotional, my own works of Orthodox theology are at http://Stornge.com/kindle)

Oh look ... they do have standards. This one got closed.
I find it hard to believe that they actually have "experts on Christianity" there, too.
@KitFox I have just created an account.
@KitFox Apparently they do, and as borror0 pointed out they must not be scientists.
Didn't you see...
@KitFox That is horrifying. Just horrifying.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oh wait. They say "experts in Christianity." That's different.
wow, the bit on birth control is hard to read without punching the screen
Q: Christianity.SE 's experts are Christians, not scientists

Borror0I have seen a few questions discussion science, such as this one: What is the archaeological evidence for a global flood? Others do it in the answers, but not in the question. I think that is bad, because many users get it wrong. And that is a problem. The Stack Exchange Network's formula con...

@MattЭллен You resisted that? Apparently you have more willpower than I do.
@RegDwightѬſ道 That's what I was going to link to.
@MattЭллен Where?
@KitFox that makes me an expert I guess.
Peter Turner on March 12, 2012

This is the Eschewmenical blog so in the spirit of Eschewmenism, I won’t be mincing any words. What I seek to present is an authentic Catholic stance on what said church teaches on the role of contraception in the family. I am a lay Catholic and not even remotely a theologian, so what I write is my opinion. But it is the opinion of one who both seeks to learn what his faith teaches and be obedient to it.


In practice, many priests will instruct people to follow their consciences, but a well formed conscience, a well formed Catholic conscience, a properly catechized and well formed Ca …

Q: Should we be deleting blatantly non-Christian answers?

CalebOne of our jobs as moderators is to keep the site clean. This includes deleting posts that do not belong for one reason or another. This usually involves leaving a comment about why the post was deleted, then deleting it. Deletions are not necessarily permanent as an OP may edit them and ask to h...

@Robusto I guess that's why I have no children or something
But at least you still have a monitor.
@KitFox Yeah poor Caleb got a lot of flak in this room here.
Now he can flak right back.
@MattЭллен Oh my goodness.
> If there are questions that are regarding Young Earth or Creationism or other scientific arguments that are seeking biblical backing, I can see this site being a good place for that. But if there's a question seeking scientific backing, I think those questions don't belong here.
I am speechless.
Even the Pope has a whole Academy of scientists discussing those things.
4 mins ago, by Robusto
@KitFox That is horrifying. Just horrifying.
I'm going to go eat breakfast.
Q: Are there truths that can only be known through spiritual means?

user1539The motivation for this question basically comes from reading the discussion around the question Is it necessary to Biblically support arguments within discussions about Christianity? and a question at Philosophy Stack Exchange, Kierkegaard and the Tripartite Theory of Man in which the bipartite ...

cya @Mahnax :)
Well if you have to ask that, there are not, or you are not spiritual, in which case it's off-topic.
Q: Why didn't God send Jesus during Noah's time instead of The Flood?

Jim G. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 John 3:16 tells us that God loved us, so He sent Jesus to save us. So why didn't He do this during Noah's time?

Because Maria wasn't born yet, duh.
Seriously, I could answer each and every question on that site.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Do it! Become the top rep whore on Christianity.SE! Yes!
Your public demands it.
I think the real answer is that God hated all those people, but loved the people in Jesus' time
@RegDwightѬſ道 And the top answer cites Andrew Lloyd Weber! Damn! You can't make this stuff up.
@Robusto I have just edited it for grammer.
Gimme my two points!!!!
Nice muve.
I like how it's all just a giant-wall-of-text way of saying, "I don't know, only God knows, don't question God!"
With eight upvotes.
> Had Jesus come in antediluvian times, Jesus would have been hopelessly mythological.
This is gold, you guys. Pure gold.
> Many still regard Jesus as myth!
How dare they?
> We can speculate, or guess, but this is an unanswerable (or rhetorical) question.
@Robusto Well they just look up the definition of "myth" in a dictionary.
I need a break.
What's the war doing...
Oh nais, fewer than 200 behind.
I'm spent.
@RegDwightѬſ道 A pagan book? Nevah!
Feb 28 at 3:34, by Sonic The Hedgehog
@MRS If you have any problems with what Bible says, just ask it on Christianity.SE. I am sure we could give a good explanation..
Yesss! 103 reps! 11 painful edits more and I will be able to downvote.
Bring back Atheism.SE and put it in a cage match with Christianity.SE.
muses What if we all create Xtianity users and systematically destroy the site?
I mean, fix it.
By upvoting the right stuff and downvoting the wrong stuff.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Are you RegDwight on that site, or an alias?
@Robusto The accounts are linked.
Ah, I see. But you are not a mod on that site?
No, I am just a turd.
An elephant out of water.
Better than a turd out of water, I guess.
@KitFox That's speculation. There's no proof of that in the Bible that I can see.
What does your being blind have to do with an elephant?
@KitFox Do not question scripture.
I am not blind. I was blind, but now I can see.
That's amazing, Grace.
Okay can we all agree that Rob shan't make any jokes henceforth?
We can't handle the truth.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Who says I'm joking?
You. In the starred list.
I want to prevent such accidents in the future.
So, go joke about "Everything you always wanted to ask about sex but were afraid to ask".SE instead.
Maybe when there's a "Your mama's so fat, she ...".SE
Wait, there was a sexuality site???

Q&A site for educators and professionals to discuss human sexuality.

Closed after 13 days in beta.

Seriously, no jokes no more.
Wow, I come back from lunch and discover that Rob has discovered Christianity!(.se)
It only took him OVER 50 years.
Not true. I didn't start looking right away.
I didn't say it took you that long to search. I said it took you that long to find.
There should be a Heimlich Maneuver you can perform on SE sites.
Especially ones where you accidentally invoked them with humor. Call it "FIRST AID FOR JOKING"
Apply to forehead.
Apply directly to the forehead.
Indirectly will do.
@Robusto Apply directly to the forehead.
So Christianity.se has a blog! And it's all misinformed nonsense about contraception! wheee! making the Internet a dumber place, stackexchange's new motto
I think the nonsense is focused on Christianity.SE and doesn't make much of an appearance elsewhere.
Oh, and my project lead once again brought up the "there have been complaints about the lag time" thing in our recent meeting. Like he does in every meeting.
@Mahnax one would think that would give them to think...
@Mahnax I dunno. There are at least 3 religion-themed SE sites.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, Biblical Hermeneutics isn't as bad IMO.
Some of it is nonsense. Some of it is just wanking.
What's the third?
Have we looked at Judaism.SE? For comparison?
Oh, yeah.
I like Judaism. Where there's a mod who once a week just posts a question, "Who knows 1?", "Who knows 2?" etc, etc.
I was ecstatic to find out that there's an Alien vs. Predator SE site.
I always wondered what would happen if I posted the next question in that row.
No, wait. Predator!
@RegDwightѬſ道 Do it!
@RegDwightѬſ道 They'd ignore it if you weren't a rabbi.
Yes, but that's the thing.
You mean rebbeh.
I don't think anyone else is allowed to post it and get reps from it.
Which is kind of, um, strange.
So it's free rep for the mod?
It's just as silly.
@Mahnax Very much so.
I want to see one of these questions now…
I need to go shower my mind. Back later.
Judaism is looking quite successful to me.
Q: Is Hebrew the mother of all languages spoken today in the world?

MaxoodI often wonder what language Adam, Seth, Noah and Abraham (may peace and blessings be upon them) used to speak. What was their native tongue? Was it classical Hebrew? If yes, then would it be right to claim that Hebrew is the mother of all languages spoken today including Arabic that happens to b...

Not a bad question count and a decent number of 10kers.
Q: Arba'im Umeya - mi yodeya?

Isaac MosesWho knows one hundred forty? Please cite/link your sources, if possible. At some point at least twenty-four hours from now, I will: Upvote all interesting answers. Accept the best answer. Go on to the next number.

He even has his own tag for that.
Free rep for the mod, subjective and argumentative to boot.
I'm not sure I even understand what he's asking.
Oh, never mind.
He gives you a number and asks you to find a religious meaning for it.
On a positive note, I like the new Beta theme.
@Vitaly you could ask that on Judaism.
Not as an attempt at trolling. Quite the opposite. That question is way more interesting and important than "who knows 178?"
@Mahnax Yes, much better than the sketchy one.
@RegDwightѬſ道 And you would get answers similar to what was proposed in the penultimate paragraph.
@Gigili It's much more polished.
@Vitaly But more people would think about it than are thinking about it now.
Well, feel free to do it.
Just make sure they don't switch to Christianity, which is even more hypocritical.
Nuh-uh. You're the atheist killing machine.
@KitFox What's with you and machines?
What's with you and machines?
pokes @Vit in spider eyeball
@Vitaly one would hope people on Judaism.SE are not exactly willing to defend genocide.
I found an old OED application for free on the internet.
Add a couple comments and sell it for five bucks.
@Mahnax Mind to share the link?!
Oh, project lead getting lippy with the big boss's wife.
@Gigili Uh, sure.
It was somewhere on the Pirate Bay and it was for Mac.
But I can't find it now.
@Mahnax sounds legit to me
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It's pretty good, actually.
A: etymology of inkhorn

cornbread ninjaThey seem to have come about at the same time per OED: inkhorn late 14c., "small portable vessel (originally made of horn) for holding ink," from > ink (n.) + horn (n.). Used attributively as an adjective for things (especially vocabulary) supposed to be beloved by scribbler...

That answer referenced the OED, so I looked up inkhorn in the app and got the exact same info.
Or if you want the legal copy, you can get this:
Just for $210.71.
Yeah, only 200 bucks.
No big deal.
Oh, now I feel like a thief.
Yeah, only.
Thaaanks, Vit.
@KitFox I see you take screenshots by photographing your screen and then scanning in the photo.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Right. Yep. You've seen the instructions, I assume?
I wrote them.
Weehee, there's one for Windows. Thank you @Mahnax.
@Gigili Ahh, now I'm making other people thieves.
@Mahnax do you really not have a library card in a library that subscribes to OED Online in Canada?
@Vitaly Hm, I'm not sure.
A library card can subscribe you to OED online?
This is news.
That's an unfair representation.
If you click "Does my library subscribe?" the page says something like "All reputable places do, so if yours doesn't you are all losers."
@Mahnax if your library subscribes to OED Online (that is, pays the OUP for access to OED Online), then you can type in your library card number and get logged in
@Vitaly Okay.
I know quite a few Americans who were surprised to learn that their libraries subscribed to OED Online
> Many public, university and institutional libraries subscribe to the OED Online, and should offer remote access from home. Ask your librarian whether your library subscribes.
Wow, that's useless information.
The answer is "Maybe. Check with your library."
So it doesn't hurt to try your library card number (no need to check with your library)
Wow, Thanks @Vitaly! I had no idea this was a thing!
Ah, shoot.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Works for you?
My library card expired a few weeks ago and I never renewed it.
Most things that I like to read can be easily read on my iPod.
@Vitaly yeah! sweet
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Nice.
@Mahnax try anyway, I guess?
@Vitaly Okay.
Doesn't work.
Well, tough luck.
Hey, I've still got the app…
@JSB are you about?
@KitFox about what?
in general i try to be non-topic-oriented
About Linq.
Is it better to create multiply-joined tables in a LinqToSql class, or just make a view and dump that into a class?
@KitFox i would do the latter
Any particular reason?

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