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Or more recently, it's Tramadol.
@Cerberus Yeah. Because he went in there and treated them like his students, apparently.
I can only hope that his removal will be enough of a fig leaf to allow them to back down.
@terdon That may be important, or not — it's hard to say.
This government has consistently managed to alienate every single one of the 18 eurozone countries. Even Cyprus for fuck's sake!
And now we're getting congratulatory letters from Fidel Castro and Venezuela. Great! Whohoo for freedom and the glorious Left.
@terdon Hehe!
@terdon Sometimes kidding oneself is fun. They've done a great job? Y U NO CLAP?
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
@terdon Haha, yeah that was nice.
And then you go outside and look at octogenarians queuing in 30 degrees to get 60 euros from the ATM.
Not only from the extreme Left, though; also from bankrupt countries!
Only 30?
Meh, it was hotter here.
And we're still sucking up to Putin because those idiots don't seem to realize that he's not exactly a left-leaning leader.
@Cerberus Yes, luckily. Otherwise there would have been deaths.
@terdon That is partly tactics against Europe, I believe.
@Cerberus I hope so. I really, really hope so.
We have two ministers that have spent time in communist Russia and who are unabashed Stalinists (and yes, I mean Stalinist and not communist). At least two, maybe more.
Think: I'm sure there is something Putin would like Greece to do. If Greece had done it, Putin would have given them something in return, instead of nothing, like now.
@Cerberus He doesn't have much to give and he doesn't want to anger the EU over this. He even released a communique today stating that "after the request of the Greek government, we had a meeting". As in, look, I don't really want this either but they asked!
@terdon Look on the bright side. There hasn't been any deaths, riots etc. because of this.
@M.A.Ramezani Give it some time. And there have been deaths. Quite a few. The suicide rate has gone up by something like 45-47 percent.
@terdon To some extent, yes; but he would very much like to weaken the EU and gain influence in Greece. As to what he has to offer: a loan.
> Ανεξάρτητοι
How is that word constructed?
What does arthtoi mean
@Cerberus An-exartiti
εξαρτημένοι means dependent, ανεξάρτητοι means independent.
I presume exartiti means dependent.
But that wasn't what I wanted to know.
As in, I knew that.
But what does arthtoi mean?
The only word that resembles it that I can think of is Artemis...
Or, in Latin, artus, "member, joint".
@Cerberus Nothing. There's no such thing.
AFAIK anyway. \
@terdon But the etymology...
It's exarthtoi
not arthtoi
Hmm. Let me check
> ἀρτ-ητός, όν, = κρεμαστός, Hsch.
> ἀρτ-ησμός, ὁ, (ἀρτάω) hanging, suspension, AB447.
Nice, thanks, it doesn't exist in modern Greek.
So that must be it.
Or, if it does, I don't know it. My vocabulary is nothing to be proud of in Greek, it's far more extensive in English.
Suspend, independent = ἀρτάω, ανεξάρτητοι
Huh, true!
Precisely the same idea.,
So both pend(e)- and arta- mean "hang".
I wonder if there's any connection with αρτος, bread.
I can look it up.
Nah, just idle curiosity.
Anyway, I'm off to dinner and watch the news and get more angry and depressed. Later!
@terdon Take care and never despair!
@terdon Hey, don't!
I know it's good to get some words of despair off your chest @terdon.
Humanoid species love to share their feelings.
But, overdoing it is way more harmful than is good.
Once you've measured the drastic aspects of the fiasco, my friend, try to always look on the bright side.
At least. . .
Well, I'm not going to fill that at least for you, 'cuz you know how to do it better.
@tchrist: I heard from a chileano colleague, a former workmate, after writing him in Spanish. He starts his response with: "Que bien saber de ti, y que estas estudiando español." I infer that Que bien saber de ti must be equivalent to our "Good to hear from you."
Hehe Google translate is very helpful.
Just as usual.
You're feeling perky. Must be the iftar buffet.
Your hunch is correct, sir.
@Robusto That was how I read it, without looking at your translation.
Yeah, it must be.
I'm pleased that I could read his whole email without reference to a dictionary.
O.o I thought ELU had 150 k questions, not 50 k!
Aww poor dead horsey.
I'm sure he's not beating it.
Poor guy!
His hand must have hurt till now.
poor us until it scrolls off screen
@JohanLarsson I made it disappear.
Now compromise with me.
@Robusto js or resize?
@JohanLarsson BTW it's opacity is like, 60% to me with this porkchat. I recommend installing it if you have chrome.
ok, never heard of it, what else does it do?
It's, either an extension or an app, for chrome, and it works with SE chat.
It's chic!
It doesn't take much space.
You must be using tiny screens, people.
And no, I'm not advertising, just recommending.
It's still on my screen.
@Cerberus How much zoom?
I still see the bottom part.
Of course I use the most efficient browser...
Hehe safari?
So as I was saying, @Johan this is how I see the annoying GIF on mah screen:
@M.A.Ramezani :)
Cerb could be a vertical screen kind of guy
Or he's in a cinema.
@M.A.Ramezani How dare you insult me so!
@JohanLarsson Better: I have a pivoting screen.
Doggy you can't do anything to me.
I can make it horizontal or vertical at will.
I'm a molecule.
It is now horizontal.
In vertical mode, I have 1920 pixels.
@M.A.Ramezani Oh, I didn't know it was a GIF, I have GIFs blocked...
@Cerberus And you saw it? O.o
I saw a still image.
Oh! That's way boring and not annoying. Too bad.
Do you say "an user" or "a user"?
A user.
@crl The thing is, you don't depend on the spelling, but the pronunciation.
However, it's interesting how an unique is observed.
yes, I somehow knew it was a user, but people makes the mistake and confuse me
@crl The part Any event ? Any listener ? should be obvious.
Ahh... the guy is beating a dead horse in that GIF.
@DamkerngT. the "an user", also Stack Overflow is annoying because you can't correct those small typo (6 chars limit)
nods -- You can edit the question marks as well, maybe.
@crl You think that's annoying, check how many people say tanks instead of thanks.
and the its/it's, your/you're...
Hehe. . . Well any language that becomes the international language somehow will be prone to such errors.
1 hour later…
What the _?
That's all I can say for now.
Where is @kit?
@JohanLarsson JS.
The famous Travis's script or your own?
I copied it from here, I think.
not sure about the ' there
de nada
did you quit spanish at 100%?

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