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@sumelic I wouldn't know, but someone on Forvo says it with a long o: forvo.com/word/epona/#en
Howjsay, too, places stress on the o and makes it long, but it pronounces the vowels differently: howjsay.com/pronunciation-of-epona
To me, Forvo's pronunciation sounds better (I'm discounting the one from the non-native speaker there).
12 hours later…
I am so not impressed by the vast quantity of "obsolete" flags I am faced with this morning.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ok useing separated table has this problem
Which is the correct one? "Please sharp the knife" or "Please sharpening the knife"?
Poke me if you respond it.
@優しいエイリアン Neither. "Please sharpen the knife."
@stack well, sure, if you have multiple cookies per user, you need to devise a scheme to remove them when they're no longer valid.
@KitZ.Fox Nice. Thank you.
"Where is the biggest country in the world?" versus "What is the biggest country in the world?" Which one is the correct one?
@優しいエイリアン Both, although I'd go for the latter
Those ask answers to two different questions.
@TIPS Thanks.
@tchrist I don't think either answer will disappoint the <Chinese characters> guy though.
Or are those Korean?
The biggest country in the world is in the Northern Hemisphere.
The biggest country in the world is Russia.
@TIPS Kana.
@tchrist And I just assumed they were going for the latter, because this is what we do on ELL everyday.
Assume context.
Always check your assumptions.
Checks assumptions
How many assumptions can I carry on?
Depending on your bunker space, 300 to 500 pounds.
Although better exchange your pounds for cubic meters.
What was the other email I needed to send this morning?
The pounds are dropping.
@KitZ.Fox Mod-email?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well that's exactly the problem, how can I which row isn't no longer valid?
@TIPS No. One was for contract work. The other one was...something.
@stack Well, what is the problem, exactly? storage space? the possibility of old tokens leaking and being used nefariously? The untidiness of having multiple tokens per user+device even though logically they'd only need one?
@TIPS Those don't, er, measure the same thing
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yeah kinda .. I hate having even 1 useless row in the table.
How are you detecting cleared cookies?
@KitZ.Fox what do you mean "cleared cookies"?
You said in your question that the issue is that the user clears their cookies and then you have a row with a no longer used cookie.
@KitZ.Fox Ah .. well that's exactly my question. How can I detect cleared cookies? If I can do that, I will remove them and problem solves :-)
Can you dump all cookies for inactive users?
yes, I can remove all cookies for inactivate users. But when a user removes his browser's cookies (in other word creates a redundant row in the database), he isn't an inactivate user.
Put a date on the cookie and remove the oldest one.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 In an alternate universe, they do.
@stack So the typical thing to do is just to expire them. Put a date in the record that determines when it expires; refresh it when the user accesses the site, and delete it when it's expired.
expired records will stick around only briefly.
That's sort of what I said.
it was a good idea so I said it again.
And better.
Which makes me feel validated. Thanks.
well that's not the perfect way .. because I need to update it every time (for each user's request).
@stack you can also try to detect devices and enforce a one-cookie-per-device policy. This would let you delete old cookies for a device when you issue a new one. But device detection isn't trivial.
@stack Nah, just update it every so often. once a day, maybe.
Or you could stop worrying about perfect.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that's not bad
@KitZ.Fox :-)
There's a different way to do all of this: don't store the cookies at all. Instead, make bearer tokens.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 "But device detection isn't trivial" .. and isn't possible
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Are those like bearer bonds?
@stack well, sure it's possible. There are lots of companies that do it.
@KitZ.Fox yes
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 seems good, how it works?
a bearer token is cryptographically signed by you
you include in the token who it's for, what it allows, when it expires, whatever else you want
it's signed by you so you know it's legit
you give that to the user to put in a cookie
if they erase their cookies they're logged out
you don't need a list of cookies because any legit cookie is legit
the only thing that doesn't allow is prematurely expiring cookies.
There is even a standard for it, JWT
I guess my poor English language doesn't let me to get the algorithm of this ^
Think of it like money
The government makes money. It's "signed" (that is, designed to be difficult or impossible to fake)
Anyone with the token (a dollar bill) can use it. The token says on it what it's for (how much value it has).
But once a dollar bill is created, the government can't easily just disavow it. That dollar remains worth $1.
So too with a token. You cryptographically sign it so that you can verify that it's legitimate (by checking its signature).
You issue it and it allows whoever has it to access your system.
They can't modify it because that would invalidate the signature.
The token says "Allow user 'stack' to log in until July 13 2016"
Then your app just needs to say "do you have a valid token?"
hmm ..
But the downside is that without a master list of all tokens, you can't repudiate a token: you don't know what tokens exist (there's no list), you only know a good token when you see it. So you can't prevent a user with a valid token from using it.
That's the downside of not having a list.
I will think abut it :-) thank you @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 (actually this approach can be nice, maybe not secure as the previous one, but seems ok to me)
@stack well, "not as secure", depends on what you mean
in one way it's more secure: your DB doesn't have a resevoir of tokens to be stolen and abused
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 a valid cookie will be always valid for my website, right? So a user can copy a valid cookie of my website, and use it ever :-) (or even give it to his friends)
@stack well, you can put an expiry time in the cookie, which can't be altered without invalidating it. You can put the user's ID in it, so that it only provides access to the one account
better ..!
aside from that, the user could also copy his cookie to another person's computer no matter what the scheme is
17 mins ago, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
you include in the token who it's for, what it allows, when it expires, whatever else you want
The entire point of cookies is that they act as bearer tokens for a session.
A scheme like JWT just extends the idea, formalizes how to do it, and makes it work in non-browser schemes
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 is your approach look like this? stackoverflow.com/questions/1354999/…
@stack that approach is more like your original plan of storing tokens in the db.
But I have to leave, can't discuss it further for now. ttyl
ok, good luck
1 hour later…
@terdon Today I learned, well yesterday, that acontecimiento is also a word in Spanish not just Portuguese. It means the same thing as far as I can tell, but the frequency and register differ. I encountered it yesterday in a video by a native speaker from Castile speaking in his dialect, and was surprised to hear the common Portuguese word in Spanish.
It was a rather educated speaker, though.
Huh, never heard that before. Does it translate to achievement? The RAE entry seems to suggest so, as opposed to simple hecho.
Well, it's more like important event.
Portuguese uses acontecer where Spanish normally uses occurrir or suceder. The verb does exist in Spanish — apparently — but I had never heard it or its noun there till yesterday.
It's this part of the definition that lead me to achievement:
The reverse situation exists with quedar, which is dirt common in Spanish but rare in Portuguese.
> Hecho o suceso, especialmente cuando reviste cierta importancia.
> 1. Acto ou efeito de acontecer. = EVENTO, FACTO, OCORRÊNCIA, SUCESSO
2. Coisa ou caso inesperado ou que produz sensação (ex.: naquele tempo, um barco no porto era sempre um acontecimento).

"acontecimento", in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa [em linha], 2008-2013, http://www.priberam.pt/dlpo/acontecimento [consultado em 29-06-2016].
Hmm, so no need for any particular importance in Portuguese.
Wiktionary doesn't even list it as a Spanish word, although the RAE does.
@terdon Right, exactly.
The second Priberam definition is a bit more in the important way though.
Ah, yes, inesperado and sensação
I guess the etymology is from contar, as in recount or account in the sense of a story.
Those are from Latin. One from Arabic is hazaña (Acción o hecho, y especialmente hecho ilustre, señalado y heroico) but I think of that more as something a hero achieves.
Deeds, feats. Something like that.
Ah, yes, feat is better than achievement
Acontecer is from the no-longer-used contecer from Latin contingere to Vulgar (=common) Latin contingescere.
So not from contar.
Latin contingere meant the same as acontecer.
We get our word contact from it. Ask @Cerberus why. :)
> contingō ‎(present infinitive contingere, perfect active contigī, supine contāctum); third conjugation
We are individuals!
@MετάEd I'm not!
@MετάEd I'm a silicon and three isopropyls. How many am I?
omg dork
I mean, I don't know that's from an old Star Trek episode.
Something in the Dark.
Horta hears a hue.
Hi guys,
Is the below grammatically correct?
With regard to scheduling a date for…, we talked about giving individual presentation…
You need an article before "individual".
When I find out there's chat drama I can read about
1 hour later…
@KitZ.Fox We've been rewatching First Season with a Star Trek Original Series virgin
3 hours later…
@MετάEd - Was that a, I should know better VLQ? It's better than the other answer IMO. There's as much or more effort in my answer than there is in the question. Am I getting in the way of this question 'quietly' going away, is that the real problem here?
Hmm. Questions should be unanswerable for their first half hour, or something.
@Mazura Which one?
A: How can I abbreviate the word "Assessor"?

Mazuraallacronyms.com/ASR./Assessor : "asr." means assessor ASSRS - ASSESSORS –skagitcounty.net

(the other answer is even worse, but it has no VTC on it)
@Mazura Yes, the real problem is the question.
I'm just not a fan of how SE deletion is 'behind the scenes'. I don't think we should have to punish people who answer bad questions. Good answers should have no relevance on deleting a bad question.
And if my answer happens to be VLQ, this will all take care of itself. Unless I get 2 upvotes...
Which would mean it isn't....
Sort of ;)
@Mazura Deletion is content curation, not punishment.
I mean, (you didn't, but) when people DV a good answer on a bad question, to achieve deletion status.
For the question.
Why bother to flag an answer as VLQ, on a crappy question?
@Mazura The system identified the answer as very low quality. I actually don't know what the criteria for that are. Since the system says it's both length and content, I assume it can be length alone, and that wouldn't have anything to do with flags.
Truth be told, any question I've ever answered should have been closed as GR (if I know the answer....)
I gtg, tx for the feedback.
@Mazura I'm afraid to look at my early answers.
But it's also true that the scope of the site and the guidance for what a good question or answer is has evolved a little over time.

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