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@MετάEd Yes. You did.
@KitZ.Fox Oh, well thank goodness somebody did.
That was some good thinking.
@KitZ.Fox It's a great article.
Yes, I agree. Did you post something about it on the post over there? -->
@KitZ.Fox Haven't.
We have a vandal. Suddenly the edit queue is full of posts where special characters are being changed.
You're sure it's not tchrist on a binge?
@KitZ.Fox Ha!
I just denied maybe 20 edits that changed markdown characters to their literal equivalents. These edits would make the posts very hard to read.
OK. Well, that will probably cause them to be banned from editing.
I was just going to ask. Thanks.
What's that comment at the top? I never look at the regular review queues. Is that a normal thing or spam?
@KitZ.Fox That's the edit explanation field.
Great place to put your business card, I guess.
OK, so that's just filler text?
See recent review of suggested edits at: english.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/history and look at mine within the last ten minutes or so.
@KitZ.Fox When you make an edit (or suggest an edit) there is a field called "Edit Summary" and you get to see the contents of that field when you review.
All right, off to do the shopping.
OK. Thanks.
But the 'Two Towers' is a little boring.
Hi @Mitch.
3 hours later…
@KitZ.Fox hey. I randomly found what I was talking about:
Q: When does /tjʊ/ (Ex: Nice to meet you /miːt jʊ/) turn to /tʃʊ/ & /ʔjʊ/?

TomIn this Wiki link, it said /tj/ could be pronounced as /tʃ/ So, Nice to meet you /... miːt jʊ/ will be /... miːtʃʊ/ But sometimes, I heard it as /... miːʔjʊ/ Watch this short youtube video, Freddie & Bob seem to stick with /... miːʔjʊ/ (ʔ stands for glottal stop) & somehow they got a very powe...

@Araucaria i wouldn't be surprised if there is duplicate for this here. also surprised if there's not a wikipedia page on it.
4 hours later…
It's called yod coalescence.
Maybe if you search for that
The other bit is just one of the usual allophones of /t/ in many accents
But you might be able to find it under /t/-glottaling or coda glottalization
@MattE.Эллен see this complaint by the OP of the religion/mental-illness question:
in Discussion about things, 5 hours ago, by Traci Guynup
I am a noob. I asked my first question. Someone replied with a completely inappropriate answer. They called people that suffer from disabilities "nutcases." I was deeply offended. Now MY question was put on hold, the transcript was deleted; and no action was taken against the other user. This was my first question. The other user had a very high reputation. I really would like an apology because I expected a business-like answer. I did not expect hateful trolls.
@snailboat Excellent. Thanks!
@MattE.Эллен also see my comments. I hope they were the right thing and right tone. Sometimes you have words in your head that you have to get out.
Uh oh. I feel some profanity coming on.
Whew. It passed.
I have to point out that that was a poop pun. So you can really appreciate the depth of thought.
I think we should probably make poop discussion off limits in this room.
Too much of it in real life, why sully this place with it.
unless of course Matt comes in
are you suggesting I'm worse than poop?
Look man I just say stuff. If there is a zinger that comes out of it, bonus.
So no, I'd infer that I was saying you're just as good.
"Matt Ellen is no worse than poop" — Mitch
I'll put that in my biography
"Better than poop: Matt Ellen, an autobiography"
Sounds like a bestseller
I'd best get started on it!
Wow. I feel so...fuzzy.
I can't do it anymore!
you're a fox. foxes is supposed to be fuzzies.
I thought I would try out some new rooms again, trying to get a feel for the split between Meta.SE, SE, and SO. It's weird.
what did you find?
It's weird.
The Tavern is basically deserted.
a ghost tavern
I'm not sure if that's usual.
I went there last year for a while, but didn't stick around.
I get the impression that SO chat rooms are often more ... tolerant of off behaviour than SE
is the Tavern meta.se's main room?
Yes, I believe so.
I think it was supposed to be the public mod hangout.
Where anyone could pop in and chat with a mod.
@KitZ.Fox lol
maybe a mod petting zoo would have more luck
Missing fingers.
Alright, how about mod gladiator contests...
I wish the chat-philosophy thread used more concrete examples. Because my experience is mainly here and on Writers, and I'm not sure what the big problem is.
Mod action figures!
Mod Lego figures. I already made one for tchrist.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The big problem is chat regulars doing things like making rape jokes and talking about how to get women who like to fuck, then trying to cover it up when someone flags it, then attacking and bullying moderators when they respond to the situation.
Jul 31 at 16:25, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
user image
people are jerks
"Chat is not separate from Q&A." I kind of disagree with that.
But yeah, I remember this being an issue back when I was still a regular
It blew up a few times
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And then saying it's perfectly OK because "room culture" and outsiders don't get it. Sound familiar?
@KitZ.Fox yeah, I get the "room culture" thing but I think that's a bit of a red herring. You can't have "chat" without "room culture"... just like you can't have SE sites without each site having its own culture.
It may be reprehensible (well, it is reprehensible) but is that our place to remove entirely? Surely one can go in and say 'uncool man'.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 The question is whether (and how) should the site culture care about a diverging chat culture?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Right, I get that. What it boils down to is what is OK and what isn't, and a bunch of users are throwing up real world cultural differences as a reason why we shouldn't try at all.
So if ELU has one culture and ELU Chat has a divergent culture, why is ELU Chat the official chat room?
@Mitch And then get attacked, and then the others make a huge fuss and ragequit when the room gets shut down. Yes.
@KitZ.Fox Yeah, regardless of the outcome, the outcome of this scenario is negative.
So SE could just choose to do what Reddit sometimes does: when a particular subreddit is deemed too toxic, according to whatever criteria Reddit uses, they just close it.
We don't need to complicate things. "I'll know it when I see it".
Yes. But then ragequits and trolls amongst people who are capable of DDoS.
This isn't a democracy.
And moderator authority isn't recognized in SO chat.
@KitZ.Fox Is that really it? we're worried about annoying brogrammers?
It's only occasionally recognized here, if I recall recent events clearly.
or how about this..why is it our (or rather mods) responsibility to crush these things. It is those people being assholes.
it is their fault, their responsibility for correcting themselves.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I'm not clear on the reasons. Moderators feel disempowered to moderate chat, that is clear.
@KitZ.Fox Well, "moderating" chat is fraught with peril.
@KitZ.Fox really? I feel like their banning powers have worked, either stopping egregious behavior or convincing those people not to come back (I only know ELU)
Real-time moderation is much harder than site moderation.
But aside from the risk of unpopularity with a foreign chatroom, why don't moderators feel fine just handing out punishments? Is it because of the immediacy of the backlash for unpopular decisions?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think so. The face-to-face aspect, the social difficulty with moderating someone you are friends with, etc.
So much relies on context.
So there are multiple problems then.
conflicting understandings about what chat is for.
conflicting understandings about what's acceptable behaviour.
difficulty in moderating (limited options for controlling behaviour)
difficulty in moderating your friends
difficulty in moderating hostile strangers.
I think the "hostile strangers" bit could be resolved by having SE staff shut down rooms more often.
I think the understandings about purpose could be better handled by having more focussed topics for each chat room. A chat room with no topic should be closed.
A chat room with an approved topic should be allowed to veer off-topic if people stay reasonably civil, and off-topic chat should stop whenever on-topic chat arises.
Yeah, that's where I think we're headed. You can go off-topic as much as you like, but as soon as someone objects, you are expected to return to topicality.
Therefore, every room must have an appropriate topic.
I got into a comment discussion about that. Some people over in SO feel they should be allowed to talk about anything ever.
Then they trot out the "so what, I should never talk about pork? See how stupid your expectation is!"
I think it would be reasonable for SE to make certain things verboten, such as rape jokes, racism, etc. SE isn't the government, they aren't a school, they don't have to allow anything in particular, let alone topics they feel are objectionable.
And it's room culture, room culture, room culture.
I mean, in some rooms entirely unobjectionable stuff might be considered verboten.
Just because it starts fights.
Boring, maybe, but acceptable. We don't allow just anything on the site.
Right. Just like you don't go to the javascript room and make a fuss about javascript.
Because it's trolling.
Example: on the LessWrong forums, discussion of Roko's basilisk is banned.
And don't go to the Islam room and make snide comments about pork and alcohol.
Because it's trolling.
There're millions of ways to troll though... but a room could have a topic banned, as an official thing.
Example: in this room, positive discussion of MegaBlocks should be banned.
But don't say that you should be allowed to call your friend a faggot in a public chat room and not get flagged. You might get away with it, but you shouldn't expect that you will.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Agreed.
makes note to put it in the chat FAQ
Speaking of, @Mitch. You ready for the next chat Meta question?
@KitZ.Fox yeah. Maybe we need to just make it clear that if you cross the boundary, even if you're not being truly offensive in context, expect a flag, don't get upset about it.
Although some boundaries are less clear.
Right. Like, hey, I might come in and loudly announce "I can't stand working with this fucking person!" Most of you aren't offended by that. But maybe someone who happens to have stopped in to ask about candy cane descriptors is mortified.
I shouldn't have the expectation that that phrase should not be flagged.
I can't say that correctly.
You know what I'm saying. Help me figure it out?
No, I get it, but I'm trying to formulate a coherent counter-argument or clarification.
@KitZ.Fox Woo hoo! Yes! What is it?!!!
I don't personally believe profanity should be flagged. At least, I think allowing swear words like that should be part of "room culture" and people who don't like it can fuck off. so to speak.
But how to codify that.
@KitZ.Fox But what about insinuation? There are explicit words that one can regex for (or are easy for a person to see), but it's just as bad (I would think) to insinuate, right? Or maybe not.
@Mitch OK, now you've gotten to chat, what are all the things in the room? How do you actually chat and respond, etc? Then @Matt with summarize the technical aspects of chatting, like how to edit and link messages and @ reply, etc.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, I agree, but how to explain what I mean.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 How dare you.
It's not a great example.
Yeah, so with a different example, maybe... like if you came in and said "I can't stand working with that fucking Republican"
and a republican was in the room and got upset
still not a very good example.
Mainly I just wish people were offended at the same things as I was
then this'd be supah-easy!
@ArtB Words aren't the problem. You can't fix the attitude with regex. If you take away my ability to say "motherfucker" regardless of whether the context is appropriate or not, then I will start using "cakesniffer" instead. Does that make it better? On the other hand, if you tell me that you are 13, I will automatically and instinctively refrain from swearing. It's not about the LCD, it's about respecting that we are different from each other. We can comment on that and try to be respectful of others without being dicks to each other. — Kit Z. Fox yesterday
LCD = lowest common denominator.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Still, better.
@KitZ.Fox yeah. I think the problem with your idea is that it's too generous. Some people are oblivous or jerks or both, and they insist on chatting here.
cakeesniffer. goddam cakesniffers.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Right, but my point is that banning swearing is not going to work.
I believe that room culture can become toxic. It happens on every site.
@KitZ.Fox okay, sure.
Banning jerks and educating the oblivious will work.
Well, but banning swearing might help...
There is too little consensus on what words fit in that category.
enforcing a certain tone... sorta like enforcing a dress code helps people get into the mindset of what that dress code means.
Example: at my high school we had uniforms. Once a month we had "civvies day" and NO WORK got done those days.
because "dress in casual clothes" == "act casually"
There's something to be said for ritualizing things to strengthen the norms.
OK, I can see that. Keep it clean.
in this room we berate people who don't even try to write sentences.
Still consensus.
@KitZ.Fox (just being devil's advocate about the swearing there...)
This is really what I want to see happen:
I'd like to see users speaking up more often to say "Hey, do you mind not using 'fuck'/'female'/'asterisk'/whatever-else? I'm not comfortable with it/it melts my eyeballs/it's against my religious convictions/It bothers me/(or no reason at all)." and have the response be "oh, sorry, I'll do my best to remember that" rather than "fuck you, female asterisk, go somewhere else if you don't like it, you stupid whatever-the-fuck. I hope your eyeballs melt. rofl high five @other-regular." — Kit Z. Fox yesterday
Then no need for flags unless someone is trolling.
@KitZ.Fox yeah... but two things. 1. people are afraid to speak up for the same reasons that mods don't like moderating friends. 2. the people who are misbehaving are as likely to be violent jerks as they are to be understanding.
Right, I know.
If chat needs to be moderated, it needs to be moderated by disinterested parties, I think.
Authority needs to flow from above.
And I see it in other rooms, where even the site mod is basically saying "you shouldn't be offended" and "if you keep flagging, I'm going to ban you for trolling".
@KitZ.Fox Yeah... but without clear rules on whether the mod is right or the flagger is right, how can we resolve this?
And I think, if that's some 13-year-old kid who is trying to express herself and her discomfort, what kind of message does that send?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think that's the question of the hour.
I think the best thing would be for rooms to be more often reviewed by disinterested authorities, who hand out warnings and close rooms. Their mandate would come from SE itself, which should make people less hostile, I think.
@KitZ.Fox @Mitch I'll take screen shots of someone else's desktop next time, if you like :D
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What? We do?
@MattE.Эллен you only got my top line. I'm OK with that.
What did you do though?
I use profanity but maybe it should be flagged in this room.
@Mitch I used the console (right click on the thing I want to change and select "Inspect Element") to edit the HTML
Surely profanity should only be flagged by people who object to it. Personally, I don't use it but wouldn't flag it because (as Kit said) the words are a symptom.
and I took your avatar's url and put it in the src for the avatar img
@Mitch well, I've seen it.
People who write txtspk or stuff like that.
you can also get to the console (in Firefox) by pressing F12
Q: Chat: how do I use it right?

MitchNow that I've figured out how to get to chat, I see that there's kind of a lot there. I see all sorts of weird things there. Before I ask about what's appropriate behavior, I'd like to know just how to use all the bells and whistles. I get that you type in the box at the bottom, but: What if ...

alright. I'll get to work
@MattE.Эллен nice. now has last piece in place in order to take over the world
@MattE.Эллен I was just trying to get the thing to onebox and ping you. sorry for mutiple pingedits
In any group a really important question is: how do we want to treat first-timers?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that's flaggable behavior?
@Mitch no, but it's beratable behaviour.
I think of a flag as a 'holy crap you've transgressed and I need the police to help stop this'.
OK, sure then, berate away, but that's just conversation, not a need for mom and dad to punish someone.
@Mitch 'salright :)
The no-profanity rule falls from two more basic rules: be welcoming, and don't be a jerk.
What's with all this stuff (on the internet lately) about encouraging people to not say sorry?
I think people don't say sorry enough.
but I want to be a jerk. and only hang out with other jerks, just like me. people who aren't jerks just don't get it. Jerk is how I was born, it's not something I can just change.
what a jerk
All the commenters I want to say, don't stop apologizing! But it's those other jerks who should be apologizing too!
Oh I get it. The context is for people with bad self images who are overly apologetic/pushovers/buddhists/doormats. Switch the context to jerks and remove every 'not'.
Ha ha. Buddhists.
/giphy trump
so this chatroom doesnt support giphy?
that's so bad
@Mitch I meant it as an example of a kind of behaviour we enforce, in order to set the tone of the chat room. In this room we speak in sentences, mainly.
@Achu You should say "Guys, can you help me please?" not *Guy's
"fixing a lot of issues for them"
Okay, Thanks
"shared with my friends"
No space before a comma: "So,"
"become a best full-time developer"... what is "best" doing there?
and finally, "that's why I wanted to join"
that'll be $500 please
want not wanted
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 enforce? I'd say highly suggest. If someone were to use txtspeak sincerely and with frequency, we'd all be annoyed, but it's not flaggable. we can handle it ourselves by civilly saying 'dude! that's so annoying' (or something similar)
@Mitch It's not flaggable, but it could be kick-mutable
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 My eyes went over those pixels, too. I peer reviewed your comments and dont' disagree. That'll be 2% of whatever you receive.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 what's 'kick-mutable'?
@Mitch I already allocated your 2% to @Jolenealaska
@Mitch room owners can kick people out of the room.
I've never done it so I don't know what happens. Care to volunteer? For science.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 for this particular example, overuse of txtspeak, don't you think that is draconian?
@Mitch Not necessarily. It would depend on the room, I'd say.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 As my first point of order, I would kickmute myself. Also for science. My hypothesis is that it would not work out well for me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I am being more concrete. I mean us, now, here.
Well, we're pleasant, tolerant, open-minded, easy-going folk.
So no, we wouldn't kick for that. probably.
but we also generally never flag either. It's pretty rare.
So while clicking on the room people list I find that I cannot kick-mute mods.
so you were speaking in general then? Not for here/us/now?
also the people who are room mods are seldom here.
@Mitch I was giving our disapproval of txtspk as an example of room-specific behaviour meant to encourage a certain kind of discourse.
wait.. that has changed recently.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You can't. Mods also can't kick other mods and mods can't be suspended.
@Mitch Well, careful. There are no "room mods".
There are mods. And there are room owners.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 room mod -= room owner?
That's one of the chat faqs we'll get to in the next few days/weeks.
@Mitch a room owner has limited additional power compared to a regular chatter.
Room owners can set the title, topic, I think they can freeze the room, maybe delete it? and they can kick-mute non-mods, and they can add new owners.
So @Mitch can I kick-mute you to see what happens?
exactly what is "kick-mute"?
@Jolenealaska I think the person gets kicked out of the room, and then ... dunno. maybe they can't chat when they get back in?
I've never felt the need to use it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 sure. hopefully it doesn't have any long lasting cognitive effects. POCD and all that
go for it.
I'll tell you how it feels.
It says "A high number of kicks will be reported to moderators" and "this user has been kicked and cannot return for 1 minute"
@Jolenealaska It's a very temporary ban.
"l feel like I'm floating. There's a bright light. Oh. - You are currently banned from participating in this room. - retry / edit / cancel"
From a specific chat room.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 For one minute? That's just going to annoy the bear.
mods and room owners can do it?
@Mitch That's certainly my impression.
@Jolenealaska Yes, but mods usually suspend instead.
annotates Mitch's account
Huh. This concludes our experiment for today. Ladies and Gentlement, my lovely assistant, Mitch!
Talk about expletive inducing. The message might make some more assuaging comments. Like "in order to cool things off for a bit..." or "You think you're acting like an ass, you should talk to Eddie Murphy"
Kick-mute is generally used in other ways to improve its effectiveness.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Wait...I'm missing a hand.
@Mitch Now you can finally answer that riddle.
Found it. It wasn't you guys.
Yeah I was doing some Buddhist role playing.
Nirvana..not what you'd expect.
I thought there'd be more pizza
And I went there hungry expecting a buffet
@KitZ.Fox ooh. that tickles. Wait..what does 'annotating my account' mean?
@Mitch Nothing. whistles
I just put a note in there to indicate that even though you'd been kick-muted, you were totally not misbehaving.
Wait.. is that from 'Beekman's World"?
@Mitch what do you mean by "tops of web pages"?
is that one-boxing?
Beakman's World is an educational children's television show. The program is based on the Universal Press Syndicate syndicated comic strip You Can with Beakman and Jax created by Jok Church. The series premiered September 18, 1992 on The Learning Channel (TLC) cable network and in national syndication. On September 18, 1993 it moved from national syndication to CBS Saturday morning children’s lineup. At the peak of its popularity, it was seen in nearly 90 countries around the world. The series was canceled in 1998. Reruns returned to national syndication in September 2006, after which it wa...
@MattE.Эллен yes. YOu would then explain that that is called one-boxing.
because how would I know, given I don't even know how to do it.
@Mitch osmosis
When you feel down just remember
You make more than the president of Nepal
Do I really?
He makes 27,000 a year.
@DeltaEscher Dollars?
No, cents ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But actually, yes dollars.
US dollars?
Or Nepalese dollars?
Well, he doesn't live in the US.
I used a currency exchanger
Plus, there are other ways to make money.
I mean, his job makes less than the average american's.
Pays in Nepal are usually about a dollar a day
Usually, the owner supplies food for you as well, so there's that
Yes, Nepal is a very poor country.
My point was that if the official in question is at all corrupt (and most of them are) he has other ways of making money.
But they're good people.
But that's not much of a point, really...
I guess
Nepal is a nice place.
I'd really like to visit
@DeltaEscher How do you know? :-)
You can vacation there for about $200 for one week
I read lots of travel guides about it online
Blogs, mostly
Oh. Where are you located?
That's... Not a thing I'd like to answer.
United States is as far as I go.
@DeltaEscher Ah, sorry. I didn't realise you were one of those private people.
It's just the internet
@DeltaEscher Well, I wasn't asking for your address...
US is fine.
The fear-mongering has gotten to me XD
Anyway, that's a ways to travel.
I use my real name here. Which is pratically unique. Someone could track me down with a minimum of effort.
After college I want to visit a couple of places, one after another.
I think people worry too much about such stuff.
@DeltaEscher Oh, so you've been to Nepal. Did you like it?
I'm not in college yet.
I haven't though.
I love foreign places people overlook for nearby attractions.
For example, if I visited Nepal I'd on purposely avoid Everest.
@DeltaEscher Sorry, I misread "want" as "went". Darn English language. Sorry.
All good
The Nepalese are humble people.
@DeltaEscher Well, don't get your hopes up.
Your name must be Debbie @FaheemMitha ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@DeltaEscher Huh?
@FaheemMitha Because you're being a downer
@DeltaEscher No, it's Faheem.
@FaheemMitha Hello Hungry
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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