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@Cerberus Yeah. I was fascinated by that when I first realized I did it.
It is a bit like laughing.
Most of the time, it is semi-conscious, social—not the pure expression of a deep emotion.
And sometimes we even mimick the way another person laughs or speaks.
English expletives pop out of my mouth all the time. And that's no proof of bilingualism or even fluency in English.
@Færd No, but if I were to come up behind you and startle you, what language would you exclaim in?
I would very naturally say Fuck!.
I was just never exposed to so much swearing before I started learning English.
Although pain is a better example. Although strange, it is absolutely true that different languages have different exclamations for pain. So English has ouch, Spanish has ay, Greek has ay/aou and French has aieue or however that's spelled.
And I know that if I hurt myself while thinking in English, I'll yell ouch but if thinking in Greek, it'll be ay or aou.
Since there is nothing natural about that final ch, that clearly indicates that my brain treats these exclamations as words and uses the appropriate one.
I remember saying ouch on the spot. Maybe I was in an English mood at those times.
Most of the time I'd say آخ (Farsi) though.
Or just AAAAaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiyooooooo‌​ooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuubastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard!
Yeah, it depends on the level of the pain. :)
@Cerberus Oh wow, that sounds so like the Greek equivalent of Ah.
@Cerberus Yeah, almost the same as the first one.
@terdon Interesting.
@terdon Mm hmm.
It also sounds somewhat like Dutch ach/och.
Which are more of a complaint, or a shrugging emotion, than pain.
Does Dutch have such a soft, aspirated ch sound?
Dutch ch is like /x/.
Spanish j.
That's a phoneme that drives English speakers up the wall.
But what doesn't?
@Cerberus Oh. I thought Dutch only had harder versions.
I don't know how hard it is.
Well, English has the really soft (and yes, I know there aren't rigorous terms) h and the hard ch but nothing in between like the Spanish j.
Oh, to a Dutchman those are two completely different sounds, /h/ and /x/.
G and ch are both /x/ in native words.
English ch and Spanish ch are /tʃ/, entirely different from Dutch ch.
@Cerberus Is that the same as χ in ωχ?
@Færd It's close, at least. The IPA symbol was no doubt chosen after Greek.
@Færd Same here but I never say the f-word out loud. I usually just say shit!
As for fuck I'm absolutely in training to quit saying it.
@Færd That reminds me, in English when I hear fuckity fuck fuck! it sounds very funny.
@Cerberus Good to know. Could you please give me an example of the Spanish j sound you were talking about too?
Well, only if you think it sounds different than χ.
But in real life many people have told me not even to say shit! out loud so I'm practicing not to say it anymore.
It looks bad.
@englishstudent For me, it's not good if I don't have control over it.
It is like involuntary for me, I mean whenever something goes wrong etc.
@Færd Yep.
And I could have the decency to swear in Farsi when I'm talking to Farsi speakers.
So, yeah, better to quit them for now.
I rarely swear in my native language. Rarely. There is a reason, swear words in my own language sound very awful to me, maybe because I can understand them very well.
To me it sounds very similar.
Spanish x and g (before i/e) also have that sound.
@englishstudent I just wanted to say that. But there are swear words and there are swear words.
@Cerberus To me too. Thanks.
But you will notice that some Spanish accents have a very soft j, more like /h/ than like /x/.
And southern Dutch accents will also pronounce g/ch in a soft way that doesn't doesn't sound like /x/ at all, nor like /h/.
Everyone below the Rhine.
Like what then? like a prolonged /k/?
Not like /k/ at all.
It's soft.
I don't know how to write it.
I meant like a softened, prolonged /k/.
If you soften /k/, it will sound nothing like /k/?
But why am I guessing at something I don't know?
@Cerberus Igmur doesn't work very well for me these days. Can I make an account at that site? It is a photo sharing site right?
@Cerberus It's just being pronounced from the place /k/ is.
@englishstudent How do you mean, it doesn't work? That image is not on Imgur.
@Færd I would say a bit more to the back.
Oh, so I wasn't too far.
@Cerberus Nice map. It's the Netherlands though, right?
I would say it's closer to /x/ than to /k/.
@Færd And other Dutch-speaking regions.
@Cerberus I know it isn't Igmur. I can see that image perfectly, I meant I usually upload things on Igmur and the website doesn't work well these days. It is down etc. often times, at least for me. So I was asking if you knew any other good alternatives like that site above. :)
@Cerberus So you say "How do you mean?" I say "What do you mean?"
@Cerberus My /k/ can be more to the back than /x/.
> Soft Dutch g: [ʝ] (voiced) and [ç] (unvoiced)
@Færd Then your /x/ sounds more like a soft Dutch g!
@englishstudent I just copied the link from Google images; the image is hosted on Blogspot.
@Cerberus oh. ok.
Well, my soft /x/ may well be like a soft Dutch g.
I use a programma that automatically uploads to Imgur, so I wouldn't know about their website.
@Cerberus pfft
We have soft /k/ and 'thick' /k/, and soft and fierce /x/s.
@Cerberus The one unfortunate thing about forvo is it doesn't tell you what it means.
There are books for that...
@Cerberus Heh, that's softer than I had in mind. We have that too.
Woordenboeken, is what we call them.
@Færd Of course. You're well below the Rhine.
You must also be Catholic.
@Cerberus i want one stop shopping
and the cashier to bag it for me
Next life.
Is there a next life?!
I know... but...
@Cerberus I gather those bellow the Rhine are all Catholic to you.
Indeed, they are.
I'm going to end it all and stop believing in reincarnation in my next life
@Mitch So I notice many older people become religious. All over the world I guess. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
@englishstudent religion is to give old ladies something to do on the weekends
@Cerberus I didn't read the news today. How is Amsterdam today?
@englishstudent oh boy
@Mitch That's funny.
ok. ok. I will read it now.
@englishstudent I was making a sly reference to the Beatles.
@englishstudent No so much "become" as "remain".
also has the classic intrusive 'r' in "I sawr a film today"
or is that linking? it's one r the other.
@englishstudent Nothing of interest; how about your city?
@Mitch Hah.
It's intrusive indeed.
The linking r is like French liaison: it's normally not pronounced, but it is always written.
Intrusive r is not written.
@Cerberus What's the religion in those light blue regions? I might be one of those.
@Færd It's atheism.
@Mitch Yes my reactions can be weird sometimes I know. It is just that my dad used to scold me often when I was very young so I get scared easily sometimes. It is sad, but true. But I have learned to be happy and ignore things you know.
The nationals of those light-blue places worship no gods.
@Cerberus nice mnemonic. or rather what it really is
@Cerberus i don't believe it
And "it" is a deity?
@Cerberus It's as true as "They worship this or that god."
In your system of logic, at least.
is afraid he doesn't understand
@englishstudent ?? 'oh boy' is not scolding at all. it means ... 'uh oh' (concern) or 'oh great' (excitement) or a bunch of things, but not at all scolding. 'boy' itself might be scolding if followed by a command.
Oh man.
@Mitch haha. I know. I misread. lel.
Funny even!
Oh boy the things I say in chat.
One never says 'oh lady', except to get her attention when she's left her umbrella at the counter.
@Cerberus I guess I do. You said the religion is atheism because they worship no god. I said they represents a set with no members, so it's as true to say they worship X, because there's no they.
@Cerberus My city is fine. Thanks.
or 'oh woman' unless you're Jesus. (look it up, he was scolding his mom)
or 'Oh girl' (unless you're the beatles)
@Færd Everyone in that set believes in God.
And then I remembered that I consider a statement about the members of an empty set to be inherently vague, as opposed to Cerb who doesn't, so I said "In your system of logic, at least".
@Færd Their beliefs are more... fluid.
Yeah. They're liberal in their religion.
@Færd Ah, well, it depends on your interpretation of the text, on your translation of it into formal logic.
And people are still so very much afraid of Russia...
@englishstudent I used to think that too. As a little kid your parents make you do religious stuff and then as you grow up you rebel a little bit and then the few times you do religious things with your family you see mostly old people.
@Cerberus I think Russia is cool.
Cold, even.
@Mitch That is very true.
Saudi Arabia doesn't conform to the general pattern.
Or is the most non-conforming one.
@Cerberus yay! USA wins! woo hoo!
@Færd It has the highest military spending as a percentage of GDP, yes.
@Mitch Congratulations.
except for child mortality, secondary education, etc
@Mitch You Yanks are lucky!
@Cerberus a lot of the US military spending helps them out.
@Mitch You'll defeat Saudi Arabia in any criterion.
@Mitch How do you mean?
SA buys its weapons in America and Europe, sadly.
China is doing pretty good too it seems.
And it pumps money into western Indonesia to radicalise it.
@Cerberus we also win on per capita health care spending. but are pretty low on avg lifespan for developed countries
we win on obesity.
Hmm hmm.
what else? higher education costs.
I believe you don't even win on obesity any more.
I think Mexico wins now?
no we're still first
oh we're neck and neck with Mexico. yes, I think they passed us by last year
Most Obese Countries In The World
Rank Country Percentage of population
1 Palau 47.10%
2 Nauru 45.10%
3 Marshall Islands 42.30%
4 Samoa 41.60%
American Samoas are one flavor of Girl Scout cookies.
People are saying these maps are going to turn upside-down in the next decades, particularly that China will surpass the US in economy and military power.
I don't know how to calculate that, or evaluate the statement.
@Cerberus but the big European countries are catching up, England, Germany, France.
@Mitch "yanks" isn't offensive right? I hear people use it sometimes. I used it in a humorous way btw.
@Færd per capita maybe, but the large portion of people in China are still not well off.
@Cerberus You are good with the charts and graphs.
@englishstudent I think it is intended to be pejrative but it sounds silly to me.
@Mitch Well, maybe that prediction gives them a long enough time to catch up.
@Mitch I see. So what's the other word that I could use besides "americans" that is not silly etc.?
@Færd their economy is growing fast (whatever quantitative # is being used) 8% per year GDP? so could easily overtake the US in a short time. but I think it is an artifact of banking. the wellness has not spread to the entire population.
I don't think the quality of living is on average is near as good as the US (much less than Europe).
Maybe they will become more homogeneous in wealth? That could be calculated too.
Those charts and graphs can be inaccurate quite often.
@englishstudent oh...uh... American is great if you're just talking to people from the US or Europe. To people in Latin America i've heard it sometimes sounds weird because they are all literally from 'America' (Central and Southern) too. Canadians don't care I don't think. (Any Canadians who can commment here?)
@Færd I think that's called the Gini index
@Mitch ah cool.
I should be asking you
@Mitch There you go. Now your homework is to plot a graph and extrapolate the future of China's economy. Hand it in by tomorrow at the latest.
@Færd uh...
I'll get right on it
pats Mitch on the back
@Færd wow, you talk like a teacher.
@Mitch Is it a ready made map?
@Mitch Good job. So far a C.
@englishstudent I used to be one.
Just curious. Or if not which software did you use?
@Færd how about now?
@Færd Ah nice.
@englishstudent no. I googled 'china growth gdp' and 'china gdp' separately, and google supplied those. I cut and pasted the image and uploded here. it too me exactly the time from when you asked to now.
@Mitch No extrapolation yet, but never mind. That plot explains itself to some extent.
From me @Mitch would get an A for those graphs if not A+ but I'm quite lenient in nature.
@Færd "It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future."
@Mitch Sorry I misread. good work.
would it help if I noted that one graph is the integral (or really partial sum) of the other?
My brain isn't working well now I guess. Good night all. See you guys around.
I don't want to give away @Cerberus's magic trcks but I'm sure he does something similar, google searches for a keyword and 'map' then looks at google images.
Yeah Googles images are quite handy.
But we were talking about about the genie in the bottle. Nothing about that so far.
@englishstudent G'night.
@Mitch It would.
Year - World Gini coefficients
1820 0.43
1850 0.53
1870 0.56
1913 0.61
1929 0.62
1950 0.64
1960 0.64
1980 0.66
2002 0.71
2005 0.68
> More detailed data from similar sources plots a continuous decline since 1988. This is attributed to globalization increasing incomes for billions of poor people, mostly in India and China.
which, as I suspected, is difficult for China because of lack of data on them.
@Mitch Nice job.
I'd suspect China has a terrible Gini index because a very few super bajilionaires, and a great swath of impoverished people. Their big cities are becoming very middle class (lots of infrastructure investment/moving rural people to cities)
US's gini index is rising (more imbalance/more rich people to poor people/ sign of more inequality), which is sited as trouble for the US (as opposed to European countries who haven't (yet!) succumbed to extortionist CEO salaries and benefits.
But despite that large gini index, (also the media's worries about the shrinking 'middle class) the size of the lower class in the US is shrinking too.
It's all relative.
@Færd Why aren't you giving MAR a deadline on his medication replicator-in-a-box project?
> Richest u % of population (red) equally share f % of all income or wealth, others (green) equally share remainder: G = f − u. A smooth distribution (blue) with same u and f always has G > f − u.
I think for gini to be more meaningful (to me) it has to be something like standard deviation, or even more detailed than that.
@Mitch He has to study for Konkoor (a serious test that will determine which college he will go to).
And yet he is always chatting here and there. Maybe I should be tougher on him.
oops GNI is not the same as Gini index. Here is a link to the gini index comparison
china is the worst but only a little moreso than the US.
@Færd I find the Gini index hard to understand like that.
I'm not sure about the logic behind that definition.
I don't know. I'm new to it.
@Mitch Interesting. So if the size of lower class is shrinking then are they getting rich? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
I think of it as a curve from (0,0) to (1,1) x-axis is percent of max income and y-axis is %of GDP owned or something like that. so the curve goes from 0,0 to 1,1. some people earn more than others and so those bigger earners also own more GDP (ok GDP is not the right thing here but close).
so a 'good' graph goes straight from 0,0 to 1,1.
but most countries graphs are a concave curve (low first then rises)
the closer the curve is to a straight line the more 'equitable' that country is considered
and if the curve is flat for a ways then rises sharply then it is considered somewhat unequal.
the steeper the curve the more income inequality there is.
the Gini index is the area above the curve.
Yeah, but think of a country where all the wealth is in the hands of one person to another where it's in the control of an economical and political elite with, say, 100 members.
so the higher the index, the 'worse' things are (unless you're super rich, and then you don't care anyway)
The Gini index is almost the same for those two countries, right? If the population is fairly big.
@Færd sure. if the population is even 10,000 they're both have bad Gini indexes. still a super great majority of extremely poor people.
@Færd well, Im not doing the math, but yes, that's what I just guessed
But those two countries will have governments of very different natures.
@englishstudent a picture is better than words here.
That's why I'm saying gini coefficient is not detailed enough.
suppose you split a population into three parts: poor, middle class, rich. ignoring how rich or poor.
@Mitch Yesterday a lizard came to my room and I had to kill it. Is it okay to kill a lizard, mouse etc. there in US?
people can move from poor to middle and middle to rich. so fewer poor and middle and more rich.
you can still say 'middle class' is shrinking
that makes sense.
wow. thinks about moving to US.
@englishstudent It would be really bad if I came to your room and killed a lizard.
travel, visa hotel. getting out of jail when you call the police. lots of stuff
@englishstudent well, check your gini index first.
also, haven't you read the news lately?
@Mitch Yeah, so? I'm not sure what you're explaining.
@Mitch huh? Oh you are kidding. But you are welcome to come here and kill a lizard for me.
@Færd I'm explaining how people (at least I hear this in the US) keep complaining about how the middle class is shrinking. and I think the 'poor' is shrinking more and that's not ever said.
@englishstudent of course I'm kidding. yes, it is totally OK to kill a lizard or mouse in your home.
@Mitch I only know one genie and that's ginie in a bottle baby...
What if they claim the house theirs and kill you?
It's not the most fun thing in the world.
but it is done.
@Mitch Oh good. good.
I prefer to capture them and release in my neighbor's yard
@englishstudent I need a youtube link for that
@Færd That's totally fair. I welcome the challenge.
dons night-vision goggles
holds large mallet over mousehole
@Mitch Sure. Do you have speakers with you now, or headphones for that matter? I hope you are not in office or somewhere. Here you go
huh that's a different version I guess.
@englishstudent turns up volume
turns monitor so everybody can see
clicks link
Wait, is this SFW?
I don't know. I didn't see any warning etc.
Yeah SFW I'm sure.
@englishstudent haha. yes, it's totally SFW.
@Mitch The "big" countries, I see.
@Færd It's hard to say, but it will probably happen eventually. China's current rapid growth will soon slow down, though.
@Mitch Yeah, I type "gim diagram world military expenditure" in my address bar, where "gim" is my keyword for Google Images.
> The 20 least obese countries in the world

1. Ethiopia
Who'd have guessed?
Me me me
You're a genius.
@Cerberus Nice. What do geniuses do when they find out they're a genius?
They hand out cake.
I don't trust your answer. It includes giving. ಠ_ಠ
Alternatively, they take over the world.
I'm too lazy for that
The world's 10 largest economies 1970-2030 by @aronstrandberg https://t.co/2A6zVfXQrM
an animation
@Cerberus haha big. no pun intended
@Cerberus that's what I suspect, that China can't keep up such huge growth rate for long.
@M.A.R. Wait...are you looking for suggestions for yourself? Definitely give out cake to others. If it's donuts, that's perfectly fine too.
@Mitch What if I make cake and eat in front of others?
@Færd I used odd as a synonym for strange.
8 hours ago, by Færd
But it can be confusing for me. The perfect infinitive in this one sounds strange "I wanted to have called you, but ...".
@Mitch Suuuure.
@Mitch It has already been slacking somewhat.
1 hour later…
@M.A.R. did you make enough for everybody?
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