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1:30 AM
There is a new beta mobile interface. In your chat profile, under prefs, there is a box you can check to try it out. It's great!
You can reply, edit, and get ping notifications.
It's really slick.
2:18 AM
@KitZ.Fox Hi. Are you about to go to bed?
Question in need of protection? Two days old and still on the HNQ: whats-an-antonym-of-demonize-other-than-deify
@Jasper Yeah, pretty soon. Nice to see you.
@Mazura I never saw the need to protect questions. More traffic means more users and more revenue.
@Mazura Yeah, thanks.
Site quality ;p
2:21 AM
More than 10 answers and more than one or two by low rep users is usually a good measure.
@Mazura Even with protection, it doesn't mean the site has quality. =)
You find a better one, let me know.
@Mazura The better one is called self study from books. =)
Print is dead.
@KitZ.Fox Are things at work OK? And everything else?
2:25 AM
@Mazura Print is the only real quality left. There is too much nonsense on the internet.
@Jasper Work is a bit stressful, but I'm reminding myself to disengage so I don't get worked up. Everything else is great.
I'm reading King's new book. Bazaar of Bad Dreams. It kinda sucks.
@Mazura However, I do appreciate the existence of Wikipedia.
Hey! Github is down.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hello. Does it mean you cannot access the site?
2:27 AM
@Jasper it means no one can access anything github-related. I think.
@Mazura Kinda is too informal for me. I always use kind of.
I used to think that way. I gave up on it. I like how I talk ;p
Well, I am old fashioned.
Better then when I used to use kind've; that's just straight up wrong.
That is terrible.
2:30 AM
I cannot stand the people who type LiKe ThIs.
Some day I'll get to use shouldn't've somewhere.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Noooooooo!
I think the best movie of this year so far is Solace.
Starring Anthony Hopkins. About a psychic who tracks down a murderer.
This time, he plays the good guy.
2:32 AM
Well, that's no fun.
I recently learnt that Japanese has three character sets, hiragana, katakana, and kanji.
It must be terribly hard to learn.
Mazura suggests you are Japanese.
Sometimes, a book has not a new edition but a new printing of the old edition, and you just don't know which printing you are buying, sigh.
I guess you have to ask the seller to look inside the book if you are buying online.
2:35 AM
Also, sometimes, they use the same ISBN for different products, sigh.
I have stopped using Firefox for a while. Using Chrome these days.
Chrome is good because of the built-in flash player and the built-in google translate.
But it's easier to customise fonts in Firefox.
Also easier to not save history in Firefox. For Chrome, I have to launch it always in incognito mode.
Chinese New Year is next next week.
2:40 AM
50 people in US died from winter storm and 90 people in East Asia died from cold wave. Weather kills.
It actually kills more people than terrorism does.
@Jasper I made the name up. But I looked it up and I think it's a Hispanic surname.
Japanese are good in math. There are a number of Japanese Fields medallists.
I enjoy talking to myself in this chat. It's fun typing and seeing the words appear.
It's a good antidote to becoming senile.
2:46 AM
It's really remarkable that neoplasm and pleonasm exist as two different words.
I still remember how to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, yay!
Also, floccinaucinihilipilification, yay!
I am going to bed, good night. I hope the weather stops killing people.
10:52 AM
Is this correct?
How to replace all specific characters with counter ascending?
@Shafizadeh I am not sure what your intended meaning is to give a reply.
ok look at this please:
- case one
- case two
- case three
Now I want this:
1. case one
2. case two
3. case three
May you please give me a good title for this question?
I want to replace first example with second
Sorry, I still don't understand you. I am going to eat, bye!
ok, bye :-)
2 hours later…
12:59 PM
> How can I replace each instance of a specific character with an increasing number?
Ascending is not wrong btw., but somehow I'd use increasing in this context.
1:37 PM
@Shafizadeh For markup, that's changing an unordered list into an enumerated list. That's technical language though, so I'm not sure that's what you want.
2:25 PM
@Mazura You shouldn't've said that; you never know
Whatever did happen to Fay Wray?
4:01 PM
@MattE.Эллен nice. I watched the longest my little pony poop instead.
Until I stopped. after 30 seconds.
a whole 30 seconds. I don't even want to follow the link
now that YTP has been explained, the magic is gone
@MattE.Эллен it has as much charm as a US GOP debate. but more appreciable humor.
I don't know... Donald Trump is pretty hilarious.
Imagine if he were president! lol
@MattE.Эллен I'd imagine the bombing would start the first day... on the US!
4:18 PM
@Mitch in celebration?
4:40 PM
@MattE.Эллен From other countries. Like euthanizing a beloved horse with a broken ankle. and colic. and leukemia metastasized to brain cancer. Also, hives.
hivea are the worst. they're not contagious
Are "snowed-in" and "snowed-up" common in AmE? Are they used in BrE?
@MattE.Эллен So you're saying hives would be better if they were contagious. You're a madman.
Stalin was overrated
@ermanen 'snowed in' is how you say that it's snowed too much to go out, in AmE
Isn't it used when something is buried in snow?
I read an article and used the phrase "snowed in" where planes are buried in snow because of the blizzard in US
'snowed-up'? I've never heard that. 'holed up' is an alternative to staying in, possibly because of snow or because you're sick, or because you just wanna stay in.
4:48 PM
"Small planes are snowed in at the closed Bridgeport, Connecticut, airport"
OED gives snowed-in and snowed-up as synonyms
@ermanen sure. that works too
Re OED - I can't account for whatever insanity happens in BrE
So they meant they couldn't leave the airport because of the snow?
or they are buried in snow
or both
I don't think it implies necessarily that they are covered in snow (but obviously that is a closely related issue)
4:51 PM
OED definition: blocked, stopped, or covered with snow.
yes. on reflection it could apply to when the small planes are buried in snow. but the term means explicitly 'can't get out'
@ermanen I'd disagree with the 'covered with snow' part. the planes might be snowed in as an inference from 'covered with snow'. I would not take 'The planes were snowed in' to mean they were covered.
"The planes were snowed in" "What, they couldn't clear the runways?" "No, the plnes themselves were buried in snow" "Oh"
Oh ok, OED only gives the hyphenated version as an adjective
not the phrasal verb
Example: "The Wabash is devoting all its energies to clearing the line of delayed and snowed-in trains."
That sounds fine.
This sense is "service stopped because of snow"
And another example: "A winter sun on a snowed-in landscape."
This sense is covered with snow
That last one is weird
doesn't sound right to me.
4:56 PM
Maybe that sense is not common
just 'snowy landscape' would be the natural way to say it.
"snowed (adj)" means "covered with snowed" also
Thanks for the help Mitch
lunch time
2 hours later…
6:47 PM
Quick question! Do we need to place a hyphen in-between the words "full stack", for full stack web developer?
What does full stack imply?
If full stack means full time, then no.
Full stack means his desk is stacked full of papers, LOL.
I see you are from Switzerland.
Nope. I bought my browser from Switzerland.
6:56 PM
Switzerland is a nice country.
@DeltaEscher Very beautiful picture.
@Jasper Bangladesh will win the cup
I am beginning to suspect that Matt and Kit are the same person. You often see them together in this chat or neither of them, LOL.
So, all in all.
No hyphen
I have one of my icons of America.
He's peeking from behind a corner, saying:
7:01 PM
@DeltaEscher That is what Google seems to suggest. But, I say - There.Should.Be!!
"Did someone say 'sue'?"
7:20 PM
Is there a more formal form of "wannabe" in English?
Not quite the same thing.
8:31 PM
@KitZ.Fox Thank you, I understand
9:01 PM
@ermanen - Don't use the OED when you're looking up stuff in AmE.
9:40 PM
I flagged a question, and the flag was declined. Now I can't flag other questions until I review the flag. I've looked at the flags. How do I get the system to recognize that and let me use flags again?
have you tried flagging other questions? a declined flag shouldn't cause you to stop being able to flag, unless you have a lot of declined flags
It's working now, but for a while there all the flag options were greyed out.
I see how to recommend that a question be moved to meta or ELL. How would I recommend that it be moved somewhere else, like history?
10:02 PM
flag with the other option and say what site you think it should go to
by "other" I mean "in need of moderator attention"
1 hour later…
11:08 PM
Hello @kit! It's Fri morn here.
11:27 PM
Hello @cer! It's Fri morn here.
11:46 PM
@Jasper Hello! It is Thursday night here.
11:57 PM
@Jasper Hi! I'm using the new mobile interface. It's very pretty.
I'm chatting from the bathroom. I'm watching my boy bathe, not using the toilet or showering.

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