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I believe in protecting the rights of minorities.
@Kitḫ I'm so liberal I'm actually Unitarian.
Yeah, I tried to understand my libertarian-leaning friends, but I'm still not sure I get it.
that's f——ing liberal.
@MetaEd hehe
I believe in big government.
I like paying taxes.
I believe in some compromise.
And I believe in Crystal Light because I believe in me!
And the beaver is a noble creature!
@MetaEd I grew up going to a Quaker meeting that was next to a Unitarian church, and then I married an atheist Jew.
Also, I'm an invisible pink unicorn.
Oh! Atheist Jew! You will have some beautiful children!
Fun fact: in many countries and organizations in Europe, those officials that are completely shielded from the effects of democracy are overwhelmingly leftist.
That includes the Dutch judiciary system, and the EU itself.
The entire organization in Brussels.
Is it the same in America?
shrugs I have no idea how I would know.
You mean appointed officials?
Cabinet members, etc?
No, those are too political.
Yeah I'm not quite sure what you're asking.
Judges here appoint new colleagues themselves. European officials are not appointed by politicians either.
How do they become officials then?
Eh they swear some kind of oath?
Are they hired by someone?
Everyone who's anyone is a political appointment here I think.
Where "I think" means I really have no idea what I'm talking about.
I mean, sometimes "hiring" is a political appointment anyway.
It's pretty grey there, I'd say.
No politicians directly control who is appointed, except perhaps a few people at the top of the European Commission (not so for the highest Dutch judges: the judges themselves prepare a shortlist that cabinet has to follow; they normally pick the top choice). So in the EU case, there are too many layers between politicians and the officials that make most of the policies for democratic stimuli to trickle through.
@aediaλ Hmm really?
Well, judges in Texas are elected...
But our judges, in my state, are selected by the state legislature based on input and recommendations from the other judges.
They are essentially appointed by the governor.
That is pretty political.
Meh. Sort of.
Isn't it?
They are not usually discharged by the next governor though.
Only when there is an opening.
Even so, there is pressure on candidates to please the democratically elected governor.
That's how it goes with the Supreme Court. The president can't appoint unless someone steps down or dies.
The choice has to be approved by Congress.
It was shocking the Dubya got to appoint two justices.
Two, or was it three?
Sure, a judge is less political than a directly appointed governor; but he is still more political than, say, the Pope.
We have elected governors though.
@Kitḫ Uhh I've tried to forget those years...
@Kitḫ I thought all governors were elected?
Oh, that's what you mean.
You were the one who said "directly appointed governor"
Yeah, a pleonasm.
To clarify the relevant bit about the governor.
And there isn't that much pressure to please the governor.
No? Then why should he appoint someone?
Once a judge receives the appointment, it would take an act of God to remove him.
So maybe before they are appointed, but certainly not after.
I mean please as in develop ideas before the appointment that the governor likes.
Meh. I don't think it's like that. Judging is different than lawyering, and judges are usually lawyers before they become judges.
@Kitḫ I agree that being totally free after the appointment is a big deal; but total freedom before it is even less democratic.
Then how does a governor decide whom to appoint?
He appoints lawyers who have a reputation for being fair.
Or for other reasons.
Like money, friendship, blackmail, etc.
But the legislature still has to confirm the appointment.
Exactly. And how about supporting the same political party?
It's usually a rubber-stamp unless there is something really wrong.
@Cerberus Possibly. Probably, since they would have the same ideals.
So democracy seeps through.
But anyone too radical would be a non-starter.
What would you say is the least democratic institution or functionary in America, while still having a public function?
Well, I am glad I could help you prove whatever point you were trying to make just then.
@aediaλ I'm Quaker on my mother's side. Liberal Quaker of course. Shiny be thy hooves and horn.
@Kitḫ I don't have a point. I'm trying to see whether this leftist phenomenon is anything close to universal, because I recently discovered it, and it interests me.
@Cerberus I have no idea.
By the way, I just want to apologize on behalf of Texas. For everything.
If judicial appointments are too political, I don't know what else you could have.
@MetaEd I appreciate that. I really do.
There are plenty of public services, but most of them have a regular hiring process, just like everywhere else.
Heads of things are appointed.
I'll think about it some more. How about the middle-ranked departmental officials, like the people working in the health department?
Probably promoted from within. Hired like usual.
@Kitḫ That sounds pretty undemocratic, just like here and in the EU.
But I guess you'd have to stumble upon a study on political orientation among government officials to know, if such exists.
I think it is interesting, and important, because those people make a lot of decisions.
I only know of this paper about Dutch judges, and anecdotal evidence about the EU; nothing else.
Oh, well.
Eh. I think most people think like me. I'm usually wrong.
'round these parts, it's common knowledge that the EU is pretty much entirely undemocratic, and is liberal as a consequence
@Kitḫ You just think you're wrong.
@JSBᾶngs Hmm not liberal in the European sense.
@JSBᾶngs That's because most liberals are smart.
across the whole populace, america is actually not much further to the right than europe, but the right wing in europe has much less power in the government b/c the european gov't is much less democratic overall
Hmm, part of that is no doubt true, but I'm not entirely convinced that the American populace as a whole is no more conservative.
Polls have shown that people here are more socially progressive, I believe.
@Cerberus it's probably somewhat more conservative
But I agree that the effect is amplified by the degree of democracy.
i specifically remember one poll showing that public opposition/disbelief in global warming is almost exactly the same in europe and america, but the european elites just basically ignore the proles on this issue
Ah, to have smart people in charge.
i'm pretty meh about both democracy and liberalism, so i'm a little conflicted about this finding
Democracy does have rather that glaring flaw.
@JSBᾶngs Could be; but people are more progressive here in certain other social areas, like the acceptance of homosexuality, and irreligion.
@JSBᾶngs I think you should define liberalism first. People here are probably less economically liberal than in America, but socially more so.
I'm listening to my project lead talk on the phone. He's doing the high school girl thing? Where you end every sentence like a question? It's making me crazy?
@Cerberus true. i should define liberalism.
Of course it also depends on what you count as Europe.
@Kitḫ Oh, no??
@Kitḫ You mean? Like? Uptalk?
for the purposes of this conversation i think "europe" is mostly western europe
obviously if you include eastern europe things change drastically
since it's much more religious and conservative
But much of it is part of the EU now.
@aediaλ Yeah, like that thing?
Although it must be said that Eastern Europe has changed at a very rapid pace, socially, in the past decade.
Then again, you know that.
Ack. I am so bored. :P
I'm not thinking about Romania so much, but rather Poland and the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia.
@Kitḫ I would propose a game, but I need to shower.
We're supposedly going out later tonight.
@Cerberus You and me? Is it a date?
Haven't you heard?
Tell me.
If you can catch the Concorde that leaves in 15 minutes, you can be here by midnight, ish. The perfect hour.
Well, I'm sure my husband made the arrangements...
You still have time to think about it, depending on how close you live to the airport.
Oh, how good of him.
Well, I assume you talked to him about a double date?
He was going to call J.
So anything might happen.
Oh, I see.
I am cursing division by zero right now, so I think perhaps we shall have to go some other time.
@Kitḫ cursing? or causing
Not so much. I hate handling div0!
I will curse it too, then.
Plus, why is this g-deasley thing not coming through as a proper float?
I can't take it. I am getting some CheezIts.
btw @Matt I did like that story you posted the other day about the boy and his brother buying "girly" games. It gave me a bit of hope for this species.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 What story is this?
25 mins ago, by Kitḫ
@JSBᾶngs That's because most liberals are smart.
Can I just repost that from time to time?
yesterday, by Matt Эллен
@MrShinyandNew you might like this story and cya :)
That makes me feel so bad.
@MetaEd Sure, if you want.
Hey, have you ever noticed that people don't use the phrase "conservative elite"?
Don't they?
@Kitḫ what does, that story?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah.
I'm putting my faith in the younger generation to shed the chains of the older one.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 A boy shouldn't have to protect his brother from his dad.
@MetaEd Funny, I don't think I've heard it before. Maybe that's because I'm not in that camp.
@Kitḫ You just put your finger on it. The problem is party polarization.
And a dad shouldn't want to hit his son for picking a purple controller.
He made his son cry in public!
What a bastard!
That would devastate me.
yeah the dad is a bastard
Here is a longer version of the same story: sweetupndown.tumblr.com/post/15242399360/…
I mean, I am really glad that kid stuck up for his brother, but I am really sad that he had to.
@Kitḫ And there are a lot of him. I'd be willing to guess at least 1/10 of the US population of dads are that asshole.
@Kitḫ Indeed. I can't think why you would treat a person so.
But the part that makes me happy is that those kids are already winning in the big picture. Of course, they will have an unfortunate challenge ahead of them. Like, what happens when the older brother moves out. etc. But their minds are already in the right place, and the father is eventually going to die and his shitty ideas with him.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 glad you liked it :)
It does make me feel better for trying to get my son to pick navy blue snow pants instead of pink ones though.
Because I gave in when he said no, pink was his favorite. And I didn't make him cry or feel weird.
Even though I felt weird.
And I'm sure it never occurred to him that I might disapprove of him for his choice.
So I am not as crappy a parent as that guy.
Who probably loves his sons, and is worried for their safety if they are perceived as wusses.
And probably has a very good reason to feel that worried.
@Kitḫ Sadly, the other kids might not be so understanding. THAT's my biggest fear at this age.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. Probably if he were going to daycare, I would worry about it more.
I haven't seen those kinds of behaviors yet.
I think he would be more bewildered than anything.
@Kitḫ I think it goes more deeply than that. Because your kid's choice in video games is hardly a badge they wear. I mean, purple controller? FFS, the N64 came with purple controllers! Oh Noes, Nintendo is trying to make your sons gay! Now it wants them to play with their wees!
@Kitḫ I dunno. 3 year olds in my daughter's daycare are already forming cliques and excluding people for arbitrary reasons.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 OK, so he's panicking at the thought of his son being gay or transgender. Still has good reason to.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Well, that's what I am saying. He hasn't experienced it. I think it would confuse him.
Q: Colorful term for someone with a long-overdue library book

taserianI'm trying to find a humorous term for someone who still has an overdue library book after a number of years. I first came up with "delinquent lendee", but I'm sure there's something more apropos or alliterative.

Over a thousand views. Geezis. I used to think it was only Beavis & Butthead speech or programming-related questions that whacked the meters that hard.
@Kitḫ Right, but only because the similar parents of other kids have taught their kids by example that different = gross. We should probably put the homophobes on their own island.
@MetaEd yes! imprisoning people who believe differently is totally awesome
can we make them do hard labor? manufacture our iphones or something?
@Kitḫ He has reason to be worried for his son's happiness and safety, I suppose, since lgbtetc people get bullied, commit suicide, are discriminated against, etc. But threatening violence against his son(s) in a store because the son is buying a game with a female protagonist and a purple controller is completely inexcusable... his "fear", even if that is all it is, is making him act like a rabid dog.
@JSBᾶngs Implied smiley.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 Which is what makes me a better parent.
Duh. Aren't we talking about me?
@JSBᾶngs How about imprisoning people who believe differently and act violently towards their children because of those beliefs?
The point is that people fear for their kids' safety because other adults just like them teach their kids to be intolerant.
I plan to teach my sons to be shining beacons of light.
@JSBᾶngs We've outsourced that task to China already.
Also, I don't think it is possible to end intolerance. I think it's built in.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 it's not. which is why i don't put up with either of them.
Just as I think kindness is built in. We are two-faced. Homo janus, or something.
@Robusto That question sucks.
@Kitḫ like fireflies? I wonder if it would be possible to feed them something to me them bioluminant.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I disagree. I say it blows. Who's right?
@MrShinyandNew安宇 It takes two components to create bioluminescence.
It gets all the applause now, but two weeks down the line people will whine on meta how single-word-requests must be killed with fire because of shit like this.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I voted not-constructive
@RegDwightѬſ道 — Well, you're a fire-breathing moderator. Do something.
I voted too localized.
I am doing something. Namely trying to educate my folk here in chat.
What? Where?
That, here.
I already did.
@RegDwightѬſ道 — You misspelled whinging.
So? Cry me a river.
But the other thing, should I be doing that?
Fighting the wars that is.
You should always be doing other things. Always.
Never do not other things.
More specifically, which, then?
all of them now
@Kitḫ How much more specific can he get?
@Robusto Seven. I can get seven more specific. Sometimes even eight.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I wasn't asking you.
At no point in my tirade did I imply, or wished to imply, that you did.
@RegDwightѬſ道 — I guess you must have been educating me then.
Goes without saying.
He says, without going.
That's what they go when the saying gets tough.
Whose sayings are tough? Kierkegaard's?
(sorry, i keep having to do actual work today)
scary the way that works :D
@Robusto SHUT UP U R
@JSBᾶngs NOES UR!!!!
oh noes! codez bokn?
@JSBᾶngs It must be a conspiracy. My codez is borkn too
Codez is alluz borkn
it's probably Reg's fault
I win.
@Robusto OH NOES
Bill Gates. That's one more specific.
I win.
@MetaEd — Unquote.
haz u tryd jQry?
hth upvote pls
@Kitḫ jQry dunt works in MFC
@Kitḫ akshully i wish iz uzng jqury rite now. i is usn JSP and is pain.
@MrShinyandNew安宇 — U NO LIEK JSTL?
i wuz thikn i shud uze jqry. or figger out linq
Do it in Perl. Everything should be written in Perl.
Or Lisp.
@MetaEd — You pronounced Perl with a Lisp.
@Kitḫ linq iz AWESUM
so is Perl
Perl is LISP mixed with SNOBOL and made to look like it's BASIC.
It is the shit.
it's like line noise. Python's where it's at
You're thinking of TECO.
I'm waiting for Wuby on Wails.
@MattЭллен that's what makes it beautiful
TECO is actually much better than Perl. Any random string is valid TECO code.
The only thing better than TECO is Intercal.
yesterday, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
We must do that again some time. Forcing @jsbngs to use capitals, that is.
It's more write-only than TECO or APL, but mostly illegal.
@Robusto You are so yesterday. Wuby on Nawailes is the flavour du jour.
I hate the flavor du jour.
Wubby on Narwhals is in alpha.
@MetaEd Be like that.
I have a professor whose, what, 30 year old SNOBOL4 code basically runs unmodified on a current, supported, SNOBOL4 compiler.
depends wut tha flvr iz
Now there's a language standard.
`@s=qw/the and of to a i it in or is/;$c{$_}++foreach grep{!($_~~@s)}map{lc=~/[a-z]+/g}<>;@s=sort{$c{$b}<=>$c{$a}}keys%c;$f=76-length$s[0];say" "."_"x$f;say"|"."_"x($c{$_}/$c{$s[0]}*$f)."| $_ "foreach@s[0..21];
how can you not call that a thing of beauty?
@MetaEd So what? SNOBOL still sounds gay.
@RegDwightѬſ道 NO UR GAY
@JSBᾶngs My eyes just glazed over.
@JSBᾶngs Oh what? What? Uh. head explodes
This is what I love about Perl.
Fsck. I'm out. Going home. Later.
seriously, now: most perl doesn't look like that. that was my entry into a code golf contest
Well rewrite the same code in C and put it in one line. It won't look too comprehensible either.
@RegDwightѬſ道 meh. not enough $
@JSBᾶngs Damn you. You know I'm going to have to figure that out.
@MetaEd (hint: look at my Stackoverflow user profile)
They even made it into a game:
Das Glasperlenspiel. Versuch einer Lebensbeschreibung des Magister Ludi Josef Knecht samt Knechts hinterlassenen Schriften ist ein Roman von Hermann Hesse, der 1931 begonnen und 1943 im Verlag Fretz & Wasmuth, Zürich, veröffentlicht wurde und das Streben nach Wahrheit beschreibt. 1946, drei Jahre nach Erscheinen des Glasperlenspiels, wurde Hesse der Nobelpreis für Literatur verliehen. Inhalt Der eigentlichen Handlung voran geht ein Kapitel, das in Form einer historischen Abhandlung abgefasst ist und die Entwicklung der von Hesse entworfenen Welt darstellt. Nach der Handlung folgen klein...
@JSBᾶngs true beauty can only be found in Haskell
Except it should be spelled Das GlasPERLenspiel.
JSBᾶngs, United States
19.4k 4 27 78
Too much C.
Verdict: gay.
@MattЭллен to this i must concur
@JSBᾶngs "vi rules" eh.
@MattЭллен — Hacksell?
@Robusto if you are so accentally inclined
@JSBᾶngs The backquotes are a chat screwup, right? You were trying to use the code markdown?
I heard you the first time.
Surely you're not backquoting the entire expression.
@Robusto I just had to make sure
@MetaEd Noob. It's a super secret Perl operator that makes you rich.
Like, Midas rich, you know.
@MetaEd yeah, i don't know why it didn't work
@RegDwightѬſ道 — C# is pronounced C-hash, or chash.
@RegDwightѬſ道 Watch it. I still have my VT220 Gold key.
@Robusto is JSTL that cause my brokn codz
<c:if test="${you}">
@Robusto Your code doesn't work because your test condition is not an EL expression. sorry
ELegular expression?
@MattЭллен Expression Language expression
@MrShinyandNew安宇 O YA?
I am afraid in the last thirty minutes this room has degenerated into something way too compehensible to the outside world.
I fixed it.
Thank you, Chris Martin.
@Robusto "${you}" doesn't evaluate to a boolean
This just isn't your day, is it?
Robusto fixing things.
Doesn't Freya own Friday?
@MattЭллен Or maybe Venus
@MrShinyandNew安宇 — Well, you have to set that in your cuntroller, dummee.
@Robusto yeah I iz a dummies todays
@MetaEd Wow! Interesting.

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