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A mass grave is a grave containing multiple number of human corpses, which may or may not be identified prior to burial. The United Nations defines a mass grave as a burial site which contains three or more victims of execution. == History == Mass graves are an infamous variation on common burial, still occasionally practiced today under normal circumstances. Mass or communal burial was a common practice before the development of a dependable crematory chamber by an Italian named Brunetti in 1873. In Paris, the practice of mass burial, and in particular, the condition of the infamous Cimetière...
A cemetery is normally an enclosed space, somehow.
At least a marked space.
Now I'm wondering if that was a serious question.
@Robusto "mais pas aujourd'hui, c'est certain."
Récitative, Carmen regardant Don José.
You found a version where that isn't the first line of a couplet?
I think you need to brush up your reading comprehension.
I am seconding Robusto here, and providing proof.

CARMEN (regardant Don José)
Quand je vous aimerai ?
Ma foi, je ne sais pas.
Peut-être jamais, peut-être demain ;
mais pas aujourd'hui, c'est certain.

N° 4 Habanera

L'amour est un oiseau rebelle
que nul ne peut apprivoiser,
et c'est bien en vain qu'on l'appelle,
s'il lui convient de refuser.
Rien n'y fait, menace ou prière,
l'un parle bien, l'autre se tait ;
et c'est l'autre que je préfère :
il n'a rien dit, mais il me plaît.
I am seconding Cerberus here, and providing support.
@Cerberus a mass grave is not necessarily enormous or a cemetary, and an enormous cemetary is not necessarily a mass grave.
@RegDwigнt I said "first line of a couplet".
@RegDwigнt I agree.
@Cerberus no, you asked some nonsense about my finding a version where that isn't the first line of a couplet.
Which frankly is absolutely not what I did or was going to do or am able to do.
I think you need to brush up your reading comprehension.
I think you need to brush up your support button.
It is full of filth.
My line is the beginning of the aria, so my point was that it doesn't make much sense to point to a "line before it".
Yes we got that. We got that like fifty minutes ago. We got it the very second you wrote it.
But then something else happened.
@RegDwigнt I know. I merely said that to disqualify your effort, ELU style.
Everything one posts on ELU is disqualified ELU style, according to the ELU Style Guide.
@RegDwigнt The only thing that happened was that I clicked the Youtube thumbnail, and now Callas is singing to me.
Oh the horror. Close it immediately and read some ELU questions instead.
You don't like Callas?
rolls eyes
Yes. Yes. I totally hate Callas. And I totally love ELU questions. Yes.
rolls eyes
eyes you sceptically
Hey can I pay someone for rolling eyes?
I have 38 kopeks.
@Cerberus You think she was singing to you, but in fact she was singing to me.
what's a kopek worth in dracma?
Why do they still have such small coins? What can you buy for 1 kopeke?
@Robusto You think she was singing, but in fact she just was.
@Robusto Nonsense! She is looking at me.
@MattE.Эллен why is everyone asking me this? Ask @Rob, he last asked it.
can we say "The skulls and bones were swarming around in the forest"
@MattE.Эллен A kopek is 1/100 ruble, I believe.
And a ruble is not worth much more than a drachma.
@Cerberus I see
I remember cocktails were 12,000 drachmas on Crete.
You're not worth much more than a dollar. US dollar, not Canadian.
Maybe rubles are worth more, after all.
@Cerberus is that a thousand separator?
@Cerberus Lies.
That's an OMG-here-comes-a-zero apostrophe.
@JustynaNogala Only if they were alive.
Swarming is an activity, not a state.
They were just laying there
Well, how can we know that. You should specify such crucial knowledge.
No, they were lying there.
ghosts swarm
No, they were dying hair.
Yes, €1 is 350ish drachmas, but €1 is 60ish rubles.
Still, €1 is 6000ish kopeks.
See, and USD is not even on that list.
@RegDwigнt Who ever uses that currency?
It is a currency?
Did you misspell USED?
Justyna, you're kind of like this kid who wanders into the Nuclear Power Plant control room and asks "What happens if I spin this knob?"
I thought the US dollar was like the Federal Reserve, neither Federal nor Reserve.
1 USE, 2 USED?
@RegDwigнt Whatever, it's kicking the shit out of the Euro right now.
@Robusto yeah, and I am like that kid who wanders around on the other side of the planet and says "duh just spin it already".
@Robusto so all that means is that the remaining US car mafunacturers are about to go out of business for good.
@JustynaNogala Swaming is what bees do: fly around in a large group close together.
Metaphorically, swarming is to overwhelm by/in large numbers.
I didn't say that was a good thing. I won't be going to Europe to take advantage of the rates this summer.
but it can be used in sense of a crowd
crowd, yes
@JustynaNogala Depends. Usually not.
A swarm is always moving.
That's not to say a really good writer couldn't use "swarmed" to describe bones, but there would have to be other, you know, good writing to go with that.
the crowd swarmed onto the playing field
I can provide you with other good writing for only 62 kopeks.
@RegDwigнt I left you 62 kopeks under a bus
Someone stole the bus.
It will be in Belorussian, though, so you'll first have to transguess it into Polish, then translate into English.
@Robusto kaum gestohlen, schon in Polen.
Youtube switched from Carmen to some choir.
It sounds nice.
La fortuna.
@Cerberus "Some choir"? You haven't checked what yet?
I don't know!
Just pray to Hermes it won't switch to that Russian Car-Man.
The video is over an our, called "the best of Bizet".
@Robusto I have only clicked on the tab just now.
See, nobody ever makes a video called "the worst of Bizet".
People are stupid.
@Cerberus But you can read, can't you?
@Robusto Read what?
If I'm not on the tab, I can't read what's in it.
Reading or not, here I come, you can't hide.
See, I could do it.
I can see you
No, you could lie about it.
Still, I hid.
And lie poorly at that.
is hiding badly still hiding?
I think so!
you were on a hiding to nothing
At least the initiation of my state of supposed concealment was an act of hiding.
2 mins ago, by Cerberus
@Robusto I have only clicked on the tab just now.
Now, I'm no expert on tenses in English, but one presumes that if you write that you did click on the tab, presumably you now know what the choir is.
@MattE.Эллен If you hide badly you may get a hiding.
@Robusto Now, I'm an expert on YouTube in English, and I can tell that if you did click on the tab, it is under no obligation to tell you jack shit about what it actually contains.
@RegDwigнt Cute, but...that music!
I thought you were listening to a choir.
You liar.
Or do you mean the choir?
Then turn it off already.
@Robusto No, as I said, the title is "best of Bizet", so I have no clue.
@RegDwigнt Paused the choir.
Oh, I see there is a track list in the description.
> La Cloche a Sonnée
That looks like a typo there.
La cloche qui rit.
That rings a bell.
Bells can ring and also be rung. They are equal-opportunity ringers.
People can move and be moved.
I can't figure out where the commas go: "The test register works in simulation, however, even it I can't get working in synthesis"
I hate that song so much I'm not even going to correct your interpretation of its lyrics. — Robusto 52 secs ago
How can they be "in the night" if they are an "afternoon delight"?
> Près des remparts de Séville
I knew this one.
Duet from Carmen.
@Stacey There is an error in your sentence: it I.
I want to say that even it, I can't get working.
And I don't understand your even.
or I can't get even it working
So, @Cerberus, are you going to get your free copy of Windows 10?
of all the registers, even that one I can't get working
@Stacey That's not possible in English. You can say I can't even get it to work, but I'm not sure whether that is what you mean.
@Cerberus people can hang and be hanged and be hung.
@Stacey So you couldn't get the other registers to work, and now you can't even get this register to work, which is the easiest of all?
@Cerberus yes
> However, I can't even get the test register to work in synthesis, although it works in simulation.
@Stacey How is this?
I am assuming you know what synthesis means in context, because I don't.
I still don't understand how the even makes sense there.
yes, synthesis is jargon
@RegDwigнt The test register is supposed to be the easiest one to get to work, but she can't even get the test register to work.
If anything, it belongs in precisely on the other side of the comma.
But it's a sloppy sentence in any case.
the test register is the easiest, simplest register, so even the test register is broken
@Cerberus oh, it governs the test and not the synthesis.
@Stacey See, even that is a better sentence than the one you wrote earlier. Say that one instead.
Hm. That is not clear to me as a drive-by reader.
I think my suggestion above works?
@RegDwigнt Yes. It was confusing.
Somebody throw @Cerberus a bone. He's begging again.
I find that I am in a highly receptive mood for opera.
I think it is safe to say that the sentence has now been read, and misunderstood, by more people than it has the chance to be read and misunderstood by in the entire future of mankind. So there is nothing left to worry about.
Especially the female voice, or what is that called in opera.
It's called the baritone.
After Bari White.
@Cerberus I think your suggestion works - I'll probably go with that
@RegDwigнt I am not begging again. Nor preteriting.
@Stacey Yay!
@Cerberus, you just swapped the two halves around, I think
@Cerberus It's usually called "female" or equivalent.
@Cerberus I said nothing about begging. Rob did.
@Stacey I did, because otherwise however and even get into a tangle, possibly because there are two notions of "even" (unexpectedness) present. I expressed one by although to make it work.
Yes, "equivalent voice" is the most common term.
@Robusto OK.
But there are different vocal ranges in for women: soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, contralto . . .
It's interesting how if I spoke the even and however together, I would be able to use inflection in my voice to convey meaning. IE: However, even it I couldn't get working.
Howeven, ever.
Hoever refers to the future of prostitution.
@Robusto Io lo so.
@Stacey True.
@Stacey forgetting for a minute that it would not sound very natural, what exactly prevents you from doing the same thing in print? You just did do the same thing in print.
Technically this chat is not print.
I didn't really think about using italics until just now
@Stacey But then I think you would probably have used that one rather than it.
Technically you're not Robusto.
@RegDwigнt Technically you are Elton John.
Better than nontechnically being Jon Bon Jovi.
@RegDwigнt I don't think that is a good idea, especially not in a formal context.
But it would have been better than the original, granted.
@Cerberus which is why I added the "forgetting for a minute it sounds horrible" part.
Whether or not it is good is completely beside the point we are discussing.
The point we are discussing is whether or not it is possible. Which it is.
@RegDwigнt Heh fair enough.
Hey, you are speaking to this room's owner!! Some respect!!oneone
I never speak to myself.
I've been working for the past 10 hours straight and am really struggling to concentrate. Zombie brain.
I only sing for myself.
@RegDwigнt You ain't no owner. You ai a mere moderator.
@Stacey Take a short break!
Drink some tea.
Or alcohol.
@Stacey concentration is best achieved by removing water. Go visit the bathroom, then sit in the oven for an hour or so. Report with results.
@RegDwigнt I think the stove is faster.
@Cerberus lol, I was the first and only owner before you learned that word existed.
I'm going to take an hour off shortly
See, people listen to me.
@RegDwigнt But you were disowned when you accepted moderatorship.
Only dogs don't.
although I've been threatening that ofr the past hour and it hasn't happened yet
@Cerberus lol wut kind of nonsense are you even inventing.
@RegDwigнt They listen and shake their heads.
He got pwned when he accepted moderatorship.
I want to buy a new phone. My current one is limiting me. What is a good android phone?
@RegDwigнt Hmm it seems you are still registered as owner.
But! You don't look it no more, with your blue fanciness.
This would suggest, to me, that these are owners of this room.
@MattE.Эллен Ohhh!
Feb 1 at 14:21, by Robusto
> almost as good as the LG G2 (which Ron and I have)
sits down comfortably
@Cerberus that's because I've got style.
And style is no country you've heard of.
@Robusto OK. I'll see if my provider has it...
@MattE.Эллен Yes, Ron and I still recommend the G2, but of course it depends on what you want from your phone.
@MattE.Эллен Or get a cheap SIM-only plan and buy the phone separately.
@MattE.Эллен I would check the G3, which has replaceable battery.
@Cerberus the ability to text, use google maps, and very occasionally make phone calls
@Robusto I never accepted anything. I said I would consider considering for a mere $3000, then never heard back.
@RegDwigнt But is it a room?
When all else is equal I prefer replaceable components.
You're a room.
@Robusto But worse battery life. And it is more expensive.
Warren-G3, rap for me.
@Cerberus Yeah. It would have to have compensating features.
Do you care about screen size?
Speed of operations, of loading apps?
Battery life?
Battery life is no life I've heard of before. Do they have life in battery life?
@Robusto I agree.
@Cerberus mostly battery life and speed.
@MattE.Эллен OK. What range of screen sizes do you prefer? Is 4" okay? 6"?
@Cerberus is that across the diagonal?
The G2 is 5.2".
7" is the smallest tablet.
4" is the Iphone 5.
The G2 is the largest screen size you can get without it getting unwieldy, IMO.
@MattE.Эллен Your current phone is probably around 4.5"?
@Cerberus the original HTC desire is a good fit for me,
@Cerberus Hey! I thought you was metric!
@RegDwigнt That is only a minority opinion.
but I can handle a bigger phone
@MattE.Эллен That is probably very small.
I can't find a ruler
@MattE.Эллен Pfft. That's what they all say.
@Robusto yeah but that minority is Scientology.
"I can handle a bigger phone." And then when you drop it in the lake it's all tears and recrimination.
@Robusto Yes, but alas screen sizes are in inches here. Probably because you never need to compare them to anything else; the width and length and thickness of the phone are always in cm/mm.
@Cerberus 3.7"
@MattE.Эллен That is tiny.
@Robusto like you never dropped a small phone in the lake.
@RegDwigнt I ruined a small flip phone in the ocean.
Biggers don't kill phones. Lakes kill phones.
@Cerberus yeah. it's been good enough up to now!

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