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Them's ain't called agent nouns for no reason, son.
@RegDwightѬſ道 I was curious on that one. Why did Kitḫ claim I had edited the title? Is there a bug in the edit history?
Oh, you did not? I never checked.
That's how much I trust @Kit.
Barrie England has put the shit back in
Well yeah it was Barrie.
It was @tchrist according to the edit history when I view it.
Long live Barrie!
Does it really matter who edited?
@MetaEd Nah you have to read it backwards.
From bottom to top.
Wait, I never agree with Barrie.
No, tchrist did it before Kit undid it, Barrie did it just now
Oh dang gotta run. Will be back asap.
It was Barrie the second time. It was tchrist the first time, and Barrie hadn't touched it yet when Kitḫ spoke up and said I had done it.
@simchona Only to the extent that I wonder if there is a bug somewhere. I can't imagine why Kitḫ thought I had edited the title.
@MetaEd yeah, I guess Barrie didn't see the compromise we came to with TPTB
cya @reg.
I must also away
sleep calleth
It is a bit confusing to have both an owl and a parrot now.
@mahnax Boo!
@WillHunting Hai!
@MattЭллен Goodnight!
@MetaEd We all make mistakes
I have work today and Thursday.
And hi @simchona!
@simchona True.
@MetaEd I wouldn't worry. I don't think she meant harm, you clearly didn't mean harm, and now we can celebrate in the love and happiness
@WillHunting And it's not even my parrot.
makes rainbow
@Mahnax Hi @Mahnax! I got to mission 28...
@simchona Very nice! Can you beat it?
@Mahnax Nope. Beat one battle and that was it.
@Mahnax Do you have any tips?
@simchona It was trying, but I beat it on my second try.
@simchona Hm, tips? Let me check out the mission, one sec.
Hmm, it seems that they have some powerful cards with long wait times, so two things: first, try to be quick. I wouldn't use many long wait cards (Dominated Hatchlings were great here). As well, a backup Airstrike card, if you have any. They are great in a pinch.
No problem. I have a friend on Kongregate who is two times Cerberus' level. Plus two.
@MattЭллен — Barrie England? Yeah, right. I don't believe that's his real name. I mean, why shouldn't the rest of us call ourselves names like Captain America and Anatole France and the like? Now, me, Robusto Hatsuyume is my real name.
Not his Tyrant level, but his Kongregate level.
@simchona — I posted a link for you in Chatzy.
@Robusto--saw it and replied
@Robusto What about Yoichi Oishi?
@WillHunting — Why not? He's delicious, isn't he?
Mm mm good
It's a Japanese pun.
I was really fooled by Alain Pannetier.
Crap, I can't make that URL work in chat.
Go to that link and paste in 美味しい if you're interested in the pun.
@Robusto I am beginning to suspect you are Robin Hartshorne.
Robin Cope Hartshorne (born March 15, 1938) is an American mathematician. Hartshorne is an algebraic geometer who studied with Zariski, Mumford, J.-P. Serre and Grothendieck. He was a Putnam Fellow in Fall, 1958. He received his doctorate from Princeton University in 1963 and then became a Junior Fellow at Harvard University, where he taught for several years. In the 1970s he was appointed to the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley. He is currently retired. Hartshorne is the author of the popular text Algebraic Geometry. He plays the shakuhachi. Selected publication...
He plays the shakuhachi.
@WillHunting I love the shakuhachi. I took lessons for a year or two.
First, I'm not anywhere near that old. Second, I have a shakuhachi but I can't get a single sound out of it. And flute is my instrument.
@MetaEd I love the vocal cords. I never took any lessons though.
@WillHunting I love that. From now on, I play the vocal cords.
@Mahnax Wow now you are so cool! Remind me to sacrifice a few lambs to you on your birthday.
@Cerberus I'm just saying.
So am I.
It's not like I achieved it or anything.
Well, as good as.
Not really.
Knowing the right people gets you far.
It radiates off on you.
Knowing the wrong people takes you places, too.
Like whom?
I was just comparing him to you because you had the highest level of any of my friends. Until now.
Anyways, I need to eat before work, so bye all!
С кем поведёшься, от того и наберёшься.
@RegDwightѬſ道 It's not clear whether those are the right or wrong places.
On this cheerful note, commercial break's over.
@Mahnax Reg has twice as much or more! And we started at the same level.
Bye both!
@Cerberus It's also not clear whether those are the right or wrong places.
I didn't say anything about places—just far.
@Cerberus You have to be far somewhere.
It can be into nothingness, i.e. to the stars.
@Cerberus Why am I suddenly hearing the feeble piping of blasphemous flutes?
@MetaEd What, is nothingness now blasphemy?
@Cerberus No, just having a Lovecraft moment.
Ah, hmm, I haven't read any Lovecraft.
Heard good things about it.

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