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@DamkerngT. That's most of the point.
Reading is a highly overlearned skill.
We process things quickly when they're in the form we expect.
Diverge from this form, and the reader doesn't process as quickly or as accurately.
To some extent, what that form is is arbitrary, as long as the reader is trained to read it quickly through a great deal of practice.
What if we revised English spelling? (How? Ignore that.) Let's say we made it a much better representation of pronunciation.
You might expect that makes it easier. But since everyone already knows how to read English spelled the way it is, it suddenly makes it harder for everyone who's already learned to read.
It would take quite a while before people got back up to speed with the new system.
It's not that our orthography is the best possible way to write English.
But if you stick to the way readers expect to see things, you're doing them a favor.
Believe it or not, when I tried reading some old Thai documents from around the time typesetting was still new over here, which were typeset with spaces between word boundaries (or supposed-to-be boundaries), I found myself read them a little slower than reading standard contemporary Thai texts (without word-spacing).
Makes sense.
> 1. 美しくあろうとする女は美しい。美しくあろうとしない女はやはり美しくない。
> 2. 美しく あろう と する 女 は 美しい。 美しく あろう と しない 女 は やはり 美しく ない。
The second one is a lot harder to read!
I put spaces at the word boundaries. Sometimes people do use spaces in Japanese, but they don't usually put them at every word boundary, like in example 2 above.
@snailboat I noticed that early on in my study. It even made me think about the equivalent in English, which (much later) I used in a question here:
Q: Does the quirky spelling in English actually make it easier to read?

RobustoI just finished reading the question asked by Bobnix, in which RegDwight referred to another question with an interesting answer by Kosmonaut. Kosmonaut refers to the great number of pictograms (Kanji or Hanzi) available in Japanese and Chinese, and mentions that the task of memorizing our weirdo...

I am looking for a word similar to Tasteless .. Do we have any other words similar to Tasteless
6 hours later…
@goofyui Would a slang word do?
(of food or drink) mild or insipid.
"bland and unadventurous vegetarian dish"
synonyms: tasteless, flavorless, insipid, weak, watery, spiceless; informal: wishy-washy
"bland food"
I think @skillpatrol has got you covered.
When we go to the dentist and one of our teeth needs removing because it's rotten or diseased how do we call it ?
The dentist has to take the tongs and remove a tooth using great force.
@JustynaNogala Wow, is that how dentists do things in your country?
@JustynaNogala How about torture? And possibly illegal.
I meant 60 years ago
extraction is the usual word
or "tooth extraction".
The prisoners had their golden teeth removed/extracted ?
@JustynaNogala Either would work, I think. Writing a historical torture story?
This is how the Germans dealt with their prisoners of war and Jews.
@JustynaNogala Oh.
I'm not searching of a medical term I guess "tooth extraction" is a medical term?
@JustynaNogala Not especially.
I will stay with "removed" ;)
Thank you.
You're welcome.
2 hours later…
"Its impressive ability to learn" is correct, right? As opposed to "It's impressive ability to learn".
Its = possessive; It's = contraction of "it is" . . .
@Robusto Yes, that's what I thought. Thank you.
"During the liquidation of ghetto B in Krakow, Germans loaded Jews on 50 cars; I know nothing about those people's fate. Jews incapacitated/immobilized the German soldiers from one car and started to run." Do we have to put definite article before "ghetto B" ?
"It's a good chance that it will be there" or "It's a good chance it will be there"?
Do I have to use that?
@Chris'ssistheartist no
@skillpatrol You mean that I can use it or not?
@Chris'ssistheartist you don't need it
@skillpatrol Great, thank you.
@skillpatrol I still wanna know if the other form is wrong.
No. Not wrong.
neither are "wrong"
Sometimes you will want to use that in some constructions, especially longer ones, to avoid ambiguity and confusion.
well said^
@Robusto Ah, I see. Good then. :-)
@skillpatrol OK
Do we write the dimensions with spaces?
such as?
50 m x 50 m and 3 m deep or 50m wide x 50m long and 3m deep
a space is left between the numerical value and the unit symbol
therefore, 3 km not 3km and 6 ft deep not 6ft deep right?
6ft deep is hard to fathom.
It’s a yolk, son.
I know pal :)
I got a lecture for tonight.
I meant a lecture about transcribing Values of Quantities ;D
ok, I need a word, one single word
I have a construct that aggregates events for a specified time, then it signals the batch
I call it DeferredView but dunno if it is a good name
did my description make any sense btw?
sorta :)
The use case is: If the view is expensive to render I don't want it to render one time for each if I add 100items to a list.
In that case I signal one reset after adding the 100 if they are within the throttling treshold
@Robusto So what’s this about you being overused? :)
Q: Is there a site where I can check if my writing is right?

LalalaI am glad I found this website. As a someone who learned English as a second language, I am not quite confident in writing. I usually Google idioms and expressions to see if they are used by other people. Google does a good job but I wonder if there would be a better way. Would there be a webs...

Those are unconnected.
When I type man Carp into my shell, I feel like I’m trying to summon a werekoi.
Looked up defer, throttle is probably better
@JohanLarsson I didn't scroll back, sorry.
It isn't like a buffer that flushes when it's full though, is it?
It's some sort of holding-pen or queue that flushes one the clock strikes midnight (or whenever)?
Or is indeed like a buffer that waits until it’s full and then goes?
I hate buses like that. :)
It works like this:
I think maybe just maybe I’d call it an Event_Buffer, but I might need more clarification.
var throttled = notifyingCollection.AsThrottledView(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10));
then throttled signals one add event after 10 ms if you add one to notifying collection.
If you add another one within 10 ms it resets the timer and signals a reset event when 10 ms has elapsed after last
Oh, so this is more time-related after all.
it is an optimization for when a view is bound to it
render passes can be expensive
Also it has a nice proeprty that you can pass in a sceduler so that the work is done on a background thread and only the notification is posted on the ui thread
but that does not affect the name
it is just api bloat
If a user wants a view into a dataset whose entirety is too large to view in limited real estate or whose individual elements are too expensive to calculate upon demand for good interactive performance, it is best to show them a partial view into the dataset, perhaps using a moving window.
This is true for all sorts of data processing needs.
Yeah, that is already handeled by the framework I think
Will write a Paging/ChunkingView if needed
Things like database cursors, Google results paging, and even just viewing a larger text a page at a time all work this way.
Perhaps your timing aspect is somewhat different, though. It reminds me a bit of stochastic profiler snapshots.
I have a view for a work thing, not allowed to be specific but it is a 3D rendering of some data. A layout pass takes ~200 ms
Would be a really poor user experience if adding 100
Now it will be just one refresh
I see.
Or at least, I perhaps begin to make out a hazy outline of your problem-space. :)
I'm renaming to ThrottledView now
problem-space sounds so enterprisy
@tchrist ¿Cómo?
@DamkerngT. why the other room was frozen ?
@fahdijbeli They voted to freeze it.
lack of heat?
@DamkerngT. lol but why please?
@fahdijbeli Some think having two public rooms is too much for people to cope with.
By people, I mean users. Each of the users.
so this room is its switch?
This room belongs to another stack, EL&U (English Language & Usage).
Q: I feel robust is overused

Ben DanielsI feel robust is used too often and incorrectly when describing processes and systems. What would be other possible words to describe processes and systems besides: effective, efficacious, and sound?

@DamkerngT. okay thanks
The other room you were in belonged to ELL (English Language Learners).
humm okay
could you please give me its switch ? @DamkerngT.
Here is the current ELL public room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/22937/ells-cabin.
@DamkerngT. thanks a lot
You're welcome!
don't be shy to come here :D
I think of robust as a synonym for "godlike." ^_^ — Robusto 1 min ago
I know this chick Arabica who’d disagree with you.
> A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.
Oh, Monica!
they'll be building a skytram soon
I believe in some decades there will be a cable car to the summit
and shuttles to the moon
@tchrist is this legal/endorsed by you or O'reilly?
What can you do?
I'm asking because I had a flag raised on U&L against an answer that linked to one of the books there (not yours) and I was wondering how legal it actually is and whether it really was pirated as claimed by the flag.
I take it the flagger was right, then?
Hi @terdon. How are you doing?
@FaheemMitha Hey. I'm extremely worried but at least am leaving for an island for a few days in half an hour. Whohoo!
@terdon Island vacation?
have fun pal
@terdon :-)
1 hour later…
@terdon I presume it's illegal.
5 hours later…
Hey, there!
I've been struggling trying to understand this specific sentence: "Seeing the number, the night shift worked hard to top it, marking its own figure down"
If any of you can shed some light on what it means, I'll appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Let's say the day shift produced 50 units. Now, seeing this number, the night shift worked hard to top it, the night shift marked its own production figure down to see by how much they can improve on it.
Oh. I get it now. Thank you so much!!
Thanks for asking :-)
@tchrist: I think you need to change your gravatar to something more personal. Else I'm going to go on being confused when someone who looks a lot like you answers very elementary questions. Surely you can find a Unicode character or something to set yourself apart.
yeah, what is your favorite unicode guy?
maybe a square? You post a lot of those :)
What about the hacker symbol?
Or maybe, a bunny rabbit :P
what is the hacker symbol?

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