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01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

hello kit. I hope you are well
@Arrowfar Yes, thank you.
@RejlanGivens Hi. Do you want to talk now?
Kit I'm in a real hurry just wanted to say hello
and check when you're available next time
Sure OK. Hi.
I'm not usually around on weekends, but I'll be in on Monday.
Can you tell me Kit
are you French?
i checked your info the other day
Non, je suis americane. Pourquoi?
because the guy that I wanted to complain about was French
I won't complain about him
just wanted to check with you about the rules for posting that is all
He's not French.
what is considered as a proper use of forum
so I know in the future what to expect
I wanted to explain that he is using boilerplate text. He is one of the regular reviewers on the site. He's not targeting you specifically.
okay Kit that also
It sounded like a human playing a bot
Do you know what 'boilerplate' means?
Sorry, I used it without thinking.
and don't see it helped anyone in my case
of course Kit
is my english that bad?
No, I'm just never sure when I'm using lingo and when I'm using normal human vocabulary.
@KitZ.Fox screw that. I demand satisfaction!
that was fine use of vocabulary as far as i'm concerned
anyway, i'm not going to bother you too much with questions about the rules, just a few clarifications
and before i go can I ask you for a little help very quickly
with vocabulary disambiguation
So we have specific standards for questions. Questions should not be discussion-style. Also, you need to write into your question the things you have already tried. That seems to be the guidance he was giving you, but I don't have the information in front of me anymore. Do you want me to create a private room to discuss it?
Would you be more comfortable with that?
can't right now Kit really have to go
but i'm grateful
that you're helpful with this
I can create the room now and you can leave me messages there when it is convenient for you.
hope I catch you up some other time
@KitZ.Fox I've always found that term distasteful, but now that Ive read it so much in that question, I'm extraordinarily aware of it, like someone mentioning your tongue, and you can't get the idea out of your head because your tongue is right there in your mouth.
@Mitch You mean "deprecated"?
and this may be naive, but are there any good alternatives? rep-monger?
Specifically not any of that.
what about "attention whore"? It can be used in a friendly way I guess.
Read the post. Basically, it suggests that we attack users with that kind of terminology.
@KitZ.Fox instead of 'distasteful'? I meant distastetful
@Arrowfar 'whore' is the problematic part. it's too pejorative
by "attack" you mean "suspend"?
@KitZ.Fox oh, now I understand the misunderstanding. I find the term 'rep-whore' distasteful.
'deprecated' is fine, I like it as opposed to 'eschewed'
@Mitch yeah I thought so too.
It's not just the "whore" part. It is focusing on assumptions about user behavior.
Q: Space vs area around

Rejlan GivensI'd like to know if "area" and "space" can be considered as perfect synonyms when they are used to refer to regions surrounding a physical object, as in this sentence: This zone is applied to the area/space within the pumping station, the area/space around the storage tank 5m in diameter, a...

So I was thinking about this.
And does it seems like "space" is empty where "area" might contain other objects, or is that just me?
@Mitch I didn't want to endorse what I consider malapropism, so I didn't answer at the question asking for a substitute, but I think rep-monger would probably work just as well.
@Tonepoet No, I mean that's specifically addressed in the comments on one of the answers.
You don't call the user anything. See this comment on the questionChrisF 10 hours ago
@KitZ.Fox OK. but the terminology really adds stigma to it. Is it actually not a thing then, a practice of answering lots of closable questions to scrounge up empty points?
Just read all the stuff and then ask questions.
@KitZ.Fox It was a long time since I looked at the question, and I think it was posted to the main site originally, assuming it's the same one I meant. While I can understand a user by a pejorative name is bad, we might need a name for the class of users engaging in behavior to effectively discuss policy, don't you think?
@KitZ.Fox OK. But then that should be answered in the question to make it clear to people.
That's in the post.
Nice chatting guys.
@Tonepoet I think that's the point of the post, that even non-pejorative names for the activity presumes tendentiously that a person is doing it. guilty by labeling.
@KitZ.Fox where in the post?
I have to go do other things.
nice. I'm currently avoiding doing other things that I should go do.
@Mazura Thanks. That n-gram chart doesn't prove your point, but I can imagine all of them being referred to also as the vet.
Either way, the important word is veterinarian: "veterinary practice, hospital, or clinic" Register Your Veterinary Practice - because they're either a licensed vet or they're not. I would bet money that all those locations are registered with their state as a "veterinary" something.
Mhm. That seems to be true.
@Mazura Veterinary is mainly used as an adjective these days and rarely as a noun.
Did s/he use it as a noun?
No. But someone did earlier today and I wanted to point it out.
oh, wait, I misread. "It's not a noun but it should be"... it used to be a noun.
but it's not anymore.
carry on.
Thank you, Sir ;-)
1 hour later…
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 As a noun it still referred to the person though.
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 21:00

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