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Here, it's kind of "trendy" to be green, whether you do so in a thought out way, or not.
Q: Is "everyone" singular or plural?

Ben AlpertWhich is correct? Everyone were convinced that he would go to the game. Everyone was convinced that he would go to the game. I think it's "was", because "everyone" is singular, but I just wanted to check.

@DavidWallace Isn't it like that all over the Western world?
You'd think there could only be two possible answers. Somehow, there are three posted.
Umm, I tried to edit that and lost a bit.
I wanted to say - Completely unrelated, I'm starting to think that ELU is a complete waste of space.
Yeah, the other two do not add much to Nohat's answer.
@Cerberus I don't know.
Waste of space?
It is. Even Americans have turned green outside the traditional left-wing circles.
@Cerberus I guess I'm still stuck in our conversation from yesterday.
What was it about?
About ELU being pointless; wondering who it's for.
Oh, that, yes.
Perhaps it doesn't matter.
@Cerberus The first time I went to Bosnia, I was gobsmacked at the absence of any means to recycle stuff. Every single person puts every single piece of waste in a big rubbish bin. And taxis are the way that people most commonly travel, because they're really cheap. I felt almost dirty.
We have no recycling here either, except paper and glass.
It's different outside the city.
You're in Netherlands, right?
But here all the banana skins and plastic wrappers go in the same bag.
But paper and glass is better than nothing.
But, being the sceptic that I am, I'd like to know what the ultimate goal of separating compost is.
Then I'd like to know how the separation process works in order to find out whether it furthers these goals.
I thought the compost argument was about it taking up space in a landfill. In any case, it makes my vegetables grow better.
Space in a landfill? Is that all?
And why is that so bad?
And how much does the separation and processing cost?
Okay, but I'd like to see an analysis that is a bit more quantified.
Are you saying that we shouldn't make an effort to be green, if we can't measure the effects of those efforts?
Q: Value in use now and value to be used later

Michael SandlerI am programming a web page and need to keep track of two date values. One is the search criterion in use at present and the other is a date entered by the user which has not yet been selected as the criterion. I am struggling to think of succint names for these two values. The best I can come u...

How to name variables. Off-topic.
Should be moved. Probably to programmers.SE
Would get closed there. Bikeshedding.
Well I haven't visited in a looong time, but last I heard from Mark Trapp and Anna Lear, they discouraged bikeshedding questions.
I mean, it's a) subjective and b) too localized.
The new moderator is one Yannis Rizos (not sure if I've spelt that right). I don't think that he would close this one.
Of course, a bunch of 3000+ers could close it.
@RegDwightѬſ道 What is bikeshedding, parking a bicycle in a shed?
Parkinson's Law of Triviality, also known as bikeshedding or the bicycle-shed example, is C. Northcote Parkinson's 1957 argument that organisations give disproportionate weight to trivial issues. Parkinson demonstrated this by contrasting the triviality of a bike shed to a nuclear reactor. Later, Poul-Henning Kamp applied the law to software development and introduced the colour of the bike shed as the proverbial trivial detail receiving disproportionate attention. Argument First mentioned in C. Northcote Parkinson's 1956 book Parkinson's law, and other studies in administration , the...
Q: The bike shed problem and SO

shooshIn short, the bike shed problem: If you go before the Board of Directors and ask for 1.5 Billion dollars to build a Nuclear Reactor, no one will review or discuss the details of the plant. They will assume that experts have been over every inch of the plans, and not want to look ...

I could argue that poor naming of variables is a pervasive blight on software development. And that anyone seeking advice on naming variables well should be given visibility.
It's not like you don't have a point, but this is a case of giving a man a fish vs. teaching him fishing
But my views on naming variables are not popular on Programmers.SE.
A general question about naming variables well for the rest of your life could be of great value.
I've learnt to put them into comments, rather than answers, so that they don't cause me to lose reputation :-)
But "how do I name this particular variable in this particular program" is too localized. Even the OP himself will probably forget a week later.
You can name a variable whatever you want.
@JasperLoy Which is why it is completely off-topic here.
So if I could answer around general principles of choosing variable names, like kind of a tutorial, that would be worth keeping the question open for? But if I just suggest a couple of names, it wouldn't be. Is that what you're saying?
Well if you suggested the couple of names as examples of the general pattern you are advocating, then it's obviously fine.
Do you think the OP posted it on ELU because he knew it would get closed if it were on Programmers?
I'm more concerned by the guy who thinks that two divided by four is one and a half.
@DavidWallace No idea. You could ask him.
@DavidWallace I only saw the title of that one, haven't looked into it yet.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I don't see how it is on-topic on any SE site.
@DavidWallace Looks like he's fixed it an hour ago.
So how could he re-word it in a way that would cause it to be on topic? "I seek general advice on how to name variables. For example ... "?
@RegDwightѬſ道 Oops, right you are.
@DavidWallace Well I have no idea what would or would not make it on-topic in another site, but that certainly wouldn't make it on-topic here.
Yeah, obviuosly, sorry.
To make it on-topic here, he would have to make it beneficial to people who are not programmers.
I was thinking about Programmers.SE I suppose.
Yeah but as you see I wasn't even aware they have new mods.
These days I don't spend anywhere as much time on other SE sites as I used to.
@DavidWallace I'm saying that it doesn't make sense to do these things unless two conditions are fulfilled: 1. the purpose should be formulated; 2. there should be reasonable evidence that they further this purpose and do not have other disadvantages that outweigh the benefits.
@Cer - so you're saying that in the absence of evidence one way or the other, I should maintain the status quo, instead of adopting common sense?
Common sense can be evidence.
Hm. Somehow the site's design is now broken for me.
The smaller the sacrifice you need to make, the weaker the evidence may be.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I am a professional programmer, so my two most commonly used SE sites are SO and Programmers.
@RegDwightѬſ道 How so?
But formulating goals is always a prerequisite.
Wow you have lots of medals.
You're so cool!
Looks like someone is fooling around with the z-index.
What browser dost thou use?
Firefox. More to the point, the exact same browser I used two minutes ago when everything was fine.
Site looks fine to me.
Oh well let me restart.
Permission grante...
Back to normal.
What's with the whole issue vs lend crap?
It's obvious that one word is standard in US, the other standard in UK. Yet the answers consist of a whole lot of alternating ... no you're wrong, it's X ...
Why can't people understand that English consists of more than one idiolect?
Q: Verb for librarian giving book to library visitor

RocketRWhat's the appropriate verb to describe the action the librarian does when you borrow a book at the library, something like hand or give?

Well that's what happens when I don't protect stuff in time.
Oh, and I only just realised that this question is about a month old. It only showed up on the list just now.
On some SE sites, questions come back when there's activity; others are strictly sorted by date asked.
Sometimes, I forget which category of site I'm looking at.
Huh. That's news to me that on some sites edits don't bump questions to the front page.
Perhaps you have a different tab selected on those?
Those cookies are merciless. They remember your last selection forever.
Probably. It took me months to figure out why sometimes the questions I wanted refused to show up.
That has happened to everyone at one point or another.
Then I'm not as dumb as I look.
That could mean that you are dumber. :P
Especially seeing how you don't look dumb at all.
How am I supposed to tell anyway?
I don't?
Well you're but 256 pixels. Not much to see there.
I've trying to cultivate a dumb look to better manipulate people.
Tell me more about it.
I'm afraid that is not possible at this moment.
Then allow me to remain skeptical for the time being.
I was going for something like this.
That is gross.
But then I accidentally stuck my head in the oven and the hair burnt off.
It's not even dumb, it's just ewww.
@RegDwightѬſ道 You're kidding!
It is rather absurd. I presume that was done as a joke while cutting his hair, then the rest was removed immediately after taking the photo.
This one's nice too.
@Cerberus expect ifile.it to be gone too: huffingtonpost.com/2012/02/15/…
@Cerberus shit for brains?
@Vitaly Oh, dear.
Yes, that looks pretty bad for Ifile.it.
@DavidWallace Heh, yes, that must have been the idea.
@Vitaly What do you think, can new laws and lawsuits really destroy on-line file sharing?
The "idiot" picture reminds me of Tame Iti, who's on trial here in NZ at the moment.
Or will alternative, indestructible ways be used?
@Cerberus they can destroy individuals, they can't destroy file sharing. it's a game of whac-a-mole really.
@DavidWallace Who?
@Vitaly So you don't they they can make it so hard that it will become impractical for most people?
I read several of the largest BT sites are considering shutting down.
@Cerberus … it's already impractical for most people. always has been.
Tāme Wairere Iti (born c. 1952) is a high profile Tūhoe Māori activist. He grew up in the Urewera area of New Zealand, and in the late 1960s and 1970s he was involved in protests against the Vietnam War and apartheid-era South Africa, and in many Māori protest actions. His ability to court controversy and his full facial moko make him well recognised. Along with three others he is currently on trial accused of "illegal possession of firearms and participation in an organised criminal group". Early life Born on a train near Rotorua, Tame Iti grew up with his grandparents in the custo...
@Vitaly How so? Everybody does it here.
Ernesto usually seems well informed. ^
@DavidWallace Oh yikes.
@Cerberus no matter how realistically many people you personally know, those aren't most people :P
most people wouldn't know how to turn a computer on >_>
@Vitaly I mean just your average person under 40, really. Or at least people who went to university.
Of course my mother wouldn't know how to.
Why do you have to be under 40 to know how to file share?
It's the law.
why do you have to be a large publisher to cut people who live in SE Asia, Africa etc off from books they wouldn't spend a cent on anyway?
After 40, you're required to ask your grandson to turn on the computer.
@Vitaly Yeah, I don't think strict copyrights are beneficial to society at all.
And that's what should count in the end.
So what do you think is the future of file sharing?
@Vitaly I am glad that cheap paperbacks are available rather than expensive hardbacks sometimes.
We went from p2p programs like Napster and Limewire and Kazee to torrent sites and file repositories.
Is there any way large torrent sites can survive somehow?
I mean, you can have a site in some obscure country, but, if IP addresses are blocked here...
I suppose you could get the torrent file itself through some kind of proxy network, then download the content over your normal network p2p but encrypted.
hey @Cerberus, how much time have you got?
You mean that as in the common expression, or as a real question?
I have some time, though I don't know how much.
the latter
@Cerberus check your email
I didn't even know you had my e-mail! Lemme see...
@Cerberus everyone's email is visible to everyone else on Chatzy
Oh, right.
Thanks for your message!
@Cerberus well, should I?
Yes! I have sent you a polite reply, hehe.
Hello all..
To change the subject completely, downloading anything is legal here.
@Cerberus That's nice.
Uploading things in large quantities with the prospect of making money out of it is illegal.
Hi user.
@Cerberus I can't see it yet?
Got it.
Wow, cool!
I use that same thing you're using too, it is incredibly easy to set up.
Now I have some browsing to do...
How's your day so far?
@user543101 543101 is very mysterious.
not true..
its just generic :)
@Vit def war
Pretty interesting collection.
Difficult def decks there. Wasteland Skimmers, Fear spams …
If there's anything you need...
Though I can't really think of anything that you would need but cannot get yourself.
@Cerberus I need a backup of all that :PPP
Oh, I can do that!
If you send me a t or m I can back it up on my external hard disk.
But downloading file by file is a bit slow.
A t or m?
A t file or an m link.
You know.
Well, in that case, I'm shutting the server down for now.
I got the things that seemed interesting to me, thanks!
Sent the m link.
OK, I'm making room on my HD (somehow it always fills up).
There is something very weird with my computer. It refuses to connect with my USB hard drives in a stable way.
Other USB devices are rock stable.
And it also depends on the moment, it seems.
@gigili You back?
@Cerberus What happens when you plug it in?
It connects, autoplay and all; then it will stay connected for a minute or a few seconds before disconnecting again.
Then it reconnects, etc.
On my laptop it always works fine.
I tried different ports on my desktop: sometimes it work flawlessly on one port, sometimes on another; and sometimes it doesn't work on either port.
I have an extra USB2 card installed, but the same problems occur with that too.
It happens with two different USB drives.
It never happens with any of my other USB devices.
Nor does it ever happen on my laptop, with either drive.
What the hell could this be?
@Cerberus Did you try another USB hard drive?
Yes, two USB drives exhibit similar problems.
So it must be something in my computer.
@Cerberus Are the two of the same model?
No, very different.
Different sizes, different brands.
@Cerberus Maybe sth wrong with comp.
@Vitaly <_<
@Vitaly Heh, perhaps I should try that...do you think people could help me with such a vague problem?
@JasperLoy Yeah, most probably.
I am guessing motherboard.
@Cerberus no, i have no idea how the site works. still worth a shot though, you seem to have researched the possibilities quite a bit to be able to describe the specifics.
Yeah I suppose I could try it.
Oh, and sometimes, when those drives don't work, I can clearly hear them making a ticking sound!
Both drives have done that.
With a frequency of about 1 Hz.
At first I though the drive was broken, but both drives display this behaviour, and I have never seen any data loss or anything.
And they never tick when connected to my laptop.
If it isn't my motherboard, it could be drivers, perhaps.
And now this drive has been working perfectly on one of the front ports for twenty minutes, while a few days ago it refused to stay connected on the same port. I had tried it on another port twenty minutes ago, but there it kept ticking and disconnecting.
@Cerberus If all your ports exhibit the flaky behaviour it's probably not the port. Also, typically Windows doesn't need special drivers for USB storage. Your USB controllers might need custom drivers. Make sure those are up-to-date. Do you know if your two controllers are using the same, or different, drivers?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm I have no idea! How do I tell which controller is which?
And does one controller correspond to one port? I never really understood what a controller is, except that it is probably something on the mobo...
I have installed the standard driver package from my motherboard's website (Gigabyte).
My USB things.
VIA is my internal USB card, I believe.
@JasperLoy: Yes, now.
@Gigili I see.
@RegDwightѬſ道 My favorite part is "and not just sex period."
Such a subtle edit.
Really nice subject too.
@Robusto the editor is probably not aware that "period" also means "menstruation".
@RegDwightѬſ道 Or class.
It's quite hilarious, really.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Why it is funny. It's funny because it's true. Funny and true.
@Robusto Yes, I'm just saying that he is not aware of that. It's not a deliberate pun.
I am aware of that. His obliviousness makes it funnier.
I find your ideas interesting and am subscribing to your newsletter as we speak.
Amazon is trying to pawn off Immersion as a "new" Pink Floyd album. For shame.
Well-forgotten old is the new new.
They emailed me all breathless, like. "Hey! NEW Pink Floyd Album!!!"
@RegDwightѬſ道 I did not knw he has a newsletter!
@JasperLoy Don't get too excited. It's behind a pay wall.
I think you can check a box somewhere so the emails read "USED Pink Floyd Album!!!" henceforth.
@Robusto Yeah I still have your invoice in my inbox.
@JasperLoy *know, *had.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Good. I was testing you.
Yawn. Also, shrug.
@Cerberus: In case your friends need to get to know Amsterdam, here's a link you can send them.
@Cerberus If you're unsure about which controller is which, you could unplug the add-on one
But I suspect that the Intel one is the built-in one as it has so many controller instances. Probably one controller for each pair of USB ports, so as to provide better throughput.
Maybe you need to check for updated drivers.
@JasperLoy hey you finally got a star for your tan/cos/sin joke!
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I was shocked! I must be dreaming...
Well, repeat it often enough and someone is bound to take pity on you
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The thing is, I have just downloaded all drivers from the Gigabyte website, and that didn't help.
I can't tell whether that included USB drivers.
And, if the ports on the VIA card exhibit the same behaviour, could it still be a driver issue?
@Cerberus It could if they use the same driver
Also, it could be the windows driver that's broken
Okay, but then where would I find another driver if not on the Gigabyte website?
Finally: This is one advantage you'll get from updating to Windows 7: almost all common hardware that was sold before 7 was released will have official drivers provided by Microsoft and those drivers are often much higher quality than the vendor drivers of yore
@Cerberus Hm... Intel, or Microsoft
Star Wars diorama as a music-box:
And they might have drivers that are included in Windows updates?
@Cerberus Yes, possibly
Sorry, I meant not included.
I see driver updates in Windows Update more often on Vista or 7 than I recall seeing them on XP
@Cerberus How's it going with the t?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Cheesus frigging rice, someone's got way too much time.
@Vitaly Still 0!
@Cerberus Still 0 with either t or m?
@RegDwightѬſ道 yeah but they're spending that time awesomely
The years passed, mankind became stupider at a frightening rate. Some had high hopes the genetic engineering would correct this trend in evolution, but sadly the greatest minds and resources were focused on playing with LEGO.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I see nothing wrong with that scenario.
@Vitaly Yes.
Well, I don't know why it wouldn't work.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 The most recent drivers I can find on the Intel site are from 2003...
@Vitaly Yeah, it's strange!
@Cerberus hm what year is your computer from?
@Cerberus “0 of 3 connected”
@MrShinyandNew安宇 I built it in 2008. All the parts were new then.
I saw the correct list of files when I added the t file, so it should all be in order.
It is really strange.
I'll just leave it on.
@Cerberus I can get it off myself.
@Cerberus Well, maybe you have a virus or something, that interferes with the USB functionality.
Ah I saw 0.1 Kb for half a second, then it disappeared. And still 0 (0).
@MrShinyandNew安宇 A virus? On XP? Pfft. Surely you jest.
@Vitaly Nice rate.
Actually, @Cerberus you could test it by booting a linux live CD and using the drives to move some data around. That would take the software out of the equation and let you verify that your hardware is all kosher.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Is that likely? It was the same on my previous XP install, which came from another disk. And I have the same version of XP on my laptop, which has no problem.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Hmm yes, good idea.
The only thing is that the drive can work without problems for days, then suddenly it cannot stay connected for longer than a few seconds.
So it's hard to troubleshoot.
The pattern is elusive.
@Robusto Actually, I haven't seen anyone facing an issue on XP. It's really shocking. Ö
Oh, and do you remember how my XP installation was extremely slow from CD? From that I concluded that perhaps my CD player was broken, but that could also be the mobo. Especially considering that the player usually works fine; it is only during OS installation that I had this weird thing.
What's the problem exactly?
My USB drives keep disconnecting.
@Cerberus I see you there. But the speed's ridiculously low.
They both do it on my desktop, but not on my laptop. And they tick. It's not all the times, and often switching ports helps; but it can happen on any port (there is no "good" port).
@Vitaly Yes it's working!
I've paused all other t's, but still the same.
1 (1).
Doesn't it have something to do with the USB ports?
@Vit @Rob @KitFox new active war.
@Gigili The problem can occur with any port. Sometime one port works better, then another port.
Currently the left front port works.
But a few days ago it didn't.
You said it doesn't happen on your laptop.
So it is strange.
Does the same thing happen when you use another USB drive?
Yes, it happens with two different USB drive.
But not with any other USB peripherals, like printer, mouse, speakers.
Do you use the USB ports of the front panel of the case?
@RegDwight Nice choice of opponent!
Well Metal Monsters got snatched away seven minutes too early.
Also, we are only two people right now.
@Gigili The problem happens with ports on both sides. And also with the ports in an card with extra USB ports that I have built in.
So it's very strange.
@Cerberus Oh that's something to pft. I was about to ask if you have a 4 port USB hub or something to check if it's still so.

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