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What's the meaning of "lifehacks"? what kind of questions can be asked in lifehacks.stackexchange ?
@Shafizadeh The meaning of lifehack: oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/… - A tour of lifehack SE: lifehacks.stackexchange.com/tour
@Mitch That's right. Thanks.
@Færd thx
1 hour later…
@Shafizadeh @DeltaEscher would love to explain it to you.
@Cerberus Why should who we want be like that? It says:
people who we want to comment = people who are yellow & green & red
But it should simply be:
people who we want to comment = people who should be commenting
No problem with what you get though (as a joke).
@Færd True: the yellow description is unclear.
It should be like "smart people" or something.
OMG is that you agreeing??
for I have been summoned
a lifehack is a non-traditional way of solving a problem, usually in an unorthodox way that yields better results than traditional methods.
Now I must return to my slumber until someone asks what Polandball is...
@Cerberus Haha! I'm not that unagreeable.
Agreeing in chat is not allowed.
@snailboat Now you're logically in trouble. :)
@Færd I'm not sure either normally counts as a noun (use of warming as a noun in global warming is debatable).
@Lawrence Warm can be a noun in BrE. Warming is a noun in "the warming of relations between Britain and Iran" and the like. But yes, maybe they are not used commonly.
@Lawrence Seems like it must be a noun. It's global warming, not globally warming.
^ That too.
@snailboat Can I agree with myself?
@Færd Sure, why not?
@Lawrence I was hoping someone would respond with I agree! :-)
@snailboat Okay. I agree.
@Færd I probably should have made a better wish. :-)
Next time!
4 hours later…
@Færd I won't argue with this dictionary entry, but come into the warmth is much more common. In any case, point conceded (@snailboat also).
@snailboat :)
I am non native speaker and I always get confusion about the best answer of the question ' What's up ?Is it , I am fine or what?
@Naseem It's an informal greeting, basically asking you what's happening in your life. As with "How are you?", your response depends on how genuine you think the other person's concern is.
Thanks for explanation but would you give me examples of how to answer , please?
@Naseem For a genuine enquiry, or someone that doesn't really care?
For 'what's up?'
@Naseem I was referring to whether the person asking that was genuine in their inquiry.
For both , please
How can I answer both cases
@Naseem If they are genuine (and if you want to), tell them what's happening in your life. Otherwise, your original "I am fine" or "I'm fine" is fine.
Ok. Thanks a lot
@Naseem You're welcome.
There's a really wide range of responses to "What's up?" You could respond with a greeting instead of answering the question: "What's up?" or "Hey." You can answer as though they asked "What's going on?" or "What are you up to?" If it's been a while since you talked, you can answer as though they asked "What's been going on?" or "What have you been up to?"
As a more genuine inquiry, it can sometimes be like "What's wrong?"
You can always say "Not much."
Or if you have something exciting to tell them, you can say that :-)
Thanks alot for explanation , snailboat.
1 hour later…
@Mitch Here's how I treat some books if I want to study them. Hope it's not too painful for you!:
@Færd Go team writing-in-books! :-)
Dec 4 '15 at 0:51, by snailboat
I write in books all the time :-)
@snailboat Hooray!
I have my own customary way of doing it, so that I keep it tidy and don't turn the book into a mess. Helps me remember things.
Is this correct? "based on the last long conversation."
@Færd OMG! The horror! Why don't you just write your own book!
I can't study my own book!
@Færd I'm making fun (sort of). I never liked getting used books that had stray meaningless notes in them from people who really didn't understand what was important and would probably never even look at those notes again.
It's very tidy. I don't understand your feeling of horror!
@Færd it's the best way to learn a field, by teaching it.
@Færd I'm making fun (sort of). I never liked getting used books that had stray meaningless notes in them from people who really didn't understand what was important and would probably never even look at those notes again.
@Mitch I make notes in books when they're wrong.
@Mitch Can be the worst way for your students.
And can be the best too, if you transfer your enthusiasm to them.
@Mitch Makes sense. I don't expect my books to be read by anyone else. But when I read them again, the notes prove useful to me.
Good writing is good teaching (or the other way, I can't remember)
I know lots of academic types who write in their books. Yours are very thorough and scholarly
Is this correct?
It should be noted that their author is identical
Also my handwriting is terrible, so it really mars an otherwise good looking book
On the flip side, with modern typesetting, it's very easy to make gibberish look superficially very professional
@Mitch There are a number of interesting side effects there.
@Shafizadeh is the context that you have two works with unknown authors and you are trying to say that they have the same author?
no, one person published two images. Now I want to say the author of those two images are one person
Sometimes you can boost reading comprehension by making something look uglier and harder to read.
@snailboat what kind are you thinking of?
@snailboat Make it into a challenge.
@snailboat interesting...I feel like I've heard of that
@Shafizadeh isn't that what I said?
@Mitch Yes it is, I read it again and I understand what you said and what I said are identical
so is this correct? "It should be noted that their author is identical" ?
People also accept more of what they read at face value, with less critical thinking, with a more readable font.
@Shafizadeh is say '...authors are...'
I think these effects are covered in Thinking, Fast and Slow.
@snailboat oh yeah!
Wonderful book.
@Mitch Like This? "It should be noted that their authors are identical"
I read that. But only halfway.
I skimmed the fast part
@Shafizadeh yes. What do you others think?
@Mitch Heh. Did you read the slow part slowly?
I would be more likely to say they're the same person than to say they're identical.
@Færd Wow, very thorough!
@Cerberus Actually it shows what an ignorant I am about English.
And that I can't stand most textbooks. I hope my way of learning proves fruitful.
@snailboat yes that's better
I know! It's taking a while
@Færd Why can't you stand text books?
I think your method is excellent: you get to read an interesting text and learn words in a context that is interesting and meaningful to you.
@Cerberus I don't know. Most of them are too dull. Maybe I'm too old to use them.
I have done the same thing, write down words I didn't know (well) when I was reading a novel.
The only "text book" for English I have ever used was in high school, and that was indeed terribly dull.
And the good thing is nowadays there are all sorts of novels available (and their audiobooks too): formal, informal, comical, ...
Haven't such novels always existed?
Yeah! Maybe not available like they are now.
We've always had libraries?
When I was little my dad used to study English a bit.
I didn't like his books.
@Cerberus Yes. (Here's me agreeing again.)
Get used to it.
walks around aimlessly
Not gonna be good for your heart.
If you're too old, tell me. I won't ever agree with you again.
Never agree with me again!
I did say agreeing in chat was not allowed.
@Færd That's you.
@snailboat I agree
@snailboat Did people agree not to agree?
Yes. I agreed.
pulls hair out of mouth
How am I ever going to teach this room?
@Mitch There will only be more hair in the mouth.
@Cerberus Aha! There were not as many audiobooks as there are now.
Just to take back my agreement and put you at ease.
I mean, no.
Agreeing with me agrees with me. Don't worry.
They're really aren't that
many books available in foreign languages
To learn from. That is interesting non grammar books
On the web there's more but still hard to find
Yet people still seem able to learn
You're typing on an ancient phone, aren't you?
@Mitch What languages are foreign?
@snailboat Disagree to agree to disagree to agree. (I don't know what I just said!)
And why am I listening to the Spicegirls now?
@Cerberus You're still disoriented by some agreement you've had with certain people.
@Mitch Actually there are, but it takes more interest and determination to endure the difficulty of reading them. They're not considered popular entertainment.
@Cerberus to spice up your life
For example, if I'm ever learning Russian, I'm going to read The Brothers Karamazov, hard as it's going to be for me.
@salman Hi!
Hi @Færd.
@Færd Yeah, but it's probably better to begin with something much easier, like Wikipaedia articles. I find that those are very accessible if you don't know the language well.
Is your name Fard the Arabic word fard that we use?
@Cerberus I'm afraid I have to agree with you.
@salman Yes, that's my username, but not my real name.
Yes I thought so. I speak Arabic but never heard that name. We use it in everyday language though.
Wait... let me think again.
Fard can mean alone and unique in Arabic, can't it?
Um, I mostly use it to mean "obligation" or "a religious duty commanded by Allah"
@Cerberus All this joking we did about agreeing and disagreeing makes me think: whatever deeper meaning we may consider for agreeing, a world of no agreement is not conceivable.
@sumelic Do you happen to know anything about primary endings in (Proto-)Indo-European?
Q: What is the origin of the 3rd-person plural perfect ending "-ēre"?

CerberusLaudavēre is an (apparently older) alternative to laudaverunt. What is the origin of this ending? Is it connected with any other known endings or affixes? Clackson & Horrocks say it is from an alternative 3rd-person plural ending -er plus a "primary marker" -i. I don't know this marker: I only k...

@salman That's another word: فرض
My username is فرد
@Færd How do you mean a world?
The actual reality.
@Færd Oh ok.
The pronunciation is same though. Pretty much.
@Færd Why not? Consider for example plants. Do they need agreements?
Or a world with only a single plant?
I know I'm being very vague.
I have to come up with an accurate philosophical definition of agreement to continue this.
That was kind of a first impression.
So I'm a non native speaker and I'm taking a part in a debate somewhere IRL which is in English. I want to get feedbacks on how I sound like. Is that okay to ask it here?
And can I paste the audio files here?
@salman People do those kinds of things here.
ok thanks.
@Cerberus No, they don't need conscious agreement.
And I'm off to dreamworld.
I hope I won't have wet ones tonight.
Dream well.
Feel free to give me honest feedbacks. Here is a small recording that I made: vocaroo.com/i/s0MuOuaOiNJb
@salman Hi! There is so much noise in the background that I can't understand most of it.
Yes I'm sorry about that.
Is there a software that can clean the audio?
I don't think so.
You'll probably need to make a clean recording.
ok I'll try again.
@Cerb your font is so blue
@JohanLarsson I apologize.
Latin did that to me.
you will be a good mod I think
unless the power gets to you :D
@Cerberus How about this one? A friend told me I seem dragging. What do you folks think?
@JohanLarsson Oh it already has.
But tak.
I think SE needs a lot less moderating than it gets.
I don't expect Latin to need much.
@salman That is better, though the quality of the recording is still poor, and it makes you harder to understand.
I could understand most of what you said, when you were pronouncing the words clearly; but you were sometimes mumbling, not pronouncing words clearly.
Sad okay thanks anyway. I used the windows sound recorder. What would you use to record an audio?
Yes I stutter in real life as well. Sometimes I mean.
Thanks again by the way.
@salman Most of the time it's more about your microphone and your room than the software you use.
@Cerberus all except mine. whoever I am.
@Færd I totally respect those who write in books in a principled manner as you do. It's your book.
I just feel that writing the book is violating the book somehow. Probably the echoes of some librarian from my childhood.

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